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; <br /> � ' - <br /> �.. <br /> �. <br /> . <br /> ��:� �,-�� i _ _. , . r - <br /> , , . <br /> . <br /> ., . .� <br /> , . ,�, , ,, _, „ <br /> �;t <br /> ,� <br /> � � ' <br /> � <br /> � <br /> � <br />, � <br /> r c�3- �04'��9 <br /> � <br /> � , ��,F i ,;:� ��'ITcfi ai� :2�c �rr�pmvrments r3aµ c�� hccra[tcr c:ectcd cwso the propcR7. rnd all ra.�crt�erstc.a�xrrtrnarxct. <br /> � , ' s �.,z� � ., c�� i�rrc�ftc� a part of thc prcmcrty. Al! rcqiaccmrntc and aclditicnsz stu�il also bc covcrec! try t4�i� 5ctursty <br /> :r.uur,:ent. �`�:'��t t�s�fores;ai^g is rzFC�rcd tu in thi�S�curity in�wrnent at tt�e"Roperty•' <br /> � qr,^,�f;'.�E-:[; C:���:�aA�'T� thlt F3�rTOwer e� �:a+�fulivi ceicrd of thc c�tate heteby ccmveyed a�d 1ss ehe right so�nt <br /> � ,� � t�c��. r.. ;end tl-e�r the P*:�T?r�y it unesx:umhrr^d,crcept fnr encumhrar�e��of tr>ccmi. E�3otmvYer r�unrttc anc'. <br /> i � ... --� � r:rr 1`v sh��i^�c a,ti�r►'rc��crty aFair�t al{ciaimc ar4ci drma�ni�.�uhjcct to any rneumMrance���rcc�rcf. <br /> ;: <br /> T`:'� �t :'t.RiTY ItiS�'Rl.'`fEY'i" CL�Itt�171C5 ur�iform co�cnlnt< far natic�n.�6 u�e �tx! rn�n-unifatrn ee�vensnt� M�ch <br /> ',b .. ..`:: '��..I.i�..�.•;t�f+Y� �iI[l.C�t'lT1(T(1�(�l'()P.�IF�G�f:1 l)i'tlfi�fSSl SfC11ff�V IR[IS17J71tf1I CIri��Cf3tZ�;fC.'it Ff(T�Ci1l�. <br />�, �� <br /> �_ "tii:t�K'�q CU�'F:�A`:TS_ t�orrcr«er anct eoor�ahc ancf:�krcc at futip�e: <br /> � i. F'3�Etaerat n(i'rinc9�sa1�nd Interest: Frepa�ment and Late Char�cs. E�cxmwcr chaii prs>m�tly{�y whcxa dscc thr <br /> 'i �, ��� : t:�cse�t en thc;lrht c`•�dcncrei h}�the�a�tc aricf any�re�:�}ment arxi fate chaar�es rlu�r umks tl�e�eMc <br /> k ,_'., karFCi�f«r 1axr5 aaci Insurance. :Suhjcrt to!aw �r to a written weiver h�l.erxkr,Bc�rrawer ch��i! pay to <br /> � ! :�nu��: �>T; ti;e :::a� muntt:it patmcnt�+ arc due u�sdrr thr ;tic�te, untii the tiote is Graid in fuli,a sutn ("Fu�d.e"► fer. lat yeart, <br /> � , ;.n f �.�c��,rren,s :*�hich m�� attain prtorih• ovcr thi� S�eCUtitv inetnrsxnt a.e b lizn cza� thC PmQe[t}`:(bl veaxiy Ita�ee'u>!:t <br /> ,��, .�r:cnts , yr«u��d rent< <.rn the F'ro�rcrtr, if an}: (c) yearl� hazard vr property bnsurante prrmiu�rss: (d) ycar{} S�cxxR <br /> � : s,sr�rcr. �r►rniume. if an�: (e� �earty :nortgat�e inwrarn'e prcrnium�, i! any: and l� ar�y sumt ��•abic hy Bornawes ;o <br /> _' :.�-�:'.rr. in a�e<�rd�rre uith ;xi� E,rn�i�ic�nc af paragra�+h 8. in licu af the �+ay�sens of rnarega�c inautsnce preaziiu���. The�e <br /> � •���t�;c c�ric�? "�scn>�.� t'err,�." 1_rnuer m5y, at any time,totictt snd hnid Funcf� i��an amcunt rtM so e�ter3 tAe rrsa�imc:m <br /> �' <br /> � ,t � dcr for a fecieralEy rrlaicd mor+garr li�an may rcyuire fnr Bnrmwer'c ��c*���ti acccwnt under tt�c fcderal Rcat <br /> JH .. , �, Fc ,��r,: f'�m c.iizrcc .�ct of (��71 'r�amcndec! frTm time in Sirtx. 1� L�.S.C. $ �'• ,� <�r s�E,. t'RFi�;�"1.unl:c� ars�*c^er <br /> ; 2 � s• ,E .