' ' _ . .._. _ .... .. :�1-.. ' ' . .. ' , . • . , •.t}.,:";� ;21�' . , � ,�
<br /> . �i'' •. ' . _ n ';��•. , ' ... . ,• ., -- �-- - --- -
<br /> �---°'- . - . . _ .
<br />. �..�._._... T':..�� ���reca•l6�1���M�•I ` . . - _ �..
<br /> ., �aYa� ��and�c�ad ec fur�Uoc iflCl�nU���� WINIOp! 11� •xp+��o�u�'�1,�+�1v,�eCOt�'t�u�etto�be,lwv�dliYOf�
<br /> '� . ��ndlol�tY ��1. �t il• �o1e optlon, d�vi.t� v7t �u-�a ^: °:.� . . . .
<br /> du� �n� p�►�bl� �n�l p�aatd to tlw r�MaJla• w�ll�l1� lo�il unCor lh� dai�ull pruvlato�a coeeMlneB F �
<br /> h�r�ln. '
<br /> ' ��. Rvc�t■ of_pe ��+� � �Y o� ���� follouln� �wnt� �hell De d��M�d �n ovent ut dxfwle h�ruind���
<br /> _. . _ -- -� (�) Tru�lor d�M11 l�w� f�llad to wko p��rsent ol •ny Inat�lls�at at Int�nrl� -- --'- -- .-�'
<br /> . pNnalpel o� p�{����P+�� ��� �nt�re�t ar m�oth�� �uao a�euted he►�by ul�m da��. -
<br /> ..,: ,
<br /> ` T, (!) Tt��n h�r uccut�oJ a ��aneM oi or dal�ult undar tny trrA� covm�nt� � ,. ,_ : __:
<br /> .__�--.. _�� , oH�eea:nt� eend6l:�at p:avlolon� �epr�neutton ot wrr�alY conute�d In lhl� d��d �,._._....,.�..___.�,.�._�.� -
<br /> � of f�u�t, th� nate or �nY oth�r ►o�n la�truneat •ecu��d hdreBy� f � . : , -
<br /> (c) Th��� h�� dann a del�ult by N��T�u�tor la tha p��oet of nny p�to� or .
<br /> �u0uduant llen oc cncun+b�anc� In N�p�ct to �il o� �nY P�rt ot ttu ��or.��r�
<br /> � (d� T�u�lor �1+�11 fll� � volunl.�y p•clelon In b�nk�uptcY �� ������ a� •dJudl- I
<br /> colad b�n1►rupt or le�ulv�ot� o� �h�11 ��t� �n ���Ip+�nane lor eh� b�nelle ol C��dllo�• ` ,
<br /> 1� �e�p�et tv th� p�op�rey� or �a �etlan to �etore� �ny lt�� or •ncunU��na� or Jud�- y
<br /> ��nt� �N In�t tho p�opo�ty l� corncnced. t
<br /> 1�, Aaa • �t1on U n ���y�bAe,1�nJheh�v��w��efu11 tA�e�upon�6�aow�`du� s�A yay�bt� vlt�out��nfd�'•• �
<br /> ucurrd h�'nC�1► �o � u���
<br /> pe����tsent� d�een��prol��e o� noe6n� of �ay kl�d. 7h�r�����e, so��Ilo1��Y "'��cllo� or /ro� j'
<br /> (�� •Ieh�e In p�r�on or by �11eet� vlth or �lshout p�ln{Ini �ny
<br /> eu�la�, oe ►r ncalv�r �ppolnt�d br • couct ��d �t�hout H/��d to tli� .a•vu•cr ot
<br /> � �ny ��ourfer, ��ter upon �nd ��w• po�����loa ef tho Otop��tY� o� �ny P�Pt th�r�af,
<br /> ,, In /!• o►rt� e���ar In N��n�a� o� th� T�u�l��� nnd 11q �nr �at■ �hloh 1! d���� na����y , :�
<br /> �: � �o� d��l��ol• to pr��acv� th� velu�, ���M�t�b140cp os r�nt�bi111Y ef eh• o�opsrly, o� „
<br /> . �'`��� pn! ttu��of o� fnt�reot N��rHn, Incn��� tA� O�comv Il����lrow o� prol�oe ll�a ��cuNl� ;;,:,`;I�
<br /> ��,;�� • liareof ��d, Nlthoul taklna po��ea�lon of tlw p�opa�tY� �u� lo� o� olhatWl�• coU�ct 11N ; , 1�
<br />� '•. rant�� I��ue�,�nd protlu tl�eroof, Includin� thate r��t dua md un��ld� �ad �Pplr the '� , .
