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<br /> ; UNIFARM COV�NANTS.Flarrnw4►n�d Lanciur cnvQnnnl��d�tpr�v na lollowa ,
<br /> l i. PnymaM ol P�inclpal and Interes+l. 8ortowar shell prontpity pay whc�n duu IhQ prinsl��nl a1 and intqrt�gl �n Ih�a
<br /> i UltlUl�lf��ItiPBgUVidatlCUdbylh4NptQ,prepnymonlnndiAtechflr�nsASprawdadinth�Notn.andlhop+�i�clpele�lAndlnt�re?�to�'�
<br /> + cmy Fuluiu A�vauGO�5�'�:.urGt!by tho R3�d Ol l fU9�
<br /> 2. Funslatar rsxee en�In��rencx,gubloclto appllceblQ low ar to n w�ittfln�valvar by Le�ndu�,Qorrower nhnli pnY t�t�cnilqr
<br /> on tha d�y mnnthly Inalallmonty ol princip�l and int�rasl nro payc�bte imde�r tho Noto,umd tho Nata�3 p�td i��tuti,�?�nui��;�@�'�tn
<br /> ^Funcls°)oquul lo ono-twolfth ot tho yearly taxos nnd aeso9smonts whlch may nttc►i�priarlty ovor thl9 pHUi]Ot'frual,�yn�A
<br /> Qraund rpnte an Ihp Properly,�f�ny,ptus an��-Iwv�tlh otyoarly pramlum In�la�lment9 tor hn=Urd InUUrMCa,p1uS Ri�B-iM�rjiflri�?P
<br /> yaprly pramlum Installmanls tor martfl� Q i�18u�An0U,fl nny,all aa rousonnbly flstlmatod Initlally And rpm tir�A to t�mR uy
<br /> Landar on Iho baais of A�seasmonts on�d�lis nnd r�[tsonnblt�estlmntoa thoraal.
<br /> Thn�unda�hall b�hold In en Inetitutlon 1ht�Aoponit�ar acGaunts�)whlch nro In9ur4d or{�ut�rn�toQd,by c�Fedqr�l or att�tv
<br /> j n4oncy(Includl�Q l.andar il l.Andttr ie auch nn matftuflon).l.onQ�r ohNl npply 1ho lund�to ptiy ea�d tnxes,n�rK�;�su►e3��t3
<br /> �nsuranco prOmlum9 nnd�round rontA l.andar m�ty nAI Ghn�(�q for so holdinp And epptying the Funde,E1t181yYif1¢9QId tiG00Utti
<br /> or voritying ond compilln�sald nasossment�nnct bllly unlesa l.and�r pnys�orrowor Intorasl on the Fundo und applirr�btr�low
<br /> permito I.onda�to mako ouch A aha�(�a,sorrowor and Londar mny ugnict ln w►itin et the tima of oxecutian al thls I]avd ol Truat
<br /> thal�ntttrnst on ihu�und8 ehall ba qAld to Horrowor,nnd unlpes auoh c�flra�mgnt in made ar nppIlcniba law raqulrean euch
<br /> InttlrAB1 to bp peld,L.onda�ehall not bv raquired to pny Bo►rowor Hny intprp9l or Aurnln(1 a on tho FunCe.l.flndo�shA110ivu to
<br /> Barrower,wlthput Chat(�4,nn annuAl ncaounll�g ot tha�unds yhowing r.redlta�nd de6its lo the Funda�nd tho pur(��os�tor
<br /> �vl�ich enoh dobitto thaFund�was mndc�.The Fund�nre pleclnod�s nddUlonal sycu�ity fortl�e sum9saturc3d by Ihl�Reed of
<br /> Tru�t.
<br /> 114he f�maunt ol the lunda hold 6y Lenda�,topotha�with tho lulu�a monlhly lnstdllmants of FundO payaplE�prinr ta iha duQ
<br /> dAlflq 0)IAx09, assossments, In9UrQf1GU pf8(i11U�119 e�1d�fOUlld tQfltti,5hA11 OxC68d th0 ti01ClUnt fAqUitEif)tQ�1&y BQId!qx@9,
<br /> �99899rt18ntH,ineu�enGO promlums Hnd{�round ronla us they IA�I dUd BuCh 9XC09S BhAll bA�Rt HOIfOW0��9 pp11Qt1,81t�p�
<br /> promptly ropald l0 BotrOwer or croditEtQ to Hurtowo►an monihly instal�rnents ot Fund9�If th�amaU��t af tho Funda held �
<br /> l.ondR�sha11 not bo sufllGient to pny tpxos.Assessmanta.Ine��rqnca pr�m�umsand ground renta as lhey tall dua.Horro�aer aha 1
<br /> pay tp l,endar nny nmuunl,n�oassary to mAke up the d011C�ency wlthln 30 dpys irom the dAta notica i�mollqd by Londar to
<br /> , Borrowor requasting qt►ymont ihe�eot. '
<br /> � Upon psyment fn tull qf all sums aacured by thls Daed of Trusl,l.enqpr 9hAli promptly refund to Borrpv�er any Funds held by
<br /> Londt►t.li undfl�uuragrtlph 18 h��AOf the Propa�Is sold�r thp Propqrty le oth�srwise aCquired by Lender,Londar shttll eppiy.
