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. ._. . _.�. , . . . .. . . <br /> . • ` . . � = <br /> . . � � ' _�:z:'" <br /> :. � <br /> - �- - -�°= <br /> -- — � � . . -;�� <br /> .. .� � ��� i�D��00 ' _: =- <br /> �._._ <br /> Th�Fund�ehnll bo hatd In an IneGtutian (110 dC'10911q M BCGOUfItB pf WhIGh 9�Q IpOU�C(I UC qlttitpi�ICCt�Ily q issJ�s�ai u� otctn nµc,i�y � .. <br /> ! (Inciudlnp 4antler il 4ondar Is auch an Inel�tullon�, Lender ehall a�py tho Fundo ta pay tha aecraw Itema. 4cnder may not oherge lor <br /> � hatdlnp and epptylnp tho Funds,anelytin�the at:oounl ar velrylnp iho asaow Itoma, unio�a Land�r payo Uorro�YCr Intmesl on tha Funcle � - <br /> � end epplicdbte taw permfle Lmidur to make eu�h e cher�o.A charfle aaoossod Gy londer In connectlon wlih Qorruwer'o entoriup Into thta • <br /> : � S��urity Inetrument to pay Iho conl 01 nn Indep.�ndenl l�ropo�inp nsrvlcu sh�li n�t bo a charpo lor purposaa ot tho precadinp ecntence. ; _ _ <br /> tlonnwcr end 4citder tnay epree In w�1Unp ih�t Interast eh�►�t 6o pald on the Funda. Unla�e an apreemaM la msde or epplicablo!aw i <br /> __ ^_ � fCqU!fd9 III IR�@9 l to be pA l d, l.en dar a h a A o o t b o re s q u t r�d t o p a y�o r r o w e r e a y in t a r a�t or e-�mM gs on tha Fcmch. 4emfer eh�N�ve to {--- � . - <br /> Bc�rnYCr, �Yitfioe�t ch!!.�, �n w�mM�■ccouosino�1 tha�unda ahowinp cradita and dabito to iho Funda and tha purposs tar whlah e�r.h � _ ,,,.,,,,,_. _. <br /> cl;,:slt to!ha Funds tuzs m»da. The Furtsta era Flac�ged eg a�±lt!�nJ e!u�!dty 14t Ihe sun�s eccured by thla Secudhr Instn�menl. s. ... .- <br /> � ti the amount o1!ho Funds held by lc�ndor,topathcr with iho lutura munlhry pAymont� al Funds payablo qdor tu tho duo datos ot ( � <br /> � the aacrow item9,ahcll oxceerl tha emount requtr6d to pay ihe oserow Itcma whcn duo, the accc+se ahall qo,nt BoROwo�'o option, dth9r � <br /> prompty repald to BoROwar or credited to Borrowor an monthty paymente ol Funde. 11 tho amounl ot tl�o Funds hatd by 4undor Is not j <br /> � sutRclent to pay tho oscrow Itama when duo, Bortawer ehutl pny to l.endor sny amount nocosaary to mako up tho doticlonoy In ono or � <br /> • moro pAymer�ta ae roquirod by Lend�r. ' <br /> ; Upon peyment In tutl at all sums secured by thls 3acudry Instrumenl, l.endor ahall promplty rofUnd to 9oROwer any Fundo helcl Gy j • <br /> ' londer, II under pnrapraph 18 tho Proparry Is eold or acqulrad by Lendar, 4endor ohAtl appry, no lator thnn Immudiatoy pdor to tho oAlo <br /> o11ho F'�oporty o�ita acyulsltlon by Lender, eny Funda held by Londer flt tho tima of upplicatlon ae a crodit agalnet tha ouma aocured i ' <br /> � Gy thls Sacudty instrumenl. � <br /> 9.APPLICATION OF PAVM�NTB. Untass appllcablo Iaw providos othenvlsa, ail pnymanta roccNod by Landar undor pnraqrephs 1 <br /> � end 2 shall bo appllad: flrol,ta late charges duo unde�•tho Noto;eQCOnd,to prcpt�yment chur�os dua under iho Nota; ihird,to emounts <br /> � peyehlo unda►paraqraph 2; tourih,to intoros!duo;and laot,to pdncipal duo. <br /> � 4. CHMQEB; LIEN9. F]orrowor shall pay an t�xos, aesosamonte, chargos, Mes and Impositlons attdbutabto to tho Proporty which � <br /> may etta!n pdodry ovur thla 3acudty Instrumcml, end loasohold pnymonte or flround renta, It any. Bortawor ehall pny thoso obllgAtlona in . <br /> thA manner provldnd In paragraph 2,or II nol pald In Ihul mannor, Borrower shall pny tham on tlma directy to tho porson o�vad payment. , ' <br /> BoROwer ehatl promptry tumish to the Lander