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-_-.. .. i', . ".. °._ -�y..��.t��' � =-{'� , � ' . . __ _r==. <br /> � . ��F.� as.a: � y F. <br /> . - . .. _..._.__..���'OA���w�. .. .. - . . � . ' . . ,� . � . . r .. _ e ti"v_-�p _ '�� ' <br /> ,�i�=Re+.r^�rwk....- — <br /> --�-=�-� g��� �.�����`+ , - <br /> °-_--.-„' `' 'lt�e ►�un�s shaii � tietd in nn ir►�Ntutinn �vhuse'�d:jZ115I19 RS� Illtilli'MI � tl Ce[ICi17I A�C1tt:y, (��slruntentali►y, «r enitty _..__.--.------- <br /> _�=--_-�� (in�iqti{pB l.ctt�l��r,iP t.Lndee iy t;u.h nn imlitutiu�t)�►r In«ny Fc�tcrcd:�nnt�la+an N:�nk. I.cndrr tihz�11 oprly it►c Ft�ttdv to n�y fhe = <br /> - -_�=__----- t��ccoiv itcros. l.en�icr msy nut chor�o Qorrowcr for halding und�pplying thc Huirds.anfuually uo;�lylln�thc c�cra�v u�:�aiuu,ur = <br /> = _---- _—_— vc�•ifyi�t�the 1�scr�nv Items. unless l.rnder p:�yx Burrowe.r Intesest nn Ua H�mds iiiid u��pIlcablu Inw 1�ermlis l,cnder to mnka nuch <br /> - -_-.�-�--- u chur�ta llawevcr.1.cnd�r may �•cyultc Anrn+wcr to pAy A OI1C�I�IriO Cllllt'Z;C li►P an iudcpc��dcnt rci�l l'tiUllO ItIK I'lJHlfillif;�;crvl�p <br /> � -�-���� uscd by l.ender in conncrtion �vlth this lonn, unless nppliCuble law pmvidcy atiunvleo. l}��le�� s�i age�ntent is n�� ar --- -- - --=---�- <br /> - �ippticul►lo lttw�YNui��ts it1le��es1 to It�paid,Landcr shutl not lic�c�uirrd tu piry Aurcu�vcr uuy IntcRSt u�•curningx un tl�o Funds. - <br /> -=—�� Borrawcs u�id I.��utc-��u�+y agr�c-e i�� wrlti��g� Iwwove�. Ul&I II'llCYi�I ti�HII��{I fN3�IN!' FNlkI_9. l�e�xler a!►all glv�t�,I�ir�wer, <br /> =' wldua�t chnrge� .tn iinn►��I �nrnanll�ig oF the Fa��de. ahowl�i�c��lit�tuxl debits�1�� !t►c Futxls w� the pu�wse Pur whteh etteh --- _..-- <br /> � . dcbit w thc Ku�uts wus nmdc.Tha Punds urc plcd�cd us addlt aoui h�curily tar al)numy hecu�al by thly Src��rity Instrun�cnt. -_ <br /> _ ___ _ <br /> ';.• (f thc Funds held hy I.cnder oacecd tho iimc�unts permittMl to ha heid hy opplicable law, l.endcr�h►dl acrnum to Bc►rm�ver <br /> • far 1ho oxrrsa�unds�n nccc�rdnnco with �he r�quirementy of cq�plicubla luw. IP the unuiunt of tho Funcis held by l.�nder itt uny -- <br /> time ls not nufficicnt ta pny thu Bscr��v ttcmy�vhen duc.l.cndcr mny rp notify Han��wcr in wrlting.and,ln such catio 8urruwcr 6 <br /> tihi�ll pay to l.cndor tho ain�iunt ncccau►�y U�muko up tho def�cicncy. Burro�vcr ehull mi�kc up thc dcticicn�y in na maru thnn <br /> �;'� ��:�� �wcivu munthl � mentx,nt l.endcr's nulo�iscrcNun. <br /> Y P�Y _ <br />_ • Upim puynecnt in Ilill uf s�ll sum� sccuroJ hy thiy Scrurity I��xtrumcnt,�irr ehidl prutnpUy rcfund ta Hurru�vur i�oy <br /> , � ,, ' rund.r•hcld hy I.endcr. If,undcr�a::�}�r�i�fi 21. l.endrr sh�dl cicquirc or�cll the Property.I.cndcr,prlur to thu ucquihiNon or e�dc -- - <br /> . � �t -=_ ui'Ihe F'rupedy. shnli upply uny Nunds held by l.