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E <br /> j } �,. :� <br /> � � � i -- ,. „ , i�� * .. _ __— <br /> _ <br /> _ ,_� <br /> ,u <br /> . - .� •" -s. <br /> _... . . <br /> .- <br /> „ <br /> �. _ ,�• ,t.,.,,.� � __, ' <br /> � � ������ <br /> I�: . ' .: Plnrrowar rn�y airr eucl� e datitiM an�1 t�ngUt��Re �avklxcf In p+n�(Fay�h 1d��c�uYing th� antbn n►�Nn�.uNng ta be -------- <br /> �`- a • c;;en�tas�c!r�th�t�e�;�p I�et,ia L�ttlar'a gn�Mtii�dMmm!�t4tlot��Vs3i.Aect;t�fu;ia-tui�u!ti�n�ui�d::rta'�4�f�i�Yi 6�t?tn�',r3�iy t� —_._ ------- <br /> �- � ..-. �th�T!tt!4{�q(�(ttt��IfiiFEilt 0) tha Yan er�ated by thla 8ec�lty tnttr�manl a ��ndt�'a e�eudty fr.teraat. �orrowiv al�aY al�a bs --- ----------- <br /> :� 1�ct�uM M gamswu,dttrinp lh�IP����pqt�tion ptoCa��,�vo mste�fA�tatas a In�ccu�ste Mtum�tEen o►etstvmant�tn Landa► <br /> (oi teWd to provld� �endK�vNh my rt�twwf Intarm��tan){n eann�aUon►vttA IOe toen evtd�ced�y IA�Nots, 4ic�udtnp, Dut = <br /> aot I�iilt�d to. nproaant�Uon� cancwnNip Dorr��+rer'� occupancy ot the Prop�Ry e� A prt�ro�al reUAa��c�. ti Ihla 6eotu€ry ----_ <br /> ' , • tnetrumant ta an� taneehotd. 9ofrow�M�l1 comAy�vtlh�N Ihe provt�tane a1 tAe teaee il QaRO�var�aqukes fee ItHe to ths _._—_—_-- <br /> • - �- PrapaAy,tha tca�ahotd pnd tho toe t��t�an.�not uiar�e unloes Rcader ogro�s to tho mcrQ�r tn e�itin3, - �•• - <br /> - �- �'. Pr�t�ael8a�t 1.��'� p � <br /> -- - --:- Igt� In!h� Rrs�parly.q�aaa t�ta tn pmto�m tha eove�nse eu�d a�re�mrnte — _--- <br /> � : _{, - �vr►taqt�!R►!h!� �r1ty i�trum�n#� er th�o I�a t�sl p►ac�n9��Y�Bn��Y attncf t�ne��o dghu h U�Prop�rty — _ __ <br /> (euoh ae�proceeding In bantauptey,prob�to,tor aondemnsn�tlon ar to�tetluro or to entorae lewo or�apsil�Uone), Ihen Loeda mdy � u°- <br /> -� . �, � ' ' do and p�y tor wh�teve►is nQaeseary ta proteot 1he vaNe o1 tho Properry end Lende►'a Nphte tn ths Prope�ty. Lender� �aitons � -` -•-� ° �_ <br /> ;,�'L N��,�-_-�-- <br /> , mey Inctuda peying�ny euma eeGU�ed by p Qen wAloh hee prior�ty ovcr thla 3ocurily Inetrumont, appoadnp In couA, p�ytnp r�,.;r=�------ <br /> � reeeon�bte�ttomeye'tcos end entatng on the Propo►ry to nmko mpalre.Atthough lendc�may tnke sotlon under thtn par�pnph = ""' _� <br /> 7,Landar does no1 h�vo to do eo. ` ,`""_-s-+�__ = <br /> , My smounte dlsbureod by Landur under paragroph 7 shaN boaome addlllonal debt ol Borrower aoaure( by lhis .���'r::�'--";�'`-s— <br /> • 8ocantty Instrumont. Uatoaa Bor�owar and Loedcu eflree to othor terms ol paymont, lheso amounte ehail bear lntaesl hom ���f-}�._��--=�_-_ <br /> • tho deto ol disbu�omnent at tho Noto mto and ehall bo payabl�,wlth Intcrost, upon natico hom Lendar to Bortower roquostinfl ��- �•� <br /> PaYmont. - - =.��-`t_— <br /> 8. MoMgage I�auranoe. N Londa roquirad mortgupo tnauranco aa a oondltion o1 makinp iho fAan sonurod by thio -- __ =�-` <br /> ' 8ocurtty UatNmant, 8ortowor ehell poy tAo promlum�raqulrod to mutntatn tho modgapo Insuiunoo in ottoot. H,f;,r any reanon,the • F�.�--____- <br /> „ mortpapo insuranca aovcmge�oqu(rod by londer tapaes or oaauoa to bo In oifoot, Bonowor ahall pny 1ho prcmtuma requlrod to _-_ <br /> � ohtain covornqe aubatnntlaly csquMatant ta lha mortgngo Inauranoo prevtausry in ottoat, at a cos�oubstantta�y oquNatoM to tho =- — �- <br /> ' coat to 6orrowcr ot tho mort�/�t►po insuranco provlouoly in o(teut, hom en oltomAto mortpApo inuurer appravod by lendar. If - <br /> II� 11��ti.-��- <br /> su6atantlaly equNatent martpago Insuranco oovoraga�o�ot avaitnbio, 8onowor ehnll pay to Landot oaoh monlh e aum oqua�to _zz:..