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<br /> :,• : ' l:n�h nt��nth15'i�ititidlntcn� fur ilcnw(c�l�Ih1��u�d(r)�h+►fl r��ui�l��nr•i��rlllh��f�lir uiwunl nmatnu,,n+�rn�anuhly r�tiiu;iled ; _ -
<br /> �• hy I.�ndcr.I1IUA OIl 11I11(111111!IUI�I�I4111 (l1 f1111I0l11I11 NII iillllSUUI1lU h(N�Illl'6 11) III►1 IIIOP�Illiill Ulil'-�IKIII(�I Illl'C�IIIIIt1I�.tI�►�tti��t�nts, � �- - - :'
<br /> ' � • 'I'hr full nuntual nna�uiu Pnr c��rh Rcin yhull hr urrumulnlcd by I.cn�icr��IUdn u��criu►1 rn�fin�l uua un►u�h hcf�arc uu itrm���aulcl ��
<br /> .` � bccumc dclin��ucul�I.cll�lct Mhul)ha►Id Ihc tu�tt►uuln Cull«ttt)Itl Iruvl IU��t�y Ucinti(ul,1h1,nud lrl hrfrrc Ihcy hcc���uc dclinq��cnl, . ' �;
<br /> �,�.
<br /> . R.:, •-
<br /> �� !f nt nny�Inte tl�e totnl af t4c�taymcn�r het�i l►y I.rnde�Pur Uci+�y lal.lbl,l�nd lrl,lu�;ctltrr a�Uh tl�r 1'nlurc nt�mtlda�piq�n���uh _ �
<br /> � ___ _-._� fcrr Au�h iteu�puYablr ta l.en�tcr prt��r t���hr�lue�i�u�.�s aP yurh Ucros� rxcecdr h�� nuuc tliva utte•slwh Uir catiu�ated um��unl �.._. .—.._ -- -.
<br /> -' y -� t�f r�1y1111'l1lA iCqUI(CtI lU Nlly 6ltl'II I1G1119�YI1491�IUI, uu�t 11'pnym��us��n tt�c Nutc u�c currcul, thrn l,cn�lcr shiili uilhcr raflind € - -- ---`
<br /> � _ _��_�_, �h��rrrcaw over one•sixtli af Ih��catimnte�i p�►ymcnlA ur credll thr exccss over one•�Ixth�►F It�c extlmnted raymenth to�uMsr.c�u��u �--
<br /> - -.-- , pt�ymen�s by p��rrawcr�at thc uptinn��I' Narmwcr. u �tw�o�ai ar' �h4 payitt�nts �u��dH hy i3t�rrttitircr ic,t it��u i+ti)� t1�), t�r{41 = _ --�� ---_=_
<br /> _ _ .-..:,. , . is �nsufficlent ui pay the(tem �vhen due, then B���rnwer clinll pc�Y t��l.rndr.r uny nmaunt ncce�snry u��nnke up th��det'iclency . . . -
<br /> .���ti � on ar l�eParo �he d�tc Ihc itcm becnmcs due.
<br /> �:..� .,
<br /> „ As used In this Srcurity Inst�ument. "Se�retiiry„ mciu�s thc Sccretiuy�f HousinK+tnd l.)rhan l)evrlopment c�r his nn c�r .
<br /> '��� itesl��ea. Most Sccurity InStrumcntti ins��red hy tht Secrelnry ure insured under pm�rnms which requ{�e udvnnce puyment of � . ,
<br /> � thu cntl�c mortgnge insurance premium. If this Security Instrument ic�ir wns in�u�cd under ii pr���um which clld n��t i�ec�ufru
<br /> ' � � �dvitinco pnyment nP the entire mo�tgn�e Insuriuice{�ramium,then r.iich m�nthly payment sludl alhc�include eitlier;q1 nn insu�llmunt
<br /> � af the anitunl mortgnge Insurum�c premium w be puid b)�1_encicr to the Secretary,or(ii)a manthly chnrge instend nP a mnrtgngo
<br /> '' • fnsurance premium(P this Scrurit�r I�e�tc►�uteac is hcld by thc Sccretiiry, �nch monthly instz�llment oP the m�rtna�o insuranco � �
<br /> � premium shnll be in an nmount s�nf`iricnc tU���:ciiwult�cr tC�c full iinnual nwrtga�;e insurancc prcmium wlth Lendo�ano month
<br /> � � priar ta the dnte the fuU :tni�deal a�ioriba�,c insura��cr prcmium is�iac tu the 5rrret.try, nr if this Sccurity Instrtnnent is }teld : .
<br /> , by the Sccretary,each eno�ithlA�ch�usc shall br en an antount cc�ual to an�•t���el`th uf une-halP percent ut'lhc aiu�tanding principal
<br /> ' bt�la�tcc duc on thc iVote. � •
<br /> a . , �. .
