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<br />'F��--� 17,�rarcc�ro pr��e�i�.If I�nJ.r e�►uic�.a lmm��clia�o p�ymant in 0�l1 under{�.zrenrurh 9,[.e��r n�y invoka ths pnwer��f��{a _ — . _
<br /> � �md eny aher rcma�ks pcmiittcd by c�tirabtc law. Luxicr ehaU da cntiticd to co1(cct nll capcnses Incumal in{x�rsuin�thc rcn►n1#c� _-- --
<br /> pmv4i,�d b thlyp�in�raph 17,iixRrdtng,►xn nat IUnital ta,rcau�r�blo attamcys' f��cs aixl��st�of thic cvi�kn�.�. __-_-
<br />- 1!11��owe�oi sale d�►voked�7Yustee r�h,ill�1�not6ce af d�auM In each county tn whkh w�y Ewrt of Ihe lhr►�xrty b{orntcd =__-_ _
<br /> �nd abetl matl co��its of su�h natico in lF+e nw�rmer Ay qpplicable bw to Bonawee�td tv 1�othtr ptrc�v�xrarali�r:1 �
<br /> AY�eL�lo�aw.Alte4 t!�tht�r rcqul�evl Ay� kat�ie t�w 'llrustee�all atvn puM1c ooticc at e�le to thc pereonA K�kl ln!M - - --�-
<br /> �r - �me�p�tscrHxit by Isw.7t�ire.w t ckm��Bon+ower.ehdl etll the Propetv�!�w bUc�ucliotf tn tt►e hirt�eel E� - --_
<br /> - °` ' Mdiks�t the tk�e�nd�uniki'fl►e tr�tta ttt:s�arted ta tac t�utloe o!sele b��e or tnc�v,�rel��nd t�wsy c+�ei�
<br /> — . ;; iktetmine�.'i'n�nice mry Pu�i�-ia saa et at!or ony{�ir7 oS ti:: by pt!D�!c�namoeax�t�t5s!Wac and Fiesc o!�y �
<br /> - 3 l��r1�r s c 6 e c�k 3 erie. �axnxs u:'iCS�.,r:,caaY p"',.s�`s.=t�R'.��!�'+y�, � __
<br /> U�ra�elpt M'p�nneM of the prioe bki,'iYustee sbali dtitver to tht+purchase�'inatex�e d�miifc7f�t�`�L'.:.y.�-t�.'EY�.� �-� - ___
<br /> ,,,_,:_- '� r e c i f�i+Ip tde'itusteo e d c e d e M l!b e pr i r n a l Y�d e e v l d c n c e o I W t t�o t t h o rt w t�m a u r c h l h e r e t n.'I Y u s t c e r,h o t►D�y't A s P m c r.'c d a ��7 i��- i _
<br /> - o►tlie s�1e tn ihe d�ila�onkr:(m)to wflc�pe�s ut thc sak.Ltx4udlnq,but not Wnttcd ta,71'ustte'e fecs a9�ei4tled R�y a;� �)�v ,�
<br /> �:: , p i 3 c�b S m 4 w u�d��r�n o i►t b i e�t t o r a�e y s'f e e s i(b)t o c�l l s a t n u�e c u r e d b y t9 Securft y Instninxnti nnd(c)any esce.m to s���n r ; ����-
<br /> ud
<br /> -=�..-��: = oipe�sons{egalty entitkd to k. �f�
<br /> - = la.Ytoca►veya��oe.Ilpun payment aFap sums socur+al by this Sccurity tnstrument,l.ender s1�a0 roq«est Tn+st��ta mrnnvey thu Ps�,y�ss� ; � ,��� ,�,-
<br /> � :.;��, , and Rhall surtcnckr thiy Sccu�ity i�uuunxnt and nll►wtcs cvldoncin}}debt securcat by this Secunty In.gUVmCltl 4��TR�stcia'����tcc+�il ;,; ,�� ��4,��
<br /> ,:,,,• F ' reconvey the Prc�eiry wUliuut�vnrcnnty und withoin charQe to�ho person or persans Ie�olly entittrd to il.SucA p:ixon ur pessoav x?�:�ll `iti, � ; 6 l; _
<br /> :� Y i , �Ay any rccardattoei rns�a. ��" . � �
<br /> •��'� �'' 19.SubslHute 7Yustce.Len�cr,nt itv option,may from Uma to timc romovo Trustco aRd appc�Int o au�ressop tautco to zinY 7'nuccv �;''��+ .� -� �
<br /> --���� _` appotntcd Iknundor by an insuvrtxnt rocarded in tho counry in whlch this 5ccuriry Icutnuncnt is reoontecl.Withan co»r•e��t�nr oP tho .�¢ �,,,.��.��y�-
<br /> pn�perty,tAo Fucocssor ttustoo shall Fuocc4+d to�ll tha tiUo,pn cr cuxf dutica mnfcrccd u n Trustcc heroin ond l�+n I�cubla law. ` �
<br /> ��-�`�'� ?A,Reqm�t[or Notioes.8oaawer roqucsGg that coptes of Uw nMicey of dofimlt axl snlo�bu sem to 8orrower's nc�dres�.s a•liich is Qw , ��;,,.
<br /> ,_�� PmpcRy Address. ,. _�.� -
<br /> ��� [iarro�ver ngcecs that atmuld this Secudty Insuumenl nncl tho noto sccun:d thercby ant bo eUgible fur iasumnce undar the�a�tio�wl Housing °"�"""-
<br /> - �� .-r.. . '�-�'{
<br /> ' , : ,_._ Act�vithln 8 mont I�S fmm the dnto herooF,l.e�der rt�y,at its�don a�x1 nnrvitt�tar�dlna nRvthinf;in Priragmph 9,mquiro __ , --
<br /> ��` immedlato paymom In tUl af all sums secQUeJ by this Secu�ity Instnunent.A��iitten stasenxm of nny autt�ari�ud ugor�t oY tha Secretnr}r , ° —
<br />��' - ���'� d�itod suU:,equcnt ro g manths f��K dato hercof,dectinin,�t�*iavuc:this 5ecur{ry Instnunent und the nnto Fecural ' �=_"`
<br />