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. ... .. ,� <br /> ._ � r _: :a .��s�r . • . _ .. .... _ ' ... .. • --- - - <br />_ .�. ._.,: .. ...----°-- -� • _ .._ , -- <br /> _ , _ _ __ <br /> — -- .._. __ ... _- •- • <br /> ,. .. , � - • <br /> � <br /> . . � . . . ,. - - - <br /> �. . ., i„...,. ._ , _ <br /> . • „, ' <br />_ .,:.. ---- -- . ..._ .... '.----..,. ';,a•,;t�- - �l , - - ...__ ,.. .. . ._ .. . .. . . — <br /> �; �._ �. �v..- <br /> . J' .----'- '-. . •• d'c: - <br /> . , �. .... �- <br /> ^- ••-----^ _- . . ._ ,. -- -'_°' <br /> '. i., . <br /> . . <br /> �1 � � � ,.� • ' � � � � ....'a•..4•.�1 J ,r•., -"-._. <br /> ` '_Z'L'��':_.n...::.� . . _ �—in . —_.�. .....�.._._......_ . -- _ <br /> � �,���.�� �b= — <br /> � � �1��m ---- <br /> � � . , . , . .._._. ,._._.r..�...,._.-_...���,.�..�.,.-,r-�,._ ----� `€�"' - <br /> ��,.� <br /> . Any np��lic�tion of thc pm�ecds ta the prfncipitl shnl� uot rxten�l��e pu�t�u►ne tlic due dntc nl'thr manllily pr�yn►ent�, �vhich � w <br /> .!. �-�.. ,� .� urc rcl'au.;J tu In par�graph:, or chan�c thr artwunt oP y��ch���yn�eru�, Aay r�r�se pruccc�Js�n�cr an nmuunt rrquir�d tu pay _._ ,- - <br /> � all uutstn�idin�indcbtcdnc�s undcr the Nrne nnd this Sccuri�y� Instrwnrnt yhn0 he paid �u �h�cnt�ly Ic�tnlly cu�iticd Ilirrcic�. . . , �� � <br /> ;,' . A. Fccy. Lcndcr� mny collcct fec9 nnd chnrges uutharizcd by thc Secrc�ury, " .' .. ..�. <br /> ,..., . . <br /> � ��=_.. __ ._. 9.Giouads Pur AcdcicreU�m��t D�lu. .--.--.--,.----.- <br /> _� ' � (a)1)�tatilt.i,cnder tnny,exccpt i�5 limltcd by regulatlan.r•Ihsued hy the�d�retary in the casa of pnymcnt clefaults,rcquire - <br /> _ . - }tr:!:iedlHte 4,nym�nt In P��U of ull sums sccuCCd bY Ihis So�urity lllslrunl4itt iF � --- -- <br /> " (i)H��rrawcr defaults by fniling to pn in full any m�nthly pu��u►ra►e rcquirc��h�thi�Scruri�y Inytr�nncnt prlur to � _ <br /> . -- " : . , ' a�on thc duc datc af thc next mant�ily pnYmcnt. or � . . <br /> . � . (H)i�arrowcr deinults by FidUn�;, F�r o periad „i'thir4�� �l,1>�s, tr�+�tP�n•m:m}• .,thrr���hliM,uionx ro»taiue�� iu Ihis � <br />., �_�:' �� � Sccurlty instrumem. <br /> • (b)Rnic 1VUhou1 C�cdit Appimnl.»3�r.hall, if permitted b�• ap�,li�ahlc la��� and �rith thr pri��r appr�*vi�1 uf' thc <br /> . ' Secretttry, requirc immcdlntc pi�ymc»t 111 1�11�I Q1'all thc sums serured h>• �his �ii:t�rity IusU�ument il': , � ,,,,�., <br /> (i)All oe pnrt af the Prnpert�� is rther�vise trnnsf'rrred (othc� thnn hy devise or desccnq by Ihe Borra��•cr, �uid ":,::,;.;::''.; „�•' �� <br /> � .�•:•:<.;�, �: <br /> ��?