� ' '7: E� r-.!� sct�a leac.c�:�rr.o:.mi. Ff ae.L.en�ier mac. :�t an� time.cnilcct :md hotcl Fucxfc i;s an arsx+tint naK tr <br /> , ,.r a„•cu,,:.���cr ma� e.tirnaic tF�e �1T1�1UF11 f�� E'URct� �tuc or� ;hc ha�is of etrrrent �iata arxi rca�snahi� <br /> , ,��+,t =��r ne`it:arc:of tuturr E«rc,w ltern��r ottterwi�e !A IICCtitif:llKC u'I:te appi►cahte faw. <br /> ii�� f ,::�c;� tih:t+i !�- hcic? in an in�situtic�n wh��c deprnits are +h�urrsi by a federa� agern�?, ir��trument:�l�h, nr rnt::� <br /> ,� � c�, +�r Lr,x;c�. if ►.cr�i;r i� �is<h :tn ;n�;ituti<m)or in zr�r E=r.�}cra! F{ome �.oan Hank. Lendcr sh:+.!1 appty thc Furxis t��pa� <br /> � � �cr �� Itc��� Lc_�dcr ma� n<,t ch:irs:c !i��rt�kcr f�r itoidin�; �nd a��tying thc F+mcla. annually aaatyring thc c�rr�?µ <br /> .�'� .i.,� �;n� r , •.s�r !�z<<�. tnc F�:cm�,� ttcros. unt_-« t r.n:!cr p:}•c Bc?rtouer �ntcre�f �n thc E�unda anci atpiicahle taw E+erm�t� <br /> y� ., ,� . .,;:c �f�ch ;� ch:�rc-:. E{c,:•etier, Lrnt?er ma� rcyuire E;cirrnuer tr� �+7v s �,nc•time ek�arge f�r :tn in<+.cj+encler.� rr:ei <br /> �� .. . �.i� "r`s.*tti Cei�tCC 4��1: ht� �_CRCrC' t�C<'T7'tCCI3f)S� �.atlfS I�'tC R(�{t(1.lIRiCc�.:iRi FIC:th�f�.1W�+fO4f(�l'`�(t1�SCIUI�. �.�C��"c�:lf <br /> � , � ;��,'..: ,>�.snPl�cal�le lav. rrauirr< inferr�; :<�hc S:i„ .,enc'cr�tiatl not hc rec{uircc!tt�,rar Eir�rre��.cr am rntese�'. ��� <br /> �3 � i�:�. � i t' - r:e;;.f�. F3=,rrc�.ser ani7 (.ensier ma4•arsec in writit�.h�;�t intere�t thal{t+e r,uit im �hc FunJ�c. f.c:N!r: <br /> � s .;�. �'.� rt�,;cr. .ti i�'�+,ut c h� �;t, arz aerr,unnnc; of the f ur,�?K, sht�w ink rredit� and cfs�+it� to the fiurnic zrc; ':'�c <br /> �•. , ,; - „ . a.�,.l c.;::}� iic!r;; ;c, ,t,c f�.s:�u� :va� m��lc. 'Thc F�unr±5 are �±le.f�;rc� �.;�ciclition�l cc�urtir frt ail cuma :rturt�t h. <br /> ;�, � ��-� 1;�•,r �r� na. <br /> x i� ,�� c-,.;r '. F�c f�? hr i„neSr.r rrieed thr ar�ir�,unie �+etxn�t+�d to hc heEd hr ;�p�+l�cahie la�►, l.ene!et chall at<<�etnt r�� <br /> �.� � r ,, + . !', � c .ti f�n�.:� �n a,c�F'clancc wich t�r rc:�ui,ec �nt� c�f ap�licahtr f�w. (f thc ar�x�unt af ttx fiun:is hrlS �� <br /> � E . . .�r �. ,�,� ? r�� .. s;�t t,tfi�irnt to �,iy thc E�cc�(1N' ItCiT1C �ttsn due. [.enciet m.t� tn n<.tify R�,�•�,µrr in �►ritir,t. act�i. sn <br /> �� h ,i � -r,� ;r :hall pat tsi t�rn:icr the amnuns nccc`�ary to make u� thC cf�f�ctez�cy. Sottowct that! makc up �!se <br /> �� '�+,���r�.� �., r,��z-�nre!han tu,clve mk7nthly��+a�men(.,at[.cnr7rr's u>lc direrction. <br /> �� ('�,c�r, ;:.;•.;��en; i;� full +�f �I{ �umt �rcured by thi� Securety lncttumcnt, Lertder thall pmmpti� returxi tn Rt�RCw1Ct JtS� <br /> # _, <br /> � t , ; '�.:�L.rr<f�r. if, unc'.cr para�ra�h 21. t.cncicr �hali xyuire or sel. thc f'rti�rty. t.errdtr. pr�n tv ttu aeyu�er;ion �rr <br /> � 'c�' 'r. ;n , thi!i �p�+ly any E��nds he{d by Lcncicr at the time af zcquisition cK cate a< a creeiit arain�t thc .umc <br /> �� � ,-�: � ° ;, , � :r��. ��e;:ntinc^:. <br /> `;r �. 