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_ �;.� . . _ <br /> . �,r� 3+ .`?c � - . . , c .F 'C. .-� � <br /> ".��.. . '�t.. �... _ ''+.�� . . ' �•�. �c� c �`�°. — -- <br /> =_ ' , . �, ....-- <br /> _ ' --- � -— - 'i—`, - <br /> "�'�. . _ 1 . . 't � .t �_ � . � ' .. ..� . �. _ _� _ � _ c � .. .,_ r.�. ` . `�3�- . <br /> �.�a�.._, . ,. .<c `, '��<µ , . c' ` _ .q. ` . _ -.. ` � <` � . . �`• 4 . ` ��i _ ..�� . � . � � � <br /> �' [` ' �YIC�$� �1C�'b,ID aTl i�[tttl[�WiIOSC �OS11S$it lIISQIEd�8� a$e�y 111S�1�s'�.� � ` <br /> `` . C�udin8 La�der if Lader"is s�ai�inst�ation)or in any�edecat Home Loan$�nY:Lender shali appiy tha Fands to p�r the �. <br /> ' Fscrovrr Ite�qs..�may mt d�arge Snnowa for bldi,pg�s�applYinS t�Funds.aaaualiY soatyzmg t6e�.scr�w aoc��.uF � ` ` . <br /> • . - veri€yieg the�Sa+n�v Itsms,u¢l��S I�der pays Bocrqwer inoerai on the Fnnds and applir�bte law penaits lm`der tQ a�t sur� ` . - <br /> . , � a Rowever.f.ender may�equire Borrow�to pay a mx-time charge for an indepatdeArt ceal estare tax t�poran8 scnricc <br /> � Letder in oo�mo�tion with this taen. uatess a�piiwbte lac�provides a�6erwrise.•Udess an ag�eema+t is made ar <br /> — ---- ,_ apQT, le la�roqaiiss i�iest tofiepaid.Iender sball not be�q�ured co pay Botrower any#ritere�st olf eammgs aa the Fuids. � <br /> ` Bottower and ieader may agtee in wdfiag;bowever.that int�t sL�iE tie'paid on�.Bje Fwtds:l.c�nAer sf�aii giv�tf`►B�rawa, -- <br /> , wid►ouc d�arge,ao ammai 8ocoairtit�of the Fa�s.�iag cr+edifs and debirs to the Funds and the putipose f4r which eads <br /> ' deb�E w the Fu�nids�was�nad�.�'he Fands are ptedgod as additional savrity for al!sums secured by this Seauety'i�- ° <br /> If die Fauds hdd by I�tdec exoeeil the azna�mts�nnitted ta 4e held bY applicable law,l.endec shalt 8cenunt io Bom►�ver . <br /> - fot tLe accets Fands ia a000idaaoe with t6e tec�ticemans oi app�icabte�aw.ff d�e amoa�U of the Faujds held by t�ender st a�y <br /> -- � time is not sufficiem to pary d�e Escroat Iterns vvhen,�ae,I�nder may so mxify 8arrawer irt arridng,an�in�ach case Borrowa <br /> , si�aU pay�Lendet.tbe amount neoessary W�alce up t6e deficiency.Bo�awer sitall malce up the defirieacy in no mone tb�q <br /> twdve moothty pay� L�endePs sole drsc�ton. � • . <br /> � Upon payment in full of at!�secnred by this Sa�rity Iast�umem. t.eader�shap promply refimd to Barrow�r any . <br /> Funds hetd by Iznder.If,uadc;paragraph 21,l,endu shail aaryine or sell tlre Pcoperty.Lender.prior ta tbe acquisit3on or sale <br /> — , of,fie�Pcopistty.shali apply ap�Furds held by L.e�der at the time of acquisition ar sale as a credi[against the soms se�vred bg <br /> . .. enis s�t,ricy Tn�uumeai .' � � ' , <br /> ��.►p�plkatfon ot Paytneats.Unless appTica6ie Iaw pmvides otlterwise.all payments received by�Lender uidetr patagra�ptrs . <br />--..