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� <br /> ,_�..�ti.,,.� _..._,. ..r.._.,�_ <br /> .� _ <br /> . . :! , � , . . — <br /> � ��� �,p��.�'7 ._ .. _ <br /> " j . <br /> i � <br /> 9. Conde�rinAtlon.Yho{�roc�ucl9 p)�111y t1W�Ut1 tll CI�III�I(ur dlUnal{�0:�,dnucl or r.un�uquuntlol.In i:u�uiaction wHh prry j , R <br /> � condan►nntl0�►ar p11�or lakln�01►hP PropOrty,c1r ptli!IhuroUl,a�tor convoynnco�n liou al ccmdumnt�lio��,ara hureby n��ignod i . *- <br /> i�nd shnll ho pt�id to l.undor. �� <br /> ---- . ! In!ho ovont ot a tQtal Wk�ng at the P�ope�ty,tla�urauourfs ni�nu Uc��ippi�ed la tha eumo aac�iitttl t�y thi9 L1ood ot Trust,wllh i _ ti <br /> __ ! Ih0 OMCQ93,d[►ny,pa�d ta E�arrowt�r.In Ihp ovont o1 n parUnl takinp ut tho 1'ru oity,unl�ss R�rrUwur�nd Landas ait�erari9e =- --- - ------�— <br /> ----- • ! <br /> , pprOOinwntu��,Ih��uni�dilua3p Ilc�tothoaum���cttrCd►a7thi�p`��O}7r��y Q�toh�rppqttlattUttilpPfOC6f7t19EIS18QqUAl10 � =- <br /> : _ . _ . ..__...—......._ .... <br /> th3!pto}fotlion e.hiCh ih�tlt�t�un flt thj?sum9 eer��►e+�hy Ihin hrnd o1 frusUntntpolntEtlY p�lOr to thU dOtp oi tllkm(�bvtttd lu itla - <br /> Inu markat vnluo af Iho propo�ry fmmodifltoly pnor ta Iho cfnlu ollukin{�,�vllh t1i�b�tnnco a�tho prnatuds pald ta Rorwwar. ; <br /> II tho Proporty le nbandpn�d by Borrowar,or d,nflor noUCO Uy l.ancler to Horrawar Ihpl Ih�ctmdamn�r affaio to mt�ka on , <br /> awnrd or audlo�i c�nim far dmm�gos.Barrowor f,�ils to rosQond lo Lcmd��r wUhin 30 dayH ttftflr tha dnta sucl���oUco ie melted, <br /> l.ondor Is t�ulhorix�d to coll�ct and npply iho pr.�caods,�1 l.ondar'�opl�on,o�IhE�►to rostoroUon or rt�pnir p1 tho Ptup�ar4y or to <br /> tho sums aacure,d by Ihly I�oad of Trust <br /> Unlase Lon�far�nd Burrowar athorwiso a4rou�n wr�ting,nny auch nppllCnt�on ot prpGeod&ta pnnClptN sh[ill nqt oxt�nd or <br /> postpono Iho duu date oi tho monthly mstolhnonl9 rafeirod la In pnrc�flrnph8 1 �nd 2 harE�of or chang�Iho amaunt M BuCh � <br /> instnllmnMe. <br /> 10. 8orrowu�Nol Rpleasad.�xtonsion ol Iho timo lor p�ymUn!or modllic�t�on of amprtl:otion ol tho sume 9eaurod by thls <br /> Dood o1 Trust(�rt�nted A�y Lendar la Any succ�ssar In�nte�f�st ot Horrawor sholl not apc�rata to r�lc�aso,in ony mflnn�r,tho <br /> IIflbllity al thfl oripl�al�Orro�vor ond Borrowor's succossnre intorosl l.ondur sl►nll nqt be roqulrod to cammonc�prAGE+t�dinfle <br /> nQninst auah succossar at rt�tusti to oxlmid Um�lor paymont nr othurwiso madlty�morUZnt�on ot thp�umo sucutpd by Ihit� <br /> Dec�d of Truat by rvASOn vt niy demAnU mpUc+by thu on�uiul 1lorrowor nr�d 8urrowur's sucav�sora In Inturast. , <br /> 'i1. FoPb�arance by l.ondor Not a Walver.Any fprbetiiencn by Londpr In oxarcising Any rlpM or re��iody horaundor,or <br /> othurwise nflorded by appl�c�►blt�I�w,ahnll npt bo n wnlvt�r of�r preCludp Ihp exerclse ol A�v BuCh�Iflht Or►e�lted�.Th0 <br /> procuroment of InsurpnCO�1 the payment ol tt►xds or othor IIFlns or chp�{�es by l.