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; • - � , . <br /> t . . � . . . <br /> �`� s' . <br /> �.�L ^ � <br /> } . � .._ . . .., . . ..... <br /> ... _a*:.�,;. :.1 ^'.Yak'l.+i.:JS}spvW` . . . ... . . . <br /> u.�4' .`':` {�xr .. . .. .. .i��%�" ., e.:.�..,. .�r,.,s. . ��. ..._ . ..:' . ... -. . _ � � � . � ' ' , <br /> � , �,., .. . . . . ... . . . <br /> 1 h��: <br /> ���*.� <br /> �����\�. . ' �� - <br /> �.,A. ��3i . .. <br /> � a <br /> ��� <br /> ��.�`; 8�" 104 d�`9 <br /> �, <br /> �,�., :: <br /> ��t,.."� <br /> �:�; ,�•ricxi� that Lender reguires. The insurance carrier pro��iding the insurance shal]be chosen by Boir:�,r�r s��bject to Lender's <br /> � ,�.,z..i <br /> ���::Y ::p;r^�:a! whict!sh311 raot:tic unrea���ably withhelJ. if Borrower fails to maintain coverage describea4 nb�>vt,Lencier may,at <br /> `y'��.:{. <br /> �- Lender's oatian,obiain coveragt to protect Lender's ri�hts in the P;operty in accordance w�ith p�sr.grapsi 7. <br /> , ,�;� '„3 i^sura7ce policies and rcnewals�hal)trz acceptabte to Lender and sha[I ioelude a stane?ard mortgag�� �:Sause. Lender <br /> shali ha�e tize right to hold the poiicies and renew�is. If Lender requires,Borrower shall promE�tly givc:�Lcrad+sr all receipts <br /> of paid premiums and renewal noiiccs. In the event of loss, Borrower shall give prompt notic� te th� ir.susa.hce^urrier and <br /> Lender. Ler.der•make proof of less if not made pr�mpdy by Borrower. <br /> Unless I_encier and Borrower o,i�en+�ise agree in writing, insuran�e proceeds shall be appii�r! to ms�ora:ion o; repair ef <br /> the F'roj�erty dam^�ed. if the restoratian or rrpair is economically feasible and Lender's secvrit}' is r�•� =esseneu. If the <br /> -c>inratio�i or repair is not economically feasible or Lender's security wo�ld be lessened, the insusa:ct �rcc�rce"s sha.11 ►x: <br /> � ��rlieu u� the sums secured by this Security Ins?rument, whether or not ther due, with any exe.,;s �ai�1 to E3orrow•er. If <br /> � ��� Eorrc��er :�handens the Property, or doc� not answer wi.hin 30 days a notict from Lersder that the :ns�l^*nr.e carrier has <br /> ,,,�,�:-• <br /> � ':-'� o�fered to�.et;le a csairr,,then Lender may eollect the insurar.ce proceeds. Lender may use the p*x�eed�te=:�:pair or restor� <br /> ;�.�; � <br /> �°`�%.'"�='� t'7�F;o�_rt}�er t�pay sums secured ky this Security Ins�rument,whether or not then due. 7'he 30-:9ay�+'.Il4d�.viti txgin wiien <br /> � �� <br /> ��?, . tL-z r ,t;c�i,�;;��en. <br /> `` `�`"' ;.� l nlc,s i.ende� and Borro�ver att�envis� agree cn writing, any applir.ation of proceeus ro princ+� a; si���!1 not eztend or <br /> �`* �' ; o,� t'r,� due date of the mc�ithl a men[s referred to in ara ra hs 1 and 2 or chan �the a.-n��1:�t of�r�t a ments. lf <br /> � " �= F` Y P Y P fi P g� P Y <br /> '� ur�dcr ragra h 2 t the Prn rt is ac uirea by Lender, Aotrower's ri ht to an insurance licit•s a�d receeds resultin <br /> �� P t. Pe Y 9 . S Y P� P & <br /> ��-, f*om damsge t� the Propezty prior to the acquis:tion shali pass to Lender to the extent af the sums secured by this Security <br /> Inst:�men>�mmediately prior to the acquisition. <br /> � 6. Occnpancv, Prc;ervation, Ma6ntenance and Protection of ihe Propee;�; Borrower's 1.oan AppEicaiion; <br /> t ea�ei�olds. E3orrower shail occupy,e�tabii�h,and use the Property as Borrower's principal residence wi[i:in sixty days after <br /> � �, t:�e execution of th:s Security Inswrr.ent and shal! continue t�occupy the Property as Borrower's principal residu�ce for at <br /> :��'� Eeast cr,e }ear u£ter ahe date of oc�upancy, unless Lender otherwise agr�es ia writing, whicn consrnt sk+ali not be • <br /> ytc� <br /> �� `_, :.�nrcasanab(v withheid,o:uniess extenuating circumstances exist which are beyond 8orrower's contr�l. $o�r,wer shali not <br /> -�'� c'c^�;tre�y. damage er impair the Property,allaw 2he Property to deteriorate,or commit waste on the Prop%�rty. Borrower shall <br /> �� in dcfault iY am• forfeitvre actic� c:�roceeding, whether rivil or criminal, is begun that in Lender's t;r,od faidi judgment <br /> c��uld res;�lc in forE:iture of the Prope�ty or othe:wise materially impair the lien created by Securify lnstrument or <br /> Lender's secnritv interest. Borrower may cure such a default and Eeinstate,as provided in paragraph iP>,b;a causing the action <br /> or procecding to be dismi�s�d with a ruli�ig that, +n Lender's gcx�J faith determination,precludes fo�ieiture of the!Borrower's <br /> �1?erest in the