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<br /> -� ,��—_�_..__. . .._ e.,w,__..._. .� -u.. •n __...... • •��. .d .' i r D� ..
<br /> - �� �.:' . � (royitt�i�to ���sar��Vnn• u��,�sy�w1�•�+J��unu�. N��u t'vio��rt tha�Sw1Ti�iw�� li{.i..., .�j ��0:':Y �4.!Yf�t.��t-�.�t�}� '"' . .
<br /> " • • In�ufM1c!cnt to pay th�kNn wh�h duo,lhe� E3orrawa eh�Y pey to Le�ider eny emaunl nac��ary tp n�aka up Iha dsticl:nay an or � • '� " � .
<br /> '�," �' . bNonr Ihe cl�t�Ihs k«n hecomw cAte, -�
<br /> ..._�_•
<br /> � As usAd In this Secwicy In�trumn+tt, 'Qecretery'msuie the f3ecrei�ry o! Hauelnq�nd U�h�n Qovdopmont ar his or hB► •� -
<br /> , .
<br /> ' . ' tAu�pneQ. In eny yeat in wh►nh tha l.�ncJ�muat pAy w mortyaQ�In��m�nca prertdum to the Secroiaiy, t�tah monlhry p+iymxnt eh�u � -
<br /> �. : --- - - .:� . atau be�cl� e+iah mont�M payment e1w�N�!sa Inc►ude alther. p)�n Inet��ni�nl 01 tUs pnnud mortgape bieuranco premlum to ' ,�
<br /> r . . -,--. . .._ . �
<br /> _...�-_-___-.__ - _ be pald by Latder to the 8ecreL•�y, or(W)1►monthy oh�rp�Fn�t�d ot e mart�spa h�unnca pnwnium U thle 3ecudty Ir,ot►ument <
<br /> - �- I� hei� by ihe �acratery, Eaeh manthy h�at�Hmant ot Ma r�tv+tgape Inauranas prwnkm�ahstUU be In an amounl �u�2 tc� ' �
<br /> ;
<br /> - -,:..::� accumuute ttre N��nu�l naa4tNpa Rieuranco pr�m tirlth lrndcr ono mo�►ih Rr�cr to ttta d�te 1he MH snne,e�mortg�ge � � •. -
<br /> _ . .-" l �R��M�cw��eytdu�t 1�due�0 1hs Secsettry, or 11 thla Secvirit�r tnetrume+�t Ih hNd by th�3acreUry, each monthy oh�rge o��ll �; ,
<br /> ' G� {n on �mauM �qud to an�-twoMlh o1 ono-haH pe�cont at ths outntmding princtwl hal�nce due on tho Note.
<br /> ' li Hortower te�dern to 6ender the tuU p�yment o1�N dum�securod by thl��ecudy Instrumonl, Oortowcrb eccount ehaN bs
<br /> , ' � cnditad wNh the bal�nae�am�tning tor�N Instntlmente tor ftema(e), (b) md(o)and nny nwdp►tpe In�uro�nce pr�rnlum Inet�llment ,
<br /> • th�t lendw haa not become obll�Atod to pay ta the&acretiry, �nd I.endor sh�H promptty refund any excaan hmda to Uonower. � .
<br />: ImmA+llatey p�ior to e toreclom�n�eale o1 tho Property ot Ite acquleltbn by Lenda,Barrower'e accaunl sha!1 bo crod�ted wllh eny •
<br />� ; ' bal�nce renuM�Mn tor�I1 InetoNmn�ta ipr ftcm� (�), (d)and(o). , '
<br /> • 3. �l�aWiloatlon af Paympnt4. AN paymanta undsr pArpprapho 1 nnd 2 ehall bo Rppli�d by 4ondor ao tollowe;
<br /> FIrRt to tho moRgaigo insuronce�rom4�m ta be p�ld by lender to the Sac�otary or to tho monthry charqn by the Sacratary
<br /> inatead ol ths monthty rnongap� ineurenco pramlum; �� •
<br />- Saeond.to any tucas, epaclai a9eeanmonte, leasehold paymants or ground ronta, and tiro, ltood end oth�r hazard � ,
<br /> inau�nce premtuma,as toqulred;
<br /> Th(rdL te Intereat duo tmde►iha Nnte; ! �
<br />- Fouctp. to amortliation ot th�pdnotpal ot the Note;
<br /> F(fth� to I1to aharges duo undcr tho Noto. �
<br /> 4. FIPA� Fiood a�d Othvr HAZarcl Inauranco. Bartowfx ahell Insuro all Improvcimente on tho Property,whothor ' •
<br /> m
<br /> . ' �ow In extstenca or subaoquonty eractnd, agalnat any haurde, casuAtUea, end wnttnflondes, Including Rro, tor which londar �
<br />� requlros Insurenca. Thls Inau�anoe ehall ba malnUlned In tha emounts end ior tho pcxloda that Landar raqulros. Borrowe�ahail .