��tacn. • <br /> (ii)The Property ls not accupied h�•thr purchUSCr c�r grrmtce as his��r h�r primnry nr secondn�y residence, �r the 'T.''ti:. ';:1;'; <br /> purchascr ar g�antcc docs so o�cu{��•the Froperry but his t�n c�r credlt hns nat bccn npprovcd i�5 ttccordnncc with . ' . . .•;. <br /> thc rcquircmcnts of thr Sccret:�r}•. ., ��.1 <br /> ��:, <br /> . ' (��VQ��Vnlver. 1P circumstancrs rr{or that ���ould permit Lcndrr to rcquirr immedfute p.�ymcnt in I'ull, buc l.ender ' ;;:• <br /> �,�; � � d:�es nrt rc��uirr such paymcnts, l.ender dnes not wni��e its rights�vjth respect to subscquent evrnts. ; , � <br /> ;.�E.,��.. �¢ll Frgulu9ii�ns i�V HUD Scc�cln�y. !n��circumstnnccs rc�tul�tions issucd by the Sccrctury will limit l.cndcr'�ri�hts � • . <br /> � � in thc►z�sc��t'p�>�n�ent defiuilts�i�require immediiite puyment in full nnd foreclasc iP not p��id.This Serurity Instrument �.�;.•,;��.. <br /> ' .• ��'`"'•�' does m�t At+tliorize ncceleration or t'oreclosure iP not permittcd by re�ul�tions of the Srcrcutry. • , .,,�,t�;:.. � � �''; <br /> ' , ,,,;.;.,�, 4, . . ` <br /> 1.�i . �. �'�. �!'•'. � <br /> ;�;';;�..•;:�,; 10. 1ltrin9tAtement. Bo��o��•cr h�i� r+risht to be rcinstiucd if Lcnder hns rcquired immediate paymcnt in Pull hc��ausc ni '�` �;�':'. '�';�.. <br /> ' `' �• i � Borrower's i's�ilurc io�a��ar�amoum duc u�ider ihc�utr ur thi,Sccurity lostrument.7'his ri�ht ap�llcs c�•cn uPter tbrcclust�re ,: ,i�;'"'•"�` _:- <br /> � '"•��"�'.;. , 4'• .�i, . ;,�,t',:�;�r�;i. <br />:'; ,: ' � � '��: • proceedings arc inst3cute�i. Tu reinstate the Securit�• lnstrument, Burro�ver shall tendcr in a lump �um all �mounts required ;,,,i;,.,;,,�,,�+, <br /> �;��;;:���:,� to bring B�tr�n�•er's�ca�um curn��!inclucliug, to the extent they�re obli_,ations of Borm�ti�cr under this 5ecurity lns�rinn�'nt, � ��� <br />'�.`;:; : ,` . �t,,:• <br /> :`�:�..'.•`•',`�� fi�reclosi+sr costs anc#rcasonAble nnd ciistomar}�attorney�'fees�nd ex�rnses pruperly a�s���i�ted��•ith the furerlosurc��roceeding. ;;,;,;,;;,,,,,; <br /> ' ' '"'•' `` i',��,i�rei:�statement bp�arro�tier,t�h�s Sz.urit�• 1ns;sument and thc ohli�a:ions thnt it se�ures shalt rcmain in rfPcrt���if Lende� � `• ;,�;.;°.,; <br /> � ��'�',�:�'<;,�'; �� had not required imme,?;ate pa>mrn�i�a i�ill.Ho��.�.r,l.ender i:no►requi:��l to�erntit reins�Atrment it:(i)l•ender has ac�c�:ed � , 1 • ° � �,/:: <br /> ';'•�`' ' ' ' t�instatement Afte�the cc�mmencement oP Parect��sl:r;sraceedin�s within t���o��ears immediaiel>•preceding the commencement ; � �,�„ <br /> , �.. . <br /> ' ��• .-='�- -- :,;'a curr.nt fareclasuse�snceeding, {�!) Ct`!l1Si?[£.??i?3t lY�II�!'ec���[�e �'nreclus:.r: on difiereni �roends +n the future, ar (Ui) [�__.