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<br /> I�.�=� ..�= - , a�pplirnbb !i�w may spcciQy f'ur rrtn.r•tntemcm)tx:1'on� sulc of Ihu f'�uperiy pursu�uit tn any po�vrr uf+f ui i c i�i this - -____
<br /> .�� � r Scru�Uy lustrumrut;ur lh)enay oi'n JudKu�cn1 rnG�rcln�;thiti Sccuetry D�s�rument. Thusc candiUonr i�rc�h�u I�i�nr�wcr: (01 " ''_' -
<br /> k►�,. .�,., pays I.ender nll sums �vhich lhen wuuld hp due und:r IhiY Srrurity Inylrunmiu nnd thc Nutc u� iP nu ncccicri�dnn hn�l . .�- �--r
<br /> � '�� � ' ' ��rcorrc�i;(b)ci�res uny dePuult af uny mlicr cavcnnnty ur iigrccutcnt+;(cl piryy iill cxpenscs lu�urec:l in cnl'urcing this 5ecurily r ,
<br /> �_�
<br /> ` .�"...;`_ - I��slrumcnt. includirip, hut n�t limited to, rcasonahlc i►tt�mey�:•fccy; untl Idl t��kex .ruch urllun titi t.endcr mi►y r4nscma h ly _
<br /> �_ _ `. �� rcquirc to nssara Ih�tt Ihv Ii�u of Ihiy Srcu�iry Instn�ntci�t,l.cndcrw rightti in tNe Fru�e►iy ainf[i+�rn►wcrS��h11g+�iio��to pu�thc _ _
<br /> ,.,,, � � bulil.i t+��11i'��'� tiy 1fl�u SC�Uiit) �(13tltlRl�tH ��1r�i� �����»1FHk' :�Ar��;n���rl I I�tn11 PC�iitilktiL`111L`Ill �1V llarr��wcr� {�t�ti til't:ll��lY � �"` _
<br /> '-� -- - inhtrumens aiid thc,�hliQutiiam;,ccun:c!hereby slmU rem��in fi�liy eft'��dve u��iP nu nccrler+niun hud occuircd. Fiwv�ver,thly - - - '.
<br /> � ��-„ �'" �ight ta Rinstntc shi�ll not apply in thu rnsc of uccclrrution undar parugr�iph 17. •
<br />.�P�^' ` � - � 19. Sutc uf Nate; Chnnpa nf 4uun Servlccr, Thc Note ur ii pnrtl�d Int��h.yt in thc Nut� (tugcthc��vith thir Securiiy � � �
<br /> ��;�b;�� � - Ins�nimenU nu►y hc sald oac or morc times withaut prior nnticc to Burc��wcr. A tialo mary �c�uU in n rhun�c in tho cnUty
<br /> _' `. . (knnwn na tho"I.onn Scrviccr")thut callcrts m��nthly pi+ymcnt+duc unde�thu Nuto nnd this Srcu��iry Inxu�unwnt. '1'hcro uls�i , � `d
<br /> �•�.�? � , may t►e une or�nore chnn�es��P the l.oun Servlcer unrelnted to a�suta n!'the Nuw. IP Ihero i�n chiin�u uf thu Luun Servirer. �- .
<br /> ��"� �� � 8omower will l�o given wriuen naUco aF thc chungo in+icrordancc with parugriiph 1�1 uhuvu und npplici�hle Imv. Tho noticu •
<br /> • • ° ���ill state the numo und uddres5 of thv new Loim Scrviccr un d I hu u d drohw u�w h ic h p.�yme n ly s huuld l�u mudo. The naUcu�vill
<br /> • '. ' ako con�nin nny uthcr lnformnUan rcquired hy appUcablc luw. '
<br /> � �=�' Z0. linznrdous Substunces. Honowcr tih�dl nut causc��r pe►mit thc prescncc,use,ditip��sul,+torugu,��r rclausc oP��ny =__ -
<br /> .�:�� Hnuirdous Sub�tances on ar in tho Propeny, Han�owcr shnll not do, nur allo�v anyrn�c cl�c to�u, i►nything ufi'ccting �h�
<br /> ` • • f'�raper�y that is in vialution of nny Environmcnti�l Li�w. The prcccding two sentences shull nut npply t��tho prescncu,usr,ur � . „
<br /> � ` ,. storn�e o»thc 1'm{�.�1y of smull yuimtiticy of Huzi�rdous Subrtunces�hiu nrc�;encrnlly rec��gnizcd tn he npprupriate tu nurnu►I
<br /> :' residentinl uscs and�o maintenunco of the Prapcny. �, �
<br /> - - � • Borro�ver�hnll pr�mptly give Lcndcr wrUten natice af nny invcstigittian,cluim,demund,luwruit ur othcr ncti��n by nny . ...
<br /> ' � avcrnmcntal�r rc uliito u onc or rivauc urt involvin thc Nr�� cit und unv Hurnrdaus Substnncu or�nvlmnment;d , �' " '�
<br /> E S rY E Y P P Y B P Y •
<br /> l.uw of which Barrawcr hns actua�l knowlcdgc. if Borrnwcr Icums, or is noUficd by ;�ny gavcmmLntid or cegulutory •
<br /> :. nuthority,th�t Anp r�movnl or��thcr remediudun af imy Hi�r.i�rdous Substunce affecting the Propeny is necessi�ry, aorrower ,� '
<br /> ' • ' shall pramptly t�ke�II ncee.r•sury�cmediul ttclion�in accordnnco with Environmentul l.aw. . :�
<br />