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, :� <br /> ...� . .. � �: ��: <br /> ., � . _ <br /> , . <br /> � � <br /> , . . � _ _ � - <br /> ; . � . � . t; . . .� -- <br /> , • ,.. � ; <br /> � <br /> . _ ,. _� _�..� <br /> .. . � <br /> . __._.._. • <br /> , _. . . . �' , - <br /> �' -� --i .�'n ... . .. - - � <br /> .. _ �. <br /> —' -c_°��-s� �. � �."' _'^..�...--_�.�._ h__"_'�w_.._..1.__.—.,_..._..._....�w....1.c.....vaw.v:.:1a...n.. � �� .. _.._MMii�M. "— _—�o—' <br /> �9�" a�t����� <br /> -=- - , snhstnnti�dly �nivnlcm mait����tc ins+�a►ncc r��ve�ii�jo is nnt uvnilnble, k1on��wcr shull r.�y to Lcndcr�uh muniN ii�,um;cj�ud tu <br /> _ - - __ --- unc-t�v.l�lft c�Ythc�ycarl�martgi�ga f��suranca prcntiutn Gcin�puid hy Lit�rruwcr whcn ihc insurnnru c��vcru�;c lupscd�+r ccascd tu --_---- <br /> - be in cffcrt, t�cqtt�'r�zti}�ii�rc�tt,u�n and rrtnin thc�c�:iymcnts iiv n Insti rcscrvo in Hcu nf mon��:�r iri�+uranrc, t.oss rescnc <br /> --�--� paymcnta uwy i►�s In�t�;�r fiu ccc't�tr��d.nt thc�uptlou uf l.cndce, ii'mort�;,�;c iu�uranc��ywcr�ip;u lin tl�c am►�uut�wd f.►r ihc perloJ `=---�----- <br /> - �` that Lcn�icr nquircti)pru�•idcd by am inrurcr appmvcd hy l.cndcr ugain bccumcs uvniluhl��nnd iy ubtuinrd. Du��rowc�tihnll piiy --_ <br /> thc premiumy rcqulrcd tu mafnl��in mort�;nl,e iusur:mce in efirrt,ur to E��rwide n lors rescrvc, u�tlil tNe nquircmcnt ti�r��iurtgn;;e <br /> " inrurancc einl.r h► u�r•ardnu�r witli�uiy�vrittcn uFrecment bel�vicen Hu�r��wer nnd I,cndr�ur nl��►Ilcnhle ianv. <br />--- '9. Ltti�ix�ttan.�cr ur(tn u�ent mu�r maku ma,+mublc c�rtrlc� up�m c►nd inypcctiuns uf'tliu Pruporty. l.ender tihuil ylvc - <br /> ->.- -- ���rr��wcc n��ti�r i�t thc ilnt���t'ur pi•i���tu uu a�sprrd�m n�fe�ll'ying rcUSUniiblr cl�usc ti�r thc inspccliuii. - --- <br /> , - -- <br /> , —F=--- 10. Ces�ttnutlutt. 'fl��pnk�c*rtls nS'xny naurd ar riaim far d��m��;e.r•, dirrci ar rcm�ryucmtat. in rnnnrrttnn�vith any — -= -- <br /> _- � mndemn�ti�n ar c�ther takins of;►ny paH cit'tl�a t'n+pari}. ��r ii+r cc►mc.�y��nre in Ucu c►f��cmd�tinnaNnn, are hcr�Ny u,xl�rncl imd ------- - <br /> = - _�,e,� �_ <br /> -- _ � _ �hull hc paid h�Lndcr. -- -- _ <br /> � . In thc cvcnt of n tnta!tnkin�nf thc t'rapcny. Ilio pn�c��cJw sNull hr up}�Hcd tu th�tiu�t��ti�iun�d hy thiti ScrurUy In,ieumc�u. � `�` � <br /> '�s'� • ``r , � whetlier ur ni�t thcn due, with un excc�x i�id t�� Uorr��wcr. h�ihc evcnt af n urtiid N�kin! ��f ihc Prn 4rt i�t whirh Ihc fnir � ._ . <br /> �,,� =�-� } �-" markct vuluc��f't1ic E�m rn imm diutcl hoti�rr U�c tukin i�c uul h�ur rcutcr tNan thc iimuunt��t'�he.umti �ccured b thi.r• �.--°- --- -- <br /> �.-c,� ,,.. P Y Y R N K Y �` -w- � <br /> �,.