<br /> . , ... .. . . ��, _ _ . .. . .- _,,.
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<br /> � ' aettlo�ciaim tor ctamapw�, Qarro�vcr(nlls ta rospancl to I.endsr withln 30 ciayd ARtn tho c�ito tha�ot�ca lf g�'van, 4end¢s le authorii8cl[o , �� -
<br /> ,� 4alloet�nd eppty thn pracaad�, �t fto optlon, eithat to i�ostomt{on ar rap�Ir ot I�a t'ropa�ty or to IhQ eum� aecureri hy Ihie flec:uiiry
<br /> Inetru►nant,�vhethe�or not then due.
<br /> � Unlesa 4ande►and Bartawer nth�wiae ngreo M wrlUnp, Rny eppifcellon af praceod�to pdnclp�wl ah�:q nol cnend or poetpone Ihe � ;
<br /> � � due d�ie of!he motithti paymante reterte+i to In R+e��@roAh t �nd 2 ar ohsng�Ihe smount o1 auch p�ymnnt�. � —
<br /> -- � •• . . 10. DOFtRQ4YEF1 NQT RELEA3E0;FQH�f3�ARANC� E�Y lENO�R NOY,1 WAI!►EFi.Gx1en91an o1 lhe Ums far p�ymenl or rnadiflc�►f{an � �
<br /> of emottlt�tlon of ihe aume e�cured by thle f,�cun`ty Inai-um�nl pranted by LE,-id�t m any suxa�sor in Intere9t of�owet eheH noi L------
<br /> --.�:-- --._._�_...._ . s►:e:�!^re!n k�t•vo:.t Icrsrir.r aha!!nc�t ha reaukeci tn eamrtteYt:4 '
<br /> . .. ] Vj10�UlV{U �vloibo ii�ii ils�Gui'� vi Sri"v v1ij��ilvi �i'viiiii:oC ut QORC':::.Y�9 � � . . . --� -._
<br /> .. . { pruceativ�a�ay�-oi6l Atlj/ 6Uw'v'nnGi{i1 Iil{�:.�!o:re!uss t�e-�t�d!?mA tar��ym!�nl�r Mhenvlse mee�y emort[zetlon ot Ihe�uma ae�ured
<br /> � by thls 9ecudty Inntrument by ro�ean o1�ny d�nd mada by th9 odpinal Oonowar or Bortowa'e ouccoenore In lntereal,My fo�Ua�rance i ,
<br /> by lande�hi exexclatng nny�iQM or rcmed9r eheVl��ul be a�vaNer ot or praetudo tho oxctciao of any�IpM or rcmady. �
<br /> � 11.9UCQES50R9 AND ASSIQN9 tiOUND; ,taINY ANf�SEVENAI LIAQlLITV; COSIQNER9. Tha covanante end epraaments ot lhla .
<br /> 3scurlty Inetrumenl ahell bind nnd benofit the succosaoro and esstQna o1 lendm end Borrower,subJecl to tht�provlslone ot ptrdprAph 17. '
<br /> .. ` 8o�nwer'e covenante end aprae;mento ehdll ba�olnt and ewcraL My Borrawer wha caalpnp thte Security In4tn�ment but doee nol execute ..
<br /> �� tha Nata; (e)Is caalQnfnfl thts 8ecudty Inatrumenl ony to mort�ago,granl, end convoy lhwt Bortower'e Interost In tha Proparry under the '
<br /> � term9 0)lhls Secudry Inetn�mant; (b)19 not porsonaly obltgatad to pay lha oums oocurod by thls Secu�ity Inatn�monl; and (o)npreos thet �
<br /> Lende►�nd�ny other 8ortower rtmy a�ree to extond,modlfy,ta�hc�r or msko Any accommodetlone wtth re�erd to tamo ot thla 9ecudty !
