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` i � ����� •` ���_._.5t.'�.a.+Ml�il=:•C.::l4_"`�r_. .. . _____'_.._- . . ___..__ _ �i '. - <br /> -= _�, y��� �,��QL'��� �'' <br /> '��i?f)1{`,�'I�E3l2 WiTN idl itto imyttwc�r�ent:��mw i+r ftrrtaftc,v r.rccttd un f�t��d all castm,_n�a�Yj3j1111{Ci�A11Ci9�a��d <br /> _--- = - � i�xture4 n�nv ur bcrcaRcr a �1:►rt uf tha pecipc►�ty. Al) rc�.�titec�ucn�e cn�i (ItIiIJf{lill9 f;hall nl�cn h� cuvci�cl hy �his Sc4uNty ---- <br /> -�' . ._ _ <br /> _ - _- - - -- dn:,tct�ri�eru.All vf Rhc fc�r.gninp iH raferrcd tn in thfa Sccurtry tnsmmKat as th:�"[�rap�rty." <br /> --------� ttt�ittintvt�R CpV�3NANT5 tlm�Corr�►wcr iq luwfi�lly sciscd u�'the cstut�hrrt►y i�nvcycd an�h��Ikn�1�M tn gront ant) <br /> '_ __ _ c�nvcy thc Pm�r1y tunl Ihat It�u f'n�pi:riy Ix uneM:umt►crcd. exre}u fiir cncumbranrey oP r�c���rd, ti��n��wcr wa�rants nn�i wiii <br /> _ dC�CI1tI FCRCPCIIIy(It8 IIIIU(Q tI1C Pf11��'{3r p$tllliti!AI)CIRI1T191111t1(ICpLllil�'1,subJect tn�ny enrumhrurtecs c�f rcrnrd. <br /> = TH13 St?Ctiltl7'Y INS'i'ltUMHNT��mbines unifiirm covcnnnis fm nntioeni uso nnd nnn-unifarm cv+vennnte�vith iimitc�l — <br /> -__ — vnelnttuns by Ju�ih�tic�tuu to�uurUlutc u unifur�u ecc«rity inKtrumcnt rnvoring rcul hrupcny. ° <br /> -__— UNtGt3tiM�f?Vf�N,�N1'S, Bmrower�ttd l.cncler rovennnt and opr�as fcsNacva: <br /> ° - 1. t'aymr»t t�t F:lttct�at and interesit PK{my�nrni uttd i,ato Cl�nrgcM� �acruwcr nhidt �ro�u�tiy �ay �vi��u d�w tho - - -- - <br /> _. = �+rinelga!nf and lnter�t a�thc deAt et�kl��!E►y th�N�ic:�nd any P�P�Yrtk:nt ancllatc�hrtrge:;�t�,c���i�r tHs r:nsc, _.-- ----- - <br /> " 2. Ft�nd9 far Taxcs aid G�surunse. SubJcct to appiicnbio lu�v or tu n wrl�ten wniver hy l.endcr. I��rmwer ahnil pny ta <br /> .:�-; Lcndcr an thc duy ritunthly pttymcnih uro duo under tho Natc.until tho Ni�tc ie paid in IUlI,u Fum("FunJy")for:(n)�rcarly taxes <br /> �. <br /> - � Q111I iGtiSC9iO7CD�9 WIIICII Illi! ut id � > > <br /> � � y t n piic rlty c ve�lhia 5ccurlty Instrument us a lic�i un tho Pruperty;(b)yearly leusehnld pnymcnta _ <br /> or gn�und renty an tho Pmperiy,if nny;(c)yearty huaard or pr�perty insurnnce premiumy;(d)yenrly flocxi insuranco premiums, <br />-,. ' � __ if any; (e)yeurly mimgiige inyurimco prcmiums, if nny; iind (��my sumti pnyi�hlu by pnrrawer ta I.ender, in urcnrdunce wlth � <br /> � � � � y�=�'t :�, I thc+pr�vih1�»s ut pt�rubraph 8� in lieu af the pi�yment of monBugo insurnnru prcn,iumv. Theso itemy uro r�dled"�scraw itcmr." — —= <br /> . �u-:-�-_ <br /> , l.onder may, at any Nme, callect und hutd Fundy in nn umount not to exceed �ho mAximum nmount c► lender for n fcdemlly - <br /> rclnteci n�ortgn�o laun may rcquiiC for 8arru�vcr'x escmw ucr�iunt undcr the fcdca�l Reiil Estuto Sctdement Praccdures Act of <br /> �.��� " �. 