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<br /> . ��`� ttie��i�IR�i��Nl Hh��eaiit uP Ili�i�+�te��t Iltc Ilu►r uP Ihe QtrlurnU�►��uP deli�tdt,und rea�tiuniibte uttm�nGyy'Pccy ua �crn►Itted ���,�.�.
<br /> -~� �, 1, by lt��vt Ibl lo all siimy sc�ttt'1:1i(lV IIIIY yCl'UPIIS' I1151P1itIlCqlj A�1li(l'1 Ully l'Xl't'yA(I/(f1C(ll'f•scm w•�Kr�+,n��le�;�tl�v catUkci °_--_��
<br /> ��-�"'"�` .' tolt. M r �� —�
<br /> '�*'-;�- ,�;. _.:, 22. Recw��cyuas�c. U{x�n paya�cnt af all ,un�� �ec��rcd hy rt�Is�rcurUy Ins�riun��m, I.��ndGr�hull rcquc.r�11u,�cr to : •;
<br /> = ;"� rccuewcy t{tc f't'upr.rly und yhnl) +urr�nd�:r�hir Sc�•url�y in��ru�aciu ;►nd ait ��otc.r- cvidrttrin�; d�l�t �crur��ei I�y �h{s Sc-��sri1y �. t = _ -
<br /> - - l�wtt+.tttu���t t��`►mc�m. 'IYu�tca xh:tiii rcsuaacv Uii P�uq�1iY �vlih�►►11 wmr�inty �md �vlth+�►n cNarbc to Ih�� �nrrt,n ur�xr,u��� �° ' ,
<br /> - � �'� icg�slty rntiilcd to it, �:�ch��er+uti uc�:�r;ns�r�hat!puy nny rccutt!aUc+i��•n•t•. �� --- "�•
<br /> �T � ,,� Zi. Substitutc'flrustce. I.�ntl4r.Ilt I�Y U�11I011�I1111,V Ifl1U)I�Illl:(ll II1116 fl'I1111Y1`�I�llbll'l'Al1Q 11�1�)OIOI il tiUl'l'l`\%UP�1'Uti�CC W � �+ �r-
<br /> -_- . uny �Yu�tee npixilt►ICd hrreunde� by ;m in�trumen� ►t�curded In Il�e caun�y in whirh tl�i� tiecuriiy In�tn�nienl is recurded. ° �,.,'�� '
<br />-_-___ ; WitNi�ut «�nveynncc uf ihc I�•aper�y. thc yucr�s�or iru�trc +hall yucr�cd tu�dl Ihc iid�, po�v��r und dutics cunf�rred upon � . ' ,`', �,
<br />—_ - � 'tl�ist�c hcrcin t�nd hy uppllciibic luw, . . ,
<br /> '- � 24. Rcqt�cst for Ni►ttr��+. Hurruwcr rcqucsl+Ihut cupics uf Ihr nu11c�.+uf det�iiult nnd si�lr Ik��nl tu Norr��wrr\addrcsr ; - -
<br />=-_��-:-• �vldch is�ho Pr�,peny Addre��. • ..
<br /> -���• 25. Rlders tu thiy Sccu�ity li�strumcnt. II'mic ur mur�� ridcrti +iro cxcru�ed hy RuiTUwor and rewrdc�l tu�;cthcr with „ ..
<br />,���`: this Sccurity Inslnimeni,the ruvennnty und u�reement�t�f riich surh ridcr �hiill hc incaipurutcd inN� und sh��ll untcnd und
<br /> Y�" - .r•upplcmcnt Ihc rnvcnantti and��grccmcnts af thiy Sccurilv Intilrument n,if tlw ridcr�sl�vurc ii purt ui'this Sccurity Inslrumcnl. .
<br /> �'�' , ' �Ch�ck a�ppli�i�bls lwxlc�l) 1 ,,..
