. . �. a�
<br /> �� �.� ,,..,.�.,�� .� _
<br /> _ _ ��_ _ , . _._.
<br /> ,\,'` _ �� �. . . �`, . • _ . . . . . `� � . ��� ' _ - .
<br /> ' :
<br /> `.,, , .
<br /> i.... --, . _. . ... . .. . ` _ :�
<br /> ��'� �l.1��.`.���'' � . _t�:
<br /> `-. �_—.. y.�i�ouade�ot Accelei�tton u�7ieuf. --��-i:;,,.;'
<br /> � .. ,, i�l[letatill,�.ender n�oy,e�crpt a�Ilndted by�e�ul�tl�m�lasued by IRe Sl:cre�ary In thc co�c of paY;ne►n d¢toullr.►c�uuu • .. . ., . -` - .
<br /> Immcdlato p�►ymo�u In lull aP all eum9 eccurcd by�hl�SrcurUy Ine�na�cni Ifi ... ,
<br /> � � (q Hor�ower def'aud�a Dy f�dllns�o pny In Ildl nny mnmhly pnvnu�lt a�ulrc�l hy Ihl�Sccu�hy InsttumcR�t►�Nar tn vr un � ,.
<br /> _ _ _ . Iho dua deto o�1ho nott manlhly poymcnl, ar . .
<br />- --•-�--- (11)tlorro��a dctuuita by[allln�,t��r n retlod oi thUty doyn,to peric�ta�i►ny��q�cr ui�if�$liam cmNainccl Ui 1hh S;curll�� . ; �
<br /> •-. . �..� Inettumcnt. -...-.- .- ..-- ----
<br /> ---- __. -• � �.?g.�.tiYUh�wo tln�db Ag;uwvof.t cnior�hnll.ti'permlucd by apalkoG3e ia�r w�+1�vith tt��;pri��r fl�ymv,�s�t tb:S.��e�r�+,tt�uirn �,__•_ ,_�
<br /> . .. itnt►wJEnie{Tay�i�cei in fu11 af all tt�u+nta:.�tu�xt hy Ws S�s�city Inatnmtint ii: I: ..
<br /> „ ., .
<br /> , (I)All ar p�i of tho Property la otherwisu tmnsfcrsal(n�her th�m by d�vlso ur des� t hy ��{1F,mn�r.r. �uYJ �
<br /> (�mni�cocd c.a�sn�aceu n�Ua�Pro� ny but hi9 un c�r c�ti�luis tnot abccn nppruvcd n as onlarco wlth rh•ra��v mm:c�of t!yrSx�+h+nry r
<br /> • B PY Ix ,
<br /> � requiro`s uh puymcnt� I.C11tICf(IOC9 I101aWt1IVC'I9 flalll9 vith respect�tat��bscqti cnt event etn In full,U��t l.cnslnc docs not
<br /> (d)Re�atatiow ot HUD 8ecret�ry�Im m�ny circumstnncea reQulAUons Issued by the Sccrett►ry��•ill flmii l.es�dtR's rlFhts,in
<br /> thc cnso of pAymcn4 dcfaults,to rcpufra Immcdiatc puyme��in fLll�nnd i'orcclosc(f nat pnid.Thle Securitp lnstrumcnt docs
<br /> not nuthorlae necele�ation or foreclosure if not pe�mitted by regulutlane ai the Secrett►ty,
<br /> " 10. Reimt�4emenl. Botrowcr ha� a right to bc rclnstatcd if Lcnder hns requlrcd immedlu�te pRYnte�H in iuil bcrHUCC of
<br /> Horro�ver's failute to puy nn amount duo undar the N��te or this Securi�y lustrument.Thls ri f,ht tipp8t�ev�a nftcx foreclosurc •
<br /> ' ' procecding9 tuo insdwtcd.Ta reinstnte tha Sccutity Instrumcm,porroti�cr shaU tender In n lump aum nll umnu+�ts requircd to .