1974 t�.9 nnunded frrnn time tc�timo, 12 U.S.C. Section 2601 et sey, ("KRSPA"),unlevs unather Imv thut npplies tc�thu�und� — - <br /> r;:;::�•��, -- - <br /> �. .:�a,;,. — - <br /> ��,��,-.:: : .�,•� sete u Icsscr amoum. If ho, l.endcr moy, itt nny timu, callcct and hnld Funds In iu�un�aunt nat ta cxceed tho lesser umuunt. �r�'-=-- <br /> *��.`°ttx.� d,r i•F;;} i.cndcr nu►y estimiuc ihc unu�uut c►f Funds duo nn tho bayls of cu�rent dutn and re��sanublu estimntcy af expenditurcv of fLturc � �" <br /> '� " '� �'' ' 8scrow Iten�s nr othcrwisc in iuc��rduncc with u lirnbtc luw. �''���';_- <br /> .�, ,h•..�,�n:,.:,i;, PP <br /> Tho Fundy tihi�U bc hcld in i�n institudnn whos� depcisite urc insurcd by n fedemi ngency, instrunicnmlity, or cntity i_�_ <br /> ` -` ��_;t:: ' (including l.ender, if L.ender is nuch nn instituti�m)��r in any Feden�l liome Lc�an Bi►nA. t,ender tihnq npply the Fundw ta pny tho ;:r- — <br /> ' r-� ' '� �" BSC�OW It@Ills. t.endcr may nat char�;e Bnrrowcr for hnldiny tmd applying tho Funds,unnue�lly the escr��v uccaunt,or ' •- <br /> ,.',�;;�.'." � varlfying the 6scn�w Itemti, unlcs9l.ender puyh Barrower i�terest�m the Fund�und c�pplicublu Inw permits l.endor ta mi�kc such ;�•°�,��-___ <br /> • � u churgo. Hu�vovcr. Lendcr mny requirc 8nrrnwcr tn puy i►��nc•timo chanc�Por i�n independent rw)estuto tAx reporting servico -s.j,;'���:�'� <br /> `J �� : ured hy l.endor in cnnnccti�m with thls laun. unlev9 upplicablc luw pmvideti othcnvise. U�Icxti un ogrcemcnt is mudo ar ,�..r-.�`, ----� <br /> � uppNcublc Inw rcquire.r•intcre.r•t tn br puid, l.ender shnit not he required t�� puy Borrowcr nny interest ar earningy on the Funds. . • �� <br /> ° � Bnrmwer iind I.endcr mi�y u�rcc in wrlting. huwever,th�a intcre�t shult bo pidd�m the Funcis. L.cndc�shnll�ivc tu Bc►nowcr, ,_.:�i;�-—� - <br /> � . �� ; wlthuut chiuge. An nnnunl nrcoun�ing of the Fu�dti. yhowinF �:reditz c,nd debitti t�� the �uneir und the purpore fi�r�vhich euch . ,-�' <br /> • � � i debit tn�he Fundx w�.v muda.Thu Fund::ure piedg��d as uciditiunul�ecurity ior aU wums necumd by this Security In�:trument. .�:._,u.. *�-y— <br /> �� � � � � If thc Fund.r•held by L.�nder exrced thc mm�unts pern�itted ta ix�hcld hy iippliruhle luw. l.endcr shi�ll nr��ount ta Hor��►wcr �„�;,;;.�+� <br /> �'"'"`'-"''°�'"'`:'`, '�, ! far d�e excers Funds in accnrdunce wUh the requiremcntti ut'uppiiruble luw. If the umuunt�>f'tl�c Fund.r held hy I.ender irt tmy -�. " - <br /> - . . . , . � timc i�;nnt�:uf�ricnt Ia pay Ihc Fiscruw Itemy when duc, l.ender nury�o n��tiPy�+rrawe�in�vriting,und, in ruch cii�c 8nrr�iwc� � �' ' `'' '_� <br /> - , shu!!pay!a lxnder she Kisuws:t :�sury t::m�ka u�the det7cle��ey. H�3iif►W�f i�itill�itiik� iij�ih0 dC�C{CflCy {ii ii�i iii��frt iiian ,- � ' <br /> ,. . 1 iwclvc m��nthly puyments,ut I..cndcr'.sulc�IlurcNun. � ��. <br /> , '�` Up�n puymc��t in f1�U nP ull �ums tiecurcd h y thiti Scrurit y l nstr u m c n t, l.