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<br /> �, .,^ , '. applicablu li+w �nny sperlPy fur rcin�tutcmrn�l hcfnrc�+u14�nl Ihe 1'n�p��i1� pur�uunt tn +my pua��r ul st►Ic conh�ini;d in ihi� �- _ _
<br /> ;' �„ 5ectu•ity I��stnunaU;ur lh)ci►uy u1'+��ud�smciu rnli�rcin�z ihl.tircu��Uy In�irunn ni. '1'i�u,�cundUimiv are(IUII II01'IY11V(�r: (ul ----
<br /> ��- ' . payY l.ciid��r nli sumy wl�ich t l�en ���uuld be �luc under Ihiti SecurilV instruu�rnl und Ihr Nu�r uti IP It0 itl'l'l`Il`I'ilUtlll Ililtl , r ' °�_-
<br /> =-
<br /> ,,�,.�- .. . . ncrurrc�l:lb?cures�my det'cuill ui'uny r4her ruvennn�v��r nl;�rrmentr;(cl p;�}r ali er�xn,rs incun-ed in rnfurrin�;thiy tircurUy ..
<br /> � ° Instrumcm, including, l,ul nut Umitcd lo, re�►��m��hl��i►t►umcyti'icrr; �md tdt tuhcr nurh ucU„n a� Ixndrr nr►y rc�nannhly ' =
<br /> - - -- rcqU�i'C tq UtiBUTC Iltrit III�{I�'t1 UP llil':Stti111'11y Ilt�l(UU1@Il1.t.�ndcr�elght�in thr i'rti�l+�rty;uid H����iu��cr`ahliE�iti�1�►�i to p.�y�h� -- -- � `
<br /> �?M . .� snms scrurc:d t�y thix Srcu�ify Inti�tYU►irnl yh��li ���mh�ue w�chnu�±cd. Up�n� rciu•tutrmeut hy NuYrnw4r, this 5reuritY [- . .� _
<br /> J``� ' l��sirvet!N��I�!x�11K��•hli�+a�ianw�r.�iu�d hon:trv shult rcmulo iullY rf1�CCUvC i��il'n��u�celerullu�l htiQ uCCUrnd. HUw�ver.ihih '
<br /> _"--_ =- --_ _ �---.... - - ---- --
<br /> 'r,�'. ' right to rchis�ntc shidl not u�iply fn thc rn�r uf«rrclrniUun un�1e�•piu•��t�ruph t l. .. .T�'
<br /> • � 19. 5nic of N�itcs Ghnn�o ot t.onn ticrviccr. 'fhr Nutc ur u p+�rtlnl intcresl in tiu� N��Ir 1tu�;r�hrr with �hi,5ccurlt� f -
<br /> :;;�_��. [ _
<br /> - - � Inst�umenU nuty he sold ono or mnrc dmev withuut priur naUcv tu I�urruwer. A �nl�� �tu►y rc�ul� in u rhu�i�;u i�� Ihe enllty ,
<br /> ... (known ua thu"Loi►n Scrvicc�',�l ihnt collccts munthly paym�mtr dur undcr�he Nui�nnd Ihi.Sccuriry Inslrunum. '1'hcrr nlxu •.
<br /> . ma�y bu onc nr maro chnnF;c�of'thu l.�mn ticrviccr uiucli►Icd li►n sulc of'Iha Nutc, 11'Ihcr�� is n rhnnpu ut'thu Luun Scrviccr,
<br /> . "" Boirowrr will bu given wrUten nutice uf tlw cNunge in i►ccurdi�ncc whh pnr+►gri�ph IA i�huvr+�nd+ippUruhlc Inw. Thu noticc _
<br />, will ht:Uc th4 namc und uddres�uf thu nc�v L��lu�Scrvicor und Ihc uddres.t��wltich piq�mcntti�huuld hc mudc. '1'h�nuUcu will
<br /> . ulti��crnuuln�my othcr infonnaUun rcyuired hy npplirahlc lu�v. . .
