� � �. � . ; .- ;�t.��a,:. _'��= - •- - � • - . . �,� �a;u,,�T , . _ �
<br /> r _ --� _ -- � ; . ._ -- _- -_ _ _ �,.��:...�i:. -
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<br /> �--- -- ._. - ,�� ---;------ --- -------------:�:;";'--..---- �--- _�. ._ ,. � �..�.�..., !�'U' , . ,�, .._..---- __
<br /> , , . 1t 1�� �-. - � - - -- � _ " " ..
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<br /> ';�tiy�_____._. . -- - . __ ..___.._�_ ._ _. _ _ . -1..; : -
<br /> `��:.�::%.�t�':_;; . _... - .. .:' . - ,. - -.
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<br /> :.t� �...__.. . .. ..�... --- ,,._-'-"• _-
<br />` ��� . gi�° �,o���� -=- _-
<br /> �---- ---
<br /> ���
<br /> ., rand�ntnndrn�i�r other tnking��f nnv pn.t��f'Ihr 1'n�perty,o�•F��r cunt•ct•anre in liru u(raudenntutfuii,�n�hrmhy�i�.lgur�i uud �---- -------- _
<br /> ,� ��, ,ffi ,; shnll hc�xdcl a�I.cudci•. +,��, <-. —� _
<br /> ��'' - In Iltc cv�nt ut' t� l��tnl ti�l�lu�! ��I' tltc I'�•�ryxrty, Ihe pru4r�•�Iti vli.dl hr nppli�d tu Utc sumti ,rcurcd hy ibi,4cc�n•ity � ,,, ,�
<br /> � :� IntiU�tnncnl, �vi�ctiirr ar�ia�ihrn d��c,witli imy .tre�s paid t�� I�urru�c��r. In 11►�rvciu ul'u p,�rl{,►I Inkin�ol'Ihr 1`ropert}� in � :l --
<br /> _ : � �vhieh ihr 1'nt�•it�nrf,�t���duc ot�ihe i'raprn}• hnm�diatrly hrli�rc th�Ini�int;i.r��u�d �u ur tirvi�t�r ti�un Q�e u�nuwit ui�l�r�um� ,_,-,
<br /> — "� ,r:c��cc�1 h�thl��ccurit�� Inctrununt immedintcly b�fan�lia tuh:i��,ulliirr liurraw4�r und Lcndrr ulh�r�vi�c ugrcr in���rit6ng, � _ _ __
<br /> '� Ih<< �umv se�:urod 1►y �tds 5ccuri►y In�trwnew �hull bc redurr�l hy U��� ain��unt �,I'thr prurc4�i� multiplicd by �hr fulluwin�; _-- --
<br /> -- � fr+�ciiuu: �ul tiie iuu�i+�uiuuut.�l'Iit.:,tultiti �ctts;cd imtttc:li:ttely ��•�;�+•••�h��a�kl�iw�livl�tcd h��lhl 11�� inir nturk��t v�duc ul'Ihc � - � .�-�z„��,�,
<br /> �, �' I'rupeily Immediutcly I+cii�re tho U�Aing, nny n��h�ncc shult hr p;�iii lu kiu�ii►it�r. {11 i{ti` i�'Cilt ut�;i j}:tniu! !it!k1111� t►! tlle `-- _— , �,_„ ,
<br />-.._ ,::�;�„a;+ , 1'�'o�xrty In whtch Ihr fah•muskc� valur ut'Ihr I'ru�kny immrdiiu.ly hciom Ihe iukin�i� Icti� thim thc umuunt oY thc sumti - `t...'�.',�_�,�
<br /> "`=_��-= secumd int�tteditUel)� hefura lit�lukin�. unlesti llurruwor timl I.ender uthcn�•i��u�rrr iii �vi�iiln�u�•unlrss uppUc;ihlc I:nv - -_., ��.,'-
<br /> --�.:;},����.' ulhCr�t�itiu pe�►vid�z,thr prikccdti shull hc����plird h�ihr+�nn+u�urcd h�y Il�i�5ccurfly Imh�untt:nt�vBrlhcr rn•nul llto sum�un� �,. _ ' ;
<br /> -- -` Il�rn�luc. i '�
<br /> __ -- -� If Ihc{'mpeilY iv nhundultcd l�y(�tur��wcr,nr il',ut'ICr nohcr hy Lentivl'1�� llnrru�vrr ih►u�hr cund�mnu��ul'frrti tu mukc ,.. - _ :_-:r_ �
<br /> === ' un uwiu•cl or scule u cliiim fnr�Inmages, H��rruw�r t�i11lti IO fl`ti�lU11lI(ll I.CI1lICf WI�Illil .�U llily'1 11I7Cf(II� llll�l`thr nulicv i�Niven. ,
<br /> = = Lcndcr is;IUtharii4d lo c+�llcct tutd opply llic paw�ctls,ul 11+uption, cithrr Ia r.�taratiim ur rapafr ut'Ihr I'ruprrty ur tu Ihc ' ,
<br />---- - ,.`.;:,: ., tiunts,cciu��d hy this Sccu�ily Ins�nimcn�,�vlicthcr ur ncit thcn duc. ��. , ..
