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. '� '- . _ . ��rn.... _ • � v ' ' � . �t ' <br /> ..�, � �`�S •! � �. -' . . . .. 1 - ___ <br /> . � . _�• . I\ _ - • �^"���' {� � ,, l .�. <br /> �' ., , r r. . F . . 7l3�_:�-_?�. , _ _ .�"� - . f -_— <br /> • ""_ . <br /> .� <br /> .'ns�1F n� , � . ' . . . . ��, _-- <br /> , �� <br /> . <br /> . �,.3 ' 1:..._._....._.:.a.�>__f, ' • . .�. — � <br /> �'w � <br /> . � ��y ���. <br /> . _.._..�.� __ _.____—.___.__..�_.._.�.._v.cz_�a_as_a�-}�'-��k'V-4.a-.+�._1 . a..�::fY. n . __. <br /> _ .� <br /> i.�:. � a <br /> �• " � � <br /> -_'� ACi�NQWL��t�EMEN'P QF l���D Q�TFitl�T ��� �.���i�� _�_-- -- -- <br /> ` . � <br /> _ ---�- �..�-'��"'���,:;: irIU�IVtiN�:l1V TNISBkFOR�fi 81GiPtiNQ: .�� ,. ,. . .� I�m�l� <br /> • � �. ..�� � �� .— <br />—.�� <br /> ��^^�-� �-•-�-� T�ueMrundoret��Qethatthodoou�antthetTiu�torl0abouttoaxeautotse0eedofTruatflndn0lantpRgaaeandthatthepower <br /> ��s�•�. <br /> -_�-��� ot o�la p�ovide�t tor In the Dae�d of Yrust provldea euha4antlaltY different rlpht�and abllyatlonA to Yruat�rthan n mo�tyeg��n iheavant --°- <br /> �, ��-���.w� of e dehu►1 or bre8oh of obU�allon under the Dned of T�uAt,lnaluding,but na!Ilmltpd tp,tha l.pndAr'e tipht t�heve tt�4 praperqr aotd �'` .- _.:..__.-__._:-_ <br /> �� _s by ths Yrtrst�e wkhrwrt any hidictet prooeedtng.'�rueior ropresa�te an tvar►a�ihet thta aotm�i adqo�tont�ae ex�utr.�f Dy __ - - <br /> °..�� . = Trusfor l:siot�e the exeoutlon etf tft9 Q�af True�. � / _� - — <br /> �� t � r r � _ <br /> �,: -:-�.. .. . .. - .� _ � _, <br /> �.� - <br /> ��n"�'Ii�I�oh_;7.� Tr tor �'�i7�'�_.._ �. - <br /> �- <br /> " `r . ` ` .t� ��tll�iw� �� �� ���N��� h.Ai�- <br /> � .. � ^�COA�t�n�o�o bT i��son T�u�tor , .�� �;a — <br /> ''�' �� �;� <br /> • . � ., � ' _ .�}::�::��,;,�__ <br /> � .. D�BO OF Yl9U9T WITH FUTU�E d10VANCE� �� .�.: i� ;' *� <br /> t �., ,�;��._ <br /> � .�. — - �-_a- ::. , <br /> /.� , . THI9 OE�D OF TRU97,Is made ae of the..�gth day of _ Jun. ,�g g3^by und amon '�'j���`���-����° <br /> . 8 ,_.�_ — -; <br /> ` `` � Olean A �lilsan, Jr. � Con�tanae £ Milenn , husband and vi,i� '" ` <br /> , .: � ' � . the Truotor.�. _ --- - --- _ „_� -�:�F "sY, :2.'�'.:�,,,: <br /> . P 0 Box 5201 Gr�nd Ia��nd ^ , NC,60802^92W1� ��` �_,�,:;��`a <br /> � . whoso malling addresa ie _ _ ,_,_, {horoln `Truator; whothar one o•moro), �1 �,:.,. ,- <br /> " Five Poinl� B�nk, a Nobr��ka Cosporation �, • °��'�`� <br /> � tho Truatoe, .�. _ ,... ��:-�'"` <br /> r�. <br /> � � P.O. BoK 1507 tirand Imland. NB 6E!&02 . �,�� .: <br /> ��, ' whose malling addrasa Is -- _ (horeln "T�d818Q"),and � � ;,!:.,��. <br /> _ . -- -- the BeneNai�ry, F�ve Point� Flenk_ � � � „�:�� '` �-- <br /> :u.,_ <br /> �� � wNose mauin addrasa la �ls �1. Broad�oll tirpnd Ie1�fl�� NS. 68802-1507 � ° ��i': <br /> g ._. _. (horol�"Londor"). <br /> Glonn R Mil�on� Jr. ' � �,,� ��,� <br /> , FOR VAL.UABLE GON8IGERATION,Inoludln�lendor's extenaion ot orndlt idantlllod horeln to.� • � ' � <br /> , 8 Conatanae 3 Mileon "� ,, " �`�� <br /> ___.