- 1 and 2 sdall be Applied:first.w anY P�Y�t charges due u»dec�the amounts PaYaGle under paragraph Z; . <br />-y;�;" , ebird.W inte[est du�;fou�ti►.to priACipal due:aad tast�w any late chsrges due underthe Note_ . . . <br /> -__ • 4.C6s�rge�l.ieas.Borrower shaU pay afl tues.asse�smerrtg; charges. flr�es and�impositicros attri6utable ta the Property` . <br />_- - wLich may attain.priodty over diis Security Inst�ment. aad leasehald paymen[s or gmund repts,.it any.Borro�rer sbati pay ` . - <br /> - these obtigatio4s in the�provided'm paragraph 2.or if not pald in that manner.Borrower shall pay thesa on time diraKly . <br /> - to tbe person owed payment.Berrower sl�ll prompdy Purnishto Iander aq notices of.auwunts w be paid under tliis paragraph. '. <br /> �- ' If.Borrower makes these paymenu dir+octlY�Borrower�shall promptly fiiruisti to tcndcr�eceipts evidencinS the PaYments. �_-� <br /> - Bocrower shal)prottiptly discbarge atry tien which has pnonty over this Serurity Instrltment unless Bc�rrow'er:(a)a�rees in �:a:.-: - <br /> _�_ wrinng to the payment of the abtigation secured by the licn in a manner aaxptable W Ixnder:(b)rnncests in good fa�th the lien d��- <br /> •- - by. or def`�ends against en�orcement of the T"-ien in,TegaT proceedings whicb in ihe Z:eiider's bprnion;opetat�`to prcvem the" �- -_ <br /> .,�., � enfmrement of the.lien;or(c)secures from the 6older of the lien an agreement satisfactory ta Le�er 5abordinating the lien to �=---_ <br /> this Secw'fty hts�ar� Lender determines lhat any part of ihe Piopetty is subject w a lien which taay attain prrority over ��=_, <br /> this Secvrity Insttument.I.ender may�ive 8orrower a natice identifying the t�en.Borrower shall satisfy the lien ar cake cme or ���� <br /> �:t.��-s�f . inare of the actions.set fortlt above witriin 1Q days of the giving of notice, �=�� <br /> �-_.y'�._ <br /> �s <br /> =• • 5. H�nrd or Hvpaty Ins�trance, Bamnwer shall kcep the im�rovements rtow euistiag or here�fter er�ected on the �"-��'= <br /> = Property i�ured against loss by fire. ha�rds include+d within the tentl extended wYerage" atd any otlter iiarards, including <br /> "'' _ floact�ar flaadin�,for which L.ender requires insurance. This insuranoe shall be maintained in the amounu and for the periods - <br /> ��_.,_ <br />_ _ _ � that Cender reqwrec.'1'He insu�nce carrier providing the i�surbnce shaii be chosen by Barrower 3ubject to Len�ter's appro�al -- <br /> _ " which sha!!nat b�unreasqrrabiy withheld. if Borrower fails to snairtaia cavcrage d�cn'bed above. i.ender may. at I.ender'x _--__ <br />_ • . optiop.obtain coverage ta pratect Lender s right�in the Property in accardance with paragraph 7. , �_°-: <br /> "' ' AA inguranca palicies and renewals tifnaU be accepWble to I.ender and shall include a;tandar+d martgage clause. L.ender —�.,,� <br /> �`k � 8h P� �I � P P Y S� P ��,� <br /> °3ki�: shall have the ri t tu hold the licies and renewals.If l,eixter r utrec.&�rrower s1u�U rom tt �ve ta l.ender all recei ts of <br /> '. _ � ,.