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. � . <br /> • ��-�,„ ��-� : _.r <br /> . � - � fi _ r .. <br /> _ _ ---- - - <br /> �•� rN �^' ....� , . — . .,..... . :.��PFsr.. _ .. _ __ - '... __ <br /> 11 T � ' � <br /> _—.—___—_ _'e�_ i _ - <br /> — ��� �V���� <br /> -- !�. t�l�aard n�Pmper�y G�.yur�.��e. itatruwcr ehail kccU tho impmvemcnts no►v cxisting nr h�;raftcr ceccteci i�n tha <br /> _ � ('►�u��.uy I�isa�c:d��;ni��st lo.r•s t+y Q�v, huu„ds Includid withlu�t�tcru► "cxteiulesl c.9vc��° mul cury utt�cr I�zards. l►ulu�lla�� . <br /> --°����- 8o�ix ur ftuuitinK� Cm•whtcL Lcttacr r�utrrs Insumnro.Thia lnsuranre thalt be mnintaincd in the amnunts and 1'�e thfl�.�eriody - <br /> -__�"�=�_�'�= Ihut l�nder requirea. [he insuentt��o ea�r4er pt�viding tho Insurunco ahall bn chosen ay[3arec�tvcr�;ubJcct tn l.ender'�sP��r�wai <br /> ------'°" �vMlch eA�►11 not he nnm�snnably withhetd. (f Rnrr�cvCr fn11A!a nt:ttntafn c��vereKa cicscribed nbnvo. l.enc�cr may, ��t �.cj�der'e <br /> -- - n�ticm.ut�tnln�ovcrnge tu protect Lcndcr's rigl►te in ttie Prupc�iy i�accardmtcc wlth�a►a�raph']. <br /> -___ _ - AU insurancc pollcics and renesvnis Fhall ba acccptnQlo ta Lcndcr cuui blwll inciudo a st�uidcu•d muitgago rluus�. t.crufcr <br /> — - - ehsll huvc tho elght to hold tho polictes nrtd nna�vuls.[Y Lenstcr rcquir�9�pnn��wer xhaN pr�m�ptly givo�n�.en�tcr nll eccaipte uf -- <br /> == �+�t�1��c�►�umv an�1 rcnaw�i naticcs.i�the evrnt oP tass�ti�rruwcr sitatl give prumpt nad4�e tu the insurwcco ct�icr aRd t,ender. <br /> �� l.endcr mny m,�ko proaf af luss IP not mado pmmpt�y Dy B�rruwo�. <br /> �_���- U�ti�';�s[,c�fcr'eitd B�rtuiacr othrnviso ag�r in w�iting.insumrrcc pracccd.g afinti bc appticd ta re.starution or r�paie of�he -- —_ <br /> Pra�seriy dttmnf;�.d. if the restor�iUnn ar repnir ia erunomirnlly fc��sfblo nnJ[.endcr'x scrurity I�nut Icsscned.IP(IlC CC9�AfA1�Q11 AJ <br /> ,� `'+�'' rep.�tr fs no1 ecanomicalty fc�.gihlo or Lender's�ecurity would bo lessened, the insumnce procecdq ehnll ba iippUed to thv aums <br /> �:�- - sccurc�i by this Sccprity Instrument, whethcr ur not then dua, �vlth uuy excess pn�d ta i�nm�vcr. If Ai�rrower ahnndons the - <br /> A <br /> _ Property�ar docs nat unswcr wlthin:�Q duye a notico Prom l,erulcr�ho�tlie insurancc curriar hag afferai to scttiv u claim, then <br /> i ;�o•=�t l.encler ntay callent Iho insuruncp procecds. I.,cndr.r mny uso tho pr�uc�ds te repuir or restaro tho Pmperty nr ta pny sums _ <br /> � , :` �. . • '�'� sccurcd by thi9 Secudty Instrument,�vhethcr�ir nat tt�en duo. The 30-duy perlad will tscgin whcn tho nodw i�c glven. —���- _ <br /> �°���°_°��""�` Unletio I.endcr and &�rr��wer mhenvisc ngree in writing, any applicntion af prc►ceecis eu peincip:il xhi�ll nnt exteud nr °' `-- <br /> ' �_�'a��;:-f- � pastp�me tho due d�to of the mm�thly pnymcnte referred ta ln pam�ruphs 1 und 2 or chc�nge the nmount of tho pi�ymenta. If <br /> °�•4-c .;,��-- � � undcr parugmph 21 tho Praperiy iv ncquircd by l.ender, Bunnwer's rlght t�any insuamce pollcfey und proceeds resuldn� fram <br /> ...