all nottcos o1 omounts to bo pold under thls pAragraph. If Borrnwor makos thosp payments . <br /> dlrecQy 8ortowor ehall prompty tumish to Lendsr recolpts ovldoncinp Iho payments. <br /> Bonowor�hall prompty dlschnrpa any Ilon whlch haa ptiorlry ovo�thi� Securiry Instrumant untase daROwor: (a)aflraos In w►iting to <br /> the p�yment o1 the obllgaUon secured by tho Ilon I�a manner ecce�ptablo to Lendar; (b)cantests In good talth tho Ilen by, or detends <br /> n�nlnat enforcement a}tho Ilen in, legal procuodings whfch In th�v I.onder's opinlon operato ta pravont tho aniorcomenl 01 lho Ilen or <br /> fo�teituro oi any parl ot the Property; or(o) securos trom Iho holdor of tho Ilen an agreemant satlafactory to Lendor suboMlnating tho Ilen _ <br /> to this Secutity Instrument, II I,endor deturtnlnes that eny parl ut tho Praparty Is aubject to a Ilen whloh msy attsin pdodty over ihls , <br /> Secur�ty Inetrument, 4ender may gNa Borrowor a notice Identitying 1ho Il�n. Borrower shall satisty tho flen or tako ono ar more of ihn <br /> Actions sel torth ebove within 10 days ot the glving o1 notice. <br /> 5. HAZARD INBURANCE. BoROwor ehall koep the improvemente now oxlating or horeufter erectnd on the Proporty Insured agnlnst : <br /> loss by flre, haxards Included withln tho tom� "extondad covera�o" and ony other hazerds tor which lender raquiros Inauranco. Thls <br /> Ineurancu sh�ll bo maintelned In thv amounta and tor the pedods thnl I.onder req��►es. The(nsuranae carrler provlding tho Insuranco ahull . ,. <br /> � be choaen by Borrower eubJect to Londer'e approvni which shan noi bo unreasonabiy wiihheid. " --�- <br /> All Insuranco polieles and ronewals shall be acceptablo to the Lender and ahall Include a standArd mortflngo cinusa. 4ondor shall • , <br /> havo ihe rtght to hotd the policlos and renowats. I1 lander requfres, Borrowar ahall promptly give to Lendar all recelpls o1 paid premiums <br /> n�ri rnnawal nnllrtaq In th�ovcuN nf iosn.eonowar sheu allo oromnt notico to tha insurance cartier und l.ondor. �.@(IdOf filay make prool . <br /> � ai loso ti nat ruade promptty by Ciartower. <br /> Unlano Londor and fiortower othenvlse ugreo In writing, Inauranco proceads shall bo appliod to restoration or rapalr o11ha Property <br />' I damaged, li tho rostoretion or ropalr is economlcalty feasible and Lender's securiry Is not lessenad. H the restoratlon a►repalr Is not <br /> oconomloaliy icasiblo or Landor's soau�lty would bo lessonod, tho Insuranco proceeds ohall 6a eppllad to tho sums secured by this <br /> � Securiry InaUUment,whothar or not ihan duv,wlth a�y axcoes pald to Bortower. I1 Borrower abnndona iho Property, ar doe9 not enswer <br /> i withfn 30 days a notice hom Londer that tho inuurnnco certfer has oHered to sorile a clnim, thon Londer may coltect the Inauranca <br /> procooda. Lander may uso lho procoada to repalr or restore the Property or to pay eums sacurod by thls Socudty Inat►ument,whether or <br /> not then duo.The 3aday peripd wlll bopin when th�notice Is given. <br /> � Unlose Lendar and 8ortower othorwiso agree In wdting, any applicatlon o1 proca�ds lo principal shull not oxtond or postpone ihe <br />; I due date o1 tho monthly payments retcrted to In paragreph 1 and 2 or chango 1ha amaunt o1 tho paymonta, N undor paragrt�h t9 the <br />, i Proporty la sequired by Lender, Bortower's rlpht to any Insurance policles and procoods resulting hom damaga to tho P►operiy pflor to the <br /> aCqulsltion shall pasa to Lender to th�oxtent