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' r <br /> ` . �Y�RI�RY imt�W�wW�Gi�. �OMiV�ii/i�w�TU����"R'���l �;jt* <br /> - ' ��wM�ie�w�+yi�IwrYR�fYwYM���, �������'�{/� � ' . . , c . <br /> , . l��11Wk10Ci pOliC1ES il�t�mC�vils SbfB bE�OOEpl�bk EQ I,.lJldQt:#��bIC�Ode i s�i�i[d 11MDft&faC C�fe..�RB�lI' , <br /> S��YVC fbG�,�0�70�1bC�IC1ES�IQ 1l.Ol;W�.4. ��10�.BOr10rYC��li� �C td�D�lT�TEOEI�t` <br /> O�����E�/}�Dd�S.;�1�tY�4�jQ�i.��$i1lE�Omj��1�1Q�E CSfDCl� � <br /> • � Id'�GR�i.OaEi�in/kC�i00�Of Z0631�1lOE!!l�I:��� ` : � .E :°_ _ - ; . <br /> ' U11�ESS��fi�HOQDw�1'�f�1Ei�YLtC f�19E 1Q�,��Sdi�t��Q�b i�0[i[I00 Q R�ff� • . <br /> - 1�1C�O�Cf��ipl�$Od,•if tbt I�OOfNl00 d[' IS��bC��$SOdirit�/IS OOt�ESShcOa. ��IE ` • <br /> - ICf[C�1011 C[1Ep/1C.t&AOt AQ01ldUl[�t�SI�Ot��l�1dE[�mOQ�II)/MQU�bE�L.'SSQ1Cd.1IIC�OC�WEEl�S Sbiu`�C <br /> appLed to thr wms seqaed-by tbis Separi�j►�i�at.�'a aa tbat duw wijh�any e�s�pod toHara� 1f <br /> - Harmiret�i�edo�the Ft�aty.a�daes�not sls�er�riuhin 3�diys a nu6c+e frbm 1.eadet ttat d�F i�cadoa citier Lat '� < <br /> . , off«ea W se�le s ctame;t6e�l�nda mhc aoi�tbe nb�a�e prooeeas. t,mae��►a9e t5e p�nceedi to�r or m�o�e � <br /> . , tbe tu pry s�sav�ed Iry t6is Seca�rity L�t,w6ether ar aot tbea dt�'ih 3Q�Jay paiod�16esin�lwa . <br /> the Ao�oe is givea. � , ` . • . ` � • <br /> : Unless Lader and B�rmwer otheswist agroc#a�&�►Y�-�P��P�shall aot e�Leod ar <br /> ' pnstpone the doe dat�of�6e motitAly paymeats nfiemed to in pr�1 ad 2 a ci�e dre amo�t of the Rrymm�s..U <br /> ,mder p�a�apb ZI ma Propa►y is soquircd by L�eader,Bormarah ri�t w�►msuran�e po�cies aad pcooeais rzwWoB <br /> fiva�d�e,w the.Pt+npntY Prior ro t!r a��aia�on sball p�ts w L,enda ro t6e e�ent ef t6e sams aecu�ed hy tlns Sa�ity <br /> ' Ia�nnoeM�aAedi�eiYptwrt4dteac�iao�e. °- . � , ' � . ' . , <br /> i. OccrpMe� �ser�a�ioR. Maf�aifMOe aid Fr�olecfio� d 8ie Pra�ert�r; aerrow�s's'I.a+ Al�iieNi� ' <br /> I.e�e1�e1� Bom�w�er s}Wl ooe�y,eatabltsli,�ocl ns�e the Tkopany as Baauwe�'�pd�cipaf r�oe.�t si�Y drys�er <br /> �t6e eua�ae of this Saaaity l�umau and slap ooatimte to occupy d�e,Prope�ty�Ba�rawak prmcipl��denoa far at � <br /> lapt aae :yaa a&er tbe da�e of oocup�acy, unless l.endei a8�envise a�oes u1 w�nlmg, � coment abtll not be <br /> un�asan�bly with6eW,a w�lets auat�atg cir�ntlsqnces exist wb'ich m bayau�Haaowa�a oamrol. Bom�v�er ab�$aot <br /> - destroY.dadmge or imPair the PtopenY.allaw the Ptoperty_to dear'sarabe,or c�ommit wsste on the F�mpetty. Borrowa sba8� �;: � <br />-- 6e in default if arry forfatune actioa or pruoead'mg,wb�xher civ�ar cr�al,Ls beg�ro dnt tn I.ender�goad faith judgment <br /> - caold���esnh ia forfefin�c of the Aopen�rorad�envise�rnUy ienp�r tbc�+t ceeated bsr dus Secwity�ar =�,-- <br /> - t.ender's securiry intenst Bolrower may ctme such adefault and rtinstaoe:as provided in p�h la.hy causing tbe ac�ian . <br />= ar pmoeeding to 6e dismissed with a toling tha1.itt I.ender�s guod faith det�tion,Procludes fa�oimoe of @te BormwerB . <br /> . nuaest ia ttie Fiopeny or od�eir materiai impainn�t of tLe iien csatod by-this Secatity la�eat or Leadet�s saauity <br /> �` intenest Bom►wer shall aiso be in defaatt if Barcower.during the loan appticatian psuoes.�. g9ive mauriariy false or � <br /> - ntacc�uAte infartnatian orstatements w l.ender(or feiled to povide I,mdar w1tl�aay matetial infom�tiaa)L►���mbctian with <br /> , the loao evidenved by the IVote.inclnding, but not limited w.n:p�sentadonq�8 Boitowc�i'?s occupancy of tbe ' <br /> -- Piropecty as a pnncipal nsiderce. If this Secarity Iastnunent is on a kasiehQW.Hornower shal}eomply with all the pnrvisioas <br /> � of the lease:If Borrower a�aquit�es fee title to the Prnpeerccy.tLe 1wseMld aad d�e foe titte slwll not merge tmkss L�endet�grees <br />- tothe mergerin vvr�ting. . � <br /> 7. Protcctfon of Ladd''s Aia6ts in t6e Propert� If Borrower fa7s w perForm tho coveaants a�d agn4aments <br />= containd in this Security Insuu�mera,or t6ere is a legat Ptnceedin8 that may signit"ic�ndy affect l.ender'�rights h�tbe � <br /> �..