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__ �' t ' , . ._. - <br /> �_..._„ , .' ,. .. .. _ . -�, <br /> — . ' �• <br /> , • <br /> � . 1 � . ��a • .. ; � . . <br /> M���nn� �Q�'��� � �� <br /> f <br /> ' 't4�ta MortgeQu la enromd Into batween `�Qt�x�.:�.ot►d.�t�r�..A��c.����►��c1.��c1.,�(�,_f_��.. � <br /> ._.._..__..�1��k..�lna�_117k.h.�.�tA41�,..CKt�t�t�_�.r!� +��_��A�3_.__._____.___._..Ihoroln••hloetga�oe")and � <br /> � . '�hp AVax�,nnd.NaG�anal aunlc of at��nd In].And. . ..._ _ .(haroin'•[►t�etgegen"), � <br /> �----- - - Mastqa�or Is Indabted to Mort�ageo(n tho prinalpnl eum ot$ ��1�a•�Q �evldans��by MorlQagor'e ttotn j— <br /> _ a�� �,�,� Qltly 12� 1993 �hnmin"Not�+")pravtd�ag far payments of ptlnci�nl and Interest,�srlih tho t�alanL�e i�t lho � . <br /> Indobtudness,i[nat sooner pnid,duo and paynblo on. Mny 15.1998 . � <br /> � Tosocum tho paymont of tho Noto��vith iatonet a9 provldod tAoretn�the ppymont atull othor eums�with Intoeeat, � <br /> advancod by MortgaAQO to protect tho security of lhia MortgAgo,�nd the performnnco of thn covenante ond agmements ot <br /> tho Moctgegor canWlned hemin, Moctgagar da�a hereby mortgn�e and eanvey ta Mortgagec► the[alluwing desoribed <br /> � propeety locoted in- - HA1� __..County, Nobriwha; <br /> Lot Seven (7). Hlack Qnu (1)� jJoetorhoff'a 2nd Subdivieiun to the City j <br /> � of Grnnd Island, Hnll Caunty, Nebrneka. � <br /> ! � <br /> � <br /> � � <br /> +� , <br /> e � <br /> � <br /> �,t ' ; <br /> 'lbgether wtth sll buildings,im{,rov�menGs,Oxtur��v,xtu���tr,All��ys,pasapgrwAyx, ousem��ntx, rfgb4�,P�VIIf�CB BIIfI <br /> appurtQnancea located thereon ar In anywis��pt�rtaining themt�►,und Ih��mnt. i�tiu��, und profitx�rev�rnian»and remafndo� <br /> thoreat;including,6ut not Ilmlted to,h��aUng und raolln�;cquipmcmt und�uch p��rsunai prnperty tha6 is e't�tuchod to tho <br /> improvemonta so av to constitute u tixeum;ait uf whien, inelud�ng r��pineem��nu►nnd iidcittiouR[hereto,i»heroby deoiureci ' - <br /> to bo a ptirt aP tho teal estate aecured by lhe Ifcn of thf+ylurtguti�•und t►il uP ihe for��gain�b��ing tePern d to horein av tho <br /> ���o�ny,.. <br /> Morigagar htrthef eonvenan�y snd a�;re��ti. with Murtgagi�r,i�+ f��llna�� <br /> 1. Peyment. Tn pAy thi�Ind��bi�dni�ss and the tnu�r;�.t th��roun ar�pru�ld��d u►thih Mart�age And tho Noto. <br /> 2. Tltle. MortgA�or iH ehe awnr�uf th�� Propi�rt�,hu� thc rlµht und uuthu�it� tu murt�;u���thc Y�aparty�and <br /> , � warrn�te thnt the Uen cr�ntod hen�bv iw u firxt ond prlor li�•n on th�•F'rop��rq.