<br /> . ;':�;;�`' ����. 1��� en�t� Mad o�pan�a� of o�a�eeton �nd callaalton, 1nelu�flns �tta�n�r (���� upan , .
<br /> •�,;�'' � �ny Iadebt�dM�o aecurod t�e�oby. �11 Sn �ucl� a�da a• t��eQlcl��y �nr d�tarnlo�. tho ,
<br /> ' ent��ln{ upan �nA t�klo�t po��e��lon of tl�� R�u�t •�t�1�• el,a eall�et loe o� weh ��ot�� .
<br /> I��ue� nnd p�ofit• ■nd appllc�tloa el����of �� •fa���ofd �A�11 oot cu�a o� wl�� �ny d�-
<br /> C�ule or oatle� vt d�f�ult I���eunJ�� ar lovMlld�t� ��Y +�t �nd ln n�p��� to •ueh d�- .
<br /> Q�ult or Pueouant to euch notla• of d�l�ult �nd� �ol�lth�t�eJln� th� contlnu�no• In
<br /> poweulor of ths proputy ot tt�• eolleetloo, ��cNpt .�a �rr�t�p��on af rente� I��w• .
<br /> o� Prollt�, 1'�u�t�� o� Eanaflel��y My 6� •ntltl�d to •���ol�• •v��r rl�ht prevlb� Ior
<br /> In en� of th• 1o�n l��eru.��t• ar by 1�� upon aecvriane� o! ��y �v�nt of d�l�ull� 1�- :
<br /> ' I eludle� tl�� el{ht to �xaral�� ehs poxrr el wl�� olnt � .�
<br /> ,,_ • I (bI co�ntno� an �ctlon to (oe�alo�� thl• Oe�d of Tru�t �A � ��t��{�� �Op '
<br />'� '.:',,, � + • «c�lv�r, o� �pscllta�lly ��(ore� �ny OI th� COVM��I� Au�of� ;
<br />' _... l �e� ddtver to Trweaa � �rtltlen AaC1���tloo ol detwtt �ed dc��nd for •�1�. .�
<br /> ,_-___ �
<br /> . . __....--
<br /> �nd • urltt�o notlo� o[ dat�utt �n8 �i�asion io ea�;`: =sss=tz'�S !ntss••e In t pro0�� ! . . _ _-,
<br /> to b� �old� �hlcl� ooelc� T�urte• dwll e�u�� to E• dulr fll�d Qoe �eco�d ln th� ofllolol
<br /> ���ord� ol ei�� eouuy !n ul�lch tl�� p�Op��ty l� 1oe•tad.
<br /> ------.- ...' � �7� �o �aw�u i i. ����! 4� �!�w� Slmuld ��M��O��fY O�OC{ l0 (o�eelo�e by ax��cl�� n� lM {�OV�t _ _..
