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, , _ . . _, <br />�, , ww�,„a�a:�z� . , ... • : , _ , _ � <br /> 93= io��sU <br />� � "ry'ET:+LR K"H all the impmvemenu now m hemafmr erec�ed on�he pmpeny,anL all eazenenLt,appurtenanms. <br /> and f at�.rs vo+ or hercaLe:a oan of the pmperty. AII repiacemems and addi�iems shall also be cuvered by this Sewrity _ <br /> In.c:n e 11 of thr f �g rs rcArtoL m m Ms Secunty Instmmmt as Ne Pro�erty" <br /> e RRC °"t,Vf 4 TS'�m Rorto�.vc is Iawfuliy uised of the<sm¢herby convc�cd anA hvs�he nght�o S�am <br /> - e tl "opae �ha�tne Royeny is unencumbercd.except for encumbanms of rzcord Bormwer wartants anA. <br /> v:ll,f I id rdty's e title lo tiie Propeny agai�sst all elaims and demands,subjec�to any encombmnms of record. <br /> k � IC SI.7!!ftRY 1,�'STRUMENT combine.s uniform corenmits (or national use and non-umtortn covenants with <br />� Iir.iitA ' a�io . byjun.dic��ontoconspNmaum(oemsecuninswmentcovrnngre�lpropeny. <br /> f;N�ORMCO�E�ANTS BortowerandLenderroe�antandagreeasPollows. <br /> I Parment of Pr cipa!and Interesp Prepaymen[and Late Chargee. Bortower shall promp�Iy pay when due me <br /> princ n I f�rA'mz�e�i the debt aidenced b} �he No�e a d any prepa}me�t and lam charges due onder�he No�e. <br /> 2. Fu�ds tor Taces and Insurx�re, S•�b�ect m appl'caSle law or Io a wmten warver by Lender.Borrower shall Fay lo <br /> j - Lend�r nn ihc La}' mon�hiy paqmrnts arc dve undeo @e Nc s,unhl �Me Note is paid m (ull,a sum("Fands°Vea 1� leazehol� <br />� mce _d sucssmenu which may avain pnority over�6is Secunty Instnment az n I�en on the Ropeny; (b), y <br /> 4 paymcn� o� gmuvd rms on [he P'opert�. �E nny: (c) yearly hoznrd or property insuronce premiums; (d) yeady flaod <br />� inan n n'ums 't any (el yeady mongage insunnce O�emiums, if any; anA (� an�� sums payabie by B�.rtower ro <br />� Lend r in 'uordanc. with the pmvisons of pnmgraph A,in lieu of ihe pnyment of mongage insurance premiums. There <br />� :en a 'I eA "F,scrow Items. Lender may.m any time hold Funds in an amo�nt nol to e�ceed the navmum <br />� ��nu it I nder for a fedcnl\' relaeed monga€e loan may requirc ior Bortower's escrow acrount under Ihc (edcra Real <br /> k�aati nt�mcetlure.A��of 1974 as amended from ume to�me 12 U.S.Q §2601 e�seq (RFSPA').unless anmM1Cr <br />� zpp ic=m�he F nds seG a lesser nmount If w Lender may,at am��me,collect and hold Punds in an amuuni mt�o <br />� -a tl 1 ser m ou u l ender mav estircam ihc amount of Funds due on the bas s c( curtem data �nd reasonable <br />� i,�nm�t c�eepc d mro ot fuwre escro � t ms or othenvise m amordwce w�h appl cable�nw <br /> u e � nd: ..h'11 Fe held 'n an i s�t inor hose Aeposa are mmrcd hy a (ederal agency, mstmmcntaltly or enlVv <br /> ( id I v�Lcn�' r f Len le� s. ch an m.t m�on)o in am Federnl Home Isa�Henk I.ende .hall applY ihe Funds to pay <br /> }�e t . r L nd r may not ct rge Bn�nwer for holding and appk ng �he Fund. nually analvzi g �he c . w <br /> y�; � . 