�ndar ahn11 not b�+�walve�ol Lendt�r'D r ghf t0 <br /> ac:celarate Iha m�turiry ol tha Indebtodnass seaured by th�s Daed a1 Yrusl. <br /> 12. Remedleo Cumulapvu AII rc�modies piovided m lhls t��ed M 1'nist�ra distuict nnd cumuletivo to�ny ather ripht ar <br /> romedy under this Qeed ot Trust or Aflordod by law or oquity, and mfly bc� oxercisod roncurrently, Indapandontly or , <br /> suGCes8lvely. • � <br /> 13. 9uCCe�sore a�d As�IQna Qound; Jolnt nnd Sovarat 4lahlllty; Cnp11o�9. Th� covenunts pnd a�raoment9 hareln <br /> containad shall bind,and Ihe nghis horaund(�►shnll�nuro to,the reapoct�ve succosr;ars And oasl�7na of 4onde�and Borrower, <br /> aubJect to Iha provislons of paraflraph 17 horoaL All cuvanants��nd np►uumu:�is ot Dorrowur shall bv lo�nt And aovo�Rl.The , <br /> ceptlons and h�adings of the paragrAphs o1 thla Deuci o1 Truyt nie+lor convt+n�nnco anly;�nd r�ie nol to bo used to Intorpret a� <br /> dallne tho prov�::�ona heroot. <br /> ta, Notice.Except far eny noUce roquued unclr�r��pplicablc�it�w tu hi�qivem m�nolh��mannNr,(a)any notico to 8prrower <br /> provlded 1or In this Glooq ol Trust shnli l�e yrvon by mH�hnp such not�cu hy certdied mod addr�ssad to Borrower at the PropeAy <br /> Address or at auch oth�r address as Borraw6r mAy desipnate by noUCe ta Londer as providod hereln,end�b)A�y nOliGa to � <br /> IAnder shall be qiven by cflrtiflad mAil,return recoipt roquosted,ta Landor's addr�ss stt�tad herein or to such olhor addr99s as <br /> Lender may design2le by notico to Borrower p9 prov�decf hera�n.Any notico pravidad lor In thiy peod of 1'ru&t sht�ll be deemed . <br /> to hAVA boen givon to Borrawar or l.onclor whan givon in th�mannnr do�ignated herem � <br /> 15. Unitorm Deed ol Tru�l;Qovetoln� LAw;Sovorablllly.The form ot dAed ol truat cambinea uniform covenanls(or <br /> nat�onal usa and nOn-unifonn covenenls with Ilmited varietions by�uriadicti0n to Contit�tut�+n unitorm secun�y inst�umE�nt <br /> �CY�F!R$fQ8!¢[Q��rty.Thin Oeed ot Trust�hall be aavempd hY Ihe law ul lhe Jurisdiction in whlch the Property I9 loceted.ln _ <br /> 1 the eveM th��Any prov�slo�or clause u(tini;�.aed�of Trustor the Nnte contlicts�vi1h app��Gapiv iaw,9LIC�1 COIIIIiCt ST�t��i��t�� <br /> I �Hectothor p►owaions olih�s Deed al trust or the Noto wAioh Gan bo gwcm pflc�ct without tlio conllictmg provisions,and to this <br /> end thn proviaions ol the Deed o1 Trust and thv Nola�ro declAred ta h�sevr�rnble <br /> 16. 8o��ower's CoPV.Borrower sh211 be turniqhotl n�onformt�d capy ol tho Nnto and ot ihis Qecd a)Trusl Al ihe Uma ot <br /> � exfCUtion pr atter rpcordation horaot. <br /> ( 17. T�anafar a11ho Propo�ty;Aasumpll�n.I�:dl or any pa:t c�t th��pr�pi�rty ur�n�ntorust thOrpm is 9old ar lranqtu�i0t1 by <br /> Eiarrower with�ut Londor's G����w��uun cur�sem,u��lud�ng Ic►)Ina c.r�+.