<br /> of •�l� h��e n'tont� nt , e�oo otaey al�ll noll�r Ttu�t�� �ed �1��11 eepa�it vicn ?r��::: :!i!: Te=! w�
<br /> T�v�t �nd tl�� �ol• �nd �uct� t�celPt� �nd �vld�nc• of •rp�ndltun• ��de �nd •�cu��d tur�by •� TP+�o¢aa ,
<br /> ,,,,y ..a„��., �aJ upon ��qua�t of tl�� seoafla/��y� th• T�u�t�� •lall Ill• (or �eeord� la Ih� �+�loao�
<br />- ol ��d• olllc• I� tl�e CountY ul�eca ti�a prop�rty li Iocst�d� � notlaa ol def�ule� �ettlu� fotth th�
<br /> ��w� ol tb• T�u�to�, tl�a Ooak nnd P�R• or pocma�t Na. ol thf• poaJ o/ Ttuee a� ��co�d�d la ��1d
<br /> It��l�t�� of p�eJ� offlc�, tii� lee�l J��crlptlon of th� �l+ov�-d��c�lb�d t��l ��tu� �nd tl+�t � lt��eh
<br /> of �e ol+Ol��tlo��, 1or �I�Ici� ��Id renl a���t• �n• conv�y�d •• �ecurltY� I��� oceu�t�d. ���1 ��ttle� fo�eh
<br /> ; 1fw n��ur� oA •aet� 1te�ch �nJ the T�u�te�'� •lectlon 10 ��10 Ih• re�1 o�t�te to •oce�Gn iA. ob111.i1°^t
<br /> •a� •ft�� th� l�p�� oR not 1o�s then one (1� �onth, tla T^v��`�tt�e�pton�leoa4to��et th�'Covrthow� le
<br /> ` • � �nd pl�o� of •�1e V�lICI1110Y IM betveen 9�00 �.�. �nd S p. .
<br /> � ll�a CountY uhectlw �u=Itp�ope�tY ls Io¢�ted. deae�lpl�l{ Ihe prape�tf to b� �old py 11• le��l dm�crlp'
<br /> llo�� ��d��atle� to b� publl�t�ad in e uau�p�p�t ol ���et�l clteul�tlan In tl�e CountY uh�tele �uc'n
<br /> � pteptty 0• locel�d, once �ueek tur tive (S� eon�autivo v�eb� �h� l��t p��bllC�tlan !o pe �t I�ut
<br /> � t�n (l0I d�y�. but not �o�� tl�nn t1�l�tY (�O1 d�y�� p�lor 1c 11�• •�1�1 �nd tli� Tru�t�• ���I! lA�n •�11
<br /> ��li tr�►��ey �t eh� tl�� �nJ pl�c• d��l���t�d l� 1h� notic�. In eh� ��nn�� provld�d Sr I�v 1� stl�ad
<br /> �t th� tf� of fllln� uld notla�, •t Publlc �ucelon to th� hl�l�..� btdA•r for c��h �ed �h�ll d�8ata
<br /> ' to �uoh puteh���e • d��J to tlr� p�op�tty �old, oon�l�t�nt ultl� tl�� l�v 1� rfleet �t tl�• tlw�.
<br /> . Upa� ��o�lpt of tl�� prlce blJ, Tru�te� •1��11 d�llv�� ta the pu�cl���e� T�u+t�s'� d��d aonv��ln� lli�
<br /> � • �rop�rCn �old. ��alt�l• 4� tl�• i�u�toe'• da�d •1��11 �� ptlwa f�cl� t�iJance ol tl�� teuth of th� •t�t�-
<br /> `' w�al• �a8� thanln. T�u��ee �h�ll •pV�Y �h� proaud• of U�� ��1• In tl�� Iolloul�d oed��i (�) to �ll
<br /> "y' . r��aoaalA� ao�a �nd •epe��e• ol ti�� •el�� I�c1uJInR but not Ilwlt�d to, T�u�ta��r (��• of nol �or�
<br /> .i.:, � , ��n�x af tt�o ��m� ��la p�lee, ����onn61� �Itom�y I��� �nJ eo�t� o( tltl• evldeoa�� (bl to Nl
<br /> `li?�„ wn •�c���ad by thl� D�ad ot Trunti anJ (c1 th� eecowr� `urolw��e�Id proporty nRV��ldnnl�,Ur •^•
<br /> .�"� �lel.d alw�.to. H�y ��r�on, 1ncluJln{ E�o�f1e1��Y, Y P
<br /> � TAv ����on oonJuatlns 11�� ��1• �ny. fot �n� C�ua• 1�� oT �1�� d�ow� ��ptdlent� Oo�tOon• ll�• ��1� fteA
<br /> :f � �Iw� �• t{�� u�ttl (t �Ii�11 b• ao�Pl�t�d �nd. In �v�ap •uc1� c�o�, notla• of P��epan�n�nt �hall �• �lv�n
<br /> i bY Ou►Ola d�el�r+�tlon tli�r�ol uy �ucli per�o� �t z1,� :��u ana r�o�� «�aed�i.�do.l�o.e�d�le �I�.,s+zceca oi
<br /> �� . vld�d� (f ti�� M�lo tr po��t�oneJ for Ion11�� tl�an oa� t�D a•r eir
<br /> �.' ' ��1�. �o�la� �tiu�ol �lu/l b• dlvaa ln tt�� •a.o �onmt �� th� o�l�ln�l notla• oI ��1�.