<br /> ''���� :;`,�: 20. Hueurdnus Substances. Burru�vrr�h;dl n��l cuusr ur permit�hu protirncc,usc,di.rpi�sul,+tarugc,ur rcloasc uf�uty ,
<br /> '�.�;`:.;;�:'• ' Hur+�rdous Subsl+►nccs on ur itt Ih�: {'n�perty. Hun��wcr zhidl nut d��, nur ullnw unyone rl,c tu do, anything �d'trcting�h� .. -
<br /> .•r:�i::•. �
<br /> ::.�..,:;� . Property thut iti in viol�itlun ut'nny F:nvironmemnl L+��v. 'fhe pr�cedin�,twt�srntenceti shnl) not:�pply tu thu presence,u���,��r .,
<br />•�';�:.', stori�gc on thu Proporty��f'timull qunn�fdc.ul'Nuzurdau�Sub,tiinccs thut,vc gcnrrally rccu�nized tn hc nppr+�priatc to nunnul
<br /> �;�; .
<br /> �.' ' resldential uscs imd to maintennnrc ut'�hc Ih�np�rty.
<br /> i3um��vcr shall prnmpUy�;Ivc l.endcr wriurn naticc ol'any inv4sti�litian,��Inim.dcmund,lnwsuit ur uther uction by i►ny _
<br />:;��.a;�. �• � govcrnmcnt,0 or rcgulutory u�cncy ar p�ivutc pany lirvulving thu F'r��peny und imy Hi�r��rdous Sut�stnncc��r finvitonntcntul ' ' -
<br />'';;;;',,;� ' Lnw ai' �vhich Hono�vcr hn� uctu►d knuwlcd�:G. If HuR�,wrr Icurn., ur is nutil'icd hy uny gavcrnmonlid ur rcgulnu►ry
<br /> ••�•.��
<br /> ..;r;� authorily,that uny romovul or othcr rentcdi�uion of,�ny Huii►rdous Substnncc id'fecting�he Property iy nccesxary, Burruwcr �; , .-
<br /> . . ' '. shnll prnmE�tly tukc t�U nccessury remcdlnl i�ctions in uccurduncc wi�h Gnvin�nmcntul l.aw, 4,: . . _
<br /> � ' A.u•zd in ihiti par►�grnph 2(1,"H+unrdou�Suhstances"iirc Ihasc sub�lunccti dcfincd u+Wxir��r hnzardous subst�mcc,b�� ��� .. .
<br /> -;���'��'� � liavirrmncu�;�l l.aw und thc h�llo�ving subYtunccs: ga+alinc, kcrosrnc,ulh�r Ilamm��hle ur tu�ir prlrolcunt pr��ducts. taetr ; . . _
<br /> ,.,��,. � �� prstiride� :�nd hcrblcidcs. w�lntilc sc,lvents,mutcriul+contuining atihr�to. ur ti,rmaldchydc.;uid radu�urtivc mi�tcrii►Iti. As ,, � '
<br /> �•;;::;�• •
<br /> ,.:�, � ii�cd in this pi�ragraph"_U. "Environmen�i�l Lnw"mcunti t'rdcr+il I�iw.and Imvs i�l'thc Jurisdictiun whcrc ihc Flrperty is luca�tcd t��• :��
<br />` �;i''r• • � Ihat relate t��health.safrt��or envirunmcntul prulection. ! �_
<br /> • ` NON-UNIFORh1 COVGNANTS. Binruwcr und Lcndrr I'urthcr cuven;mt alld ugrce us follow�: � �
<br /> " � 21. �eceleratis,m; tiemedles, l.eadc� shull give noHce t�� Horrnwer prlur to��ccelerattiun i'��llowin� 8arrnwe�'y � :
<br /> ' breaeh of nny co��e���at ur uureement ln this SecurUy Insirument lhut nut prior to uccetrratiun under pi�rugrnph 17 �
<br /> ��`�•� unlexti uppfici�ble li►��pr��vldey otherwise), 7'he noNce shull specti'v: tu1 the defi�ult;(b)ihe iutiun requised t�►cure thQ ., , #"
<br /> ���`s;=�:_ doPuult;(cl i� dnte�noi lexv thnn 30 di�yr n���m the�ii�te the nutice(y�Iven¢o tiorrnwrr.b�•���hich the defuult must b�� �:.'.�t =
<br /> '�;;;�� curecl;and Id)thi�t P�ilure to cure the c1eP�wit on ur hePore ihe date rpecifled in Ihe�utice muc re.r-u!t in a���lerntion�►Y `� � .
