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Londer shall not Inour eny Uabltiy baoouso of enyUhing It may do or omit to do =�° <br /> � � �� horeunder. -=- <br /> . . 8. Ha:�rdou�MAtul�l�.Truator ehati koep the Properly in oompllance with ail applipable lawe,ordinenaes and repulatlona '��� __ <br /> • relrating to Industrlul hygiono or onvlronmentnl prptootlon(ot+�Ioativaiy rotanod to Npreln ne"Envlronmontol Lewe"),Truetor ehal �� - <br /> ; I � . , keop tho Properly freo trom oU aubatnnoea doempd to ba horardouFl or toxlo undor any EnvlronmenWl l.awe(aolieotivoly rolerrc3d W �_�„��= --`� <br /> f/ • h�rein ae"Hazardaua MatorlAls").Truator haraby wur�Ante and r�,p►�osonte to I.onder thnt tho�o •o no FfaYSrdoua Mata�iala on or =`"--- <br /> / . • un der t ho Propo r�y.True tor nore by qtiroea to In demn l ry an d ho l d hnrm tasa Len dor,I ts c t lrba tore,n 1 1 1ouro,�mp loyoas an d ayen t e,an d � <br /> ,. ' e�ny euouussora to Londor'e Interosl,from nnd pgoinet any�nd aU alalmq,dnmeqeQ,losaea and Uabiiltlea arlslnfl In eonnoaU�n witb -"�:��-_-�----,---�--- <br /> _ � � the preoenae, use,dlapasal or irAneport o1 any Hax�+rdoua MateNnle un,under,Irom o��bout the Proporty. THE FOAEQAtNQ =.";,� '•;�°°- - <br /> ` ' , `' � WARRANTIES ANO REPHEBENTATIONB,AND TRUSTOR'8 OBI.IQATIONB PURSUANT TO THE FORECiOiNQ INQEMNiTY,SHALI �,-"�•--�;;F;:s=- - <br /> ' OURVIVE R�CONVEYANCE OF THI9 OEED OF TRUST. ' � `•=;,�;;,±�a.. <br /> � ' 10. Autpnmsnl ol Rsnt�.T►ustor horoby aeaigno ta Lmndor tho ranis,Isouea and protita of the Propo►t�r;providod that Trus�or • h <br /> • ' ehall,unlil the ocourrenae ot an Event ot Default hereundor,have tho rlght to coilaot and rot�in suah rente,Ioaues and praNts as they '.�� �°- <br /> , " beoome dua and payable.Upon the oacurronae ot nn Event ot Oatau�t,Lender may,eNher in pereon or by sgont,with or wltAoul "'y� <br /> , ,��_: <br /> ^� � ' �� brtnging any nntlon or p�aaeodfng,or by A raoalvar appulnted by a aourl and wlihout ragard to the adaquaay af Ite aeaurlty,anter 1'' � � .. � .��.��Y` <br /> ' , ` . ; .. � upon and take�oer�aalun ul lliu Proporty,o�Any paN thor�nl,In Ita own namo or�n tha namo of!ha Truotoo,ttnd do Any aoto whtoh it ' ,' _��":..�"`�x� <br /> . deama neceasary or desirable to preavrve tho vaiue,marhotnblllty c�sontability al the Proparty,or ony part thareot or Uterest thereln, „ �` . ��_=-�-` <br /> �' � � InaroASa the inoome tho�otrom or protoat the aoourity horoot an with ar without tflking passaaslan ol tho Proporqr,sue tor or ' < • :.� ;_!�'���= <br /> . " otl�erwlae colleot the rente,Iseuea and proflta thereot,inaludinp thoee pest dua and unpafd,And apply tho oame,lesa coate und . - �• ?'� <br /> , , axpenaes of operation and colleation Inoluding attornoys'teda,upon Any Indabtedneas seaured hureby,att in euah order as Lende► , ' � � �����= <br /> •; �� • mpy datormino.Tho onterin�upan and taking possosaion of tho Proporty,the coliection Af 8uah�ente,isauos and piatits And tho � �'"��' <br /> . opptloaflon thoroaf as Atoresald,ehall not aure or walve any dAf�uN or not�ae ot default hereunder o�Invalldata a�y act dono In • -��� :�' ::::. '-` <br />