<br /> :�=.. . ,
<br /> :�.�=k ,
<br /> < �;. •
<br /> �`- . [�nd}usu�nlc R��cu Ftiac� �C��ndominium Ridcr �1-4 Fi�mily Itidcr - -,_-_
<br /> +�:� '= °---
<br /> . ` �Griidunted P.iymrnt Ridcr �Plauncd Unit pevcli�pmcnt Ftidc� �Hiwcckly H�ymrnt Rfdcr � ' `ti ���.`--
<br /> * , �Nalloon Ridcr �Ratc Impravcmrnt ltidc� �Sccond Hvu�r liidcr � ��,'.;
<br />_.,�.�' : . �Othcrls) (sp�cify J - '�
<br /> ;,�.
<br /> . ;_'�..,
<br /> ' aY SI(7NINO BELOW,Run�uwer ueceplti imd az;roes tn the ternis und cuvc�►ant�contuined in ihis Srcunty Instniment . �
<br /> ,���
<br /> � • • � � und ln uny rider(s)executed by Barra�ver und recurded with it, � � .
<br /> ,.
<br /> - - ., Witncx�cs: ,.
<br /> . � � ,�`� � . . _.
<br /> ' —lScull l
<br /> r`:;�.;" � M8l'k��. JO(19S •Hurruacr � , _
<br /> ' So�ftl�ScvuritY Numbcr �����-- � _
<br /> �,: ' �.. ..." •:. f�J.
<br /> �.-.� ._.._...__..__._.. _ __. ._.. _
<br /> • / � �___��� � � ,
<br /> . (��������`� '�'���(Scal) 4 •.
<br /> . I ierma onos .����R�,"« , . _'
<br /> ._- ,_ :_� l �- � .
<br /> -- rn�- n
<br /> - - -
<br /> , _. - $OCIiI�SlL'UTily PI11177pCi' uV:J vc-ao/ � , _
<br /> STATE OF N�BItASKA, HAll Cuunty ss; �
<br /> On this 28th di�Y�� June, 1991 ,bct'orc mo,thc un�lcr+igncd,.�N��tury Public � ,
<br /> duly cammissioncd nnd quulifie�l for snid caunty, persanully camc MeTk J. Jonas and Sherme C. Jones, eaCh .
<br />- in his end her awn right, and as spouse of each other, ,ta nu knawn to tx:thc i ,
<br /> . , idendcal persans(s)wha�c nitmcls) are subscrihed to thc furcgainp instrumrnt and ackni�wlcdged�he c�cculion thcrec+i'to t '
<br /> ' be theiT volunu�ry uct.md deed,
<br />, Witncss my hmid nn d� Nobra9 in said county,thc ; '
<br /> diue nforetioid. GENEA�I NOTNIIf� o r�s � �-1 �, , �
<br />- DAVID F DQNMBN � t i.R F Y'TI l �1+.�.. �
<br /> My Cammi:+sion eMpires: � ���p,�Hgg — � ;
<br /> Natary F'��blir �
<br /> i,
<br /> . TU'1'RUSTEE: �
<br /> The undcrsigncd is the h��ldcr uf the notc or iwtes secured by this Uerd uf'ii�u�t. Si�id nulc or nutez,t��gcther with all
<br /> � other indeUtedness securcd by Ihis Dced of"tYust, hnvc been paid in tull. li�u iue hereby dimctrd w ciincel si�id nute or note. ,
<br /> • �`'• nnd�his Uced of'nust,which arc delivered hcrehy,i►nd to rcce�mr�•, withuul �vunanty,ail!ihe e�ta�c now held by you under , ,
<br /> ' • " ' this Qced at ltu�t to thu pennn ar persans Icgully entiUcd thoretu.
<br />-. . Qatc.
<br /> " . �'OCiq{11:21 9l9U l�1dt�'(�nfh/�ul'CS1
<br /> �
<br /> -'.'_'c .:,?=T �� . . . .
<br /> , '
<br />_ � �
<br /> . : '
<br /> . .._.. � .. . _ .
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