�x...� . �_ -- <br /> �' r •. di�mnge tn tha Propcny prlar ta the acquisitiun ehnil pn.�w to I.ender ta the extent af the sum.r Fecured by thia Security(nstrument <br /> .�.�:ry^��. ��� � •r' immcdiutely prior w tho acquisitian. --_ <br /> ___--- <br /> x' �.. _ �� 6.(k�cupnncy. Pn�scrvi�tion,Mnintenartce And PirMection of the Pmperty;Aorm�ver'H A.on�Applicntlan;I.enseholdy. �1.___ <br /> ; ��, . <br /> Borrower Nhuil occupy.etitublish.und use the Property ay Barrower's principul residenca within sixty duys aftcr ihe oxecutinn of =- <br /> r-k� . , -' thiq Security Instrument nnd shall cantinue ta accupy the Property ay B��rrawer's principul��;sidence fae nt ic:ust ane ye,�►r ufter :-_�� <br /> , the dute af accupnncy, unless i.endcr athcnvise ugrces in wriNng.which canrent shail not be unreasanubly withhvld, or unlcss -'�—' <br /> � oxtenuaHng circumslances exist which cvu boyond Bar�awer's contral. 8nrrawcr shull not destmy, dnmAge ar impnir the ���,,;<< <br /> Praperty. ullow the P�npeny to deteriarnto. ar commit wnstc on the Pmperty. aarrawer shaU bo in default if any farfelture --- -- <br /> ,. � ." ucUan or procerding,whether ci��il ar eriminul, is begun thnt in Lender's�oad fuith,judgment cauld result in farfeiture af tha ��v` <br /> Praptrty nr othcrwiso mutcrinlly impuir ihe Hen creutul by thiY Security Inxt�ument�+r I.endcr's sccurUy interest. Bonower muy �:�~. <br /> . cu�v such a default and reinstate,uw pravided in pumgraph la,by cnusing tho uctian��pmceeding t�tn dismiwsed with n ruHng ����� <br /> �� . thnt, in I.cndcr's�aad.fidth detcrminnd�n, prccludes forfeiturc of thc Borrowor'a intcrest In thc Propeny ar athcr mnterial ��---- <br /> impuirn�ent ��f the Uen crcuted hy thle Secu�ity Instrument ��r l.ender's security Intereat. He�rr��wer xh�dl cdn��he in dePuult iP ��T--' � <br /> �szt�— <br /> : Bnrrawcr,duriny tho I�rm uppllcutinn pri�cesy,guvc nmtcriuily fidse nr inurrumtc inPi+rmntian ar Ftatcm�ntx to l,crtdc�(nr fallcd �'—�`= <br /> to pr�wlde Lendcr with any nuueriul inPi�rnu�ti�m)in connecNnn with Ihe Ionn evidenced by the Nate.inclu�ling,but m�t limited '��� �' <br /> to,eepr�sentuN��nr cnncerning��rrc�wcr's cxrup�►ncy��f the Peopeny u�u princlpui re.idcncu.if thiy Security lnstrumcnt is an a {�•.�� <br /> .�� <br /> iea�h�t�i, �j�3wrf ehaii c�mpiy wiih uii tho provision� of tfte ien�e. if�nnowc� acqulre.r• fec title ta �he Prnperty, the ''�y��_ <br /> ' ` Isurchnid und the fco tittc tihidl nat mergc unkss I.en�tcr��grcrr tu thc mecgcr in w�itin�. '_.;`* � <br /> . 7.Pratectiun af l.ender•H Rlgh4v in the Niroperty, lf Horr��wcr fuils to perfarm th�covenunts und ugreemenis cantained in •� `� <br /> �i�'�!'