<br /> niso insuro aU tmprovamente on tho Praparty, whather now In oxistonco or aubsoquenty crectad, agalnat IosA by Ooods to tho { ; �
<br /> extont requkod by the Secrotary. A!I Insurence ehan be cartied with 4ampanles epprovad by Lenda. Tho insu�nce policles and � '��
<br /> • eny�ene�vals shall bo hcld by Lendar and ahall Include loae payable cl�uao9 In favor of,and In e tortn acceptehta to, lend�r. 4 � .
<br /> . In tho evcml ol loae, EioROwar shcll gNo Londcr Immod{ate notica by mall. Lundor may make proof af losa II not mada �
<br /> prompty by BoROwer. Each Inauranco company conccxned la haeby authodmd end dlroclod to mako payment tar auoh loss � .
<br /> directy to lender, h�etoad of to BoROwer and to Lendar Jolntly. NI or eny part of tho Insuranco proceods may ba appllad by i � ,:
<br /> Londer,at Its optlon, olthar(a) to the talucllon o1 the Indohtedness undor tho Nole and thts 8acudry Insirumam, firat to eny I_ ;-
<br /> dellnquent emounis eppliad In Ihe ordor In PttrApraph 3, and tha►to prepayment oi pdncipal, or(b)to tho rostoratton or rapalr 'l��
<br /> . o11ho damaged Rrapary. My app!Icadan o} tho proceeds to tho pdncipul ehall not exlend or postpona th� duo date a1 tho �. ,
<br /> monthy�.9ymAnte whloh aro reterrad to in Paraflreph 2, o►ohenge tho amount of euah peymanla. Any oxcese insurenca , . ,,
<br /> , proconds over an amount raqulrod to pay nll oulstandi�p Indebtednesa under the Note end thia Secu�iry Instmment shell be pald ;
<br /> . to the enttry la�aly entrtlad theroto. �� '
<br /> ' .. --..-_ __ ,[}t�p A�(A!�!�� inreclosura of ihls Sacudtv Inatrumant or other tranflte► 01 title to the Properiy that oxttngulshos tha L
<br /> --- , ,,
<br /> � Indobtedness, ell riqht,tiUe and InteretU ol Hanower In and to Insurenoo pollcles in forco shell pass to ihe purchaser. ("— --- � •
<br /> S. Oocupanoy, Preservatlon, Malntonanc� and Protectlon of the P�aperFy; Bor�ower'e L.oan � . .
<br /> ____-- .......__ ` AppllCetlOn; l.fft198hOlde. Borrower ehall occupy, establish,and use tho Properry as Bortower's pdncipal �osidonce wilhin ,
<br />_ . - elxty daya after the axecutlon oi tht9 3ecudty Instmment and ahell conAnuo to occupy tha �►oporiy as noRVwe:s principai j-- � - --' � _
<br /> roeldeaco for at IoASt ono yoar aflor tho date o1 accupancy, unlass tho Secretary doterminos thla roquirement w17 causu undue i .
<br /> hardship tor Borrawer, or unlass oxtenu�ting circumatancos exist whiah aro boyand Bortower's control. 9oROwet ahall notity
<br /> Lendere et eny extonuating circumatancoa. Bonawa► shall not commit waste or destroy, damaga or eubstantialy ohangv the � •
<br /> Prpperry pr nitow tha Propvrty ta dotodaiato, reasanabfo wear spd tear oxcepted. Lender may Inapnot tho Property If tho Property
<br /> is vacant or abandoned or tho loan la In dc+ic�ult. lender may taka reasonablo actlan ta protuct and presave euch vacant o� �
<br />- � abandonod Property. Bonawar shall atso be In do(auN II sanowa, dudng ihe loan spplicapon procoss, gavo materiaty t�tse or
<br /> ' ' Inaccurata Intom�atiao or statemente to Lendor (or lalted ta provldo 4ondor with sny mate►ial Intarmatlon) In conneeUon with tha
<br /> • loan evldenced by tha Nota, Includlnp, but not 1(milod to, representatlona concaminp Bor►owar's occupAncy ot the Property as a
<br /> ' pdnclpal realdoaco, N thls Secudty Instrumnnt Is on a leasohold, BoROwer ehall compy wilh tho provislona ol the leasa. II �
<br /> , , � Borrower acquiroa toe tltla to the Property,the leasehold and fau titla shan not bo merfled unlose Lender egrees to the merger In
<br />- . , wrlUng.