<br /> bring BottowCi'e accoum cutrent including,to iho cxtent they ara obllgaUons of entta��'cr un►ies this St�uiity Instrumen6
<br /> POICCI09UTC COSl3 and tensonable and eustomary attorney's fcr,s nnd expenses propecly as:�cistM ���ftl� the futeelusure
<br /> ' '`� prcv;er;iing.Upon relnstatcment by 8orrowcr,thl9 Security Inst�anee.at und the obligatiaos thnt it sccn�Tr_v 9hs11 rcmnin in cffect us
<br /> �.�''��� - lf 4sndor hud not ee�idced immedintc paymom in tull.However,Lea�lcs is nat requlrcd ta permll roi�iyt�tcanrnt if;p)Lendcr hus ,
<br /> ' �'•';�;: flcccptecl rcinstatcmant aftet the cummenccment oi Pareclosurc �+ra�c�cli�vf.� ���itl�in uva y�.�rs immc�lintrl�• prc�cdittr thc i
<br /> � ' . � . rnmmencemont ai'n cunent forcelasure procecding,qi) reinstn:eme.7t�vi?1 precli�de Porcctasuro an diffr.rent Mrrn�i►�s in che
<br />• � fl�ture.or(iii)reinstntament will ndversel.•affect th:priarity oF�h:lien crcatecl t+>•thls Security lnstrumenl.
<br /> ' �''`'�� `. 11,Aanawer Alat Rcte�sedi ��rbcaroncc By l.endcr Nat o!0'R1ver. 13xten9ian af Ou timP�*F p�ymem ��r mi�ddir:uian c�i' � • " ..
<br /> amortir.�tian at the sums sccurcd hy�this Security Instrument grnnted by Lender ta any sua;e:,s���i»imcrest of Borro��•er shnli nM � :
<br /> opo�ate to telease the liabllity oP tho orlginnl porr�tiver or Bc�rruwer'a successor in imctast. Lcndcr shail not be re��uired w i , ��
<br /> ' cammencc prac.edings against any succcssar In interest or rel'usc[o extcnd tlmti for pnyment or athcrwisr niodil�amrniznti.�n � �
<br /> � ' af tha sums securcd by this Security Instrument by rcASOn of nny dc�m:nd :m�;ie by che oriFinal Borro��cr��r Borrc�wer's
<br /> �, succesaors in inte�est. Any i'orbea�2ncc by Lendcr ln excrcisl�n��7y dght or rimrd�•at�a11 not be n waiver at'ur pmraude thc �
<br /> ` �` cxcrclse ot any right oi remecly. .
<br /> � `� la.�uc�sso�and AsslgnA Batmd;Jota!and SeverK9 41ati1fUy;Cb•4�n�r.}L �'hr ra�•cmints and ngrcemcnts of N�js 5��cu�it�•
<br /> --
<br /> _.__.
<br /> Irrstrurnrnt ahalt�im;�and t�ne�s t�e successot��n,��«��ns uf tender un�Brrro��rr..s�ab7ect to thc provisions of puragraph 9.b, t � �
<br /> Borro�ver's cavenants and tigreem¢nts shnll fie)oint a�rd se��cra1.Any IIc�rrar�cr i►ha co•slg�s thls Secu�ity lustrument but does � ' � - -
<br /> not executa the Nota:(a)Is co-si�;nin�this Security lnstrurr.;nt on1�•to mnrt�ige,giani snd canvey thm Hurrower's iniorost In � • ,
<br /> tho Propcny under tho terms oF this Security Instn�ment;(b)is nat persoa�l{y abli�.�tcd ta pay the sums scrured by this Securlty ,
<br /> �-•—�� '� - � � lsi:l:um.r.t; :n� �t) OOO�PPp �g�, !�ncler nnd nny other Borrnwcr ma�• agzc�: ta extend, modiPy, Porbca� or makc any �
<br /> - t►cwmmodetions with regard ta the term of this 5ecurlty Instrum�m ot ihe Nc�te without thot eorrower's consent. ; ��--�'T
<br /> ` ;
<br /> 1J.NaUces.Any notice t�Har�awer provided far in this Sccurit)�In�aumcn�shall hc given by dcli�•ering fi ar by mailing it by �
<br /> fitst cinss mail uniess appflcuble law requires use of nnothcr melhod.The na�ice shnll be dlrectcd ta thc Property Address o�pny �
<br /> ather nddress Harrawer designates by natice�o l.ender.Any natice�o l.ender sh�ll be giren by first class mail ta l.ende�'s address
<br /> stnted herein at any address Lender designnlev by natice ta Sormwer.Any nalice pmvlded far in this Secu�ity Inst�ument shnll ,
<br /> be deemed ta havc br.en given to Aorrowcr or 4cndcr���hcn given as provided in Qd�paragraph.