+����nul t�f�r,n ur nncunibiance subordinate tathi�09ad <br /> ot Trust,!b)ihp cieation of a purohasa��wn�y KpCUr�ty inlcarest for hou:+ul�alU a4�plipnces,(cla tranafor by deviae d�acentor by <br /> operation ot law upon iha do�th�1 r����int tonant er(dI the prant ol�iny leaseihald Inte�est o1 thr�to y9ar9 or lasa not contflining an <br /> option to purahasv,Lvnd�r m�y,nt Londar's opt�on.docia�a all thu sum�socurau by this Daed o1 Truat to be immediatoly due <br /> 8fld p0yabl�.1.p�1dE1I BhAll hAVO WAIVQd 9UC'h P(J11pn 10 TCC816fA1H�i,prior to tho salo or 1rE�nsfer,Lander and the pereon to <br /> whom thp Property is tA bo so�d or troiislt�rred re�cn Agreomant m wnlin�that thn credil ot 9uch per&an is ae118faCtOry to <br /> Lender and thatihe fnterest paNAbiF nn tnt�sume securad bv tn�s Ot�ed ot f n�s1 snt�li bu�t tiucn rate Aa l.ander shtall requHS1.11 <br />' Lendar has waw�d tlle ap0on to �iCCelorS�tP p��vulc+cl �n�n�s paraig�aVn i l. and d E��rr��ver's 9ucCessor in IntPrest has <br /> ' exeCUted�wntten asSUmption�greemenl aCCeF��d�n wnt�n3 bV I�+nr1�r I c�nd�r Shfl11 r���sase ROItOWe�1rOm Flll ObUc�Flhq09 <br /> unda�this peed ot Trust and 1he Nott� <br /> li Lender exerCi9o:;suCh oplion to c�cCelerctto, LencJer shaq mHd Horrower notico oi�cCeleratian in�CCOrd2nCe with <br /> parAgraph 14 herflol.Suc1►notico shnll provido a ponod oi nat I�ss than 30 days trom the dato the notice is mailed within whiCh <br /> Barrower may pay the sums declared due.N Borrovrer tnils ta pay such sums pnor to tne t�xpirallon ot such poriod,londe► <br /> max,without lurihE�r notlCE�or damancl on Borrow�r,invokr,any rm��ndif��pnrmitteA by�aragr�ph 19 hereol. <br /> NON-UNIFORM COVENANT9. �arrowar t�nd l.ondor lu►ther cavonnnl and aflroc�aQ lollowe: <br /> 18. Accoleratlon;Romedlae,Exc�pt na provided �n p�r<.�rnpn t 7 nNrQOt,up�n E��r.owor's drpach al any covenant or <br /> agreemom o}Borrowar in thia Qeec1 atTrust,including 1hH Cov�in�nts tii pay�vhPn du@�lny 9um9 S8CU1ed by ihl8 Deed alTruat, <br /> Lender pnor to nocel�rr�lion sh�ll m:�J noUCO to Dorrawor as p�uv�dr,d U�pa�apraph�t hv�eot spc�cityinc�:(1)tha breaCh;(2)the <br /> action requtrad to cur�such broa�h;(3)a dato,not less than 30 days Irom tho dato�na nQt�co is mailed to 6orrower,by whlch <br /> auch breaoh must bv cured;and IA)th:1 failura to curp suCh r•�ach�n�r hr.t�r�;ih�d�t�speci}IPd in ihe noticu may re9ull In <br /> acCVlerallon of Ihp yumssecurod by th�a D�od af Trust��nd s���ol the Property Tho nol�cd A����I tuAher inform Bolrowerptth8 <br />� r�ghl to ramstelo atter acceleration and tho nc�M to bnn�a cc�un act�on to assert tno non-ox�stonCO a1 a datnult or Any u9h�r <br />� defen9a ol8orrower ta nccoleratian and sale.It tho brt+�ich�s not r.urc±d��n or belc.�rm m�cl.�lc spe:•ihed in ihe notiCe,Lendosat <br /> Lender's option may declare all at tne�sums secure�d ny tn�s Uo�d uf f���sl lo be�mmr�diulBly�luH and peyt�ble without�urther <br /> � demand and may �nvoko tho powur ol sdlo an�i any r,ihc>r remed���ti F,r+�m�n�d bv aup�icable Ir�w.l.endor ahall ba entitled to <br /> colleCt all reasonablo costy anc��x pr;nses incur rod�n pur su�ng ihu i em�•�f�u5 p�ov�dod in tno parac�rapn 1 H,includmg,but not <br /> i�mdpd ta,reaeonablu aflcrney'�Ires <br /> It ihe power ot sale is invoked,7ruslee shall record a nob4e a1 