� �� ,� , ' Serurl�y Inztrumcnt inmicdiately hefi�re ih�tuking.unlrss I�urru�vcr unJ Lender��thcrwis.:u�rcc 1�i wnting. the�+umti nccored hy �����- '�-'- <br /> � �'°'� � �' thfs Sccurity lit+trumcnt shnll hc rcduccd hy thc i�muunt uf thc pn�cccds multiplicd hy tNr fi►Ila�ving frairdan: (i�) 1hc ta���l �; � L��.,� -_ <br /> -��,'� � �` `'� "' nmaunl��f'Il�c Fums tiecurcd imnmdiutely brli�re the tuking, divided by lh) thr tiiir ma�rket vulur uf the Pruprrty iaimcdiutcly 5.�.,;*,�;� _== <br /> � . '�_- � � . hcfi�ro thc takin�;. Any hulunrc �hall hc puid tu Hurra���cr. lu thc cvcnt ut'ai p;u�tiul ta�king ul'1hu PropcMy In which ihc fuir ��� '�, �; <br /> ; ,.: . • . mnrket vuluc uf the F'rupo�ly intmcdiutuly beti�re the tukin� i� tes,thu�i the umuunt uf the sunts securcd immedlutcly twiiir�thc �.�-�--��3� <br /> �� ' ta+king,unlcs�Bi+rrower nnd Lendor ather��ise�i�;r�e h� �vriNng��r unless upplicuhle lu�v i�iher�visc pruvidcx, tl►d prucecQs tihnll �''-�i�=,��,. <br /> , hc uppUcd tu tlic suuiv,ccurc�l hy Ih{s Security In+trumrnt�vhcthcr u�n��t the+ums urc:ihcn due, _i"�'"''��g"`�-,�' <br /> . . IP thc Pr�pk�rty iti uhunduncd hy Barruwcr,ur 11',uAcr nutirr hy Lendrr tu Barruwrr�hat thc cumlcinnor uftcrz �a makc a►n •' � . •' :,..._� <br /> f'' ' u�vi�rd ur ticttic i� claim fi�r d:�mngcs. Harr��wcr lidlti t�� rc pan�l tu L�ndcr within .ill duy.r• i�ltcr th� dnt�� thr nud�r Iti �;ivcn. . =_'�°_�_Y• <br /> . . . . � l.tndar iti uuthorixed tu rallcrt und iipplv th�pr�x�rcdx,ut ts upUun,clther ta restoraUnn or�rpuir��f the Pruperty nr tu thu�um+ �'.•.�,�f�:=`� <br /> �• . scrured hy Ihi�;Scrurity lmtn�mcnt,whcthur ur nat then�au. <br /> Unlc.r•r l,cnaicr c�nd B��rrowcr ��lhcr���is4 u�;rrc in u•;iting, uny uppflcatiun ni'prurcrds ta prlari��ul ahnli n��t cxten�l ur ' � • <br /> pnsiFxmc �hc diM alntc uf thc muntl�ly paymcnts rcl'crrcd tu inp ir,��ruph� 1 und 2 ur rhungr thc am��unt ul.ruch puymc�uy. ' '.. .,�'° <br /> �• 11. H��r��m��cr Alnt Relcntied;F�►rheu�•uncc Hy Lender Not u 1Yuivcr. Fxtrn+iun uf U�c tim� ti,r p;�ymrnt ur mudiiicutinn . ^r yi-;� <br /> , • , , uf umnr�iiuti.�n�►t'ti�c .omti xrcured by 1hiti Srrurlty biatrumcnt pruntcd hy I.en�lrr tu imy.urrr��ar fn intrrr.t ul'Norruwcr,hnll <br /> • nut u�xrutr tu tclunsc thc liuhility ul'Ihc uriginul Aarruwcr or Burr�iwcr's.ruccrsur,in intcrc�t.Lend�r shull aut Ix� rcyuired tu • • � '�-��L <br /> canmm�rc pr�ncrdln�;,ag:1I1111 ltlly til��l'l'\yl1l' III IIlI4�•�.t ur r��futi�tu cxtrnd timr li�r payntrnt ��r uthrnvi�c nuxliiy:�murtixuUon . -' �- <br /> ` ' uf'thc �nms �MUrcd hy thi� Sccurity Instrumcnt hy rcu,nn ul'au�y �lemund mudc hy thc url�innl Hi�rru�e�r ur Hnrr�+wcr,� "';:i::°° <br /> � �u«c��ur� in Imrre�l. Auy fi+nc�arunrc by l.cndcr in cxcrrisin�; uny right ��r r�mr�ly shull n�n hc n wnivrr uf ar prccludc thc <br /> , • rxcr�isc ul'uny d�;ht ur r�meJy. . _ <br /> � 13. tiuccc�++►n und A1.r•Ipny N��und; Jnint und Sc�•crid I.iuhlliq�t C��-siRncrx. 