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_ `� � ., , . _ . <br /> �_�.—�...,::�...: � . . . ., .._ . , <br /> � 3. . <br /> ; . <br /> ; . <br /> � 7. �7ondamnitlot�, lr�f�toevunt the Fnigoity,oreify I�aet thoroof�ehdl bo tal�en by uminont damefn,thu Mart��eo ',. � � �. <br /> ° l�c�apu��rarad tu eollect wt�1 sacal���tl cont�►ensatlon c�hkit m�yr b�p91d tar eny ptapoYty tatton or tmr ti�E��'a!a�rmprety �• , ' <br /> � not t�ken,�d Mart�eo ehalt epply euch cecapeneeUan�et Its optlon,oltftor to e r�uc�ucslon ot 1ho I��dobteci�nc�aceurd � " <br /> hora6y ar ta rop�lt end tr�toro tho�rnparty so clamsyocl. <br /> e, Pl�O�mt�tcp by Iliort��o.Mortpgro taay,but eh�A ba�rv ao obltgAHon�to da dny a�S whtch tho MurtgaKot � . <br /> �as agmed but tatle to do,u►d�'la�tgigeu Aiey�tso do eny aet It dcc�m�nacou+asy t�protect tl�e Iton heoaat.Martp�oe <br /> � ' - - _ , �grcus to re8�y.upon den�and,any oaau ao oxpendod by tho 14toxtgn��o tar tho nbava pw�ta�ns►and enyr e�itt+s sa espendod t ',. <br /> by tl�o rlortg�g�a�h�il ho a�ided ta tho lasobtednes�secu�d Aemby and bcsonie aubJcwi to thv Il�n heroaL Atort�e�ee t - -- - --- <br /> �' ehafl no6 Incut any porsona Itabllity 4oeauso ot enytkinn It ms►y da or amlt to du horoundee. � <br /> 9, Dot�ult;Atsignraon�ot Renla 7Ymo Is of tho essonco horeot,und upon Martg�gor'e do�ault tn eny covonu�t I <br /> oragreamont ot thta Moetguu�o�Inciuding covonunta to pay when due the eums sectued Dy lhls MorEgago.�ha Mortgegoo eh�ll � <br /> bo ontltlod�aR Its solo optlun and wlthout notico,ta doalom al1 suma soaumd by t�le MoK�ago tn bo Immod{etaly duo and ' <br /> payablo ond�nay commoaco[amclosuro of thls Mortga�qo by judlctnl proccodingsi and,provlQod tuKhor.that upon such I <br /> dafeu�t tho Mortgegco�or a t+csceiver�ppolntod by a couK,may ai Its optlon end wlthout rogard ta tho adoQu4oy ot tho <br /> socudty,ontor upon and taku possesslaa'af the Proporty and�olloot the ro�ito,lssuea and pe�otlte thorotrom and apply thom I <br /> dret to tho oa9t of caAoctlan and oporntiun af tho Pcapnrty and tAon upon tho Indobtodnoss cocurod by this Mortgogoo; ( <br /> ' oald renta,tssuoa und p�otits boing assignod to !ho Martgagcro as furthor socuNty for the payriiant ot tho Indebtedneas , <br /> socurad hornby. � <br /> � <br /> 10. 4hu�sfoi ot 1'roporty. It all or nny pn�t o4 the Peoparty ts sold or transfon+nd wlthou!tho oxpmsa wtlttoa con• � <br /> sont at tho Morigngoe,Mortgugeo may at tta solo option,doclaro�11 sums.socucvd by this MoM�nngo to bo immedlntely duo , <br /> nnd pnyublo. ' <br /> ii. �uture Advancua Upon roquost ot Martgagar, Mortgugeo may mako uddltto�iat und future advancea to <br /> MortQagor.Such advances,with ipto�est thoreon,sha11 ho socurcd by thts Mort�ge when evtdoncwd by p:omisaory notsa ' " , , <br /> � atuting thaL anld �otas are eeRUmd hereby. At na tlmo ehall tho princlpal amount ot tho indobWdneas scaurod by titte ' <br /> �, Mortgago,not Including suma advenced to proteot the seauNty oP thla Mortgage�oxaeed the original Note. ; <br /> lE, Misc�liwneoue Provisiona. <br /> � (a) .1ny foro6eurance In oxorcising ony right or remody shall not bo a wafver therooL i <br /> (b) All ramedles pravtdod homin Are diattnat and cumulative ta nny ather elght atfardod by luw or equity, . <br /> w►d moy 6Q eaorctend conaurrantly,lndvpendontly or succos.qively. � <br /> (v) Tho covonantn und ngreemente eontulned huraM ahall b{nd� and tho dQhta Inuce to� the reapeotivo <br /> � aucce�vare nnd esslgns oP the MortgA�ar end tho Mortgagae. • <br /> (d) AU aavenxnts and agraomonta of tho MongoKor nre jotnt and sovorul. <br /> (a) 71�o houdings of tho pnrA�aphn ot ehis Mortga�e are tor convenlence onty and ehali nui,Ga usaQ La Into:• � <br /> prot or doQnv tho proviAtonx hcrooi. <br /> � ) 3$, Releaso. tipon paymeni oi aii aum�evcu�oai by t8ia ailur�ga�;,�origagoe ehaii ciieoitacyro Eiils �iu��6go aiid � - <br /> � shali oxeoute and dolivor n eatisfuoto�y roloaee thocotar. • <br /> � 1N WlTNES9 WH�REUF,Mortgugor hau execuled�Ida Murtbago at tho 12 day otMay w,1893• <br /> • "����'l``' � Y-� � eouowor <br /> Rabart A. Hartzc -� ;-; , <br /> �. i , .� ;�'�/c.i-ic� <br /> I .___•'�._-�.•��.41.�-�� � � -.�'! �� ���_�_�� <br /> ' K�ran A. Rartz ��—�npwor <br /> Stato af Nabruska, ._... Ha�� -----._--- �_County +�s: • � <br /> On thia.. 12 __day of MAy.. _. _ lg 93 ,bntaro mc�.tho undorelgnod,a Natary Pubito <br /> iduly cammlasianod nnd quntlflod far nnid county,pereanally cuma Robort A. Hurtz And Karan A. BorCz <br /> � � _____._._._., ta me lcnown to be tho <br /> � ldonttcal pe�san(R)whose name(s) aro aubscribcd ta thu forogoing lnetrumvnt and aeknowledged the oxvautlon tho:eot <br /> !o bv x���.s voluntary act and deed, <br /> Wleness my hand and natnrial seul at__ Grand Island In satd county,the <br /> date aforesald. <br /> My Commlasian expires� '%'�,j��(���jf�i� � <br /> I ����� Natnty Publlo <br /> �� ���--� (8paao flolow Thlo Llno Rmervad i�'or Lo�dor and Rcoo�dor)- I <br /> 0 <br /> O�a �1►1f10 ; ; ' 4 ; r:' ;? ", . � <br /> �. <br /> , � , ' ; ; i ��i ;� :.. .,'� ' <br /> �7 i, ~t C�.9 M <br /> �i. ' � � • . C� �. <br /> t�� , � m <br /> . � � i '•. i • � � <br /> �� � I l , . <br /> � � � Vi <br /> � \ ' _ � � � � . . �) <br /> D` <br /> �i � ' ' " `� <br /> .:� �. <br /> , ` � , � ; . � ., :-� <br /> � rn <br /> (� ..o <br /> � v NDU! 881NI�808 8180 � . "• � � " r� <br /> ,, <br /> ' , � � � a . . � :'. <br /> : ' ra <br /> � <br /> � _rl _ ------- _ _ <br />