Pruperty or olher ma[enal impai-ment of the lien created by this Sacurity Instr�ment or Lender's security <br /> in�erest. F3orrower shal( also be in default ii Barr�wer, during the loan application proccss, gave materially false or <br /> ins�ruratc inf�armation or s:atemeats to Lender(or failed ro provide Lender with any material information)in c�rn��ction with <br /> ii�e 1e:�n evide�ced by the tiote, �nciuding, bat not limited to, representations concem�ng Berrower's occupancy of the <br /> �-' }'rr��crry a5 a arinci�al residence. (f this Security Instrument is on a leasehold,Borrower shatl comply with a!I the provisions <br /> `-�� uf che?case, if Barcower acquire;:fec ti:le to the Property,the leasehoid and the fee tit:e shall not merge ualess[.ender agrees <br /> �'� to the rncrgc�in writing. <br /> ?. Yrotecticen ai Len�er's Eti�{hts in the Property. �f Borrower fails to �rfor,n tne covenants and agreem^r+ts <br /> contained in this Security instrument, or there is a 1ega1 �roceeding that mey significandy affect Lender's rigfits in the <br /> ;;,. <br /> Fro�r,y (�uch as a pr�erding in b�nkruptcy,probate, for condemnation or furfeiture or to enforce laws ar reguiati�on.r),ihen <br /> !_ender may do and pay for whatever is necessary to proiect the valuc of the Property and Lcnder's rights in the Property. <br /> Lender'� actions niay i�clude paying;�ny sums sec�red try a lien which has priority over this Security Instrumeni, t:ppearinc <br /> in cc..irt, p;�yir.� :e�sonable at�orneys'fees and entering on the Propr�ty m make repairs. Although Lender may take aclion <br /> x un•,±�r:his F�agraph 7,Lender dces r.ot have!o do so. <br /> � .,f�T,� ari� .imo�Jrts disbursed hy Lender under this paragraph 7 st�al( became ac!ditiona) delb! of Borrower secured hy t1�is <br /> i�:.',-- Securitv 1^,trument. Unless Borrower and Lender a gree to othc-r terms of paymenl,these amounts shall bear interest tvm the <br /> cl:.i�c of u�shi�rsemcnt at the Note rate and ,hall bc: paya5le., with interest, upon notice from Lender to Borrower reyuesting <br /> �ayme�t. <br /> 8. ltort�a�;e insurance. If Lender reyuired martgage insurance as a condition of makinfi the loan secured bv this <br /> Sect:rity Instrvmeat, Ecrrower shall pay the premiums reyuire� ro maintain the mc�tgage insurance in effect. If, for any <br /> rcas�,n, the mortgage insurance coverage required by Lender lapses or ceases te be in effect, Borrower shall pay the <br /> prcmiumt reyuired to ohcain cover�ge substan:ially equivatent to the mortga�e insurance previuusly in :ffect, at s cost <br /> � substat�tia;ly eyuivale�t tn the cost to Borrou�er of thc mortgage irsurance previously in effect, from an altemate mortgage <br /> insurer approved by Lcnder. If substantially equivalent mortgage i�surance coveragc is not availablc,Borrower shail pay to <br /> 1_��nder cach month a st�m cye:I ro one-t•.�•elfth of the y�arly n�ortgage insorance premium being p.�id by IIorrower when the <br /> i�:ur:�r�ce coverage lapcec�or ceased ta ne in effeet. Lender�.yill accept,use and retain these payments as a lots reserve in lieu <br /> c,f murt���LC ir2sur�nce. l.�tis re,ervc payments may no longer bc; rey�ired, at the option of Lender, if mortg�ge insurance <br /> :nv+�rs;:c (ir, the amc�unt and for+,nc period that Lender requires)providcd hy an insurer approvrd by Lcnder again hecr�me� <br /> ,�u`,": „ti ,i :,hlc.,nd is��hc:iined. B��rrower sh�ll pay the premiums rec;uind to maintain martgase insun�nce in clfect,or to provide a <br /> ,.-,�., ;c,<.�. rr,ertie,untii the rcy,iircm�iu for mort�;age insurance ends in accordance with any written 2greement txtween Borrower <br /> an�l Lrrder�,r;+E�plicahle!aw. <br /> 9. Inspectir�n. '�sc; .�r its as�cr�t may makc rcasonahle, rntries u�xm and inepectinns of thc Propctiy. Lender shall <br /> :,:i:c f3��r-�,�,ticr nt,ti���c•et the tirne oF or prior tn an insEmc:i�m s�cifying reasonablc cnuse for thc ins�?ection. <br /> � � !0. C�,ndemnation. 'T'he 4,roceeds�,f nny a�vard or claim for dmm�ges,direct or consequential, in connection with nny <br /> �i Sin;le F'amily•-F'unnle M11adf'recldle Mac UNIFOfth1 ItiSTR[!MF:NT�•Uniform CovrnnnN Vl90 (�a,¢�i nf M1 rv�.ersl <br /> a >._ y � f.r.��t Ia.ars 6wlm�w Pom�I�x.� <br /> tr To(h�kr('nll:1{HN�GWB;I�tiY O M�C tlIW1Fl��11�1 <br /> i�u�� <br /> � ���� <br /> _.:� �,�-�' <br /> �.�,,s*.; <br /> i 4 M� .: <br /> � ���, <br /> •`".�{.'�. <br /> -� i:.�:i';,� <br /> 3' <br /> T <br /> r �1 <br />