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<br /> � ;��.t .s, Pcriudr Ilud Lcnd�l ��'��ul��•+. 'I�1��`imurnnC:carrlcr�+m�•id(n�tl�e In�urunrr�hul)hr rhu,rn I�y Huuu�4�•r�uhJ�'�'�lu l.�ltdrrk _ -`-
<br /> !�: ". . . -• a��pruanl �vliivl�.hull��ut Nr uurr��.unahly�willihcbl. IP liurnn�•cr I'nilv lu ntaiuluin ruveu►E:��dr�rrih.d i�buvr,I.rtidc��muy,m - �-
<br /> � - � � I.rndcr�.��pUon,uhlnin r+we�+il;c tu p�r►ic�t I.cador`righl�lu Il�r Ifi,�uuy iu arr��r�luura��•Illt��;u�a�;rc�pll i. �` �.`'-
<br /> _,.�:•.• . - -
<br /> � Alt iii,urm�cr pulisicr iu�d i�ne���als r•h�►11 he�u•rrptubl��tu►.cndrr und.hnll Inrlucic n,I;uuiw•tl oii�rl�tn�:a rluti�c. Lentler w ..�, �a
<br /> ,:;��_;._---. . .. .
<br /> � �r' �I�i►II hn��c Ih��righ�to huld Ih����olicir�ua�l itnr��•ul�. 11 Lrn�lcr�rqui�rti,11u�r��a�cr�hall prumpti�•�:i��r tu►.��ndrr nll r�rripi� s_ - _
<br /> "�, - -_ nS'p:�id prrmiur�tti:tml rr��r�vnl n�dkr�. l�i the c�r�tt ui'1«r., R«�rua•cr�iu�ll bl��r prout;�t nutic4 lo tlic i�»urancc c��rricr nnd —:� ��,r �
<br /> ,,,� ' �� I.rt�clrr. I.ri�clrr�u;�y ini�i;r p��u+�f��i'It,r,if nctt ntc+de�nrnnpUy 1,�� Nn►•ra�ver. � -
<br /> --" - - lin�Cyr i.l`Ild�f t10l1(ttll'flqYCl'Uthl'1'\\•t�C tIJ!Pl'l` Iti\1'PI1111�',IIItUP;titl'C�1f1/l'Cl'll�Sll;lll(1C i1���1hCd tl�fl'�tUl't1I1O11 UI'Ii�1i�iP Itl -- ' ' i,
<br /> -•--- --'- -= - . - - -- --
<br /> `'"Y'.. .. • Ihc !'r���nrly d;�nri�;ed, If ihe �►rturutiun ur r��pa�r iv e�unumic.dly 1'emihl�` nnd I.cndor� �rctn�i��' �� nut f¢s�encd. If ihe .. . - ' - ,
<br />_ �'`��F ^• _ �rs�urnNun ur m�►+di•i. t1u1 �cununtl�ully 1'eiirihle ur l.Cntl�l'l•s��ur�lX �vuuld bo leti��n�d, 11►� imuru�lce pru�eed+ +htdl h� ' ..
<br /> 1'-''''' .. ut�Ucd tu Ih� sunlv tiecul'�`d h thiti tircurit In�lru��tt�tl, �vhethcr ur nut Ihcu dia•, wilh nn)' �rcc:+� paid lu l3u�ru��•ci•. If' , �•
<br /> .,�; 1 F y >� '
<br /> H��rrwver uhundum Ihc 1'��upciiy. ur �lurs �tul nn,��•cr within 1U duyr u nulir. I�rum I.rndcr thiu Ihc insuri�nrc cn�•rirr hu. . ,
<br /> ''� i�f141'�d tu�elUr i►cluint,Ih�n l.rnd��'muy rc�llrtt Ihr intiurt�nrc pnw��d�. l.cnd�'i•nuq� urc du pnkccdv�u rop;�ir�,r r�stor4 ° ' _
<br /> , - ' U�e Nr��prr�y ur tu puy sumx,ucur�d I�y ihi�SccurU��Instrument,���hcll�er ur nut�hen duc. 'i'he ill-diry periud�viil t�egin wheu , ° .
