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<br /> ruiidrmn;iifun ur u�her lukin►t ut�nn� pn��t nl'�hr I'rupri��•,ur 1'ur conrr)•imrr h�Ilru ul�•un�IrnnuiU�m.�in�he�rliy u,�itinr�i nu�l ,; —� ,�,
<br /> � rh:ill h�pai�l tu Lrndrr , ''�s" _
<br /> � -� .. • In �h� c�•rnt uf' n lulul �al�in�; ul' Iim 1'ru�xu�, U�c pr�,r.��l. .h;dl hc up�dird lu Il�c �wn. �rcurcd hy Ud. ti��cuii�y �k _
<br /> ;;
<br /> `; r,.= : Inrliuntrnl, «hrlhrr ur n«1 ihrn dttr,�rilh ;m)• r�rr�.pnid tu Nu�ru«rr. lu Ih� c�•cul ul;i�u�Uiul tiil,inp��f Iln 1'rupr�l�• in --•.T_,�_�,,�_'
<br /> �"-- .. -;�.� � ++�hic{��lk I�,�ir mu�•ket vulue uf dt�1'ropert�• hiuncdiutrl�� Ixliqe tli.���Aiu� I,e�pr,�!tn ur��rr��trr Uian Ihr�miuuiu ul tlir �unt. ----�� �� -
<br /> - �'� ticru�r►1 ht� Ihi+tir4tu•ity In,truntrnt imnte�liut�ty beloir Il�r tal�in�;,unlr�� H�nnn�cr uiul l.rn�ler ullici��{�r,�ltrei in«•rltitt�:, �
<br /> - ,_ Ih0 +ulll� �crtnrd N�' Ihi� 5�'cw'n}' Imlrun�oul �iuill i��• ���1��.c�l i�y i{i: :�iR;r,:ttt n! !!tr �nkerJ. muliipli.��l 1►y the i�uUu��itl!! -- - --_-_.__-----�--~,
<br />- -.,•- - . �'rprNun: Iu1 Ihe latid aniu�u►t ul►hc.uu��urunii immcdiutrly�I+�ii�i�th�tal.in�,ali�•id��d hy th1 thc Cnir n�sirk�•�vulur��1�hr E--__�_.-:_.____.:r�.�__;:
<br /> Pruperly in►ntcdiiU�ly bef��ic thc Ia�{�In�;, Any hulancr ,I�ull I,r �,aiil ti� Hurru��rr. h� �he r��rn� ul'u pnrliul �u6in�; �,f thr
<br /> : - - • � I'ruperty in ��•hicl� �hc li�ir uu�rl�el vuluo uI'Ihc Prup�i���• inumdiatrl�• hrlinr Ihr t+�tiiup i. Ir.� il�aii Uie aniuun�ul'�hr .�nn� �.. , ..
<br /> ' ' ,ecurrd inmi�diutrly hrt'urr �he tukinp, unle„ Nrn�ru�aer nnd l.rmlrr „lhrr���i.r ;i�:r�e in ��•ri�in►! ur unlc,ti ,ipplic+ihle Ia�w
<br /> ,. � uthrr�vhr pruvid�..�he�tTUC«�I��h�111 h0 t1�t�tli�d lu IhC�u111+�C�l�Ieil N�•Ihlti ti�ruriiy In,lrument�vheihcr ur:�ui�I�r�um�w•r . ..
<br /> - th�n dur. �
<br /> '. . 11�Ih� I'ruperty i,��hun�lunctl hy f�arru��rr.ur ii',al'I�r Itulic�'hy (.ender lu(iurru«•�`r tl�ul Il�o�unde�u�lur ulli�'�lu Inul�� ..
<br /> � un uwur�l or scul�u rl;iim tiir dimu►�c�.Harru��rr 11�i1s Iu rctipund lu l.rnilrr witl�io�II dny�utirr Ihr d:u�Qm nutlr�.•i��ivvu,
<br /> • Lcndcr ir;�ulhul�i/�d tt�Cullctl t��ul tipplp 111� ��fucCOil+, i�l il���pllu�l,eilli�r tu rr�IurtUio�t ur r�y�;lll'ul lhr 1'mp�tly ur tu Ihe
<br /> � sums��cur4d by�hi,Srrurily In�trunnnt.�vlicthcr ur nu��h�n duc.
<br /> — Unlr.� l.rndrr and klan•i�wer uth�r�visc ugrrr in �vri�ing. i►ny upplicuiiun ul pr�u4rd� to prinrlpal •hall n��t rxtrnd ur
<br /> ' . pu�tp�inc�hc�luc dutr ul'diu man�hl��p:i)�mcn�ti rrl'�rr�d�u in pnr;�graph� I un�l�ur�hi►nNc�hr i1111U11111 ll��fUCII�):1\'11lt:Ill�.
<br /> 11, liorro�vcr Nut Ftcles�seds 1�orbciu•unce 11�� I.endcr Nut u �Vui��cr. li�trn,iun ol thc tinw fur ��.iymrnt ��i� .
