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Inw moy sprcll'y fur n�inslntcmcnll Ixforo scd�uf th�� t�•operiy pursu��ni iu nuy �,uwcr uf tiulo cumuincd in �hfs _ f- <br /> �r...:,....".�:�L: . �, Security Instrumcnr, ur lh>entry of n�udl�mrnt cntun;in�t A�ia Sccuriiy Insn�umrnl. 'I'hu�,c cumtiUuns i+r�•Ihat Hum��vc�: lnl _ ;ri,;._,. <br /> �.;',�hw�^* pnys L.cndcr itll �:umc which lh¢n wuulil tx: du� unticY �Itis S�4uPity In�;irumcnt �ntd Ihr N+�IC �++ if' no a�dcricra�iun hci� ti.�. <br /> �..�• ,_'��'.- :'' ocrurrcd:(b)cures any default uP E;ny�ithr�cuvc�umts�,r u�;rr.cnunts:lr)puys�►II cxpcn,Gr incurrcd io cnl'orcin�;this Sccurity ' ` , - ;,: <br /> �^,�� � <br /> lnstm�nent,incit�din8, �+ui not Iimited to. rcusuni�blc sttut'ncys'fccs; wid ldl tfIR4'ti RUl'II 1iL'1I011 ilti t.cndcr muy rou+unubly _ `�'- <br /> T= �� requira to ussutc ttu�t tii�Ilcu�►t thla Sccurity instnm�c�tt.L.cndcrs rights In Ihr 1`r���cety nnd ttnrm�virl,ubH�ctllutt N+pay Ilx: - ._ <br /> - ,- -. sums sc�ur:� by ttsl� Sc.ar3t; !}►�tn�m���t .h,�U cuntinuo unchanucd, Upuu ��la.tutemcnt hv Hurruti�•rr, this S��urily �- , . <br /> -; ,-°; � G�shume�t and thc obli�atiuns,e��ued{knt�y sh.�l{tir«�ain ft�lly cC!'ecti�re ns if n« ;+cc��lcr,�ti�,n h.�d�kcun•cd. Howrvrr,thi� ( . ._ -- - --- - . <br />--- - . ., dUh1 to rcinstuw ch�dl nut upply in tho cuxc uF iuccicrnUun uudcr pnri�grnph 17, , . <br />-�=-- , - - ; 19. Snle uP Nute:ChanR�os l,uan Scrvlceit Thc Nnte or��pardul inte;re�t in ihr Nulu ltupt��thcr with ihiti Sccurlty _ • , <br /> -,����.�' (nsuumentl muy bc +ulil one ar mare Umes without prior nuUc�tu Hurruwer. A 4+d�:ma�y rc�ult ia a ch��n�;c in�hc emity <br /> ` � (known us thc"Loan Srrvlcrr")thnt rullccis monthly paymemx due iin�le�tho Nutu und d►is Srcurity ln�trumcnl. '1'NGra ulsu <br /> '='=;" ' • mny bc ana or morr chungcs�F thc►n Scrviccr unrcliucd to n�ulc��i't hc Ni��c. If ihcnr i.r•u chuaHc ui'ihc l,ui►n Srrvlcrr, <br /> - ' [iorco�vcr will bc 6ivcn wriucn notica of tltc chun�;v in iiccardnnco with purngruph IA iitNwe nnd ap��licublc luw. Thc nudcu . <br /> �vlll slatc thc numc nnd itdd�ess of tho new I.uan Scrvirer iuid thu iiddreys tu which pnynicnts shuuld hc mi►de. TI1L`IlUlll'C�VIII ,,, � <br /> "�' nlso contain i;ny other inforninti�n rc��uiixd by npplicabic Imv. <br /> •- � 20. Hfl'lAi'lIOU9 SQDti�7111C49, A0170WCT SIIAII tl0l C11USG`01'�1CI111I1 lI1C�R1SCIll'C,us�,dispusul,+turugo,ur rolensc of imy <br /> Haxitrdaus Suhstunces an or in thu I'ropeny. Aorrawrr shull nut d�,nor nlbw anyune clsr to d��, �mythinK i�ff�rting the <br /> . pr�perty thi�t is in violuUon nf i�ny�nviromnt�nta�l Luw, The preceding lw��sentences shall nat upply to the presence,use,ur � <br /> ., , .. stumt;e on tho Pn�peny uP small quumUies