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<br /> a"u � '''' Ae�ed a� Trust Co 8e RE R�CORD�D due fio thu wrang 1?ded o� Trust wAa ��
<br /> ` �
<br /> �+ ^ executed at c�.oai.n . a �
<br /> � � [Spnco nbova lt�lo Unn tor Rocord�np Data1 ._ `
<br /> ; fNA Caso No. .
<br />—___ ' State of Nabrttska O�ED OF TRUST ���"��+���62-703/203b ., `�
<br /> _ ., �� 'y�:;�
<br /> - �,. ,',.,�, ('�� �
<br /> _-_au' ',1�_ ' �.
<br /> ` ' . . April 18Ch 1991 ' �,;�:��
<br /> �b`• '`� TMi��EF�OF'iHU9T(8acu�ily t etrumcnt ) Is nu�da oi� .--- '� 4 ��. .
<br /> �� Tha tn�stor ta Michael D. Sul��ivan And Phylis"t.`:""5u�. I�'van. iu:�� �n �—� : , , -
<br /> � n. , �...�_
<br /> : ('Borrower'). �'�`� �-
<br /> ,�,,,.,' �
<br /> _��:;� ?. The Uuatee Is Cammorcia �e era ai�;a'�e era. c�v.nge an ; , - ,
<br /> . � L.� �.
<br /> '� '� ��,,. �`' 1,1�8t���. + , . 4L\-�
<br /> ,a�x � ,':�;�•:�'�`'.° Theheneticiaryla F reTier Ban , at OQ�A9&OC39C on ��. ;:�:';�
<br /> . �. ,,},�`.
<br /> � whloh I�organlzed end exiating undw tha laws o1 e r�e�`� ,snd who9e addroas Is � `''�`
<br /> . 17UU r'arnam Streot. Omuha� Nabraa -�a 68I0� ("lander'). - -. _-
<br /> Bortower owea Londer the pdncipal sum of Thirty Nine Thousand Nina Hun re ty an o/100 .
<br /> . '�_.
<br /> , - . - ,.�..
<br /> ' . Oollare (U.B.S 39,950.00 ), Thl�dobt Is ovldancad by Bonower's note dated the same date as ihla 3ecuriry Insi�ment . �
<br /> • ('Note'),whlah provldee for monihty p�►ymenta,with the tuN debl,N not pald oadior, due and pAyablo on May 1� 2021 �
<br /> ..��.+
<br /> . ..
<br /> � .TI�Ia Secudty Instrumemt secures to lenda: (a)the repaymeM u1 tho ckci�l evidoncod by tho '_-
<br /> Noto,wUh interest, and a0 ronowata, oxtensians and n�oditiaatlons; (b)the payment oi ail othor sums, wii3�interesL advanced '��-
<br /> _ _ _.___.._.___"____.___...- ...'.1'�Y�i..
<br /> unde�paregraph 6 to pratact the security o1 this 9ecurfty Instrumont; and (o)the pertormanco of �orrower's aovonante and — -•- � :
<br /> aflreemente under this Secudry InstNmont a�d the Note, For this purpasv,9onow�r does hcxeby mortQage, grant und crrney to 4
<br /> TNStee with po►ver ol9ala,tho lollowinp descdbed Properry tocated in tlall Cuunty: ` � : . �
<br /> - I.oC 9� Hlock 8� in WALI.ICH'5 ADDITION TO THE CITY QF GAANA ISI•AI�A, HALL ` .__._ _ �
<br /> COUNTY� NE�RASKA t �`
<br /> V
<br /> Thie Deed of Trust being racorded to correct Aaed af Trust Recorded April 19, 1991 �
<br /> • . • 11antered ae DocumenC No. 91-102268 in Rogiater af Deede Office, Nall County, i , '
<br /> • Nebraska"
<br /> ' �
<br /> • , , �
<br /> . I
<br /> � � .
<br /> ,,
<br /> � �
<br /> �
<br /> . , , . .
<br /> • ' �vhlch hae ihe address ol 1106 West 7th Street Grand Island . � .
<br /> ' �stroot� I��bl•
<br /> � " Nobraska 68801 _('Proporry Addresa'); ,
<br /> (statoj (Z�a coao] !
<br /> � " TOQETHER WITH all the Improvements now or heresiter erected on the Property, and stl easements,dghts,eppu�tenances,
<br /> rents, royafllea, mincxal, oll and Qas�ights end proTite, water dghte and stock and all tixluros now or hereafter e part o1 tho
<br /> PropaRy. All replacementa and additions shall also be covered by this Sacur(ty Instrument. All ot the foregoinp Is reterred to in
<br /> this 9ecurity Instrument as lho'Proporty'.
<br /> BORROWER COVENANTB ihat Bortower Is lawtulty seized o1 tho estate hereby conveyed and has lhe dpht to mortgap0,
<br /> grant and convoy the Propw�ty anq that lho Property Is unencumbered, except tor encumbrances of reaord. eonower warranto
<br /> � : nnd wlil detnnd generaly the title to ihe Proporty aqainst all clalms and demands, subJect to any encumbrances of record.
<br /> _ - ---. . 1. F'aymant a!{'rinelp.:l, ls�tcro�t anc! Lsls Cha:gs. 9ortowea shalt pey when d�1e the pdnr.��a►01,end Interos�
<br /> on,the debt evldencod by tho Note and leto charpos due undor the Note.
<br /> 2. Monthly Peymenta o�Tr�xea. Insu►anae and Other Charges. Borrower snau Include in each monthy
<br /> payment, topelher wflh the principal and Interast ne set toAh In tha Note and eny lato charpes, an Inatallmenl of any (a)taxos
<br /> and apaclal easessmenta levlod or to be lavied Againsl the Property, (b)leasehold payments or ground renta on the Property,
<br /> and (c)premlums 1or Inauranco raqulred by Paragraph 4.
<br /> Each monthy Instutlment tar Itoms (a), (b)and(o)ahall equnl one�twelith o1 tho annuAl amounts.ns reasonably estimoted by
<br /> Lendet, plua an amount sutticlent to mAlntnin an eddillonAl balance o1 not more ihnn one�sixlh o1 the estimatad amounts.The tull
<br /> annuu)amount tor c�ch item shAll bo accumulated by Lender within a perlod endlnfl ono month baforo an item would becomo
<br /> delinquent. Lendor shaU hnld the amounts collected in trusl to pay ltoms(o), (b)and(c)haforo ihoy bcrcome delinquent.
<br /> it at any time the total o!the payments heid by Lender tor itoms (a),(b),and(c), togolher with the luture monthty payments
<br /> • ior such ilems payable to Lendec prlor to Ihe due dates o1 such items, exc�eds by moro than ono-slxth the ostimated amount ot
<br /> payments requlred to pay such Rems when dua, end H payments on the Note aro curronl, then Lender shall eilher tetund tha
<br /> exceas over one•sixth ot the estlmatod paym2nts or crodit the excoss over onasixih o1 ihe estimated peyments to subsoquonl
<br /> + F5813.LM(�/91) � Pago 1 ot 5
<br /> �
<br /> 4
<br />