<br /> ` ___ _,_--_ !�Q��::�5�M���� �y ��1._y tiec�rity Instrument and v�tle of'ihe d'roperty. The n��tice shull i'urther inform i�orro���er��i 1•:' - � •.
<br /> .--- °`
<br /> �� Ihe ri�lat tu reinsfnte ufYer itccelen�don und Ihe ripht t+►brin�u c��u�t uction to acvert the non-exislrnce ai a cieft�uit o� �
<br /> � ,., • _ imy othtr defense oP Ilurru�ver tu ucceleri�tioo�+nd yule. 1P ihe dePiiult i.r•nut cured on vr befure the dute�peci�'led in t• � y
<br /> .., ,
<br /> :,,
<br /> :...
<br /> the nutice.l.ender ut Itw opUon muy�equire lmmediute pnyment in Pu0 of i�ll sinms secueed by thls Securtl�• nrtrumem ,, ,
<br /> - -- . . Wtllluuf tui`(IirP ti@ti�nn�u�i ma3• ir.�s��z :�1� a!lu��r!�i'c�l� w�d �►ttv niher remediex permitted by auulica�ble luw. `_... ..._.-• -,--_- 1
<br />_ ,-„_._ _ _
<br /> � I.ender shAll bo entitlec.!tu collect nU exprnscti b�ru���•ed in pursutn�; thc rcmcdics provided in this part�grnph tl, � — _
<br /> � Inclut�inp�but nnt Iimited to.reusooable+�Uurnev�'Pces und cotits oP dtle evidence. ,
<br /> lf ih�puwer of�ule Iw Imuked,'ll�ustee shull rrcurd u not�ce��P defiiull i��cuch cuuntv in wMch unv purt uP the r ,
<br /> PrupeM�•dy Iu�xileA und yh�dl mail copies oP tiuch notice in the munnr�prescrihed by uppUci�ble luw to Horru���er imd to
<br /> the uther persons prexrrihcd bv uppllcuhle luw. Aner the Ilmc requlred bv i�pplicuble lu�v,71�utitee rhidl};i�•e pubUc I
<br /> � �:`•�� notice oF sule tu the persuttc und in the munner prercribed hy uppUca�ble la«�. Ilruytec,wlthout demund on Hurru�ve�: ,.
<br /> � �`-" shuil sell thQ Pruperty i�l public aucN�in t��the hluhezt blddcr ut the time und pli�ce und under Ihe termti desipnated in i
<br /> �;`'`t the nc►tice��f side in i►nc ar more purcels und In i+ny i�rder'I�ustee dctermine•. 7'�uxice mi�v poytpu�e sulc uP i�ll or uny
<br /> ' purcel uP oho Pr��perty by publlc unnouncement ul the lime imd pl�me uf nny pre��iautily ticheduled sule. I.rnder or d9s
<br /> ��',,� • .. .. desi�aee rnoy purchuse the Property ut uny yule.
<br /> �• • �.�pn�rcceipt ��f payinrnl uP ihe price bid.Trustee shidl drU�•er to Ihe pucchusN�'61�ii�tee'h deed conveyin�; the �,
<br /> `'��`'�,� Property. 'Phe r�.�cituls in the'Ilrustee'+deed xhi�ll he primu P��cic evide�ce�►1'the trulh uf the sti�trments mude lhernin.
<br /> , 71�uste�shull upply the pr�ueedy��P Ihe side in the f��Uowin�;order; �i�l tu��II cuxts iind expeo�tw uP exercising ihe power � .� ,
<br /> r�
<br /> . . . . ; .
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