'f' g th F. mn Imm_ i Nes LenCe pays B�nower mte est on �he F d: nvd applle M la ' pcnn �. <br />+� n c � .k . ch �d �e 4owever lender ma� eyui c Bortower�o pay a one hme charge for an -ndepe 4em rc.J <br /> :ia e ep r'ne s -<e us by Lender m con.iec�io w�h.his loan.u las applicable law prov des e!he �se UNess an <br />� �tce t s mude or appl wble I�w reqniret�nreres��o be pa d.Lendcrshall not be�equi�ed ro pay Bonower nn �nterest o� <br /> ��rrin � i�h Punds Boeroxer auJ Lcrder mav aeme m wriling,howe zr that interes�.hall be paid on�he Fund+'. Lendcr <br /> shal B � �a r i.hoW annual accounung o(the Funds shoumg crcdi;s and debits ro Ihe Wnds and the <br />� pur^ sr f_� �hich each debi�m the Funds waz made. The Ponds are pledged as addi�ional secur.ty for ati sums secured by <br />�e Oii: c .'t� In.ivmeN <br /> � u e� r��d� h�id b} �. vder cxceed the amounts pertniued �o be heA hy app:icable law. LenAcr shNl accoum m <br />}� g;•r o �c tor .h.,excevs �und in nrcorJance with the reyuirements of apphcable law. If the amoum of�he Funds held by <br /> Lcm c .t any time is �t uffc em to pay the Esc�ow lma� when due. Lender rt�ay xo nolity Bonower in wnung, anC,in <br />� � sud c�ee Bortowe�shall wy w LrnAer �he amount n.°assary �o makc up ihe defmiency. 6ortower shell make u➢ �he <br /> tlef�ce�ip m no moic ihnn�welve monthly paymen[s,at Lendei s sole discreoon. <br /> lipon pvymem'v 1'uli oC all sums secu�ed by @is Secudiy ➢stmmenq Lender shail pmmptly re[unA �o Borto�er aop <br /> Fund�.heid b}'�endec IL unAc:pa�agreph 3I,Lender shall nequi�e or�II �he Property. Lender,pnor:o�he e�.on ur <br /> ;ale o!Ne Property,shall nFP�Y �ny Funds heid by Lender ec ihe cime of ocquisitlon or saie as a credit aenmst �he sums <br /> secumA by tliis Sccunly:nc!rvmcnt <br />' } Aoph v[ion n Pa�ments. �Neas apphcabie lau p�ov-des othciu sq aIl p ym<nls recci�ed by LenJer undcr <br /> � �� .hs I a�d 2.h�1 he aFP�ed: f�rst :a any prepaymer c mr¢e�Aue under the No�e .econd.�o�mounts payable onder <br /> i p� g �pt ,tni�d,ro �acs.due;founh,�o p^napnl L„c,and IasL to any Iste charges due r er Ihe Note. <br /> 1. Charges; I iens Bomvver shall pay all mxes, asmssmems, charg^s, �ines and impositions annbulable Io Ihe <br /> P;o!c.ty w'i�iich may aua i priority m'er this Seeuriry lnslevmrnt a�d leauhnld paymcnts or gmund mn�s.d any Bormwer <br /> <hall pay �hsze oh!igmions in thr manner provided in pxragwph 2,ur i(no:paid in that manner,Bomowcr shall pey�hc-�on <br /> m 1' tl 'i. �he person owed paynient Rormwer xhail pmmptlY fumisM1�o Lender atl noti<e;of amounts m Ir Oa d under <br /> this pa.�rvph. If Berzower mxke�these paymrnts directly, Borrower shall pmmplly fumish m Lender receip�s ev dencmg <br /> the p � e its. <br /> 6or .�� �xhal�p . np� dsschovSr,my iicn wmch has priority over�his Swuriry Instrumen�unless Bortoua (u7 acrce+ <br /> n r i � o Ihe payme t of he obligano�se:amdhy�he Iien in a monver aaepteble ro Lender,(bl comeas in good fai�h�he <br /> lien hy,o:Adends agains�enlorcement of Ihe lien in.IeSai proceedings which in the Lender's opinion openm to grevem:ne <br /> enforccmem of�he lien; o�(e)secu�es(rom the holde�of the lien an ag�eemeet salis[acmry�o Lender subordinating Ihe lien <br /> m inlz Secudty Instmment. IC Lender de�ertnines�hat vvy part o[the Propeny is subjec�ro a lien which may almin Ononiy <br /> oeer this Secvrity instrum^nL Lender may give Bnrtower a no�ice idemifyinS�he lirn. Bortovier shall satisty Ihe lien or take <br /> oreo�mumo(�hcde�e . se�f�nhabo�ewithinl0daysoflhegivinFOfnotice. <br /> S Ila vrd or Properly ?nwrantt. Bormwer ehall kcep @c improvcmenls new c�is�ing or herea0cr erected on �he _ <br /> Proy��ty �nsurcd egsm e Iess by'� ^ haviNs mduded .Ihin the lerm 'ex[ended rovemge"and an}other hazards,indnding <br /> ❑ewJa or OoodinR. `��' �hich Lender requ'res i�vura. ce. '!7�is inserance shnil be maintained in Oie mnounts and for thc <br /> FmmJO}B 9l'M (pnFr:aJ6pagrU <br /> . <br />