<br /> • Unles� Lender und Burruwrr a�hcr��'ise .►grCC in wriUn�, �my:►pplic��dun ��i' pruceed� ti� prm�ipnl tiN��ll no!extend or i.
<br /> -- . pust{x,n�ihr duc d�Ue of Ihc monthly puymrmti r�frrrcd tc�ia p»r�igrnphs I und�ur chun�c tl�c nmount ol tiuch pnymcn��, '' .
<br /> _= - :"':t,, ', I1. Bor�•o�vcr Pli�t Iicicasedi Forbci�runcc Ry I.endcr Not t� IVidvcr F.xtc:n.iun i�f �he �imc ti�►• piiym.nt ur rr;,', ,.
<br /> .�-�,• , nu�diftcaUan af umorliuuiun��t'lhc zumx sccurcd by thir Scru�ily Inxlrument�;rantcd hy I.cndur to uny surroti.i�r in intcrest `�.,'' ��,
<br /> ,n•••-�
<br /> --- uf'tiureowor shull nut operalc to rclea+u thr IilibUiry of'thc uri�;innl f�i�rn�wcr �,r Borru�vcr�•ur�cti,in:+ in intcre�►. Lcndcr '•,:,���,
<br /> �:,�°...;.�,._,.:,_-
<br />_--= ' " '• tihal) nut he requir�d tn commrnc� pr�KCe'dlitg�t►gtdn+t ��ny +uct'cxzur in inl�re�l t�r refus� lu c�tlend timc t'ur puymcnt ur . • '.°"�`�=----
<br /> - . uthcrwis�mo�lify�un��nizudo�uf'thc rwm sccured by�hi,Scruri�y ln,trumcnt hy rr,uun uf:►ny dcmand mudr hy tl�c urlginnl , , . � ;�.''"`:�
<br /> �.
<br /> —'�� � Borrowc��,r[���rn�wcr�tiuccc�,ors in intcrc+t. Any ti�rBci�ranrr by l.cnd�r in cxrrri�in;;lu�y�•i�:ht ur rcmcd.y.hull nui hc u � ,�� i!,
<br />-� ' � wnivcr ui'ur rn:��ludc Ihc excrciyo uP uny ri�ht ur rctncQy. , "'�`
<br /> �- " . lt. Sucee.r•surs und As.signs Buund;J��int t��d tieverad I.iubllity;Co•tii�;ne�s, 'I'hr covrnunt.nnd u�rcrment,uP Uii� ,=.�
<br />-.�*. . Sc�urily Inst�un1Ct11 .n��u ni�,a nit�l bclletit !h4 succcssu��tmd :�sslgm ot�l.cndcr and Rurfuwct', subjcct t��thu pYUVisiims af °'txt
<br />"�� " � pirugr.�ph 17. Burruwcrw covennn�s i►nd ugrccmcn�y ,hull hc juint anii .cvcml. Any H��rru�wr wh��ru-si�ns this Sccin•it�• . . �. -
<br /> ='�,. , :1 liistrument bu�dues nu1 rxecute Ihc N��te, ln1 i�ca•�igning tlii.Securiiy Intitru�nent only a,mu�lga�r,�:nmt und 4unv�y thut ,: , i s``��,,_
<br /> ���_ ------ ' B��rmwcrl•intar��a in Ihc Prnperty undcr Ihc trrmx ut Ihis Srcurity luslrumrnl; lb)i�nut�u�.unully ohll�iqcd�a puy Ihr sum. �-
<br /> ._�-� � �ccund by thix Security In+truancnl:iind 1c)n�rcc� �hut Lendcr:uid nny�,ther Kcm•uwcr mu�•u�ror tu extcnd.mndify, tin�bc;u• � ..