<br /> . • � QI'Borro«•er tenders eo l.ender the Full payment ol'�II xums serured by this Security Instrument,8orro��•er's.�ccowu shall ; �
<br /> ,,.;����:�:� � " be cr�dited�vith the balance remaining far nll instullmer�ts far itemti (a), (b), and (c)und any mart�age inrur�nce ��reroium �
<br /> �-'<<+���`: • ' ia�staidmcnt th�t Lender has not ht.omc ohli±;atcd to ps�y ta the Secrcia�>�,and Lender rhitll pram�+tl}•r�t'und�ny cxccs.r• funds ,
<br /> � . �: ` ,�.,��� ;� ta F3t�rrr��•cr. Irar,r.nrtliately prior ta�:� Forrrl»s ure siile aP thc Praperry rr its�cquiseti��» bY l.cnder, li��rro�vcr',r• t�ccount shnll , �
<br /> � ' he�r�.ditcd�••itfi am bnlnnce rcm�inin� I��r a7�instaliments Por itemti tal, (h1, and (cl. ''':`
<br /> . •;;�;'<
<br /> , ,.,+�,:,�� ,:.:,�, t.•.
<br /> ..ryL C.
<br /> � � �.AppHcul➢on oP Pnyme��ts. All paymc�ts unde� p�tr,tge�phs I imd � shall t�e a�pplicd by Lender us follo��s: � • ` ���•�'.:
<br /> First,to the mortgagc insurnnee premium to hr paid t+��Lender to the S�rretar��or�o the munthly charge by the Secrett�r}• . • _�
<br /> � � i�stead of the munthly mort��ge insurance�ramiun�, tmless Borra��•er pnid the entire mortba�e insurunce premiu�n when thi� } � ' �'�7;t,��"
<br /> j Security Instrument �vAS slgned; • � ,;�st'';��
<br /> ' � �'�`;,�'`, Second.ta any tuxcs�special assessments. lcasehold payments or g��nund rents,and firc,I'laad and othcr ha�:ard insurance i,, �?;�`� ���
<br /> `� i'��ti�, ,`',:; , , •..
<br /> }�y��� �,SZ�i � + :•';,� prcmiums, as rcquircd� �t '•_ + `���a
<br /> ,�' s�� � ;i;�;;,,; Third, to intcrest duc unde� thc Nate; �� � � ;� �;, .
<br /> �`,�1, ,._; Faurth, ta amartixution uf thc principal of thc Notr; ' -
<br /> -- : -- : Fifth�tO IEtIC��l:i[s��t�iic'iiii�2i t�'iC ;'c•�r. �
<br /> � 4, Fire. Gload nnd Other�nza�d lnsurnnce. Horroa�er shall insure aU impravcments cm the Praper�y, ��t�ether naw in �� y
<br /> • ________._._ �xiseence or subsequentiv erected, a6��nst any ha•r.ards,casunities,and contingencies,i��rluding fire, Par�vhich Lender requires � ;,
<br /> insurance.This lnsu�unce shall be maintained in thc umountx and I'or uie periads that t.cnaer reWuircy. 8o�ro�vai siai{al,:� �-- �-��-- '
<br /> insure all improvcments an ihe Praperry,whet her naw in existence nr tiubsequrntly ercctcd,agAinst lotis by iloads to the extent 4. ;
<br /> required by the Serret�ry. All insuranee shull be carricd whh campanieti appruvcd by l.ender.The insurance palicies und iiny
<br /> , rene�vals shall be held by Lcnder i�nd shuil includc I��tis phyUblc clnuses in favor uP, und in a form acceptnble to, l.ender. �
<br /> In the event af lass, Harrawer shall givc l.ender immcdl�tc noticc hy mi�il, Lendcr may mukc proaP ol'las� if not madc i
<br /> prampQy by Iiorrowcr.�ach insuruncc company canremcd is hcrcby autharizcd Und dircctcd to makc paymcnt i'ar such luss �
<br /> directly to Lender, instead oi'to Harrower nnd to Lender jolntly. AU ar nny part of thc insuranrc pracccds may be appUed ,
<br /> . by Lender,at its o{�tion, either(a)ta the reducdoa af'the indebtcdncss under the Nate t�nd this Sccurity Instrument, firat ta ,
<br /> . any dclinquenl amoums applicd in thc order in parAgraph 3, �nd then ta prepayment of principal, or lb)to thc restaratian j
<br /> • ar repair of the damased Yroperty.Any appli�ation of the proccrds ta the principal shall not extend ar pastpone the due date ;
<br /> ai the monthly paymenis �vhich�re referred ta in paragraph 2,ar change the amount of'such payments. Any exce�s insurance f �
<br /> proceeds over an nmaunt reyuircd�o pAy i�ll outstanding indcbtedncss under U�e Note s+nd this Scrurity Instrument shall he .