�:nder iU�he Unw uf ucqulyidim or side iis u rrcdit uguinst thu sums��tiurcd hy -- --_ ----- <br /> �/ . �-'���_ thiy Security histrumcnt. <br /> .4� ��o•� 3.Applla�Uan oP PoymentH. Unlc�ti npplicublc luw pruvidcti��therwisc,nll pnymcnis reccivcd hy l.cndcr undcr puri��r.iphs <br /> ;,. .,,• '. t;� ! und� xha►It he UppUcd:tir,t,w uny pr�pnymcm chur�;cs due undcr the Notc; saond, 1��umounts p�yiihle undcr paragrnph 2; — <br /> �r, , . _. �•� third,tu intcrest d►�c; fi�unh.t��prinripal duc;ui►d lu�t. tu u��y luW rhur�c,duc u��dcr thu Nutu. - _�- -- <br /> � , �• , , •;,�,E 4. Ghur�cw; Lten�.Hurr��wcr shnll pi►y ull tuxcti, u�sctismc�itc:. cfnur�cs, �ncs��nd im{n�riti�mti utt�lhutablc t��ihc Pirip�rty --------� <br /> which ntuy itttidn priarity aver this Sccurlty Instrument, �md Icusehul�pi�ymentx ue gnn�nd rents. if uny. Hurr��wer shnll puy iw�=_;_,- <br /> ��� ' , there c►bligatiom in the mnnner prnvidal in i�rugrnph if n��t puid in thut munner.Burrawer shull p.�y them un tinie dircctly ..,fl�_ <br /> ;, • t��Ihe rersun owcd puvment. B��rr��wcr shnlPprumptly tLrnlsh to Lcndcr ull rotires ol'mnountr to hc paid undcr this psirugu�ph. ���- <br /> ; �. ' . 11'Bnrrrnver ntukes Ihesc p��yment.r•direclly,B���ruwer�hull pru�tiptly Q�•nirh ta l.onder rereipts�vidcncing tho paym�mts. �� - <br /> . , .. • 8urruwcr.rhull pramptiy disrhur�o Any Hcn whirh hns prlarlty av�r thi:�Security Inxtrument unlesx B��rruwcr: (ii�J�jiCC!:in '�� <br /> , ' writin�1�+thc pnymunt uf�hc uhUgati�m sccurcd hy thc licn ii�ii munncr ucccptablc to l.endor;(b)cantctitx in gu�xi f'ulih thc Ncn '�`-�== <br /> �--�- = <br /> • � t�y. ur defen�lr u�idnst rnParcement uf the llen in, Irgul praceeding� �vhirh ln thc l.ender's apini�m nperuto a� pra��cr�t tht �:-�;�., <br /> • cnfi�r.cmenl ui thr Urn: ur lc)seruros 1'nnn the haldcr uf the licn un i�yrccmcnt sNisfuctury ta I.enQrr,ubordinuting Ihc licn ta �;;�;,;�;*.q-_ --- <br /> thi� SecurUy Imtrument. lf I.cndcr detcrnilncs thut amy pnn af tl�c Nraporty I� tiuNjcct ta i� Uen wbirh nmy .iuidn�►rlorUy uvrr --- _- -- <br /> this Security Instrument. I.ender m.�y b�Ivs tlui�awer u nuUcu idcndl'yfng U►4 I�cu.N��rruw�r,I►ull.utfxl'y the Uon ur tuk�une ur y�`� . - <br /> marc u1'thc ucUuns xt li�rth ulxwc wilhhi 1(1 d.