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FS� .C'�rtL=�� <br /> � , 1�c� voic�. �lc�oignor gran�� �a �►�alc�noo iro irravn4�b1� ��owox o� r ,..� <br /> ���axrtu�, ac�uploc� w��h �n iti�4�cao�, tv �c�ka t�ny and r�ll nc��ions ;'�, �-.:: <br /> ''�'�`��'�� - aaomad riacpaaary k�y As�a�c�naa �o aolloa� �ha Ran�s or n�ho�wieo � -:- <br /> - y c�ngQ�c�a i�s rigti�s urtd�� Chia ��t�ic��n�n�. � - " <br /> � .� ,.i.. � ii �"�_. <br /> -,�r.i..�� ^� 5. �7�idt.419C�337�a��h.�.�1�..Ra��.�. H:3JiajL1GG 8�"ia�.�. 's13�z-. f---��--- - � - - <br /> ` � "' ba liable Por any loso ouotained by A�aignor renult�ing Prom �n � <br /> -__ ' A�oignAe'a Pailure tio let the Trupt Prop�x Cy nr from any n�h a x' a c:� - ,,,r � �-:.:- <br /> ''�-���.e .., or omi�eian 01' At�E�SCJrif3q in mant�ging tho Trust k�xopor�y un�.c�aR �auch <br /> �'�_- loss �.�► causad by tho willful misaondua� or gxoae i�agligenae �f: � <br /> -r;�- � A�ai,gnee. Ase�gnac� eha�ll not be obliga�od to p�rPorm or dieoharge � �• �� . <br /> �ny obligation, du�y or liAbility undox �he LoaeQ� or under or by <br /> :�.�� „ reaaon oP this Aeaignniant and Aesignor ahaJ.l, �nd horeby Agree�, - <br />-���; ,. _ Co ind�mni�y Ao�ign�e �or, and to dePend an�i hold Aasignee <br /> ��: ., �. harmlose Proin, any and all liability, lose or damage which may or _,_ <br /> � .� `�` m3ght ba inaurred under the Leasea or under or by rc�ason of �hie , �•.:,�..,,. <br />_ ."�%fi <br /> '�'�" Asei.gnmont and from any and all claime and damands whatsoover, , -� -. � <br /> ;�._,.. , . . <br />���'i�� .:.� including the deYonao oP any suah claimd ar demands whiah may bo ��,,'���_ <br />-,i�r-'\�'`�` �ssertod against Aeaignoe bX reasor� og any allogad obligations and • i '" "� <br /> �k,,:,.:i:>;�,;. , . <br /> ?� undertakings on ite part to perPorm or discharge any oP the terms, 1� -�:� <br /> ,,:�z:;'.:�;;�;',.�.`. , ---- <br /> ""�"� ;. covonants ar agreemc�nts aon�ained in the Leasoa. Shau�.d Aseignee <br /> „ ..�;�:�,a,�,,:;>>, , , ,. �� <br /> ''� '���� s �' incux any suoh liabxlity, the amount �hereoP, includ�ng aoats, , '�j�'Y� <br /> :.�ti5' <br /> . :��<<;�?`:, � � expenges And reae�nable a�torney�' fee:�, shall be secured hereby � <br /> - -�;,•:°,,,� . and by �he Deed of Truet and the, Othor Sacurifiy Ooauments and ` _ ���`_'�- <br /> �� Aeaignor ehall re3mburse Aasignaa thoraPor immedia��ly upon d�mand l � ' " -.- <br /> . �. and upon the failure og Aaeignor so ta do Assignee may, at ite � . - <br /> _ ,_ _ o pt�an, declare all aums seaured hereby and by �he Dced of Trust � • <br /> and tho Othex Security Donumenta immediately due �nal payab�s. E •� _ <br /> ..,� „ 'Phxs l�ssignmen� ahall not opexate ta place any obligation os � <br /> liabiaity for the aon�rol, care, mar►agement ob repaix of the Trust ' - <br /> �� Praperty upon Aseignea, nor for the caxrying out of any of �he �i <br /> ..•_ <br /> - • -- �erms and condxcioiiB vr ti�� Ldasao; no.r sha13 3t a�r��� ta make <br /> r Assignes responsible or liable for any waste oommitten! on the <br /> .. Trust Prapexty by the ��nants or any cther parties, or Por any <br /> ..,:,� .:____ __� uar�sr:.�:s ar �oYM�t3.�� con�3t�.un �f +�hQ mr»at p,-��Arty; inaiudina _ , <br /> -- <br /> . .. . , _ ._ `_ _ _ .- <br /> � without limitation tha presence of any Hacarc�aus Ma�erials (as - <br /> ` defined in the Oeed of Trust) , or far any negligence i� the <br /> management, upkeep, repair or control oP the Trust Prope�rty <br /> � . Masulting in losa or injury or death �o any tenant, licenaee, <br /> empl�yee ar s�ranger. <br /> i <br /> 6. The C].eax�nc�Acaount. Assigner h�reby agree�9 � <br /> that any and a�l Rents and other sums received directl.y by � �. <br /> r ' Asaignee pursuant to �he terms oP this Aaeignment shall be � <br /> - � depoaited with Aseignee (all auch deposits ar� coll�ctively � <br /> . rePerred to herein as "Clearing Acaount Dsposi�s") . Each � <br /> � - . . Clearing Aaaount Deposit shall be p�aced by Assignee into an • <br /> � � account in �he name of Aseign�e (the "Clearing Account") and shal� � ' <br /> be he�.d and otherwise maintained by Assignee in aocordanco wi�h <br /> the ter�as and conditiona set forfih herain (the Clearing Acaaunt � � � � <br /> Depos�ts and th� Clearing Aacount are hereina�ter collectively � <br /> ", referred to ae the "Collateral") . Assiqnor hereby gran�e Aas�lgnee <br /> _ -7- � <br />-. — -- . ..... _. � <br /> _ . � <br /> _ I <br /> � <br /> � <br /> . <br />