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<br /> co++t��a , ,: .
<br /> . : �.� , cr.n.q t ue f �. .�._, r . ' __. .
<br /> �: Q.� �.0�1 �� �_ _
<br /> 1 , �4h1� R�Id ot Y�u�! (� �nJa ll�l� Any �Q,,,,��,�,,,,_._„-_._...' ���].-' h� �ud nMOn� ,�,�y,��j�.,.,
<br /> , � w� h�« nnlltt ��t�t�ed to �o hu�lot," _
<br /> • `v�j��1'��W�n..��d ronn e�t��nijdL���� 1 .1�O.pd.il3�ltuu',ls—�- .��-�-_�--_=`—' . .
<br /> �______.. `
<br /> .':._. � Atter��r �R L�v� Irorele►dter �i�nndcYtiR�aV6116AK0�N�1110MA1.��RnU�GIlANt1dISWrD� r�� ne tY� ta�ito8 to �o - - Z
<br /> --- �y�,q�, -
<br /> �.----
<br /> �� �° oaotZc nr���v'•t�eRO �� 1 na adAroee N P� 0. Bow 16AS� tltend letaad� Neb�e�A� /el�Q • � ,
<br />--_- —,—.- ,.,_ ........ Pr�•���v 1t�rvocnAlY Rte�l�• l��nefe�h• eanw�e nnd n�il�tna to Ttuotra� In
<br /> _,
<br /> tis enee....�R :�:7Zd�lC��OR� � ... ..._ ....._ �- -
<br /> ttu�t, v1oA oov�• of �nls• (er th� bonetlt nnd nacvtiiY of CanaQtnle:r• ��nde. ��1 au� c_•. !� �A� C unly��� �i .
<br /> eanllllea� at lbl� D��d ol Tru�t, tl�� tollo�loj-d��otA\e� ��o���ly� l�a�tN In�,,,�3�,,.�.�.....• � .
<br /> x�N���w� erMu� � � �
<br /> ��---^' �
<br /> , , �, ; , �
<br /> � . �_».�n., � ,•ti,o �+,«.� rs.��..�d
<br /> ttn t �onllntL.+9..S�Cari�-=�uu.� .t �a-�
<br /> � t1a11 Caunr Nobrn kr►. � ,
<br /> �
<br /> � - i
<br /> 1o�Nh�� �Ith ell An11d1eRn, l�*pen�e�e��tn, flMtu�en, et�eatw� ell�yn� pe��nRevny�� •ee�w�nt�, tl�hln, ptl�l� , .
<br /> l���• •nd orP�fl���nce� Ioaet�d tl�o�ao� or In nny uny p��t�lnln� lM�e1o� nnd tiie ��nl�� leeu�e� p�ofll�.
<br /> ��w��len� �n� 1h� r��+nlod��n theeeo(, AnaluJln� •11 eueh p�e�o��l p�opetty thnt /+ �le�ah�d to tA� (�peov�•
<br /> ' ��ntr �s •� t• a�e�tAtu�� • fl�eur�� �ll ot ul�leh, InaAuAln• r�Pl�����^i• m� •IOtQI�n• Ih�t���� u� ����►�
<br /> ��ln��MI� �� t+i::innte.eh��i.i:a�a�•. eh• r�rop�reruN� h�rHy, Lt ��Ie/ q���� ��� •li •f �h� ����- ..
<br /> �tlll TIIO I'UIIP091!OT 6ECU11AN0�
<br /> �e) ll�e pa�wen! o[ fndobtcdnaae avldaneed by T�u�tor'��ott a[ w�n dnt� ��r�op�tl�ec � � .
<br /> the oflnclpnl nua ot �1�r��An hhnua n nllv-� �c.n�/t[]61_1_L..(1�.�(10__. .
<br /> �Ith lotetant nC tt�a r�te o� �nten pravldo t��e�e ^� °• the ptlnetp� eed Int����! on �nP
<br /> (atu�� edvence eot !� eecaed tl�a totnl p�lnclpel ��m I�Illelly eaeu►�d li���by •• e�ld�nced
<br /> �nd �at���lon��o(,�uch note�thEoth'p�lnclpnl endelntete�t�oa� lh� oot��fb�Ao1 P��bl�1ln�lon•
<br /> �cao���na� wlth th� t��■� •et foeth tli���tn. vlilch br eht• ��f�nnc� l� h��aEy w�� � oitt .
