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r., : <br /> { � � <br /> ��+n',�,�a';�ivw.&t'�. . . . ��� . , . . _ .- . , ..,� :... .; • a <br /> . . . . . ��. . . . ... ��� : �. <br /> g3_�o4�sz <br /> <r r.1.tlm Lcndcr myuves Thc mmrsna carr�er pmviding thc insura�Ke shall bc cFOaen by Bcrtower subject ro Lcndr,i <br /> vppro�'al which shali no�be uneeazonably witFheld. if Baeoaxr fails�o ma�ctain crorcngc dcscribed abovc,Lrndcr may,v� <br /> LrnAcr�option oMain coveage!o perne��Lendn3 riQlica in the Rvpaty in accoNane with�vra%raph]. <br /> Atl lnmran<e poii<ies nnd mrowa;s shall h aaeptab:<ro LeMer aeM shall"uiriude a nandud rtwrcgege clause. I.ender <br /> dv�I.:ivc thc rigM m hoid chc policies end renewals. If IcMcr rvauia,Boemwcc sM1alf pmmptly give ro Lendcr all rtceip�s <br /> ef yaid pttmiums and rcnewal no:ices. In Ne evrn�of loss.BwmwQ shWl give qompv erotitt w Ne inmrnce cerrier md <br /> Len6cr Lendcr mn�make pmrFo(loss i:�w[made promF��Y by Bmmwcr. <br /> ' UNcss Lrndcr and Bono cr othcnviu agrte in wnting,insmvmc pscecds shall bc appBed m rtscontiort or mpvr of <br />� 9�c Pn�xe dsmageA, d�M1C rts�oat en or rt�ir u econan¢�Ily feas�bl< and LaMerb �ecudty i.c not IessenN. :f the <br /> res�o�(o. or rcpart -z na econom�wlly kazible or I.ender's ucvnty ww'd be Iessencd. the �rtmrurce pmceeda thall be <br /> appl e�. o �he m umd by thiz Secunty Inswrtxn�. whether m na �hen due,wi�h any rxcess pvd m Bmrow<c I( <br /> Bom rv:er:nandon the &operty, or does nw ar.cwer wrthm 30 days n no�im fmm LeMer fiat the insureace carrier M1az <br /> ottercJ m scule a c;a m,then LenEer may collect the insvrnce proceeds. Lendtt may uu ihe p�oceM to mpair or¢smm <br /> � ;he Pmreny o:w pav sums secvn.;i by�his Securiry Inswmev4+hether m`rot�hen due. The 30-day period w�ll hgin whrn <br /> the i ic givc � <br /> L�less Lender and 9erzower otM1erwise agree iu writing,am application o(prtxeNs m primipai shall no� extcnd or <br /> pw�pone ihe we da�c o([he monthly pxymrnts rtfrrted ro in paragaphs i arM 2 or change tlx amount of tlx Oaymenu. If <br /> unJer paae��ph ?1 the Ropeny is acquimd by Lender. Bortower} �gryi�o any insman:e policies vM pmceeds rtsulling <br /> fxrn damaec ro�F<Propely pnor m�he activisifion shalt pasz w Lerder m ihe exhnt of ihe sums ucmed by ihis Secunty <br /> Inswmen:'n medwteh�priorb the xqursition. <br /> 6. Qccupanq�,�Presereatioe, Maincenanm and Prolmlion o( the Propert5: RxrowePS Loan 10Plication; <br /> Leauholds. Eurtower shail occupy,enablish,and ux ehe Property as Bmrower's pfincipal msid�nee wi�hiv sixry�days a(m� <br /> �he exew�ien of�his S<cunp�Ivswment and shall continue ro acupy iM1e Propercy az Bortower's priricipal eesidence for a� <br /> ieart e c vear after 2c da�c o! occvpancy, unless Lendtt o@erv�iu xgrtes in wnting. which consrnt shall nct be <br /> mbh wnnheld,or uNCss cxtrnuating c'vcumsunas<nisl which a�e beyond Bortowers conwl. Borrowcr shaii not ' <br /> oc;m� -na°e or impair the Property.alio�v ihe Ro�cm�o demrionte.or mmm�wasm on�he Prapeny. Bor»er shal: ' <br /> he m fcfe I� f vm forfe m'e ocnov ov prmcedmg uF.ether crv I or rnmmal,rs begun @a[in Lendu a gcod(aiih judgmm� <br /> eule� sW in forfeimm o` �he Propmy or o�heewise namna!ly �mpar �he Len crta¢d by �h�c Secun�� Inswmrnt or <br /> L�der<<ecur,c mmm�e Borrowar mav cure sueh a default and reastaee,az prm'ided ir.paragraph 18. bv cau;ing�he az�ion <br /> or p-icecdire�o Se Aismisxd uith a ruling tha[,in Lenderi good Caith Eemrminaiiu��,preclud_s`odeiwre of�he Bormxerk <br /> iniere<t in tnc Prop:rcy or other mamrial impairment of�he lien crtared ey �his Securiry !nswmrn� or Lenderi