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<br /> t �..;�� c. _ 1'<lOR`l'tl[iR WI'Pll all thc impr�►vcntcnts�iow or hereni'trr crcctcJ un�hr prup���y,�uid nQ ci„cmunts. i�ppurtcn�iuccr. 3 _� =' �
<br /> �-„_ _, _- nnd lixturc� n���v or I�cr�+dtcr i�pnr�ul'�hc propetl��. All i'�pluccnte�tl��utd t�dtliliunr+hnll ;dtia he�uvcr�•il hy�hls tie�u►�i�y :. _
<br /> i�:.: . _ In+trutncnl. AU ui'ti�c ti+r��(:+►ing i�rcf��red tu ln Ihls 5ccu�9ty htti�rununt t�s thc„F�'�►Etcrtv," i� .�. ,,y�;,,, -. __
<br /> �-- ��-. UUltftUWL:R CYri'kiNAN`CS thal Rn�-raw4r is luwlldly ticl�rd ut'Ihc�slutc Itercliy cam�cyrd t►n�)hitv thc ri�:hl lu�,1'�nit .1„ �; -_
<br /> �•' _._ on�1 cui�vey tho 1'rupeny und tiu�t U�e I'ruperty Is uncncumhcrcd,uxcept fur encumt►rnnce+ul're�urd. tlu�co�v.�r wae��c�nts�u�d -- _ ��,
<br /> � -� �vill defcnd bcnerally ihe tUlc IU tho t'ro(h.tiy ngain�t n l l c ia htt�a�td�l eitnnnls,.rllh��t!(u ti11y i4klltlihTiNll'C�tl(CC�tll'd. -
<br /> ---� '!'t�lS SE�'It{d17'Y INdTRUMliN7' cumbinus unii'u�a� cuvcmutl;� 1'or nulluutd u�c u�id non•unit'orm c�u�•rnani� «�Ith ��` �.. .
<br /> � . � iimitcd viiriatium by Jtniadivil�n to cctinstiiutc a uniParm xecurity instrument cavcrin�re��l prapc!�tX, �- .- -�_�.-'-.-.- - _� .
<br /> ___ _ . .. . , . .. ,:t�
<br /> '��' . . UNII�nRM COV6NANTS. t3orn��vrr and�.endcr c+�vcnum und itgrca t�s foll�►ws: .--,
<br /> '-E�° !. t's�ymen4 af P�inciptil nnd Inte��est;l'repi�ymenl unst l.ntc�.:har�cy. H��rrowrr shull pnnnpllv�+i�y whcn ciuc tho „ -.- .
<br /> t_'.'�-� principul uf und intcres!on ihe dchl evidcttced by Iho Ntttu tmd;�ny ptepuytnwnt und ItUc chu�E;c.r•duc undcr Ihc N�►tu.
<br /> • _� 2. Ftinds Yor 7bxca nnd Inruranc�. Suhj�:ct tu��pplicublu luw ur W u w�iUcn wi►ivar by l.undc�r,llc�m>wqc shull puy tu "
<br /> `�". Lcndcr on Uro duy m�mthly paymcnt.r•urc duw undcr tho Nota,until thu Noto iti p.�id in full,n+unt 1"Funds"? ii�r. �ul y�+rely
<br /> " t�►xcs uncl utiscysmca�ti which mny uttidn priodty uvcr thiti Sccurity Inxtriunant n�i►Nen an thu�'ropcny:thl y��urlv(c�1�.titttuld
<br /> . . puymcnis or grouncl rentti un dlo Proper�y. if uny; lcl ycarly hivard ur pn�perty insurt►na� pruntium�: ld1 y4��t�ly tluud ,. ,
<br /> .-_�, --- Insurancu premiums, if uny: le) ycuriy mortguga insu�unc4 premiumy, if any; un�1(f�nny +unt� puyuldu by �lcucawer to
<br /> - . l.rnder,in :iccardmtca wUh thu pruvisiuns ut'purn�;�•»ph tt.in lieu aP Ihu ��uyment ���'�»nng+igc In�ur��nce prcmiumn. 1'hese
<br /> item.r•.�n:rulled"Escruw Itemti." l.enda�m�ry,nt uny Ume,collect�md h��d t�und4 ln un amaunt nn1 tu uxceecl thn muximum ..