-- <br /> '� , onaiwet�h ot tho yoarty modaapo insumnco promlum bolnp pald by BoROwor whon tha Inaurartca aovarago tapaod or aeasod ta � - - <br /> .. bo in attocl. Landar wlli uccopt, uso and retaln iheso payments ae a loae ro�orvo In Ilou oi mortpago Inouranee. Loas resurvo � ' _ <br /> , � paymonto may no lonflor be roquuod, qt tho optlan o1 l andor,lf morig�po Inauranae covom�o (In tho amounl and for tho podod _:�y� <br /> ' that Londar roquiros) providod by en tnaurer approved ay Landar ufla�n bocomos avullnbto and fa obtalnod. HoROwor ehaU pay •_��,, <br /> � tho promluma roqulrod to malntnin mortgngo Ineuranao in etteaL or to provldo o lose rosorve,unUl !ho taqultomant tor mortgega ` ��.•.- <br /> Ineuranco ends In accordnnco wlth any writtan apraomont botwoon 8orrowar und landar or oppllonblo luw. ' ,'.�;,�t- <br /> ' 9. ln9pe0tlon.Lender or ite apanl mny mnko roasonablo antrios upon nnd Inapaatione ot tho Ptopariy, 4onder ahaq flNo ;=:. <br /> 9ortowar notico at tho timo oT or prlor to an Inspeatlon ape�ityki8 teasonAb�a causo tor tho inepeotion. <br /> 10. Condamnntlon, Tho pracooda ot any awArd o�ckilm tor dnmagos, direct or conaequantiel,in connoctlon wNh eny <br /> aandamnatlon or othor taklnp ot any pan ot the Propehy, or for oonvsyaneo In Iiou o1 candemnation, are heraby aselgnod and • <br /> eht►U 6e p�ld W lendar. , _ .-_ -_ <br /> �n tho avant o1 a total taWng oi tho Propody, Iha proaeads ahall bo appliod to iho aums secured by ihis 9ecuriry . ... _ �� <br /> InatrumonL whether or not than duo, wNh any oxceae paid to Bartowar. In iho ovant at u partlal taking al tho PtoPwty In ~ �_ <br /> whloh the talr market vaiue ol ihe Properry Immodlataly botoro the taking la oqual to ar gra�tar than tho amount o} !ha oumn °' �� _, <br /> oecured by thla 9aau►ity Instrument immndlntoy hotoro tho taking,unleae 8artawer and l.endor othorwiao agroo in wdGng, the .- <br /> . ,.:. _ �. <br /> � _.__._,.__,_._ . _ auma securad by thts Sucurity Inatrumnnt shN! bo raduced by the amount ot tho procaods muitlplle� by tho faitowtne traotlon: . '°�� <br /> (a)tho toWl amount ot tha ouma eocurod Immodiatay betore tho tuking, dlvlded by (b) the lnir markot vatue o1 tho Praporiy . � <br /> Mmodlatoty batoro tho takinp, Any bntanco ahatl be paid to Bor�ower. In tho evont oi a paAlal takinfl of the Praperty In whiah a <br /> !ho fair tnatkot vatuo ot tho Proporty Immodl�toy botoro tho taking Ia laao than tho amount of tha ouma oocured Immodiototy ti�: <br /> 6stara tlss takk�g, ualsss 8anawar ass�l 1s��a aiba�r;lss a{fras !a ::ritl�g as unl�s sp�!las6k !s� a!ls��a psa:3dr,., !!sa ` ,, <br /> . � � �..--_ ,=��- <br /> proaoode eheti 6o appllod to ihe eums oeoured by ihle 9ecuhry Inetrumont whalhsr or not tha oumo are then due. � •� <br /> II tho Proporry is abandonod by BoROwor, or N, �flar ootica by 4onda to Bor►ower thnt iho aondomnor oNas tn maka an <br />� ; award o� seriio a alatm tot domagos, 8onowor fal�s to roopand to Lendor withln 30 days aftm tho dato tho notico Is gNon, �•�.y <br /> � I Londnr Is authori�ed to oolloct and appy tho procoeda, ut Its option, alther to ruotoration or ropAl� ot the Proporty ar to `� �' <br /> � tho suma oocurod by this 8uourity Instn�monL whpihor or nol than duv, ~ <br /> � Uninso Landor and Bonower otharwlae aprao In wrlting, any nppllouUon at pracaodo to principal ahali �pt oxtond or <br /> ' poatpona tha due dato at tho monihy pc►ymonta rotortod to in po�agraphe 1 and 2 or ahango tho omount oi sueh paymenta, <br /> _ �t 11. Borrower Not Retoeaod; Forbaaranoe 6y Lender Not a Walvo�. Extansian af lho timo tor payment ar <br /> modl11an1ian ot umoAl,-.ntlon ot tho aums socured by ihia 3ocudty Instrumont {�rantod by Lendor to any suaaosaor in interos! <br /> ol 8orrower shall not opurato to rotoaso the Iiahllity ol the