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� < ,;^ <br />��v����.��.,,� � �. . � � � �. _. .. , . , _ � <br /> S " � � <br /> t . -_ , <br />�'` <br /> s — <br />� . <br /> ti <br /> �$— 104'78f� <br />'r �r s tl�i f c er reqmrct. The inmrance carrier providing the insurance ahall be cimzen bv Boerower subject�o Lender's <br />� -J �1- h shall not be nnreasonabiv ui�hheld. li Bortower fails w mmntain cwerzge dacriAed abovq Lrnder may.a� <br />{`k L^� : �.f �>�a n covemSC m pro�<ct Lendcr's rights in the Pmpeny in acmNance with pangnph 7. <br /> p 1 I -i.a c pol c es and mn<wai. .hali Lc acceptaFle m lender and shall ircWAe a smrdard mongaFe ciaux Lender <br />� 9ia�l h � � e ch�m hold�he pnlicies iW ene als If Lender mquims,9ortower sM1all pmmplly give ro Lender ail«ceipts <br /> N'p� 1 p ei ��res anL ecewal no�ices. 1 �he men[of loss.Boerower.hall grve pmmot net�m m the insuranm cnrrier and <br /> LsJ I, n.ler mar make proof of lo 'Cnot ade pmmptly bv 3ortower. <br /> ���n css Lender snd Aorrower othenv�se agrce in wnoeg,msamnce proceeds shall be applied ro resloro:�on or repair u! <br /> tF.e Propett} dam.ieed, iF the rcctoration or repair is economically feasible and Lender's ucurity is mt lessrned. It the <br /> rezmrmion or mpoir is not economicvily frasibie or Lender's security would be lessened, ihe insurana proeceds shnll be <br /> aPpl d �o � .ums sec�reL by Hv� Secunry Ieinvmect, whether o� r.ot 6hen due, wi�h un� excecs paid te Bortowa. 7( <br /> Bo ro �er abindoa tl•e PmpeZy. oc dces mt ansu'er wiNin 30 da s a notice tmm Levda thaz �he invnme�_e cartiev has <br /> nfCercA ro seule a da:m,ihon lenLe� may eollect�he insuance prceeeds. Lendev may use the pmceeds to repa:� or rtslorc <br /> ' ihe Prnpvn. nr to pa) cums secured by�hrs Secunn�fns[rwnent,whethe� or not firn due. The 30+1ay period wili be61^when <br /> ihc cc ch'ea . . <br /> � L �: I cnA and Rortewcr other ise gree in wri[inK, any applwa:ion uf prweed. m pnnapai �h II no� cxtend or <br />� pf� y 0-e A da�e of�he monNl� p y.rnts re(erted m in paagraphs 1 and 2 m rn�nge .he ur un:o(tl�e p ymrnts. If <br /> p �g ph L th F4oFem is vcq d b Lender portowers r.ght m zny msura�c puliu . and p�reed msWting <br />� Gc i .' 6 ���� P .pmy pnor m the a q 's[wn sM1ail pae• �o Lender m the<xm�t of�h sums securcd by tti s Security <br /> Inst i n immcAia d p br b�he acqu. hoi. <br /> G Occupanc Preser ahon Mamrenanca and Proleceion of the Pmpertv Ror o er's L an 1pp1 cation; <br /> s ieaseholds. 73onower shall xcupy, l�blish,and use ine F'operty as Bonower's princ paI res dence with n a x�y dnyx afier <br /> �he a cu;:or cf thit Securiry Ins[rvmem and sha0 mntince t�acupy the Ropeny a.�Borzower's principal rcsidence for at <br /> �. one :c • ;d[e� Ne dam of ocwpancy, ur.less Cender otherwise ag�ees in wnhng, whch con¢�t shuil no[ b-. <br /> im �o h � ��hhe d.o�unicse extenmeine erzcunstantts exist which are beyond Bortower's cwtmi. Borrower chall nol <br /> Ac t ,a_�_i_e or impvir the Popercy,allow �ne Propeny to deteriomte,or commit wa�.�n the Ckopeny [iorzower shall <br /> 1 f i 'f any fe [�t c�'on or procceA ng.whefiev avil or ar' �nsl i. begun th �i�L der i 6oa1 fanh judgmem <br /> m I f i ' fm[�iuri o( �hc Prapem or o�herw re m mna�ty imp r th 1'en anreA b, �Y is Suumy �mwmem o� <br /> u.,4 s -iR inrerat Bortower mxy cure such a aefaul�anc rem.vtate,as prov�ded m parag:nph IA,by caus�ng�he anion <br /> or�r c � u�o be d'.ini-sui wi[h v I�ng that,in Lender's g�wi faith de�erminvtion,p-ecl�des Codeimre of�he Harrower� <br /> In«c t � �_r pmpeny o� o�her ma�erml impaim�ent of Ihe lie�i evea�ed by this Secunty Inamment or Lendert securiry <br /> inte �-mwcr :hall vlso be in defsWt if Bortowe�, dum S �he �oan appiication process, gave te �ily faLse or <br /> ic -,iommlio r s[alemems lo l,rnder(or failed to pmvide levtler x',h any mvenal mfoematioN'n cmnecoon wlih <br /> �be I i - '� d h� �he Note i�c!uding. bu[ not Iimited m. reprenemations ronceming Bono.