<br /> '� !4. Rt��dl�• Hot E�elu�lvo� trwtaa ,�a een�lloio.r� and e u h of tl�e�� •h�11 be antltlad to ae�
<br /> ,� larea poy�ant �nJ p�rlo�aanee o( �ny Iod�btaJn�u or obite•�ioe aacutod lsarsby nad te eR!�c1�• �ll rlaht•
<br /> '.� I •n/ pov�r• under lh!• n�eJ o[ T�u�t or unJer �ny losn Aoac�unant or otl�e� �e�oa�ent o� �ny l�u� no� o�
<br /> �� ` I�����It�t eofo�C�d� nolulel����nJ1�6 �ane or •Il ol tlu Indobt�dne�� •nd abll6ntlan� ��cured hor�br
<br /> � u1�1c1+ ��y��ov o� I��renfla� 6u atl�e�wl�o nacu�aJ� uhutliec 6y wo�lanpe� Aue�l oi truel, plodee, ll�o. ���1{n-
<br /> � want or oihe�vl�e. Nelll�e� tl�a eceaplenea of t1�1� �oad ol T�u�t not tte anloree�nent, vi�etl�et by eourt
<br /> j I � �ctlon o� pur�unot to tl�e powe� at eele or otli�r pov��e t��reln contnlncd, e1�n11 preJudlee or In �nY
<br /> �annef �/l�ct Ttuetee�� or Nenoflcle�y'� ��d��t to ►e�11te upon or onforee eny ot1�e� •eeu�lty no� or h���-
<br /> j �It�r h�ld 6y Sru�tae o� Ecncllclnry, le beln�{ •B�aed th�l Tru�tea and 1leneflcl�ry, nnd •�eh of the�,
<br /> ` �h�ll b� �otltlad 10 enlorea tl�{� �eed u( Tru�t nnd �ny otl�e� vecurity nou o� liare�fter I�eld by tl�e E��e-
<br /> ` � deler�lner TNo rrsedy hcreln(conler�ed•upnn � re1nerved to�T�u�tee�o1r�0eneflelnty�l� lnt��ded to•b�•�x-n
<br /> ,� clu�lve ol �ny otl�er renedy liereln or by I�v ptovtdad o� pe�nitt�J, b��t encli n1��11 6e cu�*ul�tive •nd
<br /> { �lull E� ln �dJltlon to eve►Y nulerrorc�e�edy'�{Iveo�byue,Yfofrllevlonn''I�etruwcnt�'to'Tru�te�,or�sene-
<br /> aqulty o� 6y �t�tute. EverY P
<br /> Ilcl�ty or to vl�lcli eltl�e� of tlwm m�y I�o o�1�otMl�e �ntllleJ �ny bt ewo�r.leeA, concur�cnlly or I�d�pen-
<br /> d�ntly� Iro� tl�e to ll�o nnJ e• often sa R�y be Jee�ed a�pedl�nt by Tru�lee n� llene(Icle►y, nnd elthar
<br /> ol tM� ��y Du��u� Incon�l�te��t tewoJles. Nolhlnd h�r�ln �I��ll be con�trued n• p�ol�Iblt1�R �enellaluy
<br /> ' I�o� ���klat � dollclencr Jud{r�ane �d�l��t Tru�tor to eh� ��t�nt �u¢1� �celoo l� p���Ltt�A br I�a.
<br /> • -i-
<br /> � � .
<br /> �� � �
<br /> 1 .....
<br /> , , _
<br />