��x��vpt a+map Utherwlse Ix act ta�th he�eln. <br /> � [a 7'he Property is aubjcM ton Murtqag��wh�•retn . _ ---- — <br /> is the MartgAgco.mcardod ut ttaak .Pn��� ���ih•��lurttiag�• tt���•urds uf . -- ------CuuntY� <br /> Nebrm►ka.which MartgAgr iatt Q�m prlur tu th��lu•n rmi�t��d lu�r��b> <br /> , <br /> �{Other prfar Iic�na ur encumbranc���: Norwaa! Mortgago Co. . _ . _... _ <br /> 3. Tnxes,Asner.gmente. Tu pay �vhw►du��ull tux��+,.p��i��al��x���ti.rm��iU+und i►11 oth��r churg��s uKuinat the Piroputty <br /> and� upon wd6tun dvmnud by MurtGog����.tu add tu th��pxym�mtti reyutri�d undi��th�� Nuu•x��cur��dh���eby.»uch amaunt uR <br /> � may bo aufficlene ta ennbi��th��Murtgng��o to p+q�tiuch LA%t�y,Atisestilitt•ntti ur nthi�r i�hurpex ny th��) M�come du�•. <br /> �i <br /> 4. losuranco. 'Pa ke��p th�� Improv��m�mtti nuw ur h��mntt�•r Incat��d un th�� mut catut�� dcscHbrd hc�rM�in9urc�d <br /> agalnet damag��by Pire und surh uthcr hattuds n+Murl�u{;���• mn�•�equtr��,in amuuntti a►nd �vlth a��mpanl���acc�•ptabl��to th�� <br /> M�rtgagee.and with loss payabit� lo th�� hfortwaw��i�. ln i��i�:��c�f Inr,undi�t zu��h policl�:s the Murt�agi�e Ia uuthori�od Lo <br /> Adjuet, eaUect and camprnmis��,in It� discmti�in.ati �•Inimh th��reun�l��r at its tiul�• uptlon, t�uthuNz��dtueith��ru�pl�•thi� <br /> praceeds to tho rento�t�Hon af thc Pruprrty or upun th�� ind��ht��dnrsy,����un•d h��n�hy,but paymenkv h��r��under xhall can• <br /> tinue until the eumasecuredhereby arr paid in tull. <br /> 8. CI Eecrow For'Cnxes and l�suranco. Natw�th,tandinp unything cantufn��d In porag�pha 3 And 4 hcrent tu thu <br /> ; � contrary. Mortgu�or ahall pay to th��Mortgngeo at thN Ume aP payin�{thi�monthly inatalimentti af principal and Inte�ust. <br /> anedwelfth ot the yNaTly laxes,nsseFSm�mts, ha•r.urd intiur�nce premiumg,�ind�rnund��•ntx qP uny)which may uttaln a <br /> priarity ovur thie Martga�r,ail as reuROnnbiy catlmnted frum time to tim��by the blur�gubec.Th�•amauntx su pald shail bv <br /> held by the MartKager withaut intereal nnd i►pplf��d to th��payment uf'the itcros io reap��ct ta whiah Auch amauntx werv <br /> depasiWd. The suma puid ta Mortgagco hurewide�are piedgi�d uti additionul yecurily for lhe indobt�dness secured by thix <br /> Mortbage.MnrtgAgnrshall pby to Mortgaqe��the amount af any d��ticiency between thi�AClt7AI LAXI�!i,a!i9l'KST11UfIG4� Insurancu <br /> � pmmiums�nd praund rents nnd thr�depovlts hercund���within 10 dayH attrr demand Ix madi�upon Mortgagur ruquesting <br /> 1 paymcnt thcreot. <br /> B. i{opnir,Dlaintenanco nnd Use. To pramptly r��pnir, mAturt� or robuild uny buildingr:ur improvementa nuw ar <br /> heraaftor on thv Property;to kcep the Property in good randitlon end repair,withaut wayt��,and trne Irnm mechanic'a ar <br /> ather Itens nut oxpresaly subordinetod to the Uen hemoP;not to make.suPfer or permit any nulxAnce to Nxiat,nar to dimin• <br /> �� ' iah or Impulr the vnlue aP th�.� F'raperry by any ncl or omi�.vion to act;and tu cosnply with all requirementa of'lew with <br /> ' TQBPNCL lll t.10 Nrupertv. <br /> � <br /> t <br /> , <br /> '� <br /> n, <br /> , . _ _ �l <br />