____ (hare�n"Narrowar",whether one or m�•01 and the t�uet i'uiieln�roaWd, --. "- �� ..:: :�ir <br /> ' . tho racolpt uT witloh Ib hareby eaknowledgod,Truatar horeby Irrovooab�y granis, 9n8forb,conveys and asaigna to Tn�atao, IN , � <br /> ' ' TRUBT,WITH POWER OF 9ALE,tor the banatit and eocuriry ol Lender,under and a�,ujeat to the terma�and aondNiona hereinatter aet " .+�.}' . <br /> farth,the ree{proeert�r,dosarlbad as tollowa: �• ��� ,� ,•�+r{': <br /> ' � Suils 21 C MindAOr SQu�re Condow�aiu� Prop�rty R��se in Jnit 3, Lot 2, • _ t, - <br /> • 91oak 8 �teplat� Continenlol eordena. *n Addition !o e City oi Iira�nd Yeland� � � � <br /> ; Nali CaesraiY. !lsDraeka¢ — . . <br /> .S, <br /> ,� <br /> , • Together with all bulldlnps.�mpravementa,tixturos,atroota,nlleys,paesayewaya das�amenis,righis,pn�lleges and appurte• ' • <br /> - --- ---��__ <br /> _ -: _- ----- - iiancoa ioaaieci ihareon or t�anywiee pe►to�ning tnarpt0,anq tn9 rent9,tseuea ond protita,reveralona and romaindera ttlere0l,8n0 � . ,: . . �.. <br /> supl�peraonal property that ia attAOhAd to the Improvementa so as to constltuto a(Ixture,including,bul not Ilmltod to,heaHng and � <br /> cooling oquipment;and together with the homeatead or man1Al intereats,fl any,whiah fntorepts aro hareby relepaed and waived;all <br /> �' , o}whioh,Inoluding replpcem�nta and addttlone thereto,la horeby doolared to be a part of the real oatata seoutpd by the ilon oi this fi • <br /> . Doed o9 Trust And Ail oi tho torogoing being reforred to hero�n Ae thp"Property". �� <br /> ' ThlB Cead ol Truet ehAll secu►e(a)the payment ol the pr�ncipal uum and intoroot ovldoncod by a promtseoty not�or pradlt `" <br /> � ' agreement dAtad ��Q�.��i.._h 19q3 ,heving a matunry date ot _.__. Junv 10lh 1998 , , ' <br /> , <br /> � in the crlglnal principal amount ot�.._—?6.098.50 ____.,and any and alt mpolfioaHpna,oxtenatona and renewals I , ' . <br /> , ihereot or thereto and any and ail tuture advancea and readvancea to Bor�ower �or any ol them if u�ore than one) horeunder 4 .• <br /> pur8uant to one or mare promiseory notea or oredit agrpomenta(ha�oin cAliod"Notd");(b)the payment pf otha�eums advAnced by � ' • <br /> Lender to protect the seottrity o11he Note;(01 tha pe►formance ot ail covonants and agroemente ol'hustor set forth heretn;and(d)aii � ' <br /> •. preeent antl tuturo indobtodneas and ob8gatlona o1 Borrowor(or any ol them il moro than one)to Lender whetho�direct,Indireot� I <br /> abaolute or contingent end whether arlsing by npte,guArinty,overdralt or(,therwise.thfl Note,this Reed of Tru�t and any and a11 � <br /> othar do�uento tnat seouro the Note or otherwisa axecuted In connection Iherowith,mcludinp rvithout Umitetlpn guuranteve,aeauriry , <br /> aflr�omenta and aesipnments ol laasas and ronta.ah�ll bo reforred to horam as the"Loan inst�uments" , <br /> , Trustor covonants and agreae wlth I,endar aa lollowa: � ' <br /> ' 1. Paymenf o1 Indebtednoto,All Indoblodnoas socured herdpy ehall 6s paid when due. <br /> � � 2. Tille.Truetor le the owner ui the Property,has the rlght And Authorlty to convoy thp Property,and warrants that the lien <br /> oreated herpby IR a Ilrat pnd prlor tlen an the Property,except for t�ens and ancumbrancos set fo��lh by Truetor In writinp and <br /> ' delivered to Lendar bvtorA executlon ot thie Deed ol T►usL