�ys iiY thc piving��i'nud�c. -- <br /> � S. Hacard or Pr��perty insurunce. B��ra�wcr tihull kccp �he im�r��vcmrnt. nmv rxi�tin� ur hrrcad'�cr crrc�cd „n �he =�-- <br /> . _. , � �, Pru�xriy in,ur4�1 cibuintit li,ss hy lirc, hui:u•dr inrludrd within iho term extendcd cuvert�ge" and uny uther hur.ards, includiitg � .' ,��� <br /> : floodti ctt fluadinF. ti�r wldch IAndcr r�qutrcx in�urancr. Thi�In+uruiuc.rhall hc maintuincd in thr uu�auntn und li�r ihc perii�dti '- ` .�.t�_ <br /> thut l.endcr rcquirc.r•. Thc insur:u�er r�urirr pruvidin�; the in�ur��nre .hull hc chu,cn hy Hi�r�uwcr tiohirr�t�� l.cndr�s.�ppruvul . - .. _ _-- - <br /> which +ludl nut hu unrcu�imi►hly withliclJ. If' Hurru���rr tidl� ta nuiin�i�in ruvcru�c �irscrfhrd uhuvc. I.endcr may, ut Lcndrr'� _� ` �`'� <br /> , optiun,uhtuin rnvcrugr ta pratcct I.r��dcr'r ri�;ht.r in thc Pa,,erty in:�c«ttdu�uc w�th p�ir�igruph 7. " . y= <br /> :—T � R!t inruraare }xti��CICS s7fl(� iCflCL{il{i chati he�.�e�►t�h�e t�� S.eii�ier an�i �h;�ii in�iu�ia a .ti�nd.lf�i tiidfi�;a�:@�IuUwC. t.endre � �� <br /> . shull havc tho right tu huld thc pulirir�n�id rrnr���,►I�. If I.rn�irr rrquirr�,B��rru���rr rhull pnimpQy gicc tu�cr ull mrriptti of' . � <br /> paid p��emiums und renew;d n�niGe,. lu ihv evrnt�N'lu,.. Nnrr�������r.h,dl�ivr prninpt nuticr���►hr in,ur.�nrr I.rn�lrr. . �'Y'��� , <br /> • ... <br /> l.en�lor mt►y ntakc pruot�uf l��s�il'na� nta�1C prutnpll}•hy Nnl'ru�v�t►'. `- � <br /> _ -. . . . <br /> - .-- - - Umc«i.endrr an�i �inrr����•cr�»ncn��i,e u�;rec ui��•rutn�. tntiuranrr prurerds�hult h.uppUrd ta r�sturutlon ur r�pidr ul Ihr ,.,� ��_ <br /> � _ Praprny dumagrd. If thr retiturudon urrepulr fti cruni►micully fuirihl4 und 1.�11dup'r y��ut'ily i��lul lertiened. 11'thC I'e�Uutdiutt at' -, �-- n;,. <br /> rcp:tir i� ntri Cran��titi�.dly leatithl�u�' IAnder'� ,rrurity �vuul�l hc loti�en�d. thr imuruncc prurceds .rl�idt hc t�pplicd tu th��+u�r�� <br />=`j' �crur.d hy thi+ Srcuritv In,�rumrnt. wh�Uirr ur nut then dur. �vith iiny cxrc+. pui�l tu N��rru��•rr. II' Hurr�+wer uhiwdun. the � <br /> Prup�rly,ur QiK� nul uutiw�•r �eilDin ill�It�y++i n��tire li���m l.rndrr lhat thr 't�tu�ran�e rarrirr hu�ullerc�l tu.rttlr u ciuim, lhon �' - <br /> '` ��icr nury �olle�! th� itt�ul'�Ul�'� pl'�k¢��1+. I.e�kler m�q• u�� th� pruc�ed� lu r�rair ur rctitun• lhe 1'r��prit}' ur lu pay �umti <br /> acrurcd hy ihi.r tirruriry Instrument. ��•Ikth�r ur uut th�n�lu�. Tlic 10-.I;�y prriud ��ill hrpin�vhr��ihr nuti�•a i. �ircn, <br /> � Unlr.rr Lrn.icr iuul N�►rru��•rr ��tlkr��•i,r �ign�e in ��ritin�:. am• �ppIir:�N��n a( ��r��rrcdy tu prinripal ,hull n��t rxtcn�l �►r <br /> , ' �x►�t�x►nr thr du� �Ilur ��f�h� nu�nU�ly pa}•m►•nt, rcfrrrr�l t�� in para�.