-:�:' � � <br /> � •- s-z�p�••.., paid premiums and renewal natic�+.ln the event of loss,Bormwer rhall give prompt notice tn the insurance carrier and Lender. _ �,r <br /> �;��'���'- . Lender may make praof af loss if not made promptly by Bottower. � •-�•,�'�. r <br /> • �' '�`:-� "`' ` Unless Lender ancl Borrower otherwise agree in writing,imurarrce prace�eds shall be applicd to restaration or repair of the � '' '__ <br /> � �"'�``• property damaged.if the restoration or repair is ecanamically fe�sibk and i.e�dee's tiecurity i.r imi t�sened.lf tke re.storatioa or <br /> _ �" �� �.::�;�. _: <br /> _ .:';� � repair�s nat ecartomirally feasible or l.ender a tiecurity wauld be lessenal. the inrunmce pracee�ls shall be applied to the sumc - u <br />—� , .;; u secured by this SGcurity lnstrument. whether or not thcn duc, with any exce�s paid to Bnnower. If Barrower abandons the ='-.;_�"_ <br />_�-�^ __ , P r o p e rt y,or does tx�t ar�swet wit hin 3 0'd ayt a nouc�e from L.en der t hu t t he i�caranre carrier hac o f fc r e d t o s e t t l e a cl a i m.t h e n t'-� =-°:_,� <br />,�.. ::, -�-P�.•';'.:: ;:;;,: LeadCr may callec! the insurance pr�eeds. Lender n�ay u+e the pr��ceal� to repair or restore �he Prnperty ar to pay wms �;_; <br />- . ' ?��'r�iji": �,�. secured by this Securiry Inurument,whether or not then due.Thc 3U-day periucl wiU hcgin when the notice is grven. � �--r <br /> ' " Unle�c Lender and Barruwer oiherwise u ree in writin , an a lic:ttion of roceeds to rinci al �hal! not extend ur ��` <br /> - '..:=•�`'::� : � � Y 'PP P P P Q�= <br /> j �' LL" ' ne the due date af thc ntonthf yinenl� referrecl to in ars� ra h� 1 and 2 nr cMen•e the amaunt of thc ments. If • �^n <br />- ..;.: ,�,,' Pa� Y Pa, P S'P • b FaY _ <br /> - - °���,,� under parasruph 21 the Property iti acqui�Od by Lender.Bc�ru►wer's right t��any inwrunce pulicie.und pr�xeed�re.ruUing from ; _ , �. <br /> • •,�-'`'�� damage to the Properiy priar ta the acquiti ii�m tihall pa.�.r to lxnder to the extent uf the�um��ured hy thi�Security Instrument � <br /> „�'�,.:_,;°�.• immediately preor to the acqui.sitian. - . : :�_� <br /> ��,•�. .s��.� . :�:r. � <br /> _, -- 6.Occupancy,Pt�.wervatiaa,llfaintenance aad Pretection of the Prupert�:liornmrr's i.oan AppUcutian;l,ea�ehafdv. .. <br />_ - • ' . Botrower shall�xrupy,establitih,snd usr thc Properly a�Ii�+rroa•er'ti principal re�i.ience within tiixty day��ftCr the exccuticm of <br /> :;� .{~,��-�.`�". this Sccurity lnstrumc�tt arnl shull�ti�mi�uc to ixcupy thc PrbpcJ�Y a..Horruw•cr'ti principal rcyidcnrc for at Ic�ast onc yc�ar bftcr � � <br /> - `•'�,..�.:_ the dute of nccuyancy.unles�l.eiuicr nthcrwise agrees in.a•riting.whkh mment shal! not�hc u��rcu.�,nabty withhcl�,nr unl�ti �. . ,�: <br /> ;-r,, <br /> : � �• • " extenuating ��rcum�tanees exiu �vhich :uc bey��nd Q��rr��u•cr's conu��l. Horr�+wer tihall nnt d�wtr��y, damuge or impair the • ' •+� <br /> � �>d, � � Property.allow thc I'roperty t�� c��mmit wa�te un the Property. Hurwwcr tihall bc in drfault if any forfciturc �� •� <br /> � � •°.; ., ' _ . artion ur pwceeding.whether civil nr criminal, i�bebun that in I.sndcr�gex�f faith juJgnccnt cuu1J r�wuh in fnrf'citure�+f the , : , <br /> � `' �. '•::�_� d•, Property or otherwi�e m:tterially imp�air thr licn cretttcd by this 5ceuri�y Instrumcnt��r l.cndcr'+.ccurity intcro+t. &irrower�rray , <br /> � ���-�•--�•�y•. cure such n default suid rein.rtutr.ati pmvidcd in paragraph 18,hy cau�ing thc aciiun ur pnhrrdinr tn hc di�mi«c�i with:�rulirtg • <br /> "".'"'