1. �,!: dt��>n ��i F'atiment�. l'nlce� .+pplicahlr I:tw protiidce 1�thcn.i�e, ai! paynicnt� rccc��e�! M Lerxkr u��'cr <br /> �9 .,.;F; , .,. "' ;h.:i! he �ppl;ecl: �;�:. to:�z�y prepa�mcrit cha�geti E'::e under the ��te: secon�.i, to amvuntc�+a�xb�e unctrr <br /> Y�` , .�r:�,F ::f� c;.t��intcre�t c}c:c.�t rirtc��a1 dae:and ta�t.;r anv late chargea due undcr thr'.��te. <br /> g 4. � <r�,e�: I,iens. E3e� ahall pay all taxe�, asseecment�, chatge�, ti�ea and im�xxihemc �tsnlnet�hlc t�� thc <br /> c�.��,,..+ �,� h ni�rv attain pfi�rity nvef this Securi�y Inctrsiment.anc!ieaxhold payments or gtound rcnts� i[an�•. &mvv►cr <br /> � , n i � � h i tt�!?n: in thr m,+nncr psuvic!rd in pingraph �, nt i(n��t paid in t�at manricr, B��trowcr�hal1 �ea} shcm+m <br /> ",� <br /> � , ".r i i�>t'i. ���r;r�n,•e�,ed�avctter�t FSrrrrt,wct 4hatl pmsnptiv iurnish tt�l.endcr ail notice�of acnauttte tt�t�c pas�!�m�E�:r <br /> � ;,;:r; r ,h i; Ri�!�()w!'F !t;,�kca ,hc�c �:l�";`.S!'(1I4 dirrct!}. E;C1(T(?WCT 4IlaII F1TC��T1�?IIV fumirh ta Lc�xlcr rcc������•n!cn.u,* <br /> ��.�n•vr i.�. <br /> ►t ,.�.,�r •�'�.:i; •,�rursi�tl�� �:r,�`z.tts;c nnti� !i�^n �*hrch h:e; �r.�>rity r�vcr thi�SCrs�rtty lnsinattte`nt utlfcae fitrrtnwcr� la1�,'irt� <br /> � A _ , ,; .�tirn;�n± ;;f thr. +,ht���:�t4�a� �,ccGir^c!hs thc lrrn in::�m;�r�n�r:icerptahlt tc,Lc»cicr:ih1 c:mtc�te in �,cx��f td�nc�hc <br /> , t,`, , tcr ;� ,sF�.,irr�t s-nf�,rccrr.rnc nf t'�c ltrn �n. ir.�.il pr���cc�I4t1�',t t��lt+;�? in t"ir�lert ar�m�,n c,�+cr�tr t�,pn�cnt i►,�r <br /> .��,,�:_� � � r „�?hle 1�sar, nr ic� tt'v;e; 4��,tr� the 1toScter��t lhr ire•r� irt a�rccr2icnt �:ittcl,ict�•ry tc� S,cndet eutK,tcttn:+tins;�Rr ��t•e� <br /> ti�;.. , ;r�tti `�;:tr�ari,cnt 1! l a-n�frr <}et;;:tr.�ierc tbiat ssnv ;��rt �+f the l'�n»rrt•; t� euhjc�t t� n I�sn Nh�rh may �tt.�en Fa��.ntr <br /> �� c-r;! .�•i�� ln�.t; ir��cnt. f.cnclPr t�ti,xt c?t�e F:?un,ut-• ;+ntrti�.c »icnt;f��tiy��he lt�n. E3��tY�wc��h311 what�y tAc t�cn rr I;�ke <br /> �� <br /> �-r�r r � . r,� ft+�• ,ic�'nr�::et F��rih,�hn�� ��.i+t�in 1(l c!a}�:�,F the�'iv������,r nntice. <br /> Fs;sr.�rs4 ��r }'r�+�n:�rta Irsa#sr�esst�r. Ft��rt��w��r �:h:�19 ke.p s�c i+u��r���.es»cnte nc�=. �v<t�n}� ���r Itir.reaftcr rrc�te�t i��t tlrr <br /> �'� i'rr�F•st. �r„�,r-�f a�t:+�n•:t lr�.<. f,y f4rc, l,:vard: �nt!ucicd �.v�itli�i thc� ¢r,rm "r�tcri�tCd ee»rra�,c. and any nthet h�i�t�r�te, �rKf�t�1�r�. <br /> �';`; ,.��;., r r ?�,�K�a'in„.. t��,r whn t: Ler;�1�•r re�;�i�r�r �nrur;u�ce. �t`hic in�uranre sh:�11 he masntainccf �R► the am�x�n�a r�xf tar the <br /> �`::;; <br /> ;i::^'� ►'�N�a,MI:!f �•+19 �;wr�:.•/ti.-vr�i� <br /> �.f <br /> 0.'��' <br /> ��G;.: <br /> :�`y,� <br /> ��s� <br /> r��� <br /> .�?, <br /> .y_ti <br /> F'1�4' <br /> ��f <br /> .ygf� <br /> ���:>� <br /> r;�.,� . <br /> :,�� <br /> x•;..:�a <br /> .,-.i'k:.'_�.< <br />