<br /> Inst�umenl or the NatA�vlthout ihal Bortower'e conaonl. �
<br /> 12, LOAN CHA1�Q�9. 1!tho taan sccurad by thla Sc�d�r Instniment I9 subjoct to a law whloh sate maxlmum loan charpoa,ond �
<br /> that law Is 1ln�lty Intorproted so thol the fntorest or olhcr loan charpos col!�cted or to bo colloctcd !n cUnnactlon wlth the toan exeee�the �
<br /> permltted Ilmlte,lhun; (a)any auch loan ahargea ehnll ba roducod by tha amount necossary to rerluco tha char(�o to the parmltted Ilmlt; i
<br /> and (b�any suma utmady collected irom 8ortower whlah oxcaedad pertnittod Ilmlte will bo rotundad to Borrotivor, Lond�r may chooao to �
<br /> mako thl9 ratund by roduelnq tho ptlnclpal awad under tho Noto o�by muklnp a dlrect payment to F�o�rower. If a rofund roducas pdnelpal, ;
<br /> ' tha mductton wUl bo troated s9 o Parpal prepayment wlthout sny prt�paymont chargo under Mo Notv. i ;
<br /> 19. LEa18lAT10N AFFECTWO LENOER'9 RIQHTS. If onactmont or oxolratlon o1 a,�llcablo law hes lho aflect ol rendoring �ny ,
<br /> Fvovlslon o1 the Nate or thls Socudry Inatn�men! unontorcesblo according to Itn tarma, lendtt, al Its oRUOi,�y requlre Immedlate payment
<br /> In NII ot all auma secured by thls Sacudry lnstn+mrnt end may Invotco any remed{es pormltted by pareg►s�ah 1J. li I,endar OR8fC1909 11113
<br /> optlon, lendor ahall teke tho ste�a spncHicd In tt�o sacond pamgreph ot psnvgreph 17.
<br /> 14, NOTICE9. My noUco to Horcotiver pravldud tar t�tfils Sccurity Inatrumrnt sh�!l be gNen by �er�'ering it tv by mt���lnr�II hy Orat � �
<br /> clasa mall unlose uppllcablo law roqulroa uso ot another m�thad. The notico ahall be d'•rectad tn tt�v Roparty Addro9s or any other -
<br /> address Botrower doslflnates by notleo to Londer.llny notiee to Lender shatl ba flNen by firat class m.qil to Lendar's addross statod hereln
<br /> or any other addrose Lender doslpnatoo by notica to 8oaower, Any notico provldad}or In thls 5ocuriiy Inatrument shep bo deemed to �
<br /> have bnon gNen to BoROwer or Landet when pNan es provldad In thla paragr�pA. ;
<br /> I 18.(iOVERNINQ IAW: 9EVERA9►LITY, Thls Sacudty Inatn�menl shatl bo governed by taderal lew end the Iaw o!the Judsdletfon In
<br /> whloh tha Propeny Is lacated. In tho event thet any provl.4ton or clause of thls 3ecuriry Instniment or thv Noto con0lcta wlth appllcablo
<br /> _-— - � �v, suct;sas�!!!ci�lts1!swt siteCt ottser�SrQYIslans e!th!s�?c�!�ty Inatrumont or the Note whlch can ba plvBn oBeCt without the ContllcUng ._ ____
<br /> provlslon. To thls ond the p�ovlalona o1 thls Socurtty Inatn+mont und Iho Note a�a dectered to bo saverable. .
<br /> � 18. BQRROWER'S COPV, BoROwe� sha11 b�glveo one conformed copy o1 tha Note and o1 tNS Securlry Instn�mont.
<br /> � _� �„.�chn�e TY�Po�p��Ty �a e ��tiG�ir.�4i INTFRFCT IN BORROWER. U 911 0�enV n;]fl 01 lh8 Pf0A0Ry Of 9�y Ifl1@fQSI
<br /> ._._ , i -—
<br /> � In It Is oold or tranaterred (or li a heneficlal interest in 8o+7owc�r le sold or transter�ed and Borrowor Is not o natural person)wlihout
<br /> � I.ander's prlor w�itton consent, Londa may, at Ite optlon, raqulro Immedloto payment In full ol all sums necurad by thls 9ecurlty
<br /> � Inatn�ment. However, thls optlon shall not be oxercl�ed by Lando� H vxercfse Is prohlblted by tederal Inw as o1 tho data ol thls 9acurity
<br /> , Inatn�ment.
<br /> ; I1 Lander exerclses thfs optlon, Londer shall gNe Borrower noticv ot acceleratlon.Tha notice ahall provlde a poriad ot not loss than
<br /> , 90 days hom lho date tha notfCa Is dollverpd o► malled wlthln whleh tha Bortower must p�y all sums secured by thls 3ocurlty Inatrument.
<br /> • � It BoROwer talta ta pay thosv aums prlor ta the explration ol thls period, Lender m.a�Invoko eny remedlos pertnittod by thls Sacuriry
<br /> 1 InaWment wlthout further notico or domend on Bonower.