'i'hr ruv�nunt� nnd a►�rcemcntti uf tlii. . . ' - <br /> 5crurUy la�irument .hall hin�l iu�d h�netit thr �urccr,urti und sir�ignti al' Lendrr und Nurra�ver, suh�}ect a� thr pr�witiion,nt ,. .._- _ <br /> I�aru�;rlq�h 17. H��rrw��cr'ti r��vrnuntti und :igrcemen�ti ,hull hr ,�uint und ,e��rral. Any Hurruwcr tvhu ru.+i�;n, tl�i, Srcu�itp • _.� '. <br /> In�t��mn�u hw dnes nut rxrcute the Nnir: lu) is ru-.ignin� �hi.tirrurity In�trument uuly tu mun�a�e,�;nmt und cum�cy thut � <br /> , Hurruwer'�int�re.t in thc Pr�+prrt�'under ihc trrm.uf thi�Securiiy fi���umcnt: Ih) i�nut prr�„nully��hligiucd tu ruy thr.rumr . .= '- <br /> ,crur�d hy thiti Sccurity�Imtrununt:und lr►u�;ree.thut l.�ndcr und��ny ��thr�Hurru��•rr nxiy agree tu rxtci�d. nw�ity. fi�nc�.ir ur � <br /> nuikr cmy arrumnuKtutiim+�vith rc�or�t ta th�trnm ul thi.S�rurit}• Intitrumcnt ur thc Nutr a•ithuui tliut Nurru�vcr',c�m��nt. . .�, <br />. - i3. i.�an t'iiurficv. ii thc tuan�crurc�i hy ihiti Srcurity imtrumen� iti �uhje��� tu t�ii��v���hich ,rtti tm�tintunt li►im rhur�r�, - -- .-' <br /> and Ihal law I�linully iniw'prclyd,�� lhul lhr Inl�rctil ur uihrl' luaut rhut'�!e. cullrrlr.l ur Ii�bc cullrclrtl in conucrd��n�vilh !1►� ` <br /> I��an cxccr�l th�p�rtnittcd limit., th�n: 1u1:my .u�l�laun rl�ur�r�hiill b�r«lucc�l b�• ihc umuunt nrrc��ury tu trctucr thc rhurgc . �'� <br />- _ ta thr permittrJ liudt: und �bl tmy sitnt�ul��a�ly�ullc��ted IYu�u Hui•ru��.r���hl�h e�««Ir�l prrniiucd limih �ci�l hc r�l'uud��l lu _- <br /> _ • -- - -�- <br /> _ &n�ruwer. L.u�xkr muy rhuu�� tu nwk� Ihi. rcfund hy r�durinp Iht priuc•i�ut +��vti�til Itntitr Ilie Nnte nr hy u�akin� i� Jirtrt _ . .�' , _ '-�a:��.` <br /> '' pn)'m�nl tu Hurr�+��•cr. If' u rul�und redur�� ��rinripal. Ihr i«lurtiun ��•il) �i� ireah'�I u� a parli:d (�r�'pu�•nt��tt ���'i1h�+�U uU1• .. ' <br /> rrrr��ymrm rh�ir�v un�lrr�hc N�ur . ! � <br /> ., 1 14. Notic�w. An�� ixuir�a�liorr�,��•.r rr�+�idr�l ti�r in ti►i. tircurn�• In.truu�.�nt.hall h��i��u h} dclf�•crine it ur h�-m:�ilin�� . ' <br /> i . ' it hy Ill:+l Cl:�titi�Il:�il ulde�� ;tp��li�'a�hl� la��• r��t�uir�� u�►��I;�nnll�el'II►�'lll��d. 7'h►��uli�'�'+h;�l) h►• tftr�'�'l«I tn th►Pruperly A�lilres� '' <br /> ' ur uny wher uddrey� Nurr��arr d�,ignatr. h�• nuU�•r tu I.emler. An�• nutire tu Lrnilrr ,h�dl hr �i��n h� 17r,t rlu,+ �nai) tu <br /> , I.cndCi''� .Id�1r��� �lnlC41 hel'�III ur im�• uther u�i�lrr�r Lrn�l�r du,ignute, h1' �tuU« li+ Nurr����er. Aoy n�,tic� ��tu�•'t�lcd li�r �n lhf+ � <br /> • ticrurity Inr�rumc��t tih:dl bc dcrincd tu h;►vc hrrn�!icen tu R��rru��r�•ur�irr��h��n �i�•rn a.