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AIt�di tbe fpngaiu�is.totfarcd.ta�tfis Seciusq►i�m�as t�e*l�tapeRy." � • - �- �. ` � <br /> ` ` BORROWER C'OYII�AN15 tbat Boaowerr is 1a�rfWl�r�of d�e estatc l�ereby c�arryed a�d has the`d�UtYO Sra� �. . ° <br /> . ` uW wavry We Ptope�tY�nd tl�t dn R�paty is�md�bead.eioept far<mc�aoes of tecatd. Barn�ei wm�,and' < <br /> . _ -` �vilidefasd�ttYli�etit�iathePt�tqsg�a�allcl�aadd�Oaad��b3esttoanYe�m�°0�°E� - - - - � - - <br /> ' � 'FHIS SF�C[3RtPY H�iS1RUi�iT_c�m�es��ifarti cavaanus,fa oational use aod noa-uaiform ooYm�ts �b'�� <br /> '4inoited v�tiaas by juris�On�uoortsodate a mifoca�sx�y i�t roverin8 aai PmP�Y• - . � < <br /> � UNIFORM.C�VENANI'S. Bonovva and l.endet oov�m�t zmf agnee u falbws: • � <br /> � I. Ltil�ert a�hYc��a�1iMer��e+eps7�e�t a�d La1c CJp�e..Borrcwu sb�tlµoa�pdY P�Y*��� . <br /> '� principal af aed intereat antbe debt evidenad b7t�Nat�wd mY P'�?'a'd��due m�da8�e Nate. � � , <br /> Z. �'�s{�f'��I�t�lb �m�l�W Cf t+D R`wJ1UQ1 w�iYCf by I�.C��Ba[I�bw![�pQy�D ' <br /> ` � t.ea�et un thc day mpM�WY�s aie due amider d�e Nnte.u�tbt Note is prid in fu0.a s�m t"�s'7 fnr.ts)X�t. ` <br /> . taus aad assessma�ts whicli taay attpin p�iaity ovet�his Se�t'tY Ias�i�yat as a lien on tht Pmpetty:(b)Ydr1Y le�id <br /> psyme�tts ar gc�xo�d taus oa tbe Propaty. it aay:(c)Y�Y�'+��P�P�Y ins�ttanx �emi� (fi �Y � <br /> - in�qaoa'P.c+e�tn�s.if�aY•fe)l�Y�f8��P��f�:a�!(fl auY.aam PsYaUk bY Baita�ver t° . <br /> i,pder,ie a000rd9nct�wi8�tbe p�ovisiaos af p�h 8,in lieu of the payment ofmoctgage mauanoe pcemnm�s- 71�ese. <br />- - ` ' it�ms�e called"Fscmw Itedu." ��r may,at any time.oouoct aad hold Futds m an amauit not to e�C�Qed th maxumah , <br /> - ` 'atnamt a lender far a fateraUy relsitec!emctg�8�1om u�Y re4uroe far�aiawer S escrow avcol�nt uMe�tbe faksal Rea1 <br />-_ . Estate 5et�emmt.Ptooecl�s Act of t974 as ameidad fran time w tm�e.i2[iS G�2601 et stq.("RF.SPA'?.�aaoN�er <br />__' law tl���s to the Futds sets.x l�sser amou�►t I�so,I.ender may,At�►y time.colled r�ncl dold 1�tMs Li m��m not to , <br /> exaeed tbe kasear mnamt. I�ender may estpnate the amount•of�Fwtds due ou�e basis of cumant dua and nasombie <br /> . � esUm�t�s of expa�drces of futaore Escrow Iums or otl�erwise in accardwce wiW appli�ble Istw.. ' ` <br /> - 'I'1��sbaU be held in an atspCatiaa�w6osc deposits�e ipsured by a federal aget�cy.instran� mNtY . <br /> (including Lende�if Lehder is sach an institution)or in any Federal Hane Loaa Bank. Lenckr sball apply tbe Fiu�ds to PaY <br /> the Escmw Items. I.,endcr may not clrarge Borrowec fa dolding aad'apP�YmB tlu Fut�ds.annually analyting d�e escrow - <br /> - ' _aoco�nt,ot verif3rlag the Escrow Itents.tatkss l.eidef pays Bamwer intaest oa i6e Fut�ds apd applica�ble law,petmits .-, . <br /> .� Lender w make such a charge. However.l.ender may require Baroaer to pay a one-dme charge fa an indepeadent n�l <br /> � estate tax teporting seivia used bY I.ender ia oonnection witl�this loaa.unless applicable law provides othavvise. Unkss an <br /> agnoemeat is tuade or a le law-roqoic�es interest to be Pa[d.I.ender shall not b�tequuied m pay Bamwer any inte�est a� <br /> � ��= " eairm,ss on tbe Fi,�s.�wer ana I.ender may agree in writing,nowever.that interesc shau ue paia a,tl,e Fur,cls. t.enaer <br /> `..�,�K` • . slull give w Bormwer.wittwut cbarge�annual accounti�g of the Funds.showing ecedits and debits to 1Ne Funds aad the <br /> purpost for which each debii to the Fi� was mad� TNe Ftmds are pkd8ed ag additional soctttiry for aU sums secure�bY, . <br /> _ � this Sa�tity Insuumen� , <br /> Tf the Punds hefA by I.endet ezceed the mtwunts Pcrmittai to be held by applicaMe laa. I.ct�der shall xcamt w. <br /> � 1: .!_;�y�- �. Ba�suwes for tlie excess Funds n�accordance with the r�equ�nernents of appGcablG law. If tbe a�awnt of tbe Funds held by . <br /> • :. ;�•:. I�ende�at aay time is not suffceient m pay the Esccow Items when due�I.ender may so notify Botmwer in writing.and,in <br /> .