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<br /> ' . a P�xe� �rinrity parPeatad aonux�i�y in�oroat ia tha Co11aCe�r�l. .' �... -
<br /> . � , ` AeAic�nee eh�ell be �n�i�le�A �o any �nd tall in�oro�t �aa�uing on �ho
<br /> ' . _ .=� Ci�axing 1�eoount t�epoaiCe.
<br /> , ...- ---:. _�� .,�;
<br /> _ - _.� '7. �l.e��g�.nc�A� �l�..Wi hdr we?�o. (e) Provic��c� m� �� �_
<br /> ' !�
<br /> �-___ no�o�.�a r�,��;�,� wnv �ppli�able araae poriod gha].l havQ oaaurred and �, �
<br /> . �� ' bo uonCinui�tg, Aoeign�4 eha11 withc�raw ewr9 Prom tha Clearing , � ��
<br /> � AQOaun�: on �rie �onth �i0th) daX of a�aah aale►ndax mor►th prior ta
<br /> khe Ma�urity 6a�e (ao dePined in tha Deed af Trus�) �o pay ail
<br /> � amountc� then auo a�d payable under the terma aP �ho No�e, the Doed
<br /> pf T�^uet ancl �ho othor 8e+au�-1�y Dooumente. �
<br /> (b) To tha extont tha� thexe are sum�a in tho . ,
<br /> � Clearing Aoaount. during any oalendar month in excc�ss of �he
<br /> amouats �hen due+ and payabl� und�r �he �erms o�F the Note, the D�ed I •
<br /> " � of Tzu�� and any Othox Seouxity Daaumente or due an �ho aGth o� {
<br /> � � � such calendar mon�h undc�r a»y suah dooument, euch excoee shall be k �
<br /> � roleassd �n Aseignor wi�hin Pive (5) busineae days oP the
<br /> � oloaranoc� of all oP �h� Wal-Mart Storo�, Inc. 's monthly rantal �
<br /> � . aheoks relating ta the+ Truot Property (the ��Excese Paymente") a�� i ;.
<br /> ' _ . direoted in writing by Aasignor. �
<br /> ' (c) Upon tihe oaau�rence of a Default, (i) � �
<br /> Aesignar�s righ�ta in and to the Exaese Payman�e ehall �erminate !
<br /> . . and Asaignee ahall have no abligation to releasa any of the I ,
<br />- �� collateral, lnaluding any Exoeae Paymente �A Aseignor, and (ii) I
<br /> Aesignee may, �� Aoeignee�� option, withclraw al1 ar any portions �
<br /> of the �ollateral ittcludii�g Exae�s Payments and apply the �
<br /> Collatoral and Exaees Payments towaxd paymen� aP (A) the Dobt :ln
<br /> suah order and proportiam aa l�asigne�e in :lte eole disorotian may �
<br /> � de�ermine, any law, austam or use to the aon�rary, (B) all
<br /> � _ _ -.-------- _ �.,��Qrse� eg m���qing and securina the Trust Property, inaluding
<br /> �--=-. ----=
<br /> wi�hpu� limita�ion, thQ salaries, iees and wage� of a managing ,
<br /> agent and such other emp�oyees or agents ae Aa�iqnee may deem 4
<br /> _ _____ .� ._.. _ necessarv or desirable and all expensea oP opexating and _ � ' �
<br /> ._._ _ ,...
<br /> maintaining �ho Trust Proper�y, inaluc��.ng, wi�hout being iimited � ��� "" �
<br /> �. - ..
<br /> thereto� all taxe�, chargea, clAima, asseasmente, water chargea, �
<br /> sewer rents and any other li�na a�Feoting �he Truet Property or �
<br /> any portion thexeoP, (C) premiuma Por all ;lnauranao which Aesignee '
<br /> may deem neaesaaxy or desirable, (D) the aost oP all al�erat�iQna,
<br /> , '�� . renovatio�s, repairo or replacements, and all expensee incic]�aet to
<br /> taking and retaininq passeaeion of the Trust Property
<br />_ � (oollec�ively, the "Oblfgatione") and (E) all reaeonabl� cos�s and
<br /> attorneye� geea in aonnection wi�h the exercie� by Assignor of his ,
<br /> . � rights hereunder. In add3tion to the rights and remediea of � � :
<br /> ' Aasigne�, listed in this paragxaph, Assignee ehall have all af �he � •
<br /> , zights and remedies available to it under the Uniform Commexcial , �
<br /> � , � Code of Nebraeka and othex appiiaable lawe. Nathing in this
<br /> paragsaph shall be dee�med �o (i) be a waiver by Aesign�� oP any oP
<br />- its righta or rem�diea under th� Note, tha Deed of Trust, the
<br /> ; Other Seourity Doaumen�a or this Assignment ugon a defaul� by �
<br /> i Aasignor thereunder, or (ii) affect in any �4�her way tha terina and
<br /> - _8-
<br /> .- �
<br /> _- .. . j
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