__ •� � <br /> � reinstatement will adverscly affcct thc priarity aP the licn crentcd by this ScruNry Instrurncnt, � <br /> i <br /> 11, Harrower Nul Relensed;Fu�benrn�ce Ily Lender Nc�l u Wuiver. Extension af the dmc of paymrnt or madif'icntion �' <br /> --- — iii a�iiufiilniiui Ji iii2:iiii�s��cur�:�$y��i::S.^.:i=�!� �Si`:tZiii22i'St:blSS2!^f! I.'Y I.rnrinr(n nnv c��rrrccnr in intcretit oP 13o1'�ON'CI' <br /> -- <br /> - °-.-. . <br /> . shAll nat oPcrate to rcicnsc thc liability of thc uribfitul H�+�r���vcr or llarro���cr's tiucressar in lnterest. l.endcr shAll n��t hc required � ^� <br /> ta cammence procecdings a�adn�t iinY+u�«�+nr in imcretit�,r ret'use to rxtend dme 1'or paymenl or othenvi�e ntadif��umc�rtiradon f . <br /> � of'the sums securcd by this 5ccuriU' Instrumcnt hy rcaron i�t�any dcnuiad mude by the ori�;int�l Hcxrrnvcr or Horn����r.r's surreti�urs ` • <br /> in inrerest. Any� fonc�arancc hy Lcndcr in crcrrisin� anY ri�lit ��r rciiic�h� sh�U not bc a��•uivrr ut'��r nrccludc thc rxcrcisc ut' I <br /> any ri�ht ar rcmcdy. i <br /> 12,!�ucccs�ory nnd Ayrign.r•Nound;Juint und tic�•crt+l l.lnbillly;Co•til}�ncrs.'Thc ca�•cnant�und aKmcments al'thi�Sccurity �' . . <br /> � Instrument shull hind And benef'ii thc succe��ors�nd��sci�;ns oP l.ender und Rurrower, tiubject to the pravisians of purugraph ! <br />- 9.b. Borrowe�'s cavenan�s and ugreentents shall he Joint and severul. Any fiorro���er who co-signs this Security Inrtrumem I . <br />- but does not execute the Note: (a! is ro•signin�;this Security Instrumem ordy tu mortguge. grant and canvey thut 8arra�ver'.r � <br /> interest in the Praperty undc� thc terms ot'ihis Sccurity Instrumcnt; (h) ls nrn persanttlly abligated to pay the sums securcd � <br />-- by thls Security Instrument;and(c)a�rees that l.endor ancl any�ther Harrawer mi�y�grre to extend,modlPy,farbear�r m�ke � <br /> any accammadatfons with regurd to the term nf thiti Security Instrument or the Notc ��•iihaut that Barrrnver's cansent. ; <br /> • � i <br /> 1�. NaUces.Any noticc to llorrc»vcr pravidcd for in this Sccurity In�U�uncnt �hull bc bi�•cn by�dcli��cring il or hy mailing � , <br />� it by first class mail unlcss�pplirahle law rcquire+utii�ai'anothrr mcthod. "Thc notirr+hall he dircrted to thc Praperty Address � <br /> or any other address aorrawcr decignntcs hy notire t��I.rndcr. An>�n��ticc to l.endcr�hall bc�i�•cn h}•firxt cla5s mtiil to l.ender's ; <br /> � address stated herein ar uny address Lender designater l�y nc�tice ta Harrc����cr.Any nn�icr provided far in this 5ecurity�lntitrument { <br /> shall be dcemed to havc becn gi��en to I�arn�wcr ur Lcn�lcr ��•hcn gi��en a. �m�•iclyd in this parabraph. � <br /> � <br />- � <br />��` 14.Gavemin�l.uw;Severubllily.Thi.r Security In�t�umcn��hull hc