dqlault in e��ch county in whiCh the Property or sOme parl <br /> thereot is locatvd and shell mpil capies otsuch notice�n►homanner proacnbed by appl��ablo IAw to Borrowerandtotheother <br /> ' par;ans pravcnb�d by appliCakle law.After lhe la�se o!curh t�me nq may bo required by a�pucable law.Truatee shall givo <br /> public notiCO of salo to the persons Rnd m the mannor proscribed by apphcabl�I��w.Trustee.wilhoul demand on 8otrowet, <br /> _ � shall soll the Property atpublic aucUOn to lhe highest b�dder nt the time and plACO and under the terms deslgnated In the notiCe <br /> � ol9ale in one or mora purcels and�n such order as Tr ustee may detcrmino.'f rustoa may postpona sale ot all or any parCel of <br /> , Ihe Proparty by public announcement al tho I�me and pl��ce o1 nny prov�ouQly schedulpd sale.Landpr or Lcnder's designea <br /> , may purchase the Property at any salo. <br /> Upan receipt ot paymontol ihe pnCe bid.Trustee sha4 deliver to tho purchaser Trustee'sdaed conveying the Properly Sold. <br /> The recitals in the Trustea's deed shall be prima lac�e ovidonce at th�t���Ih a1 tho statements mnde ihereln.Trustee shall apply <br /> ihe proceeds o11he salbin ihe following order(a)to all reason�ble costsand oxpensos of the sAle,�ncluding,but not limitedto, <br /> Truatee's feea ol nol moro than._.. __ -��01 ihec�r�ss sale pnco.reasonablo atlornc�y's lees and co9ts o1 ht!o evidenCe: <br /> (b)to all sums securad by ihis Deed ot Tnist;and(c)ihc+urcoss.i1 any,to Ihc�porson or persons IeQally entitled thareto. <br /> 19. Botrower'o Rlphl ta Ralnetpfo. Notwithstanding Londer's;tCCeleration of the Sum9 Securt�d by this Deed a1 TrusL <br /> Borrower shall have the nght to have any prpcead�nc�s bogun by Lender to onlorCO tho Deed of Trust disCOntinuod at any time <br /> pfior to tho oarliar to occur ol(i)the tiHh day beforo Iho selo 01 the Property pursuant to the power ol sale contamed m the Deed <br /> 01 Trus1(ii)entry ot a�udpment enforcmg this Dead o1 Trust�t �a)6orrower peys Londer au sums which would de ihen due <br /> under this Ooed of Trust,tha Note and notos securinc�Future Advancus,il any,had no acceleraUOn occurad�lb►Borrower <br /> cure9 all b�eaches ol any other cr,ven�nis or agreamenis of Hprrowor confainod in this Deed ot Trust (c)6orrower pAy9 all <br /> reasanable exponsas incurred by I.onder and Trustee enloroing the covcnr�nis and agreements ol Borrowc�r contamod m Ihis <br /> ' Deed ol Trust enU m enlorcing Londer's i�nd Truslc�e's romed�osas prowdod in paregr�ph 1 H��ereol,includ�ng,bul nol limrted <br /> to,raa�onab�o�tlomey's foos:and(d)E�orrower tnkos suchacUpn�is Lendor may reasanably requue�to assuro InAt tne hen o1 <br /> this�eed o1 Trus1.Lt�ndOr's inferpsl In Iho PropE�rty pnd Borrower's obligt�tian!o pay Ihe sum�s�curpd by Ih�s Deed ol Trust <br /> - shAll Conlinuo un�mpair��d.Upon such payment and curc�by Florrawor.this Oued of Trust an�i►he ohi�c�at�uns sc�curad hereby <br /> � shnll remain in lull lorco and ef}ecl�g�I no ncCel�ration had occurrE�d <br />