secunty <br /> In�emzi e�rzower shall aiso be in default if Borzowe;, during the loan a�lication proc�cs, gave mamnally lalse or <br /> �t� in(ecwiio�mstztcmennmlenderlor(ailedmprovideLenderwi�hanyma�erialinforma�ion)inco�n<aionwith <br /> :he lo�i JArnred Sy �he Note, mcluding, but not limimd �o. rtpeesema�ions con:eming Bormxrer� acupanry of �he <br /> Yropem ae a prmcdpal rcsiAenre. If�his Sceunty Inzlmmem is on a leauhold.Bortower shall mmply with all�he pmv:xions <br /> Mihe!ca.a Ifdnnnwerneqoi¢xlee�itle�olhePropeny.theleascho!dand�hefcetiHcshal!notme�gcuniexsLrndcragrms <br /> lo IL� mcrycr in wnling. <br /> ]. Nrolection of Le�ders FiRhts in Ihe Fropertr'. I( Bvrmwer faiis Io pedv;m �he covrnants and agreements <br /> -�ed in this Secunry Inswment, or �hem k a kgal pmceeding tha� may significantly aRect LenAeri neh�s in the <br /> Prcxny lsuch as a proceeding in banl:ruprcy,pmbam.torcondemnaGov or forfeimm or to rnfomc lawx er mgulaions).ehen <br /> Lender mar Ao and pay for w6a�ever ie necessary lo pra�x�the vaWC a(ihc P;opcm and Lendcra r gh�s in the Propeny. <br /> Ln tler:a nctians may incluce pn}mg My sums sccured b� v I en which has priori�y ovcv ihis Sccur iv Inavumrnt,aCPe�^�S <br /> �,.n ryavmc rc nabl• atmmeys'fma�nd entrnng on�he Pmpcny m makc rtpairs. Aithuueh Lendcr ma��mke ar.ion <br /> under�h's pzner�p`��Z Lrnder dces not have�o do so. <br /> Anv amo�ntz dabursed bv Lender under ihis➢��Rr+P� � �hil Mcome addi�ional deb� o!Bormuer ucurcd by @is <br /> Sec - nsmimene CNess Hormwer aad Lendcr agree m other rertns oF paymcnq the,c amounts shali bcar m�•res�from�he <br /> daie oC�drshuescmen[at the No�e mie and shsil h payable, w��M imeta-[,upan no�ice fmm Lender to Bortower <br /> cnL <br /> 8. \Inrtgage inmrance. If Lender requimd mon6age in.mrance av a mndi�ion of making �he loan secured by �his <br /> ._ .l � Ins!rumcn�. Boroaer shall pay ihe preminms rtqmmi m maintafn �he mortgage rence m efkm. !L (or any <br /> S��c rosu <br /> cua�n ihe mongnec n �nce m c�agc mquired by Lender Iapscs or ceasa to be in e(fu4 Borrower shoii pay the <br /> prc reyuved m obw n e erage subs[w�ially equivalen[ to �he mongage insuaMe prcviouply in ef&c�, n v oa <br /> rcul �� �'�Ily equiv�lem m�he mst«�Bormwer of the mortgape m ce prtv�ousiv m effecL !mm an almmam mortgage <br /> �ipemved by Lendcv aubstemiaity equivalcv�mongu�e insumnee coverage is not availcblq Bonower shvll pvy m <br /> Leml;r cacM1 eromM1 a sum equxl w oneeweif,h of�he yearl} mongage i ce prem m being paid hy Bettrow<r when:he <br /> -n€a�apsed or ceaad ro be in effetl. Lender mill azc<pt.uu and rttain theu pavmentt ac a loss msme m Leu <br /> afsmengagev��zurn;e. LM�rcserve paymems may no longer he rtquired,nt the option o(Lendcr, if mangage insurancc <br /> orace�'n thc aineun[end for ehe period tha�Lender rtquirts)gmviAed by an inw¢r appmved by Lender agam bccor <br /> a I�AIe vnd is ebm nui Bortowa shall puy the prem . mquired�o mui��am mongage iasunnre in effecl or to pmvid<a <br /> lor. uni I ihc requ remem for mongage insumna rnds in accordanc<wi�h any wr�ren agreement be�ween Boemwer <br /> und Cind•�ar oppl cunlc Iuw. <br /> 9 trivpectinn 1 ender or�ts aecn�mzy mnke¢uvonable entnca opon nnd inspec[ions of�he Pmpeny. Len�er sholl <br /> pi.e6or nm:vez��ha�imeoforpnovmwmsper,uonspeciCyivgmasonabiecvLLCe[onheinspenion. <br /> I'1. Condemnation. The p:ocreds of am award or daim for damages d�mct or comequrn��al,in conntt�ion wi�h any <br /> $Ing�eZmlty-.annk�Ia.IF}etlEFMxIN�FOP.MINSfkILMEYT—UOilormCwevne 9NJ (paPe3nfM1ryR�'I <br /> w wo e�r�.��r <br /> mmeux.i awwwo..uma��.m <br /> i,.:,: <br /> __ J. <br />