and ihe oxt�cutton and dolivery oi ihia poed of Truet does:tot vlolato ony <br /> contraat or other obltgatlon ta whlch Trustor ta sub�ect. <br /> ' 3. TAxef,A�teaamento.To pay befora clelinquency all taxea,apealnl Aeseasmenis and All other cherges uqalnst the Prope�ty <br /> , � now or hereaftar levled. <br /> 4. Inturanao.To keep the Proparty lnaured agalnst damctgo by Nra,hazarda inc�uded wlthln thd term"oxton .ooverape",end <br /> auoh other hazards as Lender may requlre.In amounts and wlth companiea pcceptable tA Lender,n�m�np 4ender as an addlllonel � <br /> nemed inaured,with tose payAble to the Lender.ln caet�of loas under;,uch pollcies,the Lender ia authprlZOd to ndJuuL collect and � <br /> _ _ ----- _- __ .--- i+omp►omisa,el!elelms lhe:oundor snd�ltal!havo tFo aptian of appiying ali ar pa�i oi Eite ingurance prvicevde(�)to any indnbted�jnye • <br /> • aeoured hereby and+n such prd�r as 4ender may dotormina.�iq to the Trustor to be used for the repaU or resroratlon of Ihe Properry <br /> o►(Ilp for any other purpos�or��b)ect eatis}actory to lander withoul Altecting tho Ilen o1 thia Daed ol Truat}or the tull amount aecured <br /> � . horoby botore such paymant ever took plaae.Any AppUCAtlan of prpceeds to indebtadnesa dfiull nol o�tond or postpono the duo <br /> • • date of any paymenta under tho Noto,or cure eny dotaull therounder or hereunder. <br /> , 6. BYOrow.Uppn written demand by Lender,Truetor ehall p�y ta Lender,In euch manner as Lendpr mAy doeipnAta,euHiclent <br /> �1 ; sum9 ta enAble londer to pay as they bacome due ono or more ol the tollowing:(1)all taxea,asaeasments and other ahargos egainst <br /> the Property,(il)ttie promlumb on the property Ineurance requlrod hareunder,ond(lil)the premlume on any mprtpaga inaurance <br /> . 'a � requlred by Londer. <br /> 8. blalntsnunoe,Repaln and Complianoa wNh Law4. 7rustar ehall koop tho Proporty In pood condipon and repelr ehA11 <br /> . � promptly repalr,or replace any improvement wbich may be damAged or destroyed; ehall not commit or pormlt eny woete or <br /> ' 1 `�• • deterlorAtlon of the Propetty;ahall not rdmove,demollah or eubetanHally a�ter uny p}tho Imprpvementa on the Propertyr:ehail not <br /> aommit,suffer or permlt any aot to be done in or upon the Property In v�alatlon o1 any Inw,ordinance,or rogulatlon;and ahell pay and <br /> • promptly dlsaharge at Truetor's cost and expenea atl Hena,encumbrancea and ohnrges tevled,Impoaed or oeaeased ogotnat ihe <br /> ' , P►opertyr or any part theroof. <br /> � 7. 8min�nl Qome�n.Lender le hereby aesipnod all oompeneatlun,awArde,domagea end other pAyments or rellel(herelnaRer <br /> !� "Proceeds")In oonnvctlon wlth oondemnatton or pther taking ot tho Proparty or pprt thereof,or lor aonvpyanco in Ilou of condemna- <br /> , �• . tion,Lender ahall be ontNled at itd optlon to commence,appear In And p�osecute In ite own name any actlon pr proceedinps,and <br /> ehall also be entilled to make any compromise or settlamenl in connoctlon with euch lakinp or dnmage.In the event any portion o} <br /> . �� ,, NBC7/67�NoNprleultw�ID�sdIR�v10i80 '. <br /> �18ABN�tbnH8mialCommanLu�tan08w�npfA�wcunon.Uncoln.Nobr�N� �f <br /> , <br />