<br /> � _ or mukc any uccommuduU�+n. with rcgnrd to �hc tcrn�s ut'U�i� Scrurity In+trument ur �hr Nutc wi�huul thnt Hi�rro��•cr!, '� • � ��,i�'
<br /> `;�•:.
<br /> � . . canscnt.
<br /> . 13. L�mn ChurKes. IF ihr lai�n sccturd hy �hi� Srcw•iiy In�lrumenl i+ �uhjccl tu u luw whirli ,ctti nu►ximu�ii tuan . ,�
<br /> '' ; ' �hiu'ges,tmd thut luw is finally intrrp�tted so th;�t thr intenrt ar uthrr luun chnrge.cuUected ur to hc ci�llectrd in connec�iun �•;;�
<br /> � • . with�hc loun excced thc�xm�iued hmi�s,then: (aa:my such loan churgc,hiill he nduced by thc t�ltlulnll Ilec:eti+ury It�r�duco __
<br /> �_. .. .
<br /> '�. ' thc churge to�hc pei7niucd limit;und(h1 uny�um.:drrady coll�rlcd 1'rom l3orruwcr which cxcreded permil�«I lintit� �vill h� �. :• ' -�
<br /> --• ----- - �
<br /> refunded to Horro��•er. Lcnder muy chuu,c ti�makc Ihi.refund hy r��ducing Ihr prinCipai oweci tmder the iv��ic or t,y niut�i�tg a� - -- =-., �'
<br /> � dl�ect puyment t��Hurrawer. If n refund reduce�principal, thr rrdur�iun�vill hr trcated;is u pai�tiid prcpaymrnt withutn aaiy , , ' .�
<br /> prepnyni�nt chargc undcr�lic Natr. .�`
<br /> ___ ___ _
<br /> :'�. !uL'�If°« !�:'.!� !l:'ti�•.•tn Hnrr�iwrr nrnvid�d titt in 1�11� SCCUCIIV �I1ti1fUI11Clll ��lil�� �)l' klVCll hY liC�l��cring it ur hy �.-
<br /> " �� � muiling i�hy(ir.t clu„nwil unle.rti�ipplirufilc I:uv rcquirr�u.a t�t':�nnther i���thud.Thr nutire,h��ll he dir4cted ta the F'ra�rty E-:: :�� . ' _
<br /> .. Addreti+ar any��thrr;iddre,ti l�orrmvrr do�i�nntrs hy nwi« tc�Lrn�ler. An�� nutic� to l.�ndrr tihull hr givrn h��fir.t cluvti ( .. ``
<br /> mail to Lcndcr�uildr��s+tntc�l hcrcin ar any utinr liddre��Lrn�lrr dc�ignates hy nuticc tu Narru�vcr, Any noticc prnvidcd ti�r 4 '
<br /> in Ihi, Srcurily Instrunnnl +hidl tx decnud t�, huvc heen givrn tu Hi�rru��•cr�►r Lrndrr ���hen gi�•en us pri�vided in thi, �
<br /> . purugrnph. '
<br /> . IS. Gu�•ernln�; I.i�w; Ser•er»bility. 'fhi�Srruriey In.trument yhall he �uvrrnrJ I,y t�rd�rail I:i�v nn�l thc law uf Ihc _ •
<br /> jurisdiction in which�hc 1����p�r�y is loc�itcd, In�hr rvcnt thiu imy pri�vitiiun ur rluu,u ut�hi�Sccurity Intilrumrnt ur Ihc Nutc
<br /> � conf'llcts witb uppliruhlc law. such cunflirt yhi�ll nut ai'luct uthrr provi�iun,uf thi�Sccuri�y ln.n'umcnt or thc Nutc w•hich r�in
<br /> ' .. . br giv�»cf'fccl with��ut the cuntlir�in�.� pruvitiiun. 'ti� thi, �n.!th� pruvitiiun, ul' thi+ S�curity In��rumrn� und thc Nulc �ua '
<br /> �. ;�. :' dcclured to bc ticvcrublc.