<br /> " �hc nu�irc i.given. .
<br /> • � Unlrss l.cndrr und Ruiru���rr��th�twisc ii�r��c in writing,uny appliri�tiun��t'pracrrd• �u ��rinripal �hidl nu�rxt�nd ui�
<br /> _- � puxtpanc tfw duc dntc uf'thu ntunlhlv p�rymc►us ret'cn�cd tu in purag�uph� I :u�d�«ur rhan�;r Ihc umount af thc paymcni�. If .
<br /> ' undcr purupruph �i Ih�- H�uprr�y is iicquirucl hy l.cnd�r. Barn,�vcrti rl�;ht tu .m�� in.uranrr p�,lirirs �md �n•�x:rrQs r�.ulting , ..
<br /> . frnm dumagr tu thc F�'nperty pri��r tu Ihu auquitiidon�hull pa�as lu Lrnd�r tn Ihc rx�rnt of thc�um��rcur«I hy tld+ Sccurity ; ..
<br /> . Inslruntrnl Inttn��li;ucly prior to thc+icquisiiiun. • ,
<br /> b. l)ecupi�ncy, Pretiervntiun. M��intenunce und Pr�itecdnn oP Ihe Nr��pe�ty; Hurrower'.ti l.u��n ApplicuNun; •
<br /> Lcaschuldy. sorruwcr,hull uccupy,cstnhlixh,and usc Atc Prup�rly+�s Rurru��•rr�prinrip;►I rc,idcnrc��•i�hin�ixty dt►yx uitcr . �
<br /> �hr rxeculian ot'ihix Sccu�iiy Instrumen�nnd shull cuntinue to uccupy Ilw P���pe�yy a, Horcu«•cr�prin�lp.il re�id��nec ti�r iu . . , . .
<br /> " . " , (eutil one yeiu .iiter dte �l;ur ut' urcupuncy. wtlotiti l.cn�ler �uher�viyd u�±r�as in wrilin�, which run�ent �hnll nuI ta: : �
<br /> � � unrc.►s�mubly withhcld.��t unlcti.cxlcnunting rirrumstunc�s cxi�t wiiich ar. hcyund H�u•ro��•4r\roiurol. Hurro��•cr,hul) n�u C ; ,
<br /> ` dc,h•ay,dumu�:c ur impair Ihe N�operty,:dluw th�NroprMy tu dctcriur,it�,ur r��mmii wa,t�on�hr 1'ra�xny. f�urra�v�r.imll =
<br /> • ' . � . tx:iii dcfauU if imy forfriuuc+ictiun��r pnx�rcding, wh�thr�rivil ur criminul, is txEun�hin in Lender'ti�uud fuilh judgmrnt -�; '
<br /> � cutdd r��sult in fi�rtciture ot' Ihr Prup�r�y or ulhcrwi+a mutcriaU�• impair thr licn �rc.qcd hy �hi� Scruriq� Instruntcnt or ;i�
<br /> � ,. Lcndrr's securiiy intemx�, Rnrruwer may rurc,uch u dcl'ault��nd min•liur,u,pru�idcd in paru�;ruph IR,hy ruusing the;irtiun ° �>.
<br /> � � o�procecding t�,Nr ditimi"�d�aith ii nding that,in L�ndrr��:uud t:�ilh detrrminutlon,prc�ludr,t�irl'citur<<�f the Hurruwci•� -��;
<br /> � . intrresl in thc Pro�rty or �,thcr mntrri��l impuinmm of ihr lirn rnatrd hy thi, Sccuriiv In.trumenl ur l.rndrr: �ccuriry °
<br /> ' . inhrest. Dorro���cr �hnll ;d,u hc in dcfnult il' 1�urru�vur. �lurin�; �hc luan ap{�licati�m pr��rc", g+���e mutcriall�� t'akr ur , 7"
<br /> -. . inaccur:uc inti�imati�m ur titatemrnl,u,Lender lur iliilyd tu pruvidc L.ndrr wi�h;iny mutrrial intiirmatiiml in cunnectiun���ith • - .
