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; - <br /> a�� _ �!���'�I�,f�� <br /> ,� - <br /> � _ _ _ <br />, r , _ _ <br /> ��_1047(32 <br /> TOGLTNER NITH all thc ir,.provemen¢now or hem.ifmr ereqed on�he pmpeny,and a:i eaumen•s,appunenanres, <br /> � ana exwres now m hereafter a 0�oI[he pmperty. AO replacrnirnes aM aAditions shall aiso be covcred by�his Sauri[y <br /> insmmem AlioftYelorvROingissferted:ointhis5ecunrylnstrcmrn[azthe"Property." <br /> BpRRG\VGR COVENANTS�ha�Borrower is lawfvlly xised of�he c[a[e hereby comeyed and has tlrc righ�to grarn <br /> aM cnm�e}'C¢Ropetty and�hat�he Propeny is wencumbered,eacep�for eMUmbraircc o!rtrord. Borrower wamants znu <br /> will eefend�enernlly the ntle m the Popertv against ail civms and demarids,subjM to any envmbrnnees of rtcord. <br /> THIS .iECJR1TY INSTRUMENT mmbines wifo�m cmxnan¢ for vGonai use and `an-unifmm covenants with <br /> .�mmdranatmnsbyj 'isdiaiontoconsamreaumformxcuriryinsvvmentmvmr.¢;ealpmperty. <br /> Li�IFORhICOVENAhTS. �orreweruntllendercm�rnamandagrteufollows: <br /> 1. Pa��ment of Principal and Interexl:iPrepaym,ent and Late Cha�q,es Borrower shall pmmptly pay whrn due Ne <br /> pri�^pal of antl'n[rex�on thc Ccbt evidencN Fy the Note anG any prepxymrnt and la�e chages duc unde:�he No�e. <br /> ? FunJS PorTases and Insurance. hbject to applicabic law or w a uritmn wvverby LcMer,Bortower shall pay�o <br /> Lcndcr on�he day monthly payments are doc under�he Note,until thc No�e is paid in PoII,a sum ('Wnds"; for.(a)yeady <br /> ' tas s and azuvmrnts which mny auain priodry wu�his Securiry Inswrtrent as a lien on the Property; (b)yearly IeauholE <br /> pa�mc�ts or �rnvnA rcnts on �hc Roperty, if any: (c) yea:ly hazard or pro�rty ir,svru¢e przmiums; (d) yearly fla,d <br /> ' p zmwmx 't any, !e) yearly mongage �aswance premlums, if any; and (� any sums payable by Bortower m <br /> Lrnd r i e cordance w�h the pmvismns of parngrsph 8,m lieu of[he paymrn[of mon5agc insurance prcmiums. These <br /> i�ems am eJle�"ESCmw Imms" Lender may,a[any time,collett and Fwid Funds in an amour.[no[m exceed the muimum <br /> amount a Lnder for a Ruerally rda�ed mortgage loan may requirz for Boerower's acmw acewnt ueMer Cc kdemi fteal <br /> ' ue Set•IC��.ent Pruccfures Ac�of 19]4 as amended fmm time m time, 12 0.S.0§2601 a srq.("RESPA"7,unlesz avo�her <br /> I w�h t pvl . [e th F�ndc e t lesser amount If so,Lenu. may at ay t�me,callttt and hold Ponds m an am.ount not m <br /> c A � � . �e � I end m y esnmam �he � oi Gumk due on tfie basis of curmnt da[a and rea. nable <br /> c�mt f �il.ureofftreEscmu�Itemsorotha-� � omr:ncewiNappLcabielaw. <br /> The F L� .Fall be hNd n insi uton xhosc depos� are nm¢d b� a kderal agrncy. �nsttumental ty o ent-iy � <br /> (ndud ne L d if 6.ntler's s ch en st m�mn)or m a Federzl Home Loun Benk Lender chnll appl� �h Funds�o pa� <br /> e3 �he E m.� I�emx. Lender mav no� chargu Bor.ewer for Lold ng anQ appl}mg thc Wndc annually analyz g the acww <br /> uccoun� o verifymq �he H,.ww I�emc r.oless Lrnder pays Borrower inteect on �he Ponds a�d upplicable law permita <br /> Lenca m nixFe vch a char�e. Howereq L�nder may require Bonnxer m pay a one Lme charge for an independem real <br /> es:vte�ax rtryming cenice uced by Lender n ecuon with this loan,unicss nppiieable law pmvidez o�hewi.¢. Unlesx an <br /> ag;mmcr.� s midc or aoplm.nle law reymr:z inmrest to be paid.Lendershali noe M mpuired m pay Borrower any intercci nr <br /> eamings on�hc Funds.