a1 the sums aecurod by this Scuu►ity Instrument Immedlatery prlar to the acquisitlon. <br />' � 9. PRESERVATION AND MAINTENANCE QP PRQPERN; LEASflHOL09. Bortowor ahall no1 clestroy,damage or subatantlaly changa <br /> the Properry,�Itow lhe Property to dotorlorato or commit wasto. II this 9ecurity Instrumenl Is on a leasehold, Dortower shall comply with <br /> the provlslona o)ihe IeASe,and N BoROwer acquires iee tilla to tha Propohyr, the leasohold and fae title shall not merge unl@sa tha Lender <br /> , agrees to the morper In writing. <br /> 7. PROTECTION OF LENDERy AIQHTS IND 7'HE PROPERN; MORTQAQE IN9URANCE. N Bortower fails ta �eAorm the covenants <br /> and Apraemante conte(ned In lhis Sacurlty Insirument, or ihara Is a legal proceeding lhal may alpnificantly afiecl tho Lendar's right in the <br /> Property (auah as a procoeding in bankruptcy, probato, lor condemnatlon or to enlorca IAws or regulations),then Lender may do and pc�y <br /> , I 1or whAtever Is neceseary to pratect the value oi the Property und Lender's rights In tho Pmperty. Lender'e actlons may InClude paylnfl <br /> . � any suma sacurod by a lien which has prlariry over ihis 8ocurity InsirumenL appearing in ceurl, paying reasonable attomeysYees and <br /> eni�ing on the Property to make repairs.Althou�h lender may take actlon under pa�ngraph 7. Lencier does not heve t� da so <br /> `; + Any amounts diabursad by Lender under paregraph 7 shnu becomo additlonAl dobt o1 Qorrower secured by thia Securiry Inatrument. <br /> - � Unleae BoROwer end Lender agrae to other tortns ot paymo�l, theso amounts shall bear Interost trom dato ol dlabursement at the Note <br /> � rate and ehall be payabie, upon noilce from 4ender to Borrowor requostin4 pAyment. <br /> _ ¢ t! tcndrr requlred moAga�e l�sarence as a cond4llon ot m�king thp le?n se�i�red by ihp Securlry Instrument, Bortower ahall pay the <br /> :i. ` prem.ums requlred to malntaln the insurance in eiloct until auch timo as Ihe requlremonl for the Insurance terminates in aceordance with <br /> }�. I Borrower's and Lender's wrltten agreemeM or applicablo law. <br /> 8. IN8PECTION. l.ender or ita agent may make reasonable entriea upon and Inspaclions ot ihe Property. Lander shall give Borrower <br /> ` I n�tice at ihe time of or prlor to an Inspectlon apecitying reasonable Causa for iha Inapectlon. <br /> 8. CONDEMNATION. Tho proceods ot eny award or claim for damAges, direct or cansequential, in connection with any <br /> . condemnatlon or other taking o1 any paA of the Property, or ier eonvoyanco In lieu o1 eondemnation. aro heraby asslgned and shall ba <br /> • pald lo Londer. <br /> , In iho avenl ol a tolal taking ot ihe Properry, iho proceads shall bo eppliod to iho sums sacured by Ihis Security I�strument, <br /> whothor or not ihen due,with any excoss pald to Bortower. li tho ovent ol a partlul tnkinc�of the Property.unloas Bortower and Lender <br /> othenviae agraa in wriling, ihe sums secured by Ihis Securiry Instrumenl shall he raducad by ihe amount o1 ihe proceads mulUplied by <br /> '� ih0 tollowlnp irACtlon. (a)the tolal nmount ot sums sucured immadiately balore the taking, dividad by (b)iho Iair mArkot value o1 ihe <br /> Proporty ImmediateN bofore Iho laking. My balance shall 6o pald to Borrower. <br /> � H tho Property Is abandoned by Bonowe�,or B, after notice by Lender to Bonowor Ihat tho condomnor ofters to m�ko,un award or <br /> �'4� 1 ( .I <br /> I� F1029.LM (12F01 Paga�ol 0 <br /> . ' <br /> � <br /> � -- <br />