�' Pl+npeny(such as a proceeding in banlauptry.Probate,for�a�demnatian or forfeiuue or w enforce laws or regulatians).then <br /> . - I.ender may do and pay for what�wer is naxssarY to protect the value of the Property and I,enderk rights in the Pm�pe�ty. . <br /> ,. Y- � l.ender�s ac[ions may include paying any sums secused by a liea which has priority over thi�Secuary Insuument,aPP�nB <br /> : .� in cAUr1.PaYinB m�asonable attorneys fees and enteting on the Pmperty to make r�epaits.AI�haugh Lendet may taite action <br /> _ under this paragraph 1.Lender does not have to do so. <br /> My amaunts disbursed by l�ender under th�s paragraph 7 shaq become aiWidonal de6t of Borrower socune�by tLis <br /> Security Instrumen� Untess Borrowes and l�ender agree to otl�er tenns of PaYmeat.these arnawtts slwll bear intenst from the <br />= date of d'isbursement at the Note tate and shaU be payable,with inkre.�t.upon netice from l.cnder w Boirower requesting <br /> T:�. • � • ' .� <br /> M <br /> °. _� �&p Mortgage lasuranoe. If Lender required mortgage insurartce as a condidon of making the toan secuted by this <br /> �.�'.--�'• Security lnsaumen�8orrower shall pay the premIums r�quired to maintain the mortgage insurance in et�e�t. If.for any <br /> : �asa�,the mortgage insurance coverage requimd by L,ender lapses or ceases to be in effect. Bomower shall pay the <br /> `i;'• premiums trquired to obtain covelage substantially equivalrnt to ihe martgage insurarxe pr�wiously in effcct,at a cost <br />° subswntially equivatent w the cact to Bortower di the mottgage insyrance pr4wiously in effoct.fram an alttmate mottgage <br /> ' insurcr approved by Lcnder. lf substantially equivalent mortgagc.insurence coverage is nat availablc.Aort+awes shall pay to <br /> . � � Lender cach month a sum equal to one-tw�ift6 of the yeariy mortgage insuia�tce prtmium being paid by Bosrower when the .. <br /> ' � r. _=;,;���' insuianoe coverage lapsed or ceased to be in effect. Lender wiU accep�u9�pnd nKaie tl�ese payments a9 a loss ceserve in lieu <br /> ''�'°� of a e insurence. Loss reserve cnts ma no longer be ulre�.at the o ion of mart e in.4urance <br />;<�- .''�.�:�,::, : �s s �m� y �w a �g <br /> • •'�•• cdverage(in the amount and for the periad that Lender mquires)provided by an insorcr approved hy Lender agam becomcs <br /> �''�'�'= ' available and is obtained.Borrower shall pay ttre premiums required to maintain mortgage msurance in effect.or to provide a <br /> . lacg reserve.until the requirement for mottgage insurpnce ends in accordance with any written agreement between Bomower <br /> .. - �u��•.� : ' and Lcnder or appiicabie law. . <br /> ` � ;�;��.; 9 lnspeclbn. Lander or its agent may malcc reasonable entries upon and inspections of the Pnoperty. l.ender shall <br /> �� � give Borrower notice at Ihe time of or prior w an inspection apecifying rea4onable cause for the inspection. • . <br /> :.rt`��'�� 10. Condem�Non. The proceedv of any award ot claim for damages,direct ar cwnsequential,in connection wiW any . <br /> _.��.•-' <br /> "`.��y;;... Sittgle Fa�eily-•Fauk MulFerddk Mae.U.'1iIfi0YM 1NS'171UMEN!--UNfrnm Covauotv 4!!� (pog�3 aJb pagesl <br /> °�'' • . I�aa We�e�Iae�ha,■ <br /> �� , . ToO�tlsC�1a0SSI41CIlOOMx6167�41191 <br /> � - -- - - - _. __ --- -- ----- -� - ' . <br /> - - -.�._..._.Y� . _..-—---- - - <br /> �_��_-�_..:v..�.4rc:�,�.zv-�,�--�-----� � <br /> ���-�--�.,(:.�'74�T+°"':-�wY_---"--_'_'.. -.. .. . -.-..-.- ti� _ _ —___-- — <br /> ��.ar�A� � • . " ,�, ' . .�'.. ' ';y .rt . ' '., . .. �.: . . <br /> . <br /> . . . �`""�_ � `' � - - - - - •. _ ... <br /> - _ ...a ._._ , . . . . ._._ .,-_.. _-. _ . .____�._ --- :�,.-.=-�—r--===:_�--. ... . .. <br /> ;� . - .. .. ' . . . . . ' • . � <br /> -_ ;�.�; _ . � .. .. _. . � _ : . . . . . �.� ' , ._. _ ..-.- _ ' ,- . ' . '-' . � . .. -. . . , .. . . _. . .. ,- <br /> __ �r+� ` - . � • - f - -- . _ .. ' . '�, - - - • � - . <br /> _ � l _ � � . . . .. . , . . . . ,iS, . . . � -, <br /> .�i�:._:�.'. - , .. � . • - , . 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