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!` � i� �?, ' . . _ . _ i��•'x��,-<<"� i'r1 . ._-_�:o� <br /> ` ••« `_r�tw _ SY_ '_h_ <br /> s `� - ��� . . _ • • -_ ".4tb",,a<.��_t ,-p ' __——. <br /> -- ��-, � . , . <br /> : �•" � _ ' e_ .�_.�, . ' __— <br /> . . . . . _ . -- ._. ..._, i... ...��. .. ... .... .._,........ ' . • . " — _ __—...�.... ^'` <br /> '.v�..._. '�' <br /> � �.a��� <br /> ��. - <br /> �.�!. . . . .... .�. � T�GcT{{�ii iY1Tfi QI)QAA Giljli'uYFnl$iit9 Il8\Y al hG7�wRsr cr..�tcd on the �xo�.►eFiy,AnA eu eesemc�le, M�f��ata��ncR�,�nA ��� <br /> __ , . • , • �tt�rra na:��h�cAttct e paR of th��e�-�1yt. A�!r€Fi:�t:stt_nla end nd�lKtafl�c!�!1 rho 68 covtred hy tRb ���uAty Inctrur���L - _.- ----- <br /> . �, . . _ AN n1 the tor�OEng b atureA to 1�tAta 8edutity tnotruma�f ae fhe'Praperty.' "''-~ . <br /> BWiRtiiN�A C01I�NAN1'� that 6oROwar 1�l�wtu!ty seisod o!the eststo Atraby conveyed artd hnu tho rt�7ht ta p�ant aiQ �-`�`=-_- =-- <br /> 3 conv�y lh�Propafy�nd th�l the Propnily 1� umncumbend, except fur encumb�xnnes of�eaord. Barrower w�nnte�nd �.,�.s__�_ <br /> wiil d�tensl pkiQMtir thv Utl�to the Propeiiy��tn�t aN ctoims and dems�nds,dubJect ta sny enaumbtancea of�eco��l, �.,,,'�°-`"'"�' <br /> , TMt9 6�eUR11Y IN9TRUMENI' combb�a� unftam eovenmta (or n�tlonel uae r.nnd ne�runitam cavenNts wtN �"'r=---- <br /> • -. _ N�nited Yutattlans by�u�ledtallon ta conatKute�unffam�eeourtt�t tneWm�nl cc►varN9 reeJ PraA�Y. �:. -.� <br /> .. _ ,_-: <br /> _ " •_ _ UNIFOi1M RpY�NAN�. R�wa►�nA Lertder oevenanl And eQree ee fodowe: � -_ <br /> - - °.- 1.PllytttOtlt O#Pdfl81p01 P8� hit0�itt; PPO�fay�l9ilt �fld �RtA GitSP�89.O�otver she8 P►ort►A�Y Psy when ' - _ - <br /> � - dua tho prtno�al ot�nd h�t�ost o� the d�i 6vidaneod by dte Note and ony prepeyinant end iate aAe�rvna due unda the ' - - <br /> _ . <br /> .� ::,� Note. ���� -- - <br /> - �-_ <br /> :. . ._ .. ... _.:• �, _- . ..: <br /> _ • � �. Fuad� tor T�xas a�d Ineurano�.Subject to�pplloabte 13w ot to o wditan wallor Ey�endor, 8orrowet�haN pay F -- - <br /> lo lesder an lh�d�y monlhty payma►te�re due under tAe Noto, untH tha Note ts pald In tuU,p eum('Funde'?tar: (��yeary a�=�--___ <br /> ' Wcer md�eeeeemente whloA m�y attaln pdoriry over this 8eeudty Ineteumenl ae�Iton on iho proporty; (b)yatAy leao�hotd ,.�u_u.,� —.d. <br /> � ; pnymente or pround rente an tUe PropcAy,H eny; (o)ycarty hezard or pmperty Insuronco premlume; (d)yearty Rood Inounnce ���� <br /> , pramtuma,N any: (e)ycery moRpape InaurAneo promlums,11 eny;and(Q eny euma paya�lo by 8onowcv to Lender In eooardnnae �::��.�__�_- <br /> wNh the pravlstone at p�raanph 8,tn Beu ot ihe paymeni o! mon}}�pa(nsu�anoa pn�nluma. Thoae Rems �ro na�sd '6ecrow - °°�°�����=� <br /> Itoms.' Lender nay, at eny tima, aolloct and hotd Fenda!n en amount�ot to oxcaed tho muximum amounl e landor tor p a ._` �;�.;;���_:. <br /> . ' � fedetaUy�etated modgapo lonn may �equfro tor Borrov�et'e o3crow aacount under the tedaral Real Eotnte 8oritmnoM Ptoaeduroa �����r��=='--- <br /> %� Act of 1974 Re amended irom tima to Umo,12 U.B,C,H II801 01 saq. ('HE8PA•), unlosa anothar law thnt appUoa to fhe Fanda �=w <br /> �'" '� • eate�laaser amount. 11 so, Loodnr m�y,at eny time, cottect snd hold Fu��a In an amouM oot to exaoed the lesaer smounl. - _ <br /> ' Lattder muy estlmete!he amount o1 Funds due an tha basis ot cuncnt date and roasonablo o�timotas of axpandituroa of future ,�'���`M- <br /> � Eacrow ttcros ot otharwlso in aaaordnncu with eppllcable law. ' -- - - <br /> The Funda ohap bo held io an tnatitutton whoso dopaalts uro inourod by e todurel aganay,inatmmantotlly, ar antiy(Inatuding `'-:-`°' <br /> landa,if landar Lv euch an Inatttution)or fn any Fodoml Itomo Loan Bank. Landar ahnp appy tho Funda to pny tho Eacrow `'*'�c- <br /> � Itoma.Land�r mny not oharfle Bortowor tor hoiding and apprying tho Fund9, annualy Qnutyting tho escrow accouM, or vedytng °••�+�� <br /> ' tho Esctow Itorna, untoss Londcr poys Bortowor intorost on tho Funda a�d nppitcabto law parmito Landa� to make suah a <br /> oharQe. Howwat, Lander may requtro BoROwor to pay a ono-timo oharpo!or on IndapondoM raul ostoto tax raportinp sonrt�e � = - <br /> ..�a,,. <br /> used by londar In aonnoaHon wllh thia loun, unlo�e npplicAblo law provldao otharwloo. Unloss un aproomoM la made or � •. <br /> ' app�loa6te fnw roquirou interest to bo puid, Lender ehuU not be roqutrod to pay Bortowor anv intarast or eaminps on the Funda, •� = <br /> OoROwor and Lendar muy ngroo In wrlting, howovar, that intorosl eholl be paid on tho Punds. Lendw shnll gNo ta Bonowor, �� . <br /> without ohargo, an annual acaounting of tho Funda, ahowing crodlto and doblte to tho Funds�„��ho purpoae (or wNoh eaoh � <br />