�Bormwer and Lend�.er may agme in wnting,troweva,Ihat imertst ahall be paid on�he Funds. Lender <br /> shni ¢ve �o eormwer,uithuut..hvge,an a�nual acmuming of Rr Ponds,siwwing crcdits and tlebi�s to the Wnds and Ihe <br /> puq -- `er mhich cach debit m the Funds�as made. Thc Por.ds are pledged az a0ditior�al smn:�� (e�all sums secureA by <br /> �his Se:unrv Inswmen�. <br /> 1` �he Funde held bv L::nder ezaed the amounts yermi�md to be held by applicable law. Lender sM1ail accovm m <br /> Borzoa;r fo�the a¢ess Fu�ds in acrnrdance wl�h the mavir.mems of applicable law. I!Ne amoum of�he Punds F¢Id br <br /> Lender a; mv�me is no� snf�cient m pu���he Essrow L•!.;as�+hrn Aue,Lender may so notify Flortower in writ g a'�:n. in <br /> .vuch case Borto..¢r shall pay m Lender the amount necrnary m make up Ihe deficiency. Bortower shali make up �he <br /> Aeficirncy in ec mmc than txe;ve monthly pa}mena,az Lemier's sole dixmion. <br /> UCCV paymrn� in full of all sums sttrred by this Security Inztramen�,Lrnda sM1ali prumptly mfund �o Borzowcr any <br /> Funds he:d by LrnAer. If,nnder paagrnph 21,Leeier shall acquiec or ull the Propeny,Lender,prior to�he acyvisition or <br /> sale ol ihe Propeny,ehall appiy am Funds hdd by Lznder at the Gme of acquisi[ion or ule az a cmdit agairzst ihe sums <br /> secumd by this Smuritv����Nmcnt. <br /> 3, Application of Payments. Unless applicablc law provides othcrn�ise, xll paymsnls received Fy LcnJer unAer <br /> p:.r e•zphs I and 2 shall Ir npplied: first,to any prepnyment charges due under�he Nom;scmnd m amount payable nnLer <br /> puacraph 2:;Mrd,m inmm�l Ave;foutth,m pnncipa!dur,and IasL lo any u�.charges due undcr Ihe Note. <br /> 4. Chargx; Liens. Horrower ahall pa�� all taxes, assessments. charP,�s, fines and impositions altributable �o �he <br /> Rupen � �hich may a�min prror�y ove N. Securi�y insnvmrnt,and leasehold paymrnts or gmand mms,if any. Bonowa <br /> sha�l pi, thcse obifga�ions in the man��,r prov�ded in parderapli 2,or if no� in iha�manner,Bortower shali pay�hem on <br /> time�I'recih m�he t cson owed p.rymen�. Bortower sha I pron0�ly Pomish�o Lender ali nouces of amoums io Fe paid undm <br /> this p:ngr;ph if pomoxer makcv these paymeris dima y, 8ortower shsll promptly fumish to Lrnder rec�p�s ev dencing <br /> �hc pavmcma. <br /> �nrtowershali pmmp�ly discherge any lien which Au pvioriry ove��his Securi�y Insvumen�unless Bortowee(a)agrecs <br /> 'n wriiing�o the paymem of the obliga�ion sttured'oy�he lien in a manneracecptaSle to Lender,(F)contests in gewtl(aiN�he <br /> licn by.or�e(rnds aRains�rn(ortcmenl of the lien in,Iegal procecdings wh¢h in the Lender's opinion operzm ro prevent the <br /> rnforcemrnt of�he licn:or(c)stturcs from the holeer of the lien an egreemen�satiefacmry to Lendr. subordineting the!ien <br /> m�h s Secunry Insnvmem If Lendev Deiertnmca thet anv pan af the Fvperty�s subjec�m a Len whieh may mmin pnoriiy � <br /> wer�h s Sccunp InnmmenL Lender may�rve Eortower z wtice idemlfy:ng Ne hen. Benower shall satisfy the 1¢n or take <br /> m:e or mom o(�F.e aa�nns xc forth above wi�hln 10 days of @e givi�g o(uoGCe. <br /> 5 NazaM ur Frnperty Insmm�ce. Borzo.�cr sM1a11 keep the�mpco.emcros�ow ex sing on c�rea9cr ereaed on �hc <br /> Pre� n ' .. I agai �I �. bp f . h 6' I J� -�h n il � m� exe^ndetl covenge ard any oma hauMa,indudmg <br /> 11ood or fia�dng, t � �3ch LcnJcr {a- _ �su oa, 'IL sumna hnll be maimmnM m Nc emwnts ar d for�hc <br /> Fo�mJWq 9IDO IyRr1o/6�qgrr) <br /> y € <br /> � � { <br />