<br />_ � thc i�,�►�, ���a��«a ny Ihc Ni�tr, inrludin�:, hut not limi�cd t�•, irprr�rn�u�iun, cancrrnin�; Nurru��rr\ ucrupanry i�f thr i
<br /> ProExny ati u principal rrsidcnc�. If thix S�rurity Intitrumcnt is un n Ir.urhold.Hrnru��•cr tihaU►umply ��ith uU�hc pruvi�ium �
<br /> � oF Ihc Ie:�sC, (f Borrower;�ci�uiros Irr litic lu Ihc{'ra�kriy,th�lea�ehuld;►nd Ih�1'r�Iillu.hall nui mcr�:r wilr,ti L�ndrr agree+ �•�':
<br /> . u+Ihc tnargcr i»���riting. � -
<br /> �_.
<br /> . �. ,
<br /> ,`- -- - ?. °:'tsltY!!ss=i uf' l.tsttl�r': !?3�;hts 3n !!se 4't'��erl4�. �k� li��Tiu��rr tiiil. w l�rrt'orm thc cuvrnant. ;�id ;i�rremonl� ;:
<br /> ::.. __ _-
<br /> . - . l'plllilllil'tI IIl 1I115 Sc�uri�y ln,tnimrnt, ar thcrr i.r a I��:al prucvrding that muy tii�nitiamtly ull'cct l.rndrry �i�!ht, in thc .
<br /> Property(such ati u pri�crrdinN in hanl.niptcy.prohatc,ti,r cundrmnutiun ur furfritur4 ur iu ci�f��rcc la«•ar rc�;uliui��ns),thrn . ,
<br /> � . Lender may do imcl pu>� i'ar«•h:uc�•rr i� nrce+,;u�y ���prul��t ih�ealuc af�hc {'����prrty und Lrndrr: ri�ht. in thc Properry. .
<br /> — --` — . . _. .. ......., --- -
<br /> _.____'_.__.__. . . . . . . . . . �• �.: .4 1.. ___._ ... _...._ 1.:. C��.�.\ii• 1�� a.r�\ - __— __—____
<br /> �, -`-•-.- - - .. .. �+CIIUCf\Al'lll)Ilti lilily If1C1Ult��1:IyIIIb'ipt)'�tltll��l'IUe�U U)�d IICt1 ��In�ll Ittt'� �•t��•�.�J �•.�. i�u.�, iij ��...«........:ij.j..«..:.'�ti' .. � -- ---- --
<br /> , . in cuurt, pnying rcurunablr uuurnc�•.'fru,unQ enlrriap un thr 1'rop�rt�� ta nu�kr repair�. Altht�u�;h l.�ntlec ma�•tnkr acliun �� �"
<br /> "± undrr tM�paru�;raph 7.Lrnd�r dorti nul hu�•r lu du.u, •
<br /> Any amuunts ditihur�rd hy l.rnder under Ihi. p;u•ugraph 7 ,hall hec�mir �iddiliunal drhl ut'l�urr�����cr,ecured by this
<br /> Sccurilv In.trtmm�t. Unlc,�Nurru«•rr and I.rndri u►�rrr iu u�hrr i�rmti ul'�,uynunt,thcx amuunt,tih;ill hcar int��rust from thr
<br /> dutc ut�dixbur.rmrnt iq thc Nuir ralc mtd �h�tll hr pay:iblr. �rilh inl�rr�t, upun nuli�a t'rum l.rnd�r lu liurru�rer r�:��uc�tin�. .
<br /> � payment.