• �`E"� such case Sorrower shaU pay to Lender d�e amowit necessary to make ap tbe defrciencY. Bormwer sha11 mal�e up the . _ <br /> � �•� :`.. dehciency in no morc than twelve monthtY PaY� — <br /> ,, Y ,, " Lenders sote discreaon. <br /> -;:�'`R: '�:.,:•: .�; � [Jpon paymem in full of all sums secured bq diis Security Instrumeat,Lender shal]prom�ly refurtd w Botrower siry <br /> �:�.-:�>.`-�._,.- - <br /> �;;�-:.�-�r•�:` ; Ftmds held by l�ender. if.under P�S�Ph 21.Lender shali acquirc or sell the Piruperty.Lertder.pnor to the acquisitian or _ <br /> v;�';.'��'' sale of the Property.shall aPP�3'anY�nds held by l�ender at the time of arquisition or sale ag a cred'it aga�nst the sums ___ <br /> � �" �y'�-' seiuted by this Secittity Ussttumen� , • __ <br /> . • ,�... .,. —_— <br /> '�`��'��c�''�+`�� 3. Appli�tioa d P�yments. iTnless appticable law provides otherwise.all payments c+eceivcd hy l.endet under __ <br /> �'� ' "' ...„ , paragraphs 1 aad 2 shall be applieQ firs�w any prepayrt�ent charges due under the Note;semnd,to amoums payable under <br /> ���"��'`,��;.� �. �, puagraph intetest principal diie:attd any late charges dae ur�der the Nnte. , �- <br />• ' , -�,,.>-. .. . <br /> •_,:�:�,:�'.- • . . ;, C h t r� L i e n s. B o r ro w e r s h a ii p a y all taxes. assessments.c h a r ges. t'ines and impositions attributabte ta tUe ��,,_ <br /> -� • propcAy which may aqain priority over this 5ecurity Inxuument.and leasehold payments or groun d renis.i f any. 8 o r r ower , : <br /> ,�`�. � ;Yr� shali pay these obligations in Uie manner pravided in paragraph�or if rtoi paid in fhat manner.Borrower�ha11 pay them on <br /> : � • "�'` n� B o j r o w e r�h a l l rom fvrmsh t g Lertde*all notices of amounts to be paid undec ' ��> <br /> :-".. .. , time dicectly w the person owed paYme P PuY [qs <br /> -�=�K�- �'::�:� � ��P�S�P� lf Bomower matces these payments directly.Barrower shall prompdy fumish to l.ender receipts evidencing ,�_ <br /> '....t.�.. �.1 .4 � �i�VA1P�1�� . . � ' . . <br /> ����.. <br /> :�<"=.'-'. Harower shail P�somPtly discharge any lien ahicb has priority over t1�i9 Security Inst�mr�ent unlesa Borrowar.(a)agree.s �_= <br /> :.� ��__. . - <br /> t �i.. ._.. . ' <br /> :�- ' in ariting to tbe payment of the obligativa secured by the lien in a manner acceptable to l.ender.(b)contesu in good faith the �_ <br /> �-=,•. :..�'�� • lien by.or defends against enforcement of the lien proceedings which in the Lender`s opinioa�te to pavent the !: <br /> • >:`�, ,. � enfacemeat of the lien:or(c)sec�res Prom the holder of the lien an agnxment satisfactory to Le�tder subordiAatieB the lien <br />. �' .- to this Security Instrument. (f l.ender determincs ttiat airy part of t h e P roperty is sn b j e c t to a lien which ma y auain p r lmity �` <br /> ..- <br /> � over this Securhy tnstrament.l.ender may give Bortawer u notice identifying the lien. Bmrqwer shall satisfy the lien or take <br /> °� ' one or mon of the actions set fortfi above within 10 days of thc giving of notice. • <br /> • - •�:�. :;,i�• S. Hazard or Ptoperfy lesuranc� Bmrower sltall keep the�mprovements now exisang or hercafter erected on the . <br /> nc <br /> , •�.�•�:�. ,� _ ::•.:, • propeAy insuced against fire.hazards lncluded within the term"extended coverage"and any other hatards,including <br /> :�'�'�• = , -° ' floods or flooding.for which l.ender requires insurance. This insufance shalt be maintained in the amounts and.for the <br /> :=:i .: • . . <br /> �,x..LL <br /> . �i,�,r,�;.':,. .rt . Fon�311�I !/!� fprrge2oJbpng�sl . <br /> — ,�?f�i� •'-c-z�. . . • . <br /> r,.K?.,��w,. - <br /> '� 't'r_tt`r . ' . . <br /> "'�j r- <br />. H Fr^���;:. , � . . <br />. :Yf7!�..j-h;': ' . <br /> - 1' - i.°�' . <br /> '_"I�-- 1 _ _ <br /> - �.� -.�-.-3ti�4.�Tj'• . , ._. • . , – .. . 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