<br /> paid to the entic� legally enlitled thereta. �
<br /> I
<br /> In the event oP foreclosure of' this Sccurity Instrument or �thcr tramfer ��I title ta the Yrc�pert�• that c�tinguishes the .
<br /> indebiedness, aU righl,tillc and intcrest of Borrower in imd to insurancc poli�ies i� force shaU pass ro thc purchi�ser.
<br /> 5. PreservaNan Und htAUU�te��unce aP the Pruperty, I.easeh�dds. Borrowcr�haq ttot commit ��•asu or destroy, dam�ge ar ; '� �
<br /> substantially chac��e the Pra�erty or allow thc Property to deteriaratc,rca�on�ble�tcar and tcar c�rcpicd. Lendcr may Inspect
<br /> the Property iP tfie Property i��•acant or abandaned or the loan is in dePault. Lender may take reasannble actiun ta pratect
<br /> and �+rescrvc such cacAnt or �handoncd Aroperty. If ihi�Sccurity Insirumcnt i� ��n a I�a�chold, Horra�vcr shaU comply with
<br /> ' thc G�rovisions aP thc Icasa If Unrro���cr acquires frc iitic to 1hc Prc�pert}�,thc Icayrhol�i and fcc Iitic tihall no1 b�mrrgrd unlcss
<br /> � I.ender agrees ta the mer�er in writing. �
<br /> = 6.Char�es lo Bo�rowcr and Prolection o`lAndcr's Ri{;his in Ihc Prupevt�.Hc�rrc���•rr shall 4�ay all go��crnmenti�l or municipi�l
<br /> charses. tines and impositions that arc not includcd in paragr��ph 2. H�xrowcr shall pay thcsc obli�;ations on timc dircctly to
<br />- ' the entity whlch is o�ved the payment.if faiiure ta pay���uutd a�lrc���15°��ff�ct l.ender'y intrrest iii the!'ropert�•,upnn Lender', .
<br /> requcst Borrowcr shull promptly furnish ta Lcndcr r�rriptr cvidrnring thc�c paymcnts.
<br /> If Horrrnvcr Pails la makc thrsc paymcnts or thc pa��mcnts rrNuired by parugrarh 2.��r fail+t�,prrform any othcr co�•cnunt�
<br /> and agreements contained in this Serurity Instrument,ur thcre is a Icgal procerding that ma���iE.nificantly affect l.ender's ribhts
<br /> in the Properry (such as a proceedMg in hankruptc)�, I'or rondemnatirni or to enl'arcc la�ti•s or rc±:�Qatii�ns), thcn l.endcr muy
<br /> do and pay whAtcvcr is ncccssary io protcrt thc valuc of�hr Prorcn>�and Lendcr'�rictUr in Ihc {'rc�per�y,includin�:payment
<br /> � of taxcs, haaard insuraucc and rnhcr itcm, m�ntionrd in paragraph ?.
<br /> Any amo�mis dishu�+cd hy l.rndcr �md�r Uii+ ��ara�raph hhall hrromr an a•l�iiiiunal �I�M ol Burrc,��rr anci hc �r�urcd
<br /> by this Sccurity lnstrument. Thcsc amaunt� �hall hrar intcrctit frum th� �lau of ditihurutncm, at thr Nutc ratr, �►ncl a� thc
<br /> option oi Lender, shall be immedia�ely� duc .md ��ayablr.
<br /> � 1. S:undemnaUon. 7hc procccds uf any �iward or rluim tbr d�m�agc�, dirrr� or run�cqucmial, in �unnrctiun ��ith �ui��
<br /> � condemnation ur nthcr taking of any part of thc Propert}�,c�r for cum�cyanrr in placr uf rand�mn:+�iun. ,u�c hrrch� a��igncd
<br /> ! and shall be p11d lo l.cndcr to thc cxlcnt nf lhC (tdl amo�uu oP thr indchtcdnrs, that rcmain� unpaid undrr thr Nntc and thi�
<br /> �� Sccurity Ins�rumcnt. I.cndcr shall appl}�such prt�rccdti to Ihc rcducti�m of thc indcblcdnr�ti undcr thc i�utc and Ihi� tirrui ily
<br /> ' Ins�rument. first la any dclinqucnt amounts,�rri�«��„�n��,�a�r r��,��a�a��,nara�.rciph�.;��,�i�n�n u,r���ra>•mcnt at prinri��al.
<br /> 4 T--- �
<br /> , I'ur;r:ul J
<br /> , t
<br />