�ers cupnncy of the <br /> Pr pen ns n�ri�cipal re.�denee If this Sewrit;I�shumenl is on n Ieaseho!d,Bortowe�shvll comply w'�h alI�h oro isiom <br /> of ^Icux. If Bn�mvmr zcqui�u fee�i�le[o the Propeny,�he learehold and the fee titie snali no�mage unl_as L ine.r ugrees <br /> «��I e Ecr in �r'ting. <br /> t i infinn ot I.ender a Rlghls in �he Propert¢ If Barto u fiils �o pcdorm �he covennN. nnd �precmeNs <br /> corL' d -n tl 's S�nuity Ins;mment, or Ihere ix n iegal pme'.eedinv th�t m�y �igni�car:v �((ec� Le��er: r¢�n �n �he <br /> Pv p� �I ch ac�procecding in bankruplcy.pmbam,for condwmmion or foAeimre or m enfortt:nw,a n eyvl �inns),ihen <br /> Lc�der iroy do�nA paY fo� whatever is necessnp' m protec� the vulue o(thc Property and Lrnders nghts m thc Fropeny. <br /> L i . a'no . mn� nd�de paying any coms secured Ay a lien which has prioril9� �cr�his Sewriry inxwment,appearing <br /> c �r� puying reaconab c vtmmeys C�e and entering on�he Pro�rty to make repairs. Although Lender mny �ake ac�ion <br /> �� i� �p� g pF� Lei d . dcez na�have to do so <br /> �. <i��. �:bi r. d 'w�der wiL°e th�s parugrrt�h 9 shnl:become addit onal debe af Barto �emved by @ia <br /> Sc t Invru rem � .e.s 6ortower und Lentev aGrce�o other tertns orpaymem.lhae amoun�shall be ' �erc 1 from�hc <br /> d t �d:burscmcnt at�hc Notc ratc and sheil be puyabie wLLh ,ntemst upen nol�ce fro�n LenAer lo �orto u reque.aing <br /> p� �i .��t. <br />.7� ft Mo tga�e I�suran<e. If Lender reqn r�A mongage msurancv z a condiiron o(making the loan securv:d bv thi. <br />' S i:' ' Insimmcm Homawe� sholl pm �he V�emiurac reqm�eA m mamtam �he motlgvge insurunce n e(Cect If, tar unv <br />�4 ri -en tl e mon�,age nsumnce eavemge myuired by Lender lapsez or m he in eftec4 Rmmwer .shall pay ihe <br /> n n un. r q i'r d a �b�ain covenge . hst�nunlly equi�alrnt io the mottgage nsuzvec prcviousiy �n effcU ut a a st <br /> � '+ n - I � � - -Irnt t� !he coat 1 0orawer of�he mongaga msuranca prev�ou�iy m effec�, from an nllerw•e mongagc <br /> Irv vcr upprwcd h� Lrndcc IFsubs..�mi..11y equivnlent morlgnge insurnnce wverugc is m�avuilabie, Gorrowenahall puy m <br /> Lender each mon�h a sum equr� �o oce-twdhh oF[he yearly.mongage insurume premium being paid by Bortower when�hc <br /> inarance covervge lapsed o�cen ed m be in e[feet. L,ovrie�•�i17 accept.use and mtain these pnymems a u IoFS reaerve �lieu <br /> o� nq pe ' . anee Los,a rceervc payments mny no bngcr be requircA, u� the ophan a(Lender, if mn�gage naumnm <br /> cr p�[in ihe anoum nnd Cur ehe penod thm Lender reqm�es)pmvided by an insurcr appro�eA by Lender vgain becomes <br /> 'I M . I+oMein�d Burrower shali pay the premiumv m_quired ro mvntain mortgnge incumrec m effeU,or�o prov'de a <br /> I .� c� .uni 1 !hc rcqu'rement for mortgage inmrance ends in accord..ecc wi�h any wn•trn aFmc^'em betwern Bortow.r <br /> ; I Lc A �or�ppl cuble I�w <br /> ) Inspi 1��r. Lend�r oe �v aEei t 'y mako reuonobl�c-t. cv up. nd irepeamn=:,''�.e P�openy- Lender chall <br /> E �. 6. < v�v noi ec m�he time of or p-or ro an inxpecuon specifying re onahl^cauu for th^mcpeclion. <br /> 10 Condemnvtmn. 71u pvoc ede of eny nwnrd or da�m for oe nages diren m eon.cequenM1 d,m ennneetion with uny <br /> tiingleF�nl,- PvnnleNCdfretl��eMUCUNIFOHp11NSTRVRII:N'l� Lilo'mCwmuna91901pnF��"f�IV�S�d <br /> a Irc ■ <br />