<br /> � � 16. BORROWEH'S RIQHT TO REINSTATE. II 8ortower meots certaln condltlone,Bortower shall havv Iha dght to have entorcement
<br /> 1 , ollhls Security Inatrumonl discanttnued at any time prlar to tho eaAler of: (a) S days (or auah other period as appllct►ble taw may speclty
<br /> tor tolnatatement) botore sale of the Prc+peAy pursuant to eny power o1 salo contalned In thls Socur.ry InstrumenL' or (b) entry ot a
<br />' �udgment aniorcing thls Sacu�iry Instrumant.Thuse conddiona are that Bortower: (a)pays Lender all sums whlch then would be due under
<br /> this 8ecurlty Instrumont and the Note had no acceloratlon occurred; (b) cure9 any default ol any other covenant or agreementa; (c)pays
<br /> all oxpensos IncuRad In onforclnfl thls Securily Inetrument, Includlnp,bul not Ilmlted to.reasonublo attomoys'fesa;and (�takes such
<br /> action as Leitdor may reasonabty requlra to assure thal the Ilen of thls Securily Inatrument. Landor'e dghts I�tho Properry and BoROwer'9
<br /> obllgatlon to pay suma sacured by thls Securlty Instrumenl ahall continue unchane�ed. Upon rQinatatoment by Borrower, thls 9ecu�ity
<br /> � Instrument and the obllQatlo�a securoQ hereby ahall remaln tuly ottect�e as It no eccelers�tlan hed occurrad. However, thla dflht to
<br /> velnslate ahall not apply In tnv case of scceloratlon under�aragmph 13 or t7.
<br /> � NON•UNIfORM GOY�NANT9. Borrower and letide� lurthor covenant and agree as follows:
<br /> � 18. ACC�4ERATION; REMEDIE9. tmder shall give notice to Bonower prior to accotaretlon tollowing 6ortower'e breaoh o1 any
<br /> I covenant or agraement In thls Socurity Instsument (but not p�ior to acceleration undor parapraph 13 a► 17 unless eppllcable law provldas
<br /> : othorwl9e). The notlCe shAll spoclly; (a)the defauN; (b)the sctlon required lo cure the delault: (o) a date, not tess than 30 deys hom tho
<br /> dat0 the notica Is givon to Borrowor, by whlch the de�auY must be cured; and (d)that 1t�iluro lo cure lhe detauH on or be}ore the date
<br /> speclflod In the notice may resull In accelaratlon o1 the sums aecured by thls Securiry lnstrument end sale ol the Property. The notice
<br /> shall(uAhsr Intorm Bonower ot the ric�ht to relnetoto arier acceteration and ths right to brinfl a court acllon ta AssaA tho non•exlstanca of
<br /> a dotault or any other delenso ot Borrowor to accetorotlon and sAio. ►t tna default is not cured on or beiare iNe �ata apeeltled In the
<br /> • notice, 4endor at Its optlon may requlre Immodinte peymenl In full 01 all sum9 secured by thls Securiry Inatrumenl wlthout turthor demand
<br /> and moy Invoke the power ot salp and any other remedies pormlded by applicable law. 4ondor ehall ba entltled to collect all expenaes
<br /> , Inourrad In pureuing lho remedlos provlded In thls paragraph 19,Including, but nol limlted to, reasonnblo otlomeys' fees and costs o1 tltle
<br /> ovldence.
<br /> � I1 tho powor o1 sala Is Invokod,Trustee shall record a notica o1 dotautl In each county In whlch any paA ot the PropaAy Ia located
<br /> , und shall mell coplos o1 such no�lc4 In the manner preacribed by appllcablo taw to Bonowor ond to tho other persons prescribed by
<br /> nppllCable law. After Iho tlmo raqulrod by eppllcable law, Truolee shall pivo publlc notico 01 aalo lo Iho persans and in iha manner
<br /> � prosCribad by npplicablo law, Trusleo,wlthout demand on 8orrower,shall sell Ihe Property nt publio nuctlon to Iho highost bldder at tho
<br /> tlma and placa and undor Iha terms doslflnated in the notica ol srala in on�or moro parcels and In any order Trustae determines. Trusteo
<br /> may postpone sale ol nll or any parcel 01 tho Properry by public ennouncemenl at the llme and placo 01 any praviously scheduled sale.
<br /> ? Lender or Ita deslgnee may purchese tho Property et eny sale. �t.,(�. �
<br /> !
<br /> �
<br /> �
<br /> !
<br /> F7029.LM(12190) Na90 ?01 4
<br />