���•aei.icd in thi,par:i�r:�ph. � � . <br /> • ` • 1S.t:u�•ceni�iu I.u��•2 ticvcruhlNt��. �I'hi. tirrw•it}• In,lrum�nt .hall h�• �;u��rn�d h�• lid►ral la�� unil thr L•�a• af Usr <br /> juri.r�licUun ii� a�bi.•h the Property i� lucat.�.l. In�h►e�•.�nt 11►at un� pru�t�iun ur rl;�ua�ul tl�i, ti�•rurit. lu,trwncnt ur thr Nutr � <br /> cuntlict+�vith appllu►hlc luw,surh runtliet ,1►;ill n„i allrrt uthrr pn,�i�i�.n��,f tl►i.ticrm•itp Iu,u�um�nt ur�hc Nat���hinc �an hr <br /> gl��rn cl'f'crt��•ithout thc canfl'.ctfn�pruri.iun. "fu thi�ri��l Ih� pru�i,iu��,�+1 thi,tirrurit�• Imu•um.�nt,�nd th►� Ni�t�aru derlu�►��I <br /> tu hr.rt�erluhle. <br /> , . � � �• 16,Nnrru�rrr'r�C�►py.(lurru��•er.hall h.•�i�rn unr rnnli�rmc�l ru�•� ��i ihr ���t.�:md��I tl�i,Srcurit� In,trumcnt. � <br /> 17,'1'runrfcr uf the Properl�•ur u Henel7clul lntcr�+t ia llu��r�����r. 11;ill ��r any pi�r���I� the Nn,�,rrt� ��r an� int�r��t i�i it C <br /> is,uld ur tran,(cn•cd�in•if a h�nrticiul intrr�.t m liurr�,�vrr iti �ul�l��r n•an.f�rre�l au.t Hurru��rr n nut:i natu�;d p.�r�nn►�vitliuut ! <br /> I.aidur's prl��r u•ritt��n cun,�nt. Lcrnl.�r ma�. �u i�, n���iun, rr��unr i���mr�fiatr p;��mrnt �n Iull ��I all ,un�� ti��cur.�d t,� thi� � . <br /> , ticcurit�•In.trunknt.ll���rrvcr. thi�uptiun,Ir,ill nul hr����rri,r�l h�• Lrn�lrr il�r�.•rri.��i,pruhihitr�l h� ti��l�r,�) I;i�� a,ul'tho�I:itc I <br /> ��f thi.k�urit� In,trununt. <br /> ll'I.rndrr cx�rritic�tl►i.�+rti�m, l.rn�l�r ,hull�i���Nurr�,��rr nulirr�,I.ircrl�•�aii�,n. I'hr n„tir� ,hall Iirw idr:�periu�l ��1 nnt <br /> Ie�� tbnn i0 �I;iy, 1'runi Ihe d;ur Ihe m�ticr i� �feliv�rr�l �,r m:�iled ��ith�n ahirh Il�n�r����rr mu.I�.n .�II .tu�„ ��rurr�l h�• thiti <br /> Scru�•hy I�nu•umciu. If Hnrr���c.�r 1'ail, tu p:i� th«r ,um,�,ri�,r t„Uir rr��ira�i�,n nl ilu•p��i u��l. I.en�1��r in;n imuA.•am rrnu�fi��, � <br /> perntittrd hy thi�tircurit� In,trununt��ithn�u 1tu1h.•r n„tirr nr�I.�mand nn b��rru��rr. � <br /> 18� N�n•1'n���cr'� k1�lU to Rcili.tide. ll Huiru��.•r in.�rt, r.•rtain .un�litinu.. H„rr����.�r tih:dl ha�.� �hr ri�lu ln ha�r ! <br /> ' ., . �nli�rrcmrm ��t th�,�.•rurit} In.trum��n� �ti.�•���uinu.��l ;�t am ii�u�• �,iiui to Ihc ��.ulir� nl: �;u S Ja�. �nr .u��h ��Uirr peri���l ;i. i <br /> :�ppllcuhl� In�v ma� ��,rrily liir�mrnU hrt��re .:dr i�l Ihe 1'ru�,rit� pu�,u;uu t�, an� �,ua�•r ��1 .alr :anlaiuc�l in thi, � <br /> Scrurity ln�trunrent:��r Ih►rnu�y ul'��,jud�mrn� enli►rcing thi.S�rurit� l�i.truinriu. 