<br /> mndificatiun uf iunu�timdun ut�Ihc�um•.ecui'ed hy Ihiti ti�curily lu.ru�um�nt granlc�) by I.1,'IIIICP Ill UIl}' 1UC41'\1Uf III IIIICPCyI '��-:,' '
<br /> .. � • uf�Hc,rra�eor,hall not up�rule ti, rrlr;�,e thc Iinhilily uf tl�u �u•i,s;innl Hi,rru�vrr„r N���•ru��rr'. ,ucrr.�un in inter�,t. Lcndur . _ , •
<br /> _ • ,hnll not hr r.��uir�d tu cumnuncr En•�,r«ding•i�4uinst uny succr„ur in i�iterc.i�,r reiuu� 1u eslen�l tinw li�r paynnnt ur ,
<br /> . athcrwi�r mudii'y nmuniiudun uf�he.uro��crur�d by thi�So�urii��ln.rtrumen�h�•r�n,��n ul'uny drmun�l nuide I����he urigin:il '� � �,
<br /> Harru���er nr L�urru���cr', .ucrr.,ur,in iut�rest. Any tl�rh�w•unrr h� l.cnd�r in c�rrci�in�iu��� riuht ur���ntcdy �hatl nu1 hc a ..
<br /> , , wni�•cr al'ur pr�clude tlu rxcrci�c u1'any righl ur rcntod}•. , . ••
<br /> � 12. tiuccessurti und:�tisl�;ns lluund:Joint i�nd 5e�•crul l.iuldlitv:('u-sl�;ncrs. 'I'hu��,venunt�und a��rrumrn�,��f ihi� ;•
<br /> Sccurity ln.lrumm�t,hall hind+md bcnclit thr surrr.xur��utd u,yipn.��I'l.rndor und Hun'uw•er. ,uhjcrt a�Ih� ��ruvi.iunti ol' .
<br /> . .. p:tragraph 17. 13urri,wrr'� ravrnnnt� und ;i4rrcmrnl. �hull tk juinl and ��c�r,il. r\ny liurru�vrr �rlw ����-�i�:n. Ihi,Sacurity .,
<br /> • Inslrumcnl hul�tucs nut c�ccutc ihr N„W: lal i�cu•,i�ning thi.ticcurily In,uununi unly In mun�;a;:r.�:riin[:md runvey thu!
<br /> ' dorrowrr�inWrc+c in�h�Prupeny uudcr Uic tunn.ut Uiiti 5rcuriq�In,u•umcnt; tl,►i,i�ul per.i,nully uhli�nt�d t��pa>•tfw�uiu. _
<br /> - ,r�umd hy tlii�Srcurily In�UUmriU;��n�l lrl a�;rer�th:u I.rn�lrr imd an�•uthrr liurrnwrr nuq�:►►�rcr tu��t�nd,mo�lil'y,tiuhrar
<br /> ur muhc i►ny ;trcummu�laliuu. �vith r.ga�nl lu Ih� tcnn. nt'Ihis Srrtu�it�� Imu�umenl ur iltc Nutr wilhuul th:u lior�a���rr� �
<br /> cim,rm.
<br /> 1�. I.uup l'hurtic�. li' d�c Ioan >rcurc�t h� thi� ticcurity In�trumrnt i, ,uhjrrt lu a I:i+� which �r�, ntiixinium luun .
<br /> chiu•�eti,an�l thut luw i, I'inaUy int.irreted tiu that thc in�rrc,t�u•„�hcr luan rh+u•��,rullrrtrd ur iu hr ruUrct��l in cunnrrtion ;
<br /> .: ___ . wi�h ihc lumi exc�cd Ihr[nrmittcd limfts,then; (a),�n> ,uch Inun churcr�hall Iw nducuil hy thr:nnnunt nrcrti,ar}•ia redu�e
<br /> - -- --
<br /> _—�
<br /> tlw chtu•p�tu Ihu p�rmil�ed lintil:and lhl any tiunl:�uU'�udy�'u1lrclr�I li�i,m Cicn�ra�����r���hi�ft e�cccii�ii+�aiiiiiite.i �tiiit.r K•: ° - ---
<br /> rrfund�d tn Idorro«rc Lrndur nr,iy rhuu.r tu ntnkc thi,��.luml hy rr�lu�ing Ih��prinrip��l u�ru�l un�lcr ihc Nutc nr I�}�mul�ing u
<br />� � ` � dirocl paymcnt tu Nurru��rr. li'a refund r�dur�����rin�ipul, th� rrducUun will tk Ir�•.�Iud a�u pnrtiul pr�payntrnl�vilhutn a�ny `
<br /> : -- __ -, �„::pa�;,t^.t�i c:�»:r:ur:ler t!r�tu�q.,. - --- -... ------�
<br /> -'-- 14. Noticc.r•. Any uu1i��tu Ilurro�crr pru��idcd li�r in this Srrurity lu,u•umcni �hall he �:ivrn h}• �lulivcnng u ur hY i :.