gu�crncd h}�I�rderal law ancl thr It�w of the jurisdiction <br /> in which the Properry is lacnted. In thc evcnt �h.0 any pro��ision or clauti�oi this Securit�•lnstrument ar the No1e conflicts ' <br /> : with applicable law,sunc�onflict�haU not ,+fi�cr�i�thrr ��ro�i�ions ol'thi. Se�urit>• In�trument or the Nate which can be bi��en <br /> ,; effect without the conf'licting pro�i�ion.To thiti end the��rm i�iom ai thi,5ccurit�• hi,trument�nd ihe Nrne are declared ta ! <br /> � be sever�hle. I <br /> � 15. Baerawer's Copy. Norrnwrr tihall br �;i�cn one roniormccl c���,� ��� thiti ti�curiiy Intitrumcn�. 1 <br /> �' � 16.Assipnraeni irf Rer.i+. Borrc��ccr unrondition;iUy�:s.•.i�:n::ln�!tr:ttt,Crr.tu l.riidrr al!th��rrt�t4��nd re�•c�tuc�af thc I��operiy. ; <br /> Borrowcr autharizcs Lcndcr ar I.cndcr'�agcnt�to rullcrt�hc rrnn and rrvrnue,and h�rcbp dircctti carh tcn.m�ul thc Pro�icrty. <br /> to pay thc rcnts to Lendcr or I.rndcr'ti a�,rnt�. Hn��•r��r, priur io l.rn�lri�'�iu�iirr tu l�nrro���cr oi Horro��•cr'� hrrach ��t'an�� <br /> covenant ar �greement in thr 5ecurity Instrumcnt, Hurn���•er �hall �ollect and rrrri��e aU rent�and re�•enurti ol'�he Propert)� <br /> as trustce far thc bcncfit ��f l.cndrr and liorm��rr. l'hi� a.>i�:nmrnt ul' rrnt, ron��itutcy an ahtolutc assi�:nmcnt and nat an <br /> assi�nment f'or additianal rccurity only. <br /> ` lf Lendcr givcs»olirc uf hrc:;_h to)iorrc���rr: (�U all rcnt�rrr�i�•c�l h>•liurro�.rr.hal! hc hcl�1 hp Horrin�•cr a, tnititcr for <br /> � bencfit c�S Lendcr only, to hc app!i:d io thc tiwm tircurr�l h>� �hr Srrurit� In,trumcnt: Ihl 1 rndcr �h��ll bc rntiilcd t�, rull�ri <br /> and rece:•e all af the rentti ol'thc^ri�;�rt�;anil Icl ca�h Ianant ��(Ihc 1'rn�,crl> tihall r�� all rrntti dur cin�1 un��aid i�� I rnilrr <br /> � or Lendcr's agcnt on t cncicr'� ��r:n:n d�n;.+n.t ro ihr trnant. <br /> ; Li��rru�••�r has no;e�ecutrtl ar.} r:i,r;„i,ntn:n�ul'ther�m,an�1 ha. nnt an,l t��ll noi p�ri luint an� ai� thai ����ul�l {uc�rni <br /> .F 1_cnu�er h'ra�cxcrcitiinb its ri�;hts ��:ltr ihi. �.uas;raph IG. <br /> � [.cr.,�:r sh�ll not bc rryuircd i.��r:zr uPo.�,ta�c rotltl'ol ieF M m;1ilUain ihe}'ri�pcn� h;forr or al�ri ci�iiie nuiirr�,f hrra�h <br /> to 13orro���cr. Howcvrr, l.rndrr ur a)udi:sal's} ap,.+intcd rerci��r may�lu.i• at an)• iimc thrrr i. a hrrarh. r�n} ap��lir;uiun <br /> :J of ren�s shall not curc ar wai�•r an}��f.faa![ i�r imaliilcuc any othcr ri�h� ��r rcmrdy uf I.rndrr. 1'hi, a+tii�nmrn► ul' rrn�, ul <br /> � thc Proprrty shall tcrminatc �►•hcn th; d�bt �rrurrd hy �hc tircurit> 1mUumcu► iti pai�l in lull. <br /> :C � <br /> '� Pdcr t����J � <br /> S <br /> :�. ' <br /> Z� � . . . .. �� � <br />