'I hutie cun�li�iun,mr tliat Hart�n�rr:lu)��uy. <br /> , � l.endcr ull ,umti H hich Q�rn ���uuld hr dur und�r thir S�•��urit� In.inmirnt and th�� N��tr a, if nu�ir.•rlrrutiun h�ul �k�•urr«l: �h� ; <br /> .— --°—_----__ �U(dti tllly ��C�ilil�l �,f a�ny uiiu'1 C��YCtl:ttth ��i :l�fl'l'I11CIlt�: ICl �:1�+it��l`\(7CI1�C♦ 1�1�'lU'fCt� Nl �'n1�+rc�n� Ih�� l�'CUI'tl) �11+1C11111►'tll, - <br /> T inrlu�lin�. hul nut lituitcd t��, rca�nniihlr atU�rnr�•s' Ic�+: an�l IdJ I�i{.e�tiurh arti�+n a. L�•n�lrr mny reu.unabll rr��uirr tn a„ure � <br /> � , thul the Ilen��f Ihiti Serurity In,trum►nt. I.rndcr'y ritihl. in the Pn,pen� :in�l H��rn����er'.„Nli�atiun t„��ay thr,um�.ccure�l h�• � <br /> + • thl.r Srcurity l�utrumctit .h��U runtinu� unchanN�d. Upun rcit►���it��nut�t Iti�• Nurru��rr. thi, tirrur�ty In.trtuixnt �uul thr � <br /> � i�hliguNunti ucurc�l herch�� �hiill r�nuiin full}�rtlrrllvr a. il ou�icrrlcra�iun luid��rr�u•rrd. Ilu���ecr. thi�ripM tu reiiitit.u�.hall <br /> Ik� ; • ni,t upply in thc cutir nt'arrcicr:Uiun un�lrr p.�ra�raph 17. I <br /> . � ly, tiilk u1 Natei Chun�c of' Luui� tier�•icer. 'I'h�� Nulr �rr a p:uli��l intrr.,t in thr N�ae �tu�rthrr ��ilh thi, S�ruriq• �, <br /> � In+IrumcnU muy hc s�ilil uni nr m��rr limr, ��ithuut prinr n�,tire tu Nurm��.r. ,1,alr m,q rr,ult iu�� �•hang�� in ihc .ntit> �I.nm�n � <br /> ' � `� a+Ihc "t,�um Srrviccr") that �v�Ucc�ti munthly p:�yui►•nt��lur �mdrr thr N„tr and�hi�tiecuri�� Iti��runi�ut. 'I hrir al�u m:q h�•�,nc i <br /> , �+r m��rc ehun�cs nl'thc la�an Scrvircr unrrlut�d tu u,;dr ul�hr Nutr. II'tl�rr.� i�a.•Iu�nEr��I Ihr I.uan tirr�•irur. Nnrru��rr��ill lk � <br /> . : V�.,�,;:.:...-- ' �;lvcn wrl�tcn notlru uf ihc rl��ingr in urror�lunrr«•ith p,�ra�raph I�3;�hm•r;md;�pplirahlr I�n►•. 1'hr n�uir.•��ill ,t���� thc mnnr aud <br /> e�ddretiti��t' thc nc«• la►un Scr��irrr amd thc :�ddre., tu��•hirh paymenh�huul�l hr m�ul�. "I'hr nu�irr ��ill al.�, runtai�i :�o� u�hrr <br /> infarmuHun rr��ulrcd by lippHcahlc luw. � <br /> � � l0. Hnra�rtlou+tiuhtitanccv. Horru�vci• �ball nut ruu�r ur pcnnit the pr�r.�nc��. u,�. �li,�,�,�al. .tura�!r. nr r.lra,r uf an�• j <br /> Hnzurduu� SuNstmurti un ur in Ihc 1'ru�xrty. liin�rawrr �ludl nut du, rn�r i�llu�� :ui�unr .•Iti�• �u Ju, amthlnp ul'frr�iti� �he � <br /> , •! E'ruperty tl�ut i,In ��iuliUiuu ul�uny }invirunmcW�d La�v. 'I h�prrre�lin� 1���� �rn�rurc.,luill iuN �i����l� lu tl�r prr,rucr, u,��, ur : <br /> tiU�ru�±c on tho Prurrrry of.rnuill yuu►uitic� id'Ilanirduu, tiuhti��►ncrr that are�rnrraU� rr.•�+�!niiei ��,hr iippr��prime �u rn,rniul I <br /> � resid�ndul u.reti und io malmcnanrc uf thr f'raprrty. <br /> ''����^•'°'^ Form 3028 9i90 i <br /> i..._� ___� -- --- <br />