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.�4 L t . ,' - • _ -L - . .� . .�y - <br /> .. 4 '�f.`� � ih° . ¢ � C. S, -- <br /> __ �,o,.` �� ,� E , '. ' .� . '_. . �--°^--..._ <br /> i <br /> '-- ' `�'T - . . /� ' <t�- ... r . <br /> _ ._� ' i c . . . ' . � . . _, . ' . v ... _:. ; . �.. ��___ --.. �. T- , .. `. ".. <br /> / �. � � �' <br /> 4--y.' �. „t .s ' �. - - `�. �. . - � '..�.. r ; . `.. . r .. _ � ` � <br /> . r, tSI i,. , • �� �'w C� • •� , . <br /> `�� � ` � � � , . ` ' �� �� �� � . c� f' <br /> � t �.� �=� .. _ �• � � =-` _ . � � <br /> � '� '� J - , _ " `,'�` `�� +� . . . � � � <br /> � � f � �� , ' � � � , ry t� ',7� �J` v <br /> �- � - - ` - - = �� � `,, - �^ - - � <br /> °�. �� � . - ' � �. -�+.- � :.�t. � � <br /> w ��1{� � � � i �` .. ' _L 1a" � ° ~_�. � `�`'2< �` <br /> � v F� . 5 � s t i � ` ' . • ` 1 a te,.. vti '�v y�r . <br /> . . 6' �� � ' � �c .� ' . ' • � � � t, . � i <br /> , . L , c . . 'c.' <br /> , [S�oe AMre 7Ms I.iue Fir Reewit�O�o�1 �� � 11 <br /> , �y ` . ' . . • v.+:��=�a8 <br /> � . � . .� D�D OF TRUST � �, u,,ih��.N€ sa�as `� <br /> � � , � � � - A1TN: LAUR�MART1i�Q�.� <br /> , . < . �-: . � . . __-� <br /> . _ Tl�IS DE�OF TRUST("Socariey h�sunit�it')is made o�r � ` lisq �0. 1993 . .Ttie austor;s <br /> Jaaes lscsr�s Busgess aad �eaaeea Jo Burgess, Hnsbaad aad.Wife � � • ` . <br /> _., , • . <br />�.. (�BOflblwl6l�).7�IC[IUS[CC IS . <br /> � • - <br />. '{ DTOlii�Bt B8ZlY �IBbl8Sj[Ss N8t�Otl8�. ASSOC�AC�OA . <br />_ ('Trustee'7.The beneficfary is . --- <br /> - � . <br /> - - N st B�lc Ne raska, xatio� sociation ' ' - <br /> w�iic�is organ�zod�eai�hng under t7ie7aws��e United 3tates of America '�Wh°� <br /> _-_ � ���S 202 Weat-Third Street, Graad Isla�d, Nebraska 68801 • <br /> - � , ('L.enAer').Borrower owes Lender the principa!sum of <br /> r Fifteea Thousaad Five Hu�ad�ted aad na/100ths Dollars N.S.S 15,500.00**** �. � <br /> �� This debt ls evidenced by Borrower's �rote dated the same date as this Security In.mument("Note").which provides for , - -- <br /> '".!'��.Y:•• _" ' <br /> .. C ':fx'�i'. montlily paYments.witb the full debt.if not paid earlier.duc and payable on Maq 20, 199$ �� , ----.-_- <br /> �'��_~;r=��:;.;:::�;'�;� This Security lnstrumem secures to Lender.(a)t�te repayment of the debt evidenced by the Natc.witb interest.and all r�enewals. �-�,,�'_: <br /> � -�:� extensions and madi6cation.4 of tire Hote: (b) Yhe payment of ali other sums, with interest. advanced under pasagtapfi 7 to ----- <br /> � protert the socuriry of this Security Instroment: and �c)ihc perfum�ance of 8onower's covensufts and agreemen�s. For this -__ <br /> - pucpose. Botrawer irtevcx�ably gran�c and conveyy to Trustce, in trust,with pc�wer af sale. the fo!loWing described property �-� <br />-- lacated in �1 � , County.Nebr�skn: r` -_- <br /> - :.� .-'�t- • - <br /> �i,���.;,- � � . �. _ <br /> �t'.., - <br /> '�:;i�; '. ..- <br /> r.r, .��'; .._: �- <br /> _ .,,�;;.;; See attac�ed EI{�IBIT "A•' " .�.. ' <br />, y ili,• �'f_ .. , .',�y�;i. <br /> . r,4 l�'�.' . , �•7��ir__ <br />. ..�ft���._r. ' . ��:,��.'fa'_�(S.`1::' <br /> ' �ia;�li,-';' n+�.'..-.�s=.: <br />-- 'r.� .rv.:. -f'Y� <br /> �''�+, ' ' . . <br /> - '`5.�, .. •� . <br /> l..