��•u�,li. I an�l ? ��r rhun�� thr :�maunt ul�tlu p:ivnuntr. 11' . . . <br /> undcr parugraph 21 thr 1'ru��.•rq• i+ur��uir�d h� 1.�•ndcr. Hurru��•rr', r��it tu au� �ntiur;uur�,��liriw and praru�d+rc.uUing (r��m <br /> �lumugr 1��thr prurrrty priur a�thr iu��ui.iU�,n.hall pa..�u Lrnd►r t��tl�r��trnt�d th.•,um,,rrure�l hy Ihi,tirrurity D��truu�ent <br /> . •'� �• im�ucdiiurly priai•tu thr ucquitiiti�,n. , <br /> 6.l)ccupancy. t'r�wer�•udoa. 11u{nta�n�►nr��aud 1'��o1�rUon ol'ttic Nrop��rt�:Nurr�n�rr', Luatn:1��pUci�tiont I.��u�chold�. <br /> Hurruwrr.rh,�ll ur�up�•, etiti�hli�h. unil u,e thr Pruprrl� a.1lurruarr', prinri�,;d r��,idrnr. ��i�liin.i�t� �linti alirr thr u�rrutiun��1' <br /> • thi� Sccurity Intitrumrnt .md ,hall runtinu��tn urrup> the 1'r���,rity a� Nurr������r'. prinrq,:Q rv.i�lvn�•�� Ihr al I�u,t iu���rar uttrr . <br /> thu dutu uf ucrupancy. unle�. Lcn►irr �,Ihrr«•i�r,il�rrr. u� anUn�. alurh r�q�.rnt ,h;ill n��l hr unrea,�mahl�� ��nhhcl�L �a�unle.. � <br /> rxtcnuulin� circum�tamres �ri�t ��I�i��h ,u•� hr�und N�,rruarr'. rnt�ln�L N„rn+���•r ,h;�ll nnt �I.�tr�,�•. �I�m�;�pr ur imn;�ir thr <br /> . � 1'rupuny. uUuw thr I�r��p�i1�• lu �Irt�ri��ra���, nr r�m�mit �c;�.tr un th.� 1'ru��.�rt�. Hurr�,urr .h;dl hr �n�Irfaul� if,m� liufriture , <br /> uctlun ur prurrediitg. ��•hcth�r rivil ��r crimin;�l. i. h���u�i th�d in Lrn�lrr'.}��,ud I;ii�h ju�lt�mrnt .•uul�l rr�uh �n tin•ti�i�urr��f tltr <br /> Yroprny ur„thcn�•i,r mutcriully imP:�ir thr lirn rreat���l h�•thi,tirrw•u� In,trumrnt„r I.rn�lrr',.rti•urit� in�rrr,l. Nnrrrn�rr ma�• <br /> rurc tiu�•11 a dolault und rrinrt:Ur,a.��ru�•iil.�d in p:u��i�ru��li IR. I,� rau,in�thr aru�m�n p�urrr�lin�t��ik�li.mi.,«I��ith u rulin� <br /> Ih;u. in Lrndrr'.r �und tiiith determinaiinn. ��r��rlu�l�•. I�ulrnurr nf U�e Hurn���rr'. �nm���.i in th�• }'ru�,rii� „r uihrr matrri��l <br /> . Impairinrnt uf the lien rrrut��d h} thi,tirr�u�it� In.lrum.��u �u I..�nd.•i', ���.•urn��. linrru��rr ,hall al.�+ hr in �Ict�uih if <br /> Hurruwrr,during Ihc I��:►�i iq��ilic:�ti„n pru.•r,,. �;����m:ilrri;dh L•d�r��r in,�rrtuatr iuti�rm;uiu�i��r ,t.u��m�•nh t�� L��n�lrr iur t;iilril <br /> • tu pr�►ciilr I.endrr �vill►an��mal��ria) i�itunrruirnu in r„nn�•ch„n��ith Ihe lua�i���i�l��n�•.•�I h} th.