<br /> umount u Icndcr fc�r n fcdcr:dly rclntcd murtcu�c loan +nuy rcqui�a for Oarcaw�r�escr�w account untlCCthq fcdcri�l ttcul
<br /> � � ' Esuuc SctUcment Praccdures Act ui'197�1 us am�:ndcd fr�nn dmu to�hnu, 12 U.S.C. �2hUl �7 x���!.t"R�iSPA,">.unlsss unothcr .
<br /> luw thtu tipplics to Ihc Funds srlti.i lasticr amnunt. lf sa,�.rndc:�muy,a1 uny timc,cull4rt and hi�ld f'�md�.in a�n s�m�uat n�,t tu � ; .
<br /> cxcccQ thc Icsscr umount, l.cndcr m�y rsei�muc tho amnunt �if Funda duc an tho b�>is uf �,urrerit duiu and reu�unublc • -=���. .
<br /> � estim:►te�of expenditures of futur��Eiscr��v Ucm���r uthorwisc in uccc�rdi�nca with uppllci�bla I;n��. �
<br /> 'Th�� F1mds shi�ll be hcid in un instiwti�n ���h���e dcpasits c►ro imurcd hy u fedcml uyancy, intitrumuntuUty, or eniity � .
<br /> (includi��g l.,ender,if Lender is such un ins�ituticn)��r in n��y Fcd��rid Hamc 1_oi�n Snnk. Lender shull+►pply Ihe Funds to pay ': . .__
<br /> the 6sc�a�v Itcros. L�ndcr mi�y ncil rhargc Iion��w�r i'��r hulclin��ind upplyi�g the Funds,iinnuuUy imidy�ing thc csrraw �>>��
<br /> ucc��unt, �»• vcrifying �he Ciserow ltcros, unluss I,ender pa��� k�orrpwur Intcrest on Ihc i�lmds nnd upplicnblu li�w perniil� '
<br /> ' l.cndcr to miike such a chi��gn. No�vevec, l.cndo�miry rc�ui�G Sureuwcr tu p.�y u onc•�imr chargc fo�un indcpcndcnt real � �°?i�
<br /> �� esiute���x repnrting scrvicc uticd by L.anicr in�:�an�.ctian w�th thi,loun,unluss+�pplici�ble luw provides ntherwise. Unless i�n _,� .
<br /> iigrecmcn� is nuidc��r npplici�bla la�� icyuir�ti Int�r4st co bo paid,Lcndcr shall nut bc rcquircd tc�pny Bon'aw�•i'anY intcrest or � , -�,-` .
<br /> eurnin�s on�hc Flmdx. Sorc���ver und L.�ndcr may ugrcu in��nung,h���vuver.that inter�rt sh:tll be pi�id un thc Fimds, l.endcr f �, �
<br /> - shtlll givc to Horrowcr,withuut rh,U�c..�u annuad ut:count)n� of thc Elmds, showinb credits i�nd debits iu thc runds amd ihc I � :�
<br /> pu�pose foi which cach dchit ro thc FUnd��vas rnudw, Thc Funds t�rc pledgcd iis.�dditioual s�curiry t'nr ull sum.r sccured by f '
<br /> this Security lnsaumcnt. � � • �
<br /> • If thr F1�nds held by Lcnder exrrcd tiic :+muunts permitted to hc hcld hy nppUca�le I.►w, l,ender +hall uccoum t� . �<
<br /> Norrower for the exccss Fundti in:►ccurdanwe�vith rha rcquircments nf+►pplic.�blo luw, lf Uie antiuuu of Ihe f�unds held by � � ' '��
<br /> �
<br /> � Lender nt uny time is nuI suTPi�iem tu p;�Y !he FuruW Itet11� �vhcn due, Lender miry zo natify Borrower in writing,nnd,in . 4.,�
<br /> � such casc E3urrowcr �hall p:ry to Lendcr tha amnu�it ncccss.�ry ta maka up the delicicncy. Harrower shaif make up tho : - ,;`
<br /> de�ciGncy in no morc thua twolvu munthly�my,noni�,at l,�cmJclrk tiolo discrclion.