<br /> ;• N. Nort}�n�;e Insuruncc, If l.rndar r�yuired munpugc intiurarrcr u�u ruudi�iun uf making thc luan+rrurrd hy �hiti .
<br /> ' Sccu�ity In�trumrnt. Hurruwrr shall pay thc pr�mium. nNuir«I w inuinuiin ihr murttiiigc imuranrr in rftcct. II'. for an�.
<br /> ' ,. rea,im. Ihe nttnlpu�;� inaurunro ruvet:igc rrquirud hy l.onder lap�c� ur ccaa�� Iu he in cll'�cl. Hurruwer �haU puy Ihr
<br /> , � prumiums ruyuircd tu uh�i�in cuvcra�r .uh�t:m�iullp cNuiv:►Icnt w thr murlpuer in.uruncr prcviuusly in clfcrl. :�t a ci�s� .
<br /> . _ ' ' sub�timti:dly cquiv.�lcnt li� �he r��.�t��Hc,rr�nacr ut'thr nwrtga�r in.uranre pru�•iuusly in�ffrr�. I'rum wi aUcrnine murt�ii�:r
<br /> ' intiut�e�:�pprt�ved hy I.ender. If tiuh�tanliull�•c��uivul�nt niortgn�e intiur:mr�r�n�r;��;� iti nul a��uilahlr. Hurn+��'r�'�hull puy tu
<br /> . I.cndcr cuch month a tium cyual to un��l��rll'Ih��I 1h��early mcrrl��►±;e in.uran�e E�ramium hring paid hy H�uro�ver whrn the �.`'
<br /> , � � in,urancc cnvera�;c lap�ed u��cen,rd io he in rftbri. Len�l�r��ill u�cr�,i,u.e;u��i rrtain Ihr•r�r,iyment�:n a 1�,•�rexn�c in liru �
<br /> ul'mort�;agr in,urancc. l.u.s rc,cr�•r paymrnt, mu�� nu lungrr ik rr��ui�ed. :u Ihr uptiun ul Lrndrr, if mun�ugc in.urunrr { .
<br /> covcrugr lin Ihr amuunt a�nd fur Ihr period Ihal I.en�ler re��uirr.►pru�idrd h�•an in�urcr appruvrd h�� l.rndrr a�,ain hec�,m�� ,
<br /> iwailuhlc and i,rhlainrd.H��rru�vcr�hall pay�hc premium.rrquimd tu maintain murt�acr imurance in rl'trr�,ur tu�i����ci�lr a �
<br /> , lorti retien•e,until�he�ei�uirumrn�ti,r muri�iigc in.uranrr cnd� �ii accardan�r�•i1h�oi� �rrillrn;��!reentrnl hrncrcn Ni,iru��•rr 1
<br /> I
<br /> .� iind l.rnder ur upplir.ihle luw. :
<br />__ 4. Inrpection. l.�ndr�rn• iih ag��tl nlu) ntal�r rca}c�n:ihl��ntrio, upun;iu�l in�p�rtium uf lh�Pruprrn. l.cndcr.hall .
<br /> � glvc Run�a��•cr nulirc ut Ihr iim�ufur priur tu an In+p�rUun��krtf�ins r�:����nahl�'c;iu�r ti�l'IhC itt�pCrlian. :
<br /> „ � Ill. Condemm�Uun. Th��,rnr�rd.„I;iny aa•:ird i�r claim ti,r�1;miacr.,iliivri��r r�m.r.�ur�nial,in conn.cliun �ri�h um� �
<br /> . �mplr l amu} • F�mnlr�tac'Mrcddlc Uac t\IhI1R\I I\\I Rt\IF.\1 l ud�+rn�l.��tn,un, v vU 1'��C�?,�l np���n� I
<br /> - Ide.11 I.d�^�1�1:r�111•.�.!'��e111`1111- . �
<br /> • 1�•1114'[I..J� �-I111U,a111'IJ!1.1 . ���\li�l��l�ll���l�
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