<br /> nxiiling i1 hy I'ir�l rla��mail unlc.,appliruMc la�v rc��uirrti u,r�,f;uinlhrr�nrihud.'1'h�nulicc ,h:dl hc�lircrtrd lu Ih�{'ru�rly I � _
<br /> Addrr.s or an�, uthrr u�ldre., Ni�rru��•rr dc,i�nair, I,�• n„lirr lu L�n�lcr. :1ny nulier tu Lendcr,hidl hr�ivrn hy 1'ir.l rla„
<br /> ntail tn Lcndrr ti addr�•,,tatcd hcrrin ur;uiy�,Ihrr aitilrr„I.��u�ler dr,iEnatc,hy nuiirv tn N�u�ru�crr. Am•nuticr pruvidcd t'ur , t
<br /> in lhis Srcurily In.trum4nt ,liall hr �Icrmril tu hu�•r h.�en �i�•rn tu Hurru«rr �,r I.rmlcr ��hcn giacn +i• �a•w•i�lyd in Ihi� i •
<br /> pnrngriiph. �
<br /> 15. I:u�•crnln�s l.in�7 tic�•orubllll�•. �I'hiti ticruri�y In.lrumrni ,hi�U hc �;uv�rnu�l h� t'cdcr:il la«• and Ihe I:i��� ul �hr �
<br />- jurl�dicliun in which Ih�Pr��purl�• iti luralcil. In Ih<<��•cn1 Iha1 nn}•��ruri.wn ur rluu,r ul Ihi� tirruril�� In,irumvnt ur lhr Ni�tr �
<br /> conflirlti��•i�h��pplia�blu laa�.�uch r�,ntlirt.h;�ll nui ul'1'rri uihrr�mn i.iun,�,I'thi.5rrw•i�}•In�irumrnt ur thc Nuir whirh ran �
<br />_ .. . lx: givun cft'ccl ��ilhinit tllo cunllictinp ��ru�•i,iun. 'li� 1hi, ►n�1 Ihe pm�•iru+m ul Ihi, ti�rurity Imtnnnrnt an�l thc Nulr are �
<br />- deClared tu hc�rarr+�hla.
<br /> 16. Ht►rru«•er's l'��py. fiurruarr,h.�ll hr pirrn��nr r�mG,nnr�l cu�,y�,I'ihr N�,tr:ind ut Ihi,Srr�n�i�� lnanimrnt. �
<br /> 17. 7Yuml'cr nP the 1'r�ipert�•ur i�Bcneflciul Inlerc.t In Bor��o���er. If all ur uny�,art�,1'ihr I'r�,perq ur any intrntit in �
<br />- il ix ,uld�u trunsl'erred lur if a hcncfi�ial intcrc.rl in Hurn���er i,,��Id ur Irantilrrre�i �md li��rru��cr i, nul a mitur;d prr,unl
<br /> ' with��ui L�ndcrti priur�vrinrn r„n.rm.I.cndrr mu�.;it ih��plii,n,rr�µiire immriliatc p;iyntrnt in tiill n(ull �um. ,eruro�l hy �
<br /> this Serurity� In�lrutncnt. Flu��•rvrr,Ihi.�+ptiun,hull ni�i lw ru rri.e�l hp I.rndrr il'r�rrri`e i�pn�hihilyd by fedrral la��•nti uf � �
<br /> �hc�latr ut'ihi,Srruril�• In.u�umrnt.
<br /> . li l.end�r c�crci�o,Ihi�upliun.l.rndrr�liall ci�•�• liurru��rr n��tir�ul'urrrk raiiun. l�hc nulicr hhaU pr�n•idr a�x�iuil ul'
<br /> nvt Ic.s thun 1U duy�ti i'nmi thc dat�thr ni�lirr i.drlivrrrd ur muilyd«�ilhin��hirh Hurrm�rr n�u,l pay all.um.•rrured h�•thi. I .
<br /> � Seruril)' Inslnonrnl. If Hurru��er t;�il. U� ��a�• Ihr.� ,um. pnur a, Ihr �����ir.�tiun �,I thiti ��cri�,d. Lrndrr nxi�• invul�c :+m i
<br /> . " rcmrdir�prrmittrd hy thi,Srcurit�•Intitrumrn���ithinu limhrr nusirr�,r�hmand un 1�„rn���rr.
<br /> ' IS. Rorro«•cr'r Rl�;ht to lZcinslutt�. II li�a•ru��rr mrnc ����1;�in rundiU�m.. Hurn,��er ,hall h:��•r Ihr riLhl li, h:i�r ,
<br /> rnt'urccnunt ut'Ihir tirruril>' In.truntrnl �Ii�a�n�inueJ at an� iimr��riur i�,th��.�;n�hrr ul: I:u �da�,�„r,urh u1h�i'periu�l a. ;
<br /> . �
<br />�. tiinclrl.umh • I�t��lni¢�lueFrcddle�liicl�11�1)R111��INl�IF:\f. lnil���mtl��rn.m�� 940 ipderJ�•/njt:r�.� j
<br /> . ,
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