<br /> '•td' l6. H��rruwer's Copy. Burru���cr�hull hr�ivrn unc ci,nt:�rnt�d copy uf thc No�r.utd at'�hi+Srcurity Inti►rununl. �
<br /> . . �,�;� :..
<br />;; �. �' '�;c;+';`• 17. 'IrunsPer�P thc Nrnpert�•�ir u Heneflciul Intcrest in Horro�ti•cr. If i+U ur uny part uf'tlic Pra�x ny ur nny int�mxt in
<br /> . •'; .. ,'�;.• .. il is suld ur tri�nst'crred l�n•ii'ii hrnrficinl inwrctit in Hurru��rr i..ruld �n•tran,tcrrod and Barrawrr is n��t a nalurul prr.unl , ,
<br /> . �...l;;.�
<br /> .:�,��.:, without Lrnder;priur wriuen cunsent.l.rnder m:�y,at it.u�niun.rc��uiro immcdi:ue p��ymcnt in fuU uf all .inn++erurcd hy .
<br /> � °,� :;;;; Ihis 5ecuriry In+�rumenl. Hu��ev�r,thir upliun�h:�ll na1 hr r�crri.ed h�•l.cndcr il�c�erci,e iti pruhihit�d b�� federal I;�w as i�i' . .
<br /> `� thc dntc of Ihis Sccurity Imtrunttnt. � �`�
<br /> ',t�.:,.'' , `,
<br /> • 1P I.CndC�'uxC���i�C� Ihiti upli�m.Lrn�icr�hnll �iv� Hornn��r ni+ticr�,f arrcicr.uiun. Thr nuticr �hi�ll prt�vidc n p��ii�d t�f �.. , ,
<br /> ' nc�t Ics.than�0 d�iyti Prom ihc diuc ilu nntirc es dcli�•�rcd ur muiled�vi�hin��hirh Nc�rru��rr musl pay idl,um.xrcund hy thir �. , ..
<br /> • Sccurity Instnnnent. li' Horruwrr Fail� t�,pa� Ihesc yum. priur t„ thc c�pi�•:aiun uf Ihi, p�riod, l.cndrr may im�ukc .►ny {. ,
<br /> . remcdics�wrmiUrd hy this Srcurity lntiu•umcnt��•ithu�u furlhrr n��1i�•�rr�lc�m;nul un Ilorru��•rr. R .
<br /> :'�� 1li. Burrower'S Ri�ht to Reinstatc. U�Hurru«•er mert. rcnain r��ndiliun�, Hurn�wcr tihall liii��c Ihe rigln to hati•c � .
<br /> `�: `' cni���rcentenl i�f Ihiy Scrurity ln,trw:unl�lixunlinucd at an�•tinu prior t��1h� �arlicr ul`. lal S �la)•s (ui•�uch olhcr p�riuii a. � � .
<br /> �
<br /> �i�ivlcF�mil� ••Fuanli•\1nc Frcddic\1:icl�\IFl)h�11\KI'RS 11N:\'1'..l'nduim('u�cnam. 9�411 �pd�rJnjnp�ie�•�i ;
<br /> �' ' � �
<br /> ,
<br /> .
<br /> ` ,
<br /> i .
<br /> • , . ,
<br /> - -
<br /> ...:._:_..__,�._,.. .. �
<br />,
<br /> �
<br /> � '
<br /> �
<br /> + , � -- — �
<br />