odglnal Bortawor or 8ortower's eucco�sora In intaast. Lender eholi , <br /> not be roqulrod to aommanoa procaodlnpo apainat any aucaessar in inlorost or raiuso to oxtond tlme ta payment or othenviea , <br /> modify amoRlaatlon of 1hv suma oocurod by ihia Socudry Inatrumant by rooson ot any damnnd mada by tha odpino� <br /> bortowor or Borcowet'&eueuoasurs In Interest. Any forpearanca by Lendor In oxorcl�ing nny rlght or remody ehail not ba q <br /> waHar of or prec�ude tha exorciee ai nny ripht or rcmady. � <br /> i 12. Suooessors a�d Asalgns 8aund; Jolnt and Sevo�al Liabllity; Co•siflnere� Tho aovonanta and � <br /> agreomonls ot thls 8ecurity Inatrument shall bind and bono0t the succosooro and asalc�na of Londer and 9onawer,aubJoat to the • <br /> pravlslans o1 paraprnph 17. 8artowor's covonunts and agroomonta shali bo Jolnt and aovoral. Any Hortowor who co•slgns thls � <br /> BoCUdty Inatrumont but doos not oxecuto tha Noto: (a) Is co�slpning ihis 8acurity Insirumont only ta mo�gago,grant und oonvey � <br /> ' that Borrower'a intorost In tho Proporty undor iho torma oi ihla 9acurity Inatrumonl: (b) is not poraonAly obNgatod to poy the <br /> ; aums secured by Ihis 8ecudry inatrumant; end(o)aqroes ihat Londor ond c►ny othor ponower may agrae to oMend, modity, I <br /> „ torboAr or mAko any accommadatlona with rogard to tho torms ot Ihls 8oaurlty Instrument or ih� Nato without that 8onowor's <br /> oonsent. , <br /> � 13. Loan Chargea.II tho Ioan sacurad by lhls Securlty Inatrumant Is aubJoct to a law whbh aets maxlmum�oan <br /> � aharges,and that law Is Mally inierpreled so thnt tho Intorost or alhor loun ahargao callaatod or to be aolloatad In conneation <br /> wNh tho loan exoeod tho parmittad limNa, then: (n) Any auch loun oharflo shnll be roducod by tho amounl neoosanry to raduae � <br /> the ahnrgo to the portniried Ilmit: and (b)any aumss alroady collocted from Borrower whlch axceeded permitted Ilmits wll� <br /> be retunded to 8orrowor. l.ondor may chooso ta mako this rolund by reducln� iho principa� owed under tha Noto or by <br /> : making a d(reot payment to 8arrowor. 11 n rofund roducos princlpal. ihe roduulion wlll be ireated as a partlal prepoymont <br /> , wlthout any propayment oharge under iho Note. <br /> ; 14. I11ol1088. Any not�a to 8onawor provldod lor In lhis 3ecurity Inntrumont shatl bo fllven by deNvaring Il or by mnlling t1 <br /> by 11rs1 oiass mall unlasn applicable law requlroa uoe ol another mothod. The nolloe ehnll bo dlreotod to iho Property Addrase <br /> or Any other address Qorrowar desipnc�toa by notico to Londer. Any notica to Landar shall be qiven by 14st clnua maA 10 <br /> Londor'e addraae atatod hareln or any othor addrosa Londor do:,tgnntos by notico to 9orrowar. Any notica providad for In <br /> thls SeGUriry Inetmmont ehall bo deemod to havo boon qivon to 9orrower or Landor whon 41von as provlded in thls ppraflroph. <br /> 18. QOV0ft11t1g LeW; Sev�rabipty. Thls 9ocurity �nstrumenl uhall bp qovornod by todora� law and tha law ot tho <br /> '• ' Jurisdiotlon in whloh iho Proporty is tocnlatl. In tho ovont that uny provislon or clauao oi ihls 9ocudty Instrumont or Iha <br /> � � Noto con0lola wlth c�ppilcable law, auoh contlict shall nol attect othor provlslona of thts Socurlty Inatrument or tho Noto whioh <br /> can bE► gNen oifect without tho contllcting provisfan. To this end tho provlslons ol this 8ocurity Instrument And thu Note aro <br /> deciared ta bo sovarabio. <br /> • 18. Borrowa�'o Copy. Bor►awor shnll bo gNon ono conformad copy oi the Noto and ol ihls Socurity Instrument. <br /> - F1318.4M�(10IE)9) Paqo 3 0l� , <br /> � I <br /> � ' ipOf10010 � <br /> �d. � , <br /> � <br />