� Natr. wrhulin�. hut nul liinitr.l <br /> " �• ti�, rupreti�uttuiuuti ruurrrnin}� Hnrru��ri'• �k•cu�,anr� ul Ib��1'i�y,rrq .i,.i priniy�al r�•,ulrnrr. If U�i, ti,�rurit� In.trumrnl i,��u a <br /> Icutirhuld. Hnrrutv�r tihaiU r�+mpl}• ��•ith all th� �,rwi,i�+n, ��f thr Ira.r. 11 R��rr,n�rr urqun�r, 1«� tiilr tu thr 1'ruper��•. tNr <br /> Icuschold und thr 1'ce dtic shull nnt mrr�!c unlr.�Lrn�lrr;��en�r.In U��� �nrr}�ci in��ri�int�. <br /> - .k---=-____= 7.Prs�lecHt�tta!'l.endcr'�!{1};hi�hti thi!'rc�ixrtti�. !f�l3�tiir,����r i,dl.t�� ���riurm ti���.���r�t��tiha�t�i;�t;irc�nrnhci�a�ui�nii in � <br /> � tltis Srrurity lu�trum�nt. ur Ihere i, :� I�E:�I prurrrdiu� Ina� nia� ,i�nil�rautl� al'ti�r► I.rn�lrr', ri�lU� in Ihr 1'ru��rrly Irurli i��:i <br /> 3- prucccdin� in h,�nki'upt�•y,p�'��ha1r, li�r c�+udrtnna�iuu ur tin•Iriurrr ur t��rnt��rrr I�n�. ur rr�ul:�ti��n.). th.�u I..�nd�r m,i� �lu uu�l I <br /> �` .. pry fi�r whut.vrr iti nrrr�.�u� Io ir�urri thr �•alur ul thr Pr�,prrt� aii�l Lru.l��r', riEhl� in thr 1'rup.�rt�. Lrn�ler'. artinn, ma� <br /> € iticludc pryin�; uny .um. �r�urr�� hy a lien �vhi�•h ha� pri�►rit} u�rr thi. tirr�n•it� In�n�um�•nt. ap�n•arin� in ruur�, payin� <br /> rcu+unuhlc uUuru�y�' 1'er�mul cntrrin�.�nn thr I'�up.�rt� U� iu��k�•rrp;ur.. rlltli��u�h Lrn�lrr m:��� Ial�r arlu�n unJri Ihi, �,;u�aEr:�ph <br /> f ' � 7, I.rndrr ducti n��t ha�•c lu du tiu. <br /> ' Any tunuunh di,hurtir�l hy I.rniler unil►�r thiti �,:u�apra��h 7 ,hull fxr�mir aJJiuun;d �Irht ul� Nmr„��rr ,rrur.d h� ihi� i <br /> � ' j�, Scruriry Insuumrnt. Un�c�� liurr��wrr �m�l L�n�lrr agrrr �u u�hcr �rnn. ni p:��•mrn�, �hr�r am��uni. .hall hrar �nterr�t li•i,m th�• . <br /> '� dutc ��f di�hur,cnirnl ut 1hc Nu1r ratc un�l �haU hr pcn•ahlc. ��•iih mien,i, upu�� nnl�rc li�nni I.rn�lrr ��, linrru��•cr n���urwn� <br /> I � � paymcnt. , <br /> , � ti� Q1ort};i��;e lutiu�•uncc. 11 Lcnilcr r��piirr�l�nurt�u�r in.ur;�nr�� a,a rundiii��n�,f ma{�in�: tLc I„au.rrw�r�l h� thi,tirrurity ' <br /> In.rtrument. Hurruw�r tihu�l p:ry thr pnmium� rr��uirr�l a�muintain thr nu,rt�a�c m.w:mrr m rfi�rt. U: t��r uny na,�m. thr <br /> � � ,. murt�uge in�urmnc rnvcruk�e requirc�l hy Lend��r lap�����r rri�.rr �u he in.�11i����. Nurr����.�r,h��ll pa� thr prrniium. rr��uirr�l tu j <br /> 1, uhtuin cuvrru�c suhtituntiidly ri�uiv.dcnl U� lhr tn��r�l�a�;. intiur:m��prr�•iuu.l� iu cl�lrrt. .d n c�„� �uh�t;uitiall� r��ui�;i�rnt t��thr <br /> �. cutit tu Hurru�vcr ut'thr mur�����r in�uninrc prc�•iuu�ly i��rlirc�. fn►�n �m ahrrn;Ur ii�u�����gc in,urrr a��p�uvrd I+y Lrn�lrr. ll ; <br /> � ;; , I <br /> , � � • <br /> ' ��•�•���f���� Form 3028 9/90 <br /> .. <br /> ___ _-�`=�-°-----_ °--- ----- ---- --- - - - <br />