��n�irr shull pr�nn ptl y ref'u nJ t u Hn r n�w c r u n y , i <br /> � � Funds hcld by Lcudcr.IY.undcr uranru h 21; I.�n�l�r cli,�ll,lr��lr,• , _., , �� - '�� <br /> - •— --- - P S+ ; 1 r�+.!! ihs.Pr����rty. !rn�ler. �+rit�r s!�thc sr:s�ufs4ti�2n ur...sle �._.0� <br /> - `"`-.'`��- `�T'� ttf the PMpC11y.tihull ap}�ly any rund.r heid hy t.und4r ut th�timc of'i�rquirUian ar tiulc uv n crcdit uAuinrt thc nums sccurcd by �` <br /> , . , � thir Scru�ity Intitrument. <br /> d. Appllcution of Puyment�.Unlesti uppHcahle luw prtivide.r�►the�wi�e,idl pi�ymenty rcccived hy I.ender under pun►gri�phr+ - <br /> ' ' 1 und 2 r;hull hc upplfed: first, to uny prepuytnent rhurgcs duc undcr ihc Nc+te; �ccand, ta iimaunts pi�yahle under purugruph 2: � <br /> third,tu iiucrcrt duc:fiiurth,tci prfncipul cluc;und Ilixt,t��uny lutc chi�rgcs duv undcr thc Natr. , • <br /> 4. Chury;cs=l.icny. lii�rrc�wcr,huil pay ;dl ti�xcs,urtics�menis, chnrges, tincti nnd imp�»iUuns nttrihutiihic tn th� Pr��per�y ' � � <br /> ' . ' . . which muy attidn priorlty �►vcr ihis Sccurity lnstrument. i�nQ Icuscht�ld paymcniti��r tiruunt! rcntti. lf c�ny. Ho��wvcr shtdl pi�y <br /> r " .. thc+c ohUgutiam lu thc mnnncr pri+��idc�l in pura�;ruph�.ur ii'nut p;�id in thut munncr, l�urr�,wcr,hull p:ry thcu�un timc dircctly � � <br /> „ ta thc per��m:�wcd pnymcnt. Eiurr����•cr sh�ill prumptly furni+h tu I.endcr ull n��tirc�uf umuunts tu hc puid undcr tMs puri►gruph. „ <br /> . If Qnrn�wcr mukes Ihetir pi�yntcnt.r directly.Hiuruwer tiludl pramptly li��nlsh tu l.endcr receiph evidcnrin�the puyments. , . . <br /> . :� � Rurr���vcr shidl pramptly dischurgc any iicn which hi��priurfty uvcr thi+Scrurlty Imtrument unles�eurruwrr: (u)ugrcc�in . <br /> • wrlting to the pnymem aY the uhll�;utlun ticcur�d hy thr licn ln u mm�ucr ucccpti�hlc tu I.endrr: Ih1 cuntc+tti in g�nnl fi�ith the licu <br /> .• hy, nr defcndx a�;idnst rnfor�ement uf thc Ilen ln, Icbul pr�kccdin�� which In tho Lrndrr', opinian upiriitc tu prevcnt �he <br />. . enfiimcmcnt �P the lirn:ur Ic)ticrurr.r frum the h�ddcr of thr licn un u�ncment�utitiliu�iury N�l,eadrr.ruhurdioutin�t ihe lien tu <br /> ' thi.r• Security Inxt�umrnt. If I.rndcr detcrminr�ihiu uny pu�t ut'Uic F'rap�ny ir.uhj�rt tu u lien����irh may�utain priorlty uv�r <br /> � � this Se�urlly lntitru111��J11, l.endcr muy givc B��rrua•cr r�n„ticc idrntit'yin�thr licn. Narr�����rr.h;�ll ����itii'y�thu lirn ur pikc onc<�r <br /> , .'� maro at'thc uctions srt f��rlh ubavc�vithin IO�luy�at'th��iving nf u��tirr. . <br /> farm 3028 8I80 <br /> - Papu'1 M 0 ' <br /> , <br /> � •. ' . . � <br /> YjS..• • -- <br /> S T . . <br /> I� <br /> 7 <br /> �.�_ .__._.... . : �. _ __ ._ . . , � <br />- kE -� ..- �� � � , � � <br /> � , �, � <br /> � � .._ � .� .. . <br /> . � �,ti <br /> � ,4 <br /> � (�, • r• � I <br /> Y{....� __.�' ��• ' ._.w.���. . � 1. . - �. ._."_ `�'f � '�._"_.-�_..._ _ ... <br />