<br /> , . . . 6. Chatgea to Ho�rower and Protectivn of Lender'e Rlghte In the Prope►ty. Borrower snao puy an �
<br /> • govemmenisl or munlalpal ohargea, Mes end ImposiUo�s thot are not Includad in Paragrnph 2. BoROwer ahall psy ihose
<br />- obligatlono on tima direcly to 1he antity whlch Is owed the paymont. 11 fallure to pay would adversery aN�ct Lender's Intorest In
<br /> v the PropFriy, uPon len�er's requosl Bonower ahAll pnmplry tumish to l.endor recelpts ovidencing theso pnymenta,
<br /> II Bonower Iflils to maka these payments or tho paymenta requirod by Paraflmph 2, or falis to per(orm any other covenants
<br />_ and agraements contalnad In this Socurity Insln�monL or ihere Is a leflal proeoedinfl ihat may algniticantly aHocl Lendor's rlghis in .
<br /> � the Property(such as e proceodinp In bankruptcy,lor condemnatlan or to onlorce laws or re4utatlons), then Lender may do and
<br />- � pay whetever la nocesuery ip proteat the vatue o1 lhe Properly end Lender's righis in tho PropeAy, Including paymant o1 texes,
<br /> -� � hezard Insurence and other Rems mentlonod In PAragraph 2. '
<br /> Any amounte dls6u�sed by Lender undor ihis ParAgraph ahail become an addillonal debt o1 Bonower and be aecured by
<br /> _; this Security Instrumant.Tho9a amounta shall be�r Interest hom the dnta of disbureement, at tho Note rate, and at the optlon o1
<br /> _ I Lender,ahall be Immedlatety duo and puy�bte. --
<br /> 7. Condemnatloa�. The procvads o1 any awArd o�otalm 1or damapes, direct or consaquantlal, In connectlan wlth any
<br /> - condemnatlon or ather taking p1 any perl 01 the Prop�ry, or tor conveyance In place o1 condomnatlon,aro hereby asslgned and '
<br /> � shall bo Aald to l.endar ta ihe exteM a1 iho(ull amouM of ihe Indebtodnesa that remalns unpald under the Note end this SCCUrity
<br /> =_ - '. IRBlR�R1R81�(ende� shaU apply suoh procoads to iho reduction ot tha indobludnuaa undur thu NuW und ihls Socudty In�trument.
<br /> ��: fl�st to any delinqu�al amaunts appllod in ihe order provided In Para�aph 3, and ihen to prepaymonl ai principal.Any appllcation
<br /> � o11ho procdeds to ihe princl�al shall nof extend or postpone iha due date o1 the monihly payments, whlch ara retertod to in
<br /> „, Paragraph 2, or ahnnpo thv 9mount a1 auch payment3. Any excesa procoeds over an amount requlred to pay all outstandinc�
<br /> ` Indebtedness under the Nota snd thls Socurity Instrument shall be pald to the entity legally entitled thereto.
<br /> � 8� F809. Lender may collect fees and chargos authorizod by tho Socratary.
<br /> � 9. Qrounds for Acceleratlon of Debt.
<br /> � (e) DO}eult. 4ender may, except ea limiled by regulations Issued by tho Socrptury In iho case o1 payment dafaults.
<br /> . requlro Immedlato payment In full 01 All sums secured by thls Sacurity Instrumenl H:
<br /> : (I) BoROwer dataults by failinq to pay In tull any monthy paymonl requlred by this Secudry Inslrument p�ior to or on
<br /> 1ho due date o1 the nexl monihy payment, or
<br /> • (if)Bortower delaufls by fallinp,for a Nerlod o1 ihirty days,to pe�form any other obtlgations conlalned In thls Secu�ity
<br /> ; Instrument,
<br /> .� (b) Sala Withaut Credi! Approval. Londor ehall,II pormtitad by applicablo Iaw and with tha prior approval oi the
<br /> . � Secretary, requlre Immedlato payment In full 01 all iho sums sacured by thls Sacurity Insirument if:
<br /> rl F5813.LM (1191) Papo Y o1 5
<br /> � ,I
<br /> �• . •
<br /> ,�
<br /> �. l
<br /> I
<br />