�� '�.. •• , <br /> ' w . •: which has the adOress of 414 S. Shady Bend Road Grand Islaad Isu��c�,c��y�. <br /> - ..;+�"�?;: _'�, Nebraska ' 68801 �"Property Addre+�"): <br />_ 1�. 17.ip Catc) <br /> �'_;�4'.:�.:: • • , <br /> ;f:'•• �,a.,._� , <br /> �`-� " TOGHTHGR WITH all thr improvcmcnt�now or hereaftcr ere�Keci on thc prnperty,AnJ ail ca�nent�.appurtcns�tt►ccs.and � . <br /> , T � <br /> fatures nuw or hereafter a patt af the pr��perty. All rcplaccments an� :�dJiti„n. .hatl atw� br a•vered liy thi� Scwurily <br /> : ' �• lastrument.Ali of'the foregoing is referr�tii t�+in thiy Sc�vrity btrtrumrnt u��fie"Property." �:°� <br /> �. $ORROWER COVkNAN'I'5 thut Bunowcr is IvwfuUy ticitial of thc c�latc hctcby cunvcycYi:tnd h:n thc right tu grant:�nd <br /> • �;:3. oomey the Prnperty and that the Property is uttencumhcv��i, exccpt fi�r encauhruineti af tccnr�. &�truw•rr wurranty unJ will <br /> " -;� dcfcnd genctally tht titic to thc Pr�perry aga�nst all rlaims und dcrrr�ndv,whj�ic�t t�+any crtcumbru�xes of recv�rd. <br /> -:_� � �.,-=�- THIS 5ECURiTY INSTRUMEN7'��mMinc�unifarm covc�nts t'or national usc snd nnn-uniform rnvenanty wlth limited ' <br /> - --— var�atl�nst b risdictic�n tv ccrostitute a uniform socurity iastnuncnt ruvcdr�rql property. . • <br /> y�u ic� <br /> „ _ UPiiFOftM COVENANT5.$orrower anJ Lender cuvertant s�nd�gree as foliows:., " . - .� <br /> _ o _ • � 1. �yment of Princip�!And l�erest: PrPp�yment and late Char�;�. Bo�rawer s}u111 pr�tmptiy pay when due�he � <br />_-— �rbtdpat af aud iaterest on tfie debt evidenced by theNott and aay prcpaymcat smd late chnr�ecs duc w�fer the 1Vote. ` <br /> Z.�'m�for 7'�uc�w and lnaurauc�.5ubject to applirable !aw or tn a written wttiver by Lender.�rrnwer sh�ill p-�y tn __. . <br /> -�� l.ender on the day monthly pbyrnents arc due uruier the Nate,unt�l the Nute w p:rid in full,u sum.("Fundy`)far:�a)yearty taxrs , <br /> _° and assessmeMs which mgy attain priority over this 5ctiurity lnstrumem as v Uen on the Prop�•ny:(b>>early irasehoi3 payments , ... <br /> _:� or gmund rents on the Property,if any:lr)ycnrly n�zard ar prnperty insur.u�rc prrmiu�m:W)yearly flua�l insurame premiuros. .. ., <br /> if atry:(e)yearly mutt�nge itt�atattce pretaium�.if any:atri(�.aury sumv p�yabte by&�ttr�wer t�l.encter, in�ccorda�xr with <br /> _ the provislons of p�agraph lieu nf the payment of mort�age insurance prcmlums.Thesc itrmy nrc railcd "Lsrrnw itcros." <br /> �: <br /> Leni�c atqr time.coli�a.smd hvtd Fnuds in su►astynunt.no1 to exc�!tft�tt�imum mnount ti tctxier Wr a faterally • <br /> - - re(atai i�rtgage ioan.m:iy req�iirc for�cimiwer=s cscrow ucmunt andcr the�edertJ�c:�i�state�ett(cment �rncc�iures Act oi � � <br /> e <br /> _� i " l974 as mnended fram dme w time, 12 U.5.C.SocUon 26t11 etseq ("ItLSPA").unless:uwthcr 1aw that npplics ta the�wtJs <br /> sets a lesser amount.lf so. I.etder tnay. at vny•time. ��rllert atu!hold FunJs in an:unount nnt ta cx��vf the lesxr umounl. ' � , . . <br /> l.ender nmy estiurete the amtwm of Nunds due un thc brasi�of'r�trrent aata und rr�nrrabir estim;itev of expe�xtiturcw of future <br /> �scrow Items ar othervvisc in accardanee with�ppl#rabte tadr, . • � . ` . <br />�• � . ' � <br />. p�1f�EliA-Singte Femity�anN!M�MIFaddt�Mao UN�ONIYI iNSTAUMEMT � Farm 30Z8 9l80• <br /> . �: <br />._ :: . . i_"__�_����� .... . ..... . .. .. ._ _ _ ., . <br />