<br /> � nol�tprth�nimiqQdlat�lyprlo�totheealeOflho ioportyoritspcqu� ialba�lQw�Andar,andFundahaldbyLenderatthetimvot
<br /> AppliCatipo A9 a crodfl egalns!ihe sum9 eecurad by this Deed ol Trust.
<br /> 3. AppliCattaa af PaymOnto.Unlpss aPplicablp Inw provides othprwlse,all p iymc�nl9 rece�ved by Lendar underlhe Notv
<br /> and parag�apha 1 and 2 hareal shall ba applied by Lendt�r I�rsf in pAyment of am�untA p�yablo to 4endor by Borrower unde�
<br /> para9raph 2 hereol,thon ta interast peyabla an the NPtp,thon to tho principAl o}ihe Nvte,and then to interost and pnncipal on •
<br /> ' any Fulura Adv�nces.
<br /> 4. Chergo�;Llen�.�orrowera shall p�y all It�xes,a�aessmanis and other c►iargas.lmas and Impositiuns attributable tothe
<br /> � Proparty whlch may attain a priori1y ovpr this f�eed ot Tru�t.and Ip�sehold payments or pround�enta,II any,in the manner
<br /> j prpyided under paragraph 2 hereol ar,il nol pald In such manna�,by qorrower makiny payment,when duo,dtreCtiy to lhe
<br /> I ppyq�thpteol.Barrower shall promptly lurnlah tP l,6nder 211 notiap9 of amaunt8 duo under ihia paragrnph.and In the event
<br /> 6orrowpr ahall moke payment diraptly, Borrower shal�p�omPl►Y lurnlah to Lender raceipts evidencing auch payments.
<br /> � H4f�Qwpr shall prpmp►1y dlsChti,tad any Ilen which h�F�l�np�ify 4vor this Deed 01 TruSt Pro�idod,that Borrower shall not be
<br /> j�o�un pR,R��ptpG�G�ptnapl�a�to l,0 dpri or 9hallginrg0od 1a th CO te t s ch I on by o dolendtonforceme t of�uch Iion In�legai
<br /> prqpp�din(��whlch apctrAla to prevent the entorcement ot the lien o�tarfeiture o11he Property or any part thereol.
<br />� 5. He����1 �VrAqG�.Borrower shall kPOp the improvementa now existinfl ar hereaftt�r erected on the Property inaured
<br /> � a3a3:��i��v��.��i�%i~»%�'���"•=��'a°�'�'�'Ith�n Iha tarm'�rtnnd�d coveraae°�and such othAr haxards aa Lender may requiro
<br /> 4nt1 i�5 SuCh amountS anq l0�zuch penads n9 Lender may requir�;prov�aed,ihtlt Lender shali 11ot raquira tnat the amvuni oi
<br /> suoh aoveregd oxcapd that Amoum ot caverago requued tq pAy tho suma 9aCUred by Ihis peed ot Trust.
<br /> TtliB insuranco carnqr prnvidinc�thu msurnnce shaU Ge Choson by L�arrower sub�oc�lo npp roval by Londer:providod,thet
<br />' undAapAfdgt�iqh 2`ha ea/ar�it not pn dyn s ch Imonlnereby Bor ower m knng paymenL when due�dlrectly to the InsuranCe
<br /> onrrfer.
<br /> Aii in9u�Ance policies and renewc�l9 theraal shall be in form accoptable to Lc�nder and shall inc�udea etandard mongage
<br /> clsuA6 in lavor oland In form ACCeptableto Lendor.Lpnder shall have thc nghtto hold the policiesand renewalathereot,and
<br /> 6or�ower ahall promptly furnish to Lendor all renewal noticesand nll receipis o1 pAid premium9.ln the event o11o5S.Borrower
<br /> ' shAll givp promP1 notic�to tho insurance carner and l.ondec Londer n�t�y make procf ot loss�t not mado pramptly by Borrower.