_� <br /> ----� - '- t h ls �ur l ty l�trum+en t. s�r s hes$ f�a lega! pnx�c l ls�g s hat may x lgn i t 3.aat lp a!'ft�i i.:,�3::r's�3�ht�i�tn� �rap�;�� i,u�ii u�u _ _,�,�;_ <br /> z -=--- <br /> �, - -"� ' - roceedin in hankn� tc •, g y - <br />_ p g p y,pmhut� far rnndemnatinn nr fnrtciture or to cnforce li�ws ur re uladanw), then l.ender mu da nnd ': `;�" <br /> , pay fnr whutever is necessary m prutect thr vi►luc ut'the Pruperty und Lender's righth i� tho Pr��porty. Iw�nder's ncNans muy • <br /> includo puying ony sum� secured hy a Uen which hnx priority over this Serurity Instrument, appe��ing in court, pnying , •-- <br /> � rcnsonnblo iutorncy5'fces nnd entcring c�n thc Pmperty tn mukc rcpuir,. Although Lcndcr muy tukc uctiun undcr thiy paragraph � " <br /> ' 7,l.ondcr doc.r•nat havc ta dn so. , •s•: <br /> Any nmoums dfxhursed hy Lendrr undrr thiti purugruph 7 shtill her�+me udditionul debt of Bnrrower secure�l by this <br /> � Security Instn►mcnt. Unlcss Barruwcr und l.endcr u�;rcc tu uthcr tcrnn uf puyment,thc�o �mnunt� �I�ult hcur intcrest from the � <br /> duto ��f dixhurscment at the N��tc �ute und shull be puyuhlc, with fntcrest, up�m nutice t'r�un Lcnder t�� Aorrawer requosting � . <br /> puymcnt. <br /> a.MortgpRe Intiurunce. lf l,a:ndcr requlred murtgi�ge in.rurarnc as u conditiun uP mukinb tho luun securc�l hy thiz Scrurity � � <br /> , lnstrumcnt, Borrnwcr shull puy the prcmium+ rcquircd tn mulntuin the rnortguge in�u�anrc in cPfrct. lf, ii�r uny res�an. the � <br /> .. . monguse inxuranco cmcrag�required hy I.cndcr tupsey ur rcascy tn hc in cf'fect, Diirruwcr shall puy thu premiums required to <br /> abtain rovcruge substantially equivulriu tu U►e murtg,��c imuruncu previoualy in rffect, n� u cost �uhstuntiuUy equivAlent t��the � <br /> ' cnst ta &rrmwcr ni'thc nmrluugc inyurun►c prcviau,ly in cffcct. Pn�m un altcrnutr man�ugc Inyur�r uppri�vcd hy l,endcr. If � <br />, yuhstuntially eNuivulent murtgugc inyurunce ruvcragc iti nut uvuiluhle, Bar�awer.rhull puy t��I.ender cach month u sum equul tn . <br />� ' , anc-twciflh c►f thc yeurly m��ngugu insurunrc prcmium heing puid hy Hurruwcr when thc In�urunrc ruvcrugc lupsed ar eeuscd to <br /> he in effect. l.cnder will uccept,usc und retuin thcsc puyr�tcntti us a lus.r rc�crvc in Ucu ut' mun�uge in�urimre. l.ass reserve � <br /> � <br /> � • Form 3028 8180 I <br /> . - � i'a�a 3 nl 0 � , <br /> e � <br /> �� :p ' . �_ __ .. . .. <br /> _ ---- --- ----- ----- ..._-- --- -- - - --- - — - — ----- - - ----—-------- - - - <br /> _. <br /> _ — ., ---- --- . ` - - • - -- -- - - -- - _..__... _._.. .-- - - -- - - - <br /> � , . .. ,. <br /> n � <br /> 4 !r ` ,. ( ' , , <br /> }a,. <br />' 1 Y, <br /> ; � . - <br /> � � �� <br />' � , <br /> � �, ' . � 1� ' . <br /> R , Ii r• � <br /> 1 <br /> . � <br /> i . � <br /> . . � <br /> � � � <br />