<br /> 14�Gnve��lpp I,ax;9everAblllly.This Secu�ity lnstrument shall be governed by Federnl luw and tl�e luw of the jurlsdictlan in ;
<br />' which the Ptoperty ia lacaied,ln the event thflt any p�ovislan ar clause of this Security lnstrument ar the Naie conillcts with ap• ,
<br /> plicable law, such conflict shnll not c�ffect other provialans af this Secu�ity Inscrutnent or the Nate which can be given efPect ,
<br /> • �vithaut thc conflicdn� provislan 'Co this enct ihe pravisions of this Security Instrumcnt and the Nota uro dcclared ta bc
<br /> severable. ,
<br /> �,5.BateowCr's Capy.HoTro«er shall be gicen anc rcmformcd copy of this Sccurity Instrumrnt. �
<br /> 16.Aagigamcne aY Rcn�v.Burrowcr unconditi�mnlly assigns and transfcrs ta l.cndcr all ihe rcnls nnd revenucs oP che Propeny. �
<br /> Borro�r•er aulhariaes l.endc�or Lende�'s agents to crllect ihe rents und revenues and hereby direcis each tenanc of the Propeny
<br /> to pAy the ren�s ta 4ender ar Lender's ngenw.No�vever,prinT ta Lender's nodce tn Uarro�ver of Bc�rrmver's breach of anp co�•e•
<br /> n�nt��r ayteewcn�in the Security lnauument,flurro��cr shail;ollect und receive all renis nnd revenues of ihc P�apcny as crustee .
<br />• i'ar thc benefit�if l,ende�and Botrowca This�aignmcnt ni'rent�consHtutcs nn absolute assignmcnt nnd not an assig�micnt for
<br />- additionTl�ecurity only. ,
<br /> If Lender�i��cs natire of brearh to l�orro��•cr:�n/all ren�s�ecci�ed by Bo�rower shall hc held by Barrawcr ns trustee fot benefit
<br /> of Lender only,io be applleJ io ehe aums ser�ved by the Securic�Instniment;(b)l.ender shull be entitled to collert and recei�•e all
<br /> af the rents af the Prapeny;and(cl each tenant of the Pro►wrey shall pay aU renis due and unpaid to l.endcr ar Lender's agent
<br />= un lxudr�'a wrltten demaud w ahc icn+�nt.
<br /> aorrower h:u not executed any prior assignment af the reni,and has noi and will not perform any act thai would pre�•ent
<br /> Lender fram excrcising its rights under this pa:agraph 16,
<br /> 4ender shall not bc required tu cnte�upuu,take control uf ar m++imam thc Property before or aiter giving nodcc oP hreaah to
<br /> 8orro�ver.However,Lender or a 1udi�ially�ippnmted receiver may dn so ai ana•cimc thrrc i�a t�rraeh.Any a}�p�i.ation af renis
<br /> shaU not cure or wulve any default or invalidale any nther rlght or remedy c�f l.ender,Thia assignment of rents of the Property
<br /> shall terminate when the debt secured by ihe Security Instrument is paid in fuil.
<br /> I
<br /> i
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<br /> � V
<br /> .yi PtlqC 3 ��7 I -
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