<br /> • � Unlpqs Lender and 9orrower otherw�se agreo in writin�,insurnncn prc����ds sna�i be r�pplied to restaration or repair oHhe
<br /> Property domaged,prov�dod such restoration or repair is econom�cauy feasiblc�nnd tha securdy ot thla Deed o1 Trust Is not
<br /> ihereby�mpaired.N auch restoration or repair is not aconomicAlly teas�bl�or d the secunty of ihie Deod o1 Trust would be
<br /> � impaired,the�nsuranCp proceads shalt ba appliod to the sum�.seCu�ed by thls Deed o1 Trust,w�th the exce8a.if any,p81d to
<br />' Borrower.It the Property I9 abandoned b Horrower,or i1 Borrower 1�ds to rospond to Londer within 30 days}rom the date
<br /> notice is malled by Lendor to 6orruwar 1Kat the insurance carrier otiers to settle a claim lor�nsurance benalHs,Lender is
<br />�, � authorized to collocl and apply ihe insurance proceeds at Lundw :. ��.�Uun o�tnEr to rest��,ilion or ropair ot the Property or to
<br /> � the sums seCUred by this Oeed o1 Tiust
<br /> Unlesa Lendar and 8orrawer atherw�ae agree in wnimg.Any such applicat�on ot procaeda to pr�ncipal sliall noi extend ar
<br /> postpona Ihe due date ot the momhly�nstallmonts reforred ta�n paragraphs 1 anq 2 horeot or change the amount ot 9uch
<br /> I inatellmeM�.II under paragr�ph 18 n�root the Proporty�s;�cqwred by l.undnr,�U righl,htie and intereyt ol Borro�ver In and to
<br /> anyinsurancepoliciesandinflndlolheproceadsthereolresultinqlromdamAgetolheProperrypr;ortatheaaleoracquieltlon
<br /> � shall pass to Lender to tho ex1eM of ihe surn9 secura:►by ihfs Deed at Trust immediately pnOr to auch sale Or TCqulsitlOn.
<br /> � 8. Preservatlon and Mai�tonpnce of PropoHy;l.easeholds;Coadominlums;Plannod Unll Development�.Borrower shall
<br />� i keop ihe Property In flood repair and shall not comm�t waste or permit fmpairmFnt o1 detenoration o1 the Property and eliall
<br />, comply with the prowsions ot any loase dth�s Deed af Trust�s on:�leaseho�d if tn�s Deed ot Truet is on a unit�n e condominium
<br /> or a pl8nned umt develOpmonl, Borrowor shnll perform all of I3vrr��wer s vhl�qauons under the deClaration� ^ovenants
<br /> creating or qovem�ng thecondom�murn or planned un�t deve�lo{.�mr•�t,tne by•iaws�nd reguletlons ol the conu. �inlum or
<br /> plannod un�i devc�lopmenl,and Const�tuent documems.ii a cunuo�•����un�o� p��nnc�d unit dovclopmcr,t ridar is excuted by
<br /> Borrower and recorded together w�ih this peed o1 Trust,ihe cavenaMS�nd aqre.emeMs i�l suCh rider shali be inCOlpOtflted
<br /> �ntq E1nq shall amend and supplsment tho covenAnis and agreomonls ol tn�s deed o�Trust as if tho rider were a pah hereoi.
<br /> ` 7. P�oteotton o)Lendar's Security.I1 Barrower lails to perlorm ino covenanis and A,qraements contained in this Deed o1
<br /> � Trust,�r il any action or proceedinq is commenc9d with matenally pflects Lendc�r's�nte►e81 in the Property,including but not
<br /> iimi�edto.em�nentdamain,�n�o!ler.�,.vodeenlorc4ment.or ar�an�nmAmsor procQe�d�ngs�nvolv�nq a bankrupt or decedent,
<br /> then Londer AI Lendot's opUOn,upon nnUce l0 8orrower,mny makc�such appc�ar���i:es,d�sburse such sums and 18ke 9uen
<br /> act�onas�snecessarytoprotect4onder's�nteresLi»cluding,butnallimdedto,disbursementolreasonableattorney'sfeesand
<br /> ' entry upon Ihe Property tamake repairs II l.onder requued mortgage insurancv as<i conditian o}making the loan secured by
<br /> the Oet3d o1 Trust, Borrower shall pay the premiums requned 10 maint�in sucn msuranCe m eHact until suCh time as the
<br /> requlremenitorsuchinsurancoterminatesmaccordancew�lhBorrower'sandLender'swnttenagreementorapplicalbelaw.
<br /> BorrOwer shall pay the amount pt all mortgage insurance porm�ums in the manner pravided under paragraph 2 hereot.
<br /> Any amounts disbursed by 4ender pursuant to Ihis paragraph 7, w�th �nterest thereon, shall become additlonal
<br /> � mdebtedness ol Horrawer secured by this Deed ol Trust.Unless Borrower and Londer agree to othe�terms o1 payment.9uch
<br /> amounts ahall he payable upon not�ce Irom Lender to Borrower roquest�ng ppyment hereot.and shall bear interest trom the
<br /> date o1 disbursement at Ihe rata payable Irom time ta time an outslandmg pnncipul under the Nate unless p�yment o1 interest
<br /> at such rato would bo contrary to apphcablo law, m wh�ch event such amounts shall bo�tr mlerest at tho hic�hpst rate
<br /> pe►missiblo under applicable law.Nothmc�contamed in this paragrapn!snnll roquuc�Lendor to incui any expenseor takeany
<br /> aCtion hereunder
<br /> 6. ItlspeCtlon.�ender may mako or cau9e to be made reASOnablu enlnos upon and inspections ol thp Property,prowded
<br /> that I.endOr shall gwe 9orrower not�ce pnor to any such�nspection speCitymg reasonabfe cause therotore relnted to Lender'9
<br /> mterest in the Property
<br />