<br /> h���of� ' • �'
<br /> (!� 1he p�rfot�rnca ot aaoli e`na�+a�t ��d covenn�t of T�unto� I�areln cont�latd� �nd
<br /> " (�I tha pnymnnt of �ny eae or nu�n of nonor �tilth ��y b� A�r�alt�e p�ld o� ��++nasd , , :,
<br /> � � er e•�.�io�.ry unaee tha Reo+� o( thir Dead of irua4� eopeh�� vlth leae..e eh.r�on �� eA.
<br /> • tat� pravtdad lp th� noca.
<br /> � ao proteot tl�a �ecu��tY aQ t��1� Deed ot T�unt� T��ator h���Dr eov�eent� •aA oprae• �� follovil
<br /> -- - - 3, fe�!. o[ ladebaadnc�. So n�y vhen dw. th� p�tnolpAA of� �nd tM lot����t on, tM Ind�►ttd- '
<br /> ---- � . . nu� wldence 6q� eh� aoee� el�udes� [oAO and •ii oth�r �v.� �e raocfa:n :s slse :a�s �n•s..�.�e�. - �- ,
<br /> � a. Tlt e. S�uetar !� tlw ovnor o( t�b PropertY �nd h�� iho �lah! �nd �utho�lt� to anocutt thl6 1
<br /> . Deed ot Tw�t ln r�npeot ¢o the propocty.
<br />- ---- � -� v�t�� u�w ni: �A:.:.� GFQL�•1 ��uum�n!• 1111d ��� O�h�f t�lll►S�• : -_- -_..
<br /> �. � e� nnd A��eee�en�e. so r•r� �
<br /> •e�l��t t • �eore�ey, Le[o�e tt�� �nna ba¢o�e d�ltnquent, en6, An �no oao�i ee�tr�a��.r ����� �e tt�nlrt�
<br /> ta �dA to the pny�aot� ��uel�t�xae�,�neee��enentn�o�uoth�1ehntR��u�• eh•��b•coMe�du�• �utflel�nt to tn�
<br /> �pl� f►���/lel�ry to p Y
<br />� 4. I�n,��on . To hc�r t�ro �^P�p�amentn noN o� I�etenfl�� loc�led on 11�� •�nl �sent� d�ee�Ih�A
<br /> �opp�nle� �ecepinble�tod0aaeticln�y,ennl �Itl��loen�pny�6ledto 1laneflcl���ry loyenneuofalo�n ueodt���ueh�
<br /> pollcl��� sene(lcl��Y �� �utl�o�lsad ta �d)uat. coll�at �nd eoMptaNlee, In !ts dlacaatlo�� nll e1�IM�
<br /> pr1op•l��oe�upon thetlade6te�nens�securedel�a�brJ but•p�,��nlrPr�Qul�d'by tM not� �fioA1�C�tlnu��w`!�i
<br /> �M �u�� �ecuc�d hecebY �re polA in [ull. .
<br /> 3. Ila +p,,,l[a Ilnlntenn�co and Uen� To p�om�llr �epnlr, �Ntore o� r�Milld enr 6�dldln�� o� 1■p�o��� .
<br /> �e�t• qow o� he�enftet an ll�c propc��y{ �o he�p eu• p��p��t� le I{ood condltlan e��d ��pnl�� �Ithoa! ve�le
<br /> �n� trea l�aw wechnnlc� o� otl,ec llene nat er��eenl� euho�dla�t�d to the ll�o h��eol� !o �ot w��e� �ull��
<br /> o� pec�tt eny �ulanac� to nwlnt nor to dlmtnlnh o� l�pnl► t M v�lu� oi ene r�or.rer e� �n� �et et ont��toa
<br />,., to �at� �nA to eon�ply,vlth nlI tequt�emvnte ot lew vlth �e.o�ce �o eh• p�ops.q. •
<br /> ' 6. Conden�nllon. i� 11�a ovcnt tl�e �►�ror�r, o� �ny pntt thet��f, nlinll ht t�A�n S� ��In��t �o�nln�
<br /> eem flcl�ry 1• e�tttled to eolleet nnd recelve �11 cowpen�etton �A�lel� ��y E� ��!e Pos ��r v�or•<<� �•bo^
<br /> a� le� �ewode� !a prapa�tY nat tnken, nnd Peneflcln�y nh�ll �ppl� euch toppeoe�floo� ot� 1�� opt,o�t��en.