<br /> Upo� paymcnt ln t'ull ol'ull yum�securc�l hy thin,Scc�»•i1y I�i.r•trumenl,Lender shall prumptly rvt'und to Borrower.my � !
<br /> - - — `� ;'uzd;�eld �� !«st:l;:s. :f,u::slsr�:::agsa�h �!. !.^!�!!nr�h:!II �+��ulre ur xell the Propertv. Lendcr,prior tu the iicuuisitiun or ,� ::
<br /> -- sule oi the Property, yh�dl upply :u�y Fua�1�helti hy l�.cntlur at the time of'aci�uizitiim�or �ulc ns u credit ugi►in.t the �i�m� E� ;:.
<br /> secured by this 5ecurity In�trumant. �
<br /> ;. Appltcation aP Pnymunta, Unlu�y npplicublu luw pru��i�lcx othcrwisc. ��II pnymcnts rcccivcd by Lendcr undcr
<br /> paragraphs 1 and 2 sh��ll bu upplicd: firwt, to uny prrp.�ymcnt charges duc under thc Nutc; second,to iimounts puynblc undcr ,
<br /> pariigraph�:thircl,ta lnturost dua;fi�uRh.tc►princlpal due:und lu�t,to nny late churges due under Ihe Note. � „
<br /> 4. Chnrgcw; l.leqa, Borrawc►' �hi�ll pay i�ll t+►xes, iisscssments, char�e�, fines�ind impositians iutribut:ible tc� the �
<br /> Propeny which muy c�tttdn priurity uvnr thiy.Sc4uriry Intitrumcnt, iind Ieuschold pi�ymems ur gruund rents,ii'.my. Borrawer �
<br /> tih��ll pay these uhlig�uiunh in iha munnar proviciod in p��ragraph�,or if not paid in Ihm m:mncr,f3orrmrer shull p.�y Ihem on
<br /> � time direcQy ta the pc�;�an uwe�f puymun�• Bormw�.r�hall promptly furnish tu l.cndcr aU nolices of amounis to he paid under ;
<br /> this parugruph. IP Aorrt�wus n��kus tha�r. �a��menlz direcUy, porrower shull prumplly (umish to t,ender rec�ipts evidcncing �
<br /> the payments. �
<br /> Borrower shull pt�mptly disc.hurg4 uny flen�vhich hus priurity uver this Sccurily Imtnimcni unle�s Borruwcr:(u)a�;rees `
<br /> in writing to tha paymv�lt ctf tllv,abligntion secur�d by thc lien in.�mi►nner acceptable tu Lender;(b)contests in goad i'i�ith the �
<br /> licn by,or dePends agains�enfoscamen�uf the lien in,Iegal pracecdings whirh in!hc Lcndcr�opinian operute ta prcvcnt Ihe
<br /> ' enforceme�t af tho lien;ur(�)scrurrs fnnn thc holder uf the lien nn ugrecmcnt sati.factory to Lender sutx�rdinating the lien .
<br /> ' . ta this Security Intitrum�:nt. Ii Lcnder deterniincs thtil any pan��f�he F�ropeny is subjeci co a Nrn which mt►y aui►in priurity � •
<br /> . . over thfs Security lnstrumenl,Lender nti�y give Bnrrowcr u nutice identifying thc licn. Borroa•cr shuU szuisfy the licn ar take !
<br /> •' • ' one ar more af the uctians set fonh uhove within Il)days uf the�;iving of noticr. �
<br /> 5. Huaurd a�Arupe�ly Insurnnce. Borrowcr yhull kcrp ihe impr��vcments nuw cxisting��n c�rcidtcr crecled un�he �
<br /> � Properly insured nguinst loss by fin.hazurds includcd within thc tcrn�"cxtcnded cuvcrage"an�l uny uther huzurds,including t
<br /> floads or Floodin}�, for �vhich Lender requiro, intiurancc. 7'his insuruncr �ha11 he maintained in the amc�unts und for the '
<br /> ; ,
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