�' `'�� �� � that. in lsndcr's gnod fuith dctcrminatiun. prccludrti torfciturc of thc��ra�wer'ti intcrc�t in thr Prup�rly nr �+thcr nwtcri:►1 <br />_ �`�•�""�==?:.'•" impairment of the lien��rrat��l hy thiti 5��;urit} In,trumrnt or l.cndcr's ucurity intere�t. &inower�hall aka hr in defunit if " .. <br />_ 'a�-:.::':.:�- Wm��wcr.�turing the luan applicatinu prcnr��,guvc.n�rteri�lly f.Jrc or inarcurate mfommtion ur titatcmcnts to lti�ndcr lar Pailyd ��� <br /> -- ''"+'�'� � to ravidc l.encicr with An matcrial infamr.nion�in c�muctian a•itt:�hc I�+an cvidc�lccil h thc Notc. ittcludin� but not limitcd ' -•�- , -�- � <br /> �,�::�.��:"' P . Y y. �• . <br /> - . }w• �,� ta,rcprescntatiun.�c�nccming&m��wcr'.�ncupaucy uf'tlic Pr�prr�y a+�princip:d rehidrncc. If thiti�rutity ln�trumcm i��+n a <br /> � - -- . (caschold. Bnttowcr shall>��mply with ull thc prnvi�.ion��►f �hc le;+�. IP &mowcr :uyuirc. fcc titlr u� Nic �'�u�rt�. �hc � '' ' <br /> -;��-*�^��- leasehold and the fee titte sh�lt not mcrge unlcss L�mdc7 a€rccs to thc mcr�rr in writing. + . <br /> _ - _' '-�.' 7.Protertion o!lxnde�'s Ri�hty in the Pmperty.1f'Wmawrr fail�to perfi�rm the covcn�ntw nnd agreements cnntained in • <br /> • this 5ccurity tkere is.a Iegal puxcating tiu►1 may sigaificuntly affcrt l.cndcr's rigius in thc Properly (surh as;� �. :. _ -- <br /> _•� pma�eding in bankrupt�y.pralratc,fnr rundemn:iti�m ar fiirfciturc nr to cnforrc 1:►ws ar rr�ututians).then l.�tndcr nr�y dn:�nci ; . <br /> _�.•{� _ pa�y t'or whatcver is'necruury t��pr�>tctit tl�c vulue af'the Pn�perty�nd Lrndct's rightti 1n tfie Prnperty. i.en�tcr's actimis may <br /> include Q�ying any auemh secural hy a tien �vbirb ba�•pdnrity ovrr thi.v 5ecurity lastrumcn�. app�nng In court. p�aying _ � <br />_�� , t�nable auornrys feey umi enlering��n thc make repair.s.Ahha4gh.Lcn�er u�uy talcc acti�m undcr thiti p.u�af;r.�ph F.� , <br /> 7.l.e,t�cler does trot have to t!o s��. • <br /> -� Any nrtwunts disbuned by Lrnder u�uier thiv par.igraph 7 shrll f+ecume sdditinnil dcb!af &�rn�wrr krureA by thi� • , <br /> - 5ecur�ry�lnstrumem. Unless Horrawet asu! Lcruier 5�rce t���uher tcrms uf�we�mounts�hall Nc:ur interest fram the <,. <br /> date of dislwrsement ut the Nate rute and shall be pnyable. with interest. upan notice fmm l.ender t�r B�muwer nyttesti�4e , , <br /> :;. <br /> t� . .. <br /> = �� _ �If l�ndet � . <br /> �<-,.: Mautg�r rec�ire�!�_e insumnce,�.a con�tion of er�kin�the.l�r.u�s��,aa�ed by ihi�5�.tiurUy _ t._-----__'- <br /> � � Instrumem. Barrower shall pay the prenilums rcquircd to m:umain thc mon�gc 'tnsnrancc �n cffect. 1f. fi�r utty ir�n. thc � <br /> ��: ' mnrtgage insnrnn�e cavernge required by l.endgr lapces or cer�ces ta he in eff�;t.&nmwer shaq p�ry the premium_c requimi to . l . ' <br /> rn e <br /> a6win aoverage.substantially equlvalent w the previously in.ef' a co+t subst;inti�lly eyuiv:ilrnt t�i the [ <br />�"- o�t to Burnower of the mattguge i�urmu.•r previ�usly in effrrt, from an�tcrrr.�tc mort�ge insurer�pnwrd by Lendcr. If ! ' • ', � <br />�.' . ' ' ' '. � <br />=;i.`; � ' , . a�o r oi a . fam 3028 9190 � , <br />