<br /> •lth�� te � eeduc¢ao� o( ehe inJobtadnoas secu�ed heteby o� to r�p�lr �nd reeeot� !h• �o �vtf
<br />'f 1. PCtlote�n�cO by nonCflCln��� Oonoflel��y �ny. 6ut nh�ll hev no obllRntlon to, do �n� eet �Ideh
<br /> T�ueeor hne eRQe�d��i� ���1�� �^ ��. nnd Oenallelnt� �ny •I�o do �nr act (! dea�� aeca�wo�p !o p�ot�e�
<br /> • th� lltn hareoi. T�nntoe nn�ea� to ropny, upen downnd, eny �u�� eu .�reaaea ey �a�.��a�.•y ior the
<br />..F: �bo�� dutpo�e�� nnd eny •ue •o erpeadad by �oneflcl�ry �h�ll E� •dd�d to th� l�daEt�d���� s�aur�i h�c�-
<br /> . � , b� �nA b�oo�a ��cu�aA Dy el�o llon I�areo[. lenellol��y �h�1! not (nou� •�y Pacoan�l ll��lllt� ��e�u�v eQ
<br /> : i �n�tAles lt w�r do oe osit ¢o do heta�ndec.
<br /> � e, Ae�l�ement� ot Reatn. Iloneflclnry elinll h�ve the tl�{ht� pouar end �utho�ltr du^^a p;Mneone`-
<br />- tlnuenea oI elain Read of ?�unt to collcet tl�n r�ute, leeuee end p�ollte ol the r�or•re� ! P
<br /> � s011�1 Qiop6itr IPt�tQd tl�eYe�+n vltl� or v{tlro��t t�Mlns �neeenelon of tl�• O�opett7 •/feelod h�t�h�, end
<br />- . ?:unias h:voDl ahnolutely +�na uncondliinnnll� ennl�na e11 wuch rent*, Ine��ee nnA protlte to ����flalnr�.
<br /> llenaflal�rr� hovevo�, bercby cnnnantn to T�netn��� eolleetfa� md tvtentlon �t euch rentn. ineut• enA
<br /> p�oftt� •� tt�or •eeruo end Loao�nn pnynhle, na I��R ne Tru+tor 1• nat, �t eueh tlw�, In �^s/�ult vlth TO-
<br /> � •peeR to pnywent af �ny t��l�btadnon� noe���ed he�ehy, o� In tl�e p��fornnnee ol nny •�reea��t hse��ndas.
<br /> It anr event a� defnutt deec►IhaA I�eren(ter !n ten�eet la Lhln (�eed o! Ttunt eh�ll h�v� oceatt�d end bt
<br /> contlnuln�� Sen�flr.l�rr, ae n entter of �Idl�t e�A vltMnut t+�tice to Trunta� o� �nyone clnlwln� tnder
<br /> � f��i�to�� nnd vlthout rc�yn►d to tlin vnlue ol li�n t�u�! e�t�te o� llb Int�re�t of tlie Tru�to� tl�erelo�
<br /> • � •b.11 h.ve el�e rlRhe eo n�rty co nny court I�ovinR Jurindletien to eppnlnt � tocalv�r oi tl�e propart��
<br /> � 9. Inanectlooe, acacticlnry, or !tn aqente� repte�enlntiven o� �otknee, nro �utl�o�l�ed to e�ter
<br /> � �t �nr reesoneble tlne upon or !n nny pn�t al tl�a ptop�rty lot tha pu�pona of lo�pectins the •nn� a�d
<br /> for the pu�pone o( per(orn�inp, nny ol tl�a acto lt l� •uthoif�ad to pe�lorp undes lh� t�two ol •nr lo�n
<br /> , lnatnnent� eaecuted by Tcuetor.
<br /> �i �
<br /> 10• TQ�m[e[ot PcdncrtY_. i( �11 oc eny p�rt of tlu p�opoot� o� �nq Intere�! ot irwtoc t M��ln
<br /> ,, '1' .
<br /> � �
<br /> , ,r. .. . �
<br /> ,
<br /> y . • �,, _
<br /> . � .
<br /> , . `
<br /> . , , .
<br />