uF Ha•r.ardous Subst�inces thut u�e generully reco�;nizr�l tu be i�ppmprinte t��nurmiil <br /> residentinl uses nnd to rn�dntenanco aP the Propeny. <br /> ' ;, ' Borru�vcr shi�ll prompUy givc l.endcr writtcn n��dce c�f any invcsUgiitiun,cluint,demund,luwsuit ur uther�kliun by uny , <br /> ° ;, governmcmal or reguliuory agency ar priwitc purty involvint;thc Property i�nd uny Hiuurdous SuUstance i�r Fnvfranmentnl , <br /> � l,uw af �vhich aorrowcr hus actut�l knowledge. If Borrowcr Icams, ur is nutificd hy nny govcmntetttul o� rcgula�tory , ! <br /> � • ' autharlty,thut nny removal ar Uthcr romediudan of nny H:uurdaus Substuncc uifecting Ih�Propcny is ncccsyury,Rvrr��«�cr _ <br /> • chutl promptly u►ke ull necessnry remcdial actions in nca�rdancc with Envi�onmental Luw. , . <br /> � As used in ihis purugri�ph 2l),"Haxurdou�Substanees"ure tha�e substunc�s defined us tuxle ar hii�urdauti xub�t�u�ce�by , , <br /> � Envi�onmentul Lmv iind�he PaUowing substc�nces: giitialinu,kerosene,uther flnmmitUle or tnxic petrolcum pr�xiucls,toxic <br /> Exsticides and herUicides, vnlatile solvents, niateriiils eaninining usbestus ur Wnnnldehydu, and eadioitctive mutrriuls. As <br /> used in thi+p�►r+�graph 2U,„GnvimnmeoY,�l I.i►«�"mei�m fedrral li�ws�md I.iw.of the Juriticiicticm�vhrr�ihc Prc�perty is Icx:�ted .- _- <br /> ` • . ehat rclato to health,safery or em•ircnmcntal protection. <br /> ' NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS. Roreuwcr�►nd Lcndu�f unhcr caveni►nt and ligrcc u.followtic � 3, <br /> ' • �- 21. Acceleratlon;Remectle�. Lender shnU give noUce tu Dorruwer pri��tu aeceferuttun tollu�ving Qorrower's . � <br /> ' brcuch of any covennnt or t�grt�ement io this Security I�strumenl lbul nai prlor tu i�cccicrution under pura��aph 17 ,. <br /> � unleay uppUcAble law provid�s uther�visel. The nattce sl�all sprciPy: (A)the defuult;(bl the ucllun requlred tu rure the �. z::. <br /> � default; (c)a dute,nat le�.c than 30 doys Pran�the d:�te dee nuNco lo�iven tu Hurro���er,by which the dePnult�eutit be . +_ <br /> � curedi and(d)that Puilure tu cure the dePnult on ur befare the date specif7e�1 in the nutice muy o•esult in ucceleratlun uf i, <br /> --._- --;--- , ' <br /> tiie sams secureci by Ihis Secu�ity tnstrument aaci s�nie oi ii�e i-rn�rriy. '1'i�e �+fil.e��a!!!'ur.her lsfarm�.�.n.�r����Qr uF _;._ _ <br /> tho�ight t�i reinst�te After i�ccelertNlon omd the ri�ht ta brin�u cuurt:�Mian tu u�.sert the nun-exititence os��dei'ault or f <br /> ' � ' • uny other defense of Harro�ver to acceteration and side. IF the dePa�it is not cured on ur hefore the diite specifled in �� <br /> -__-,_ �_; ..;'_ th��.�,tt.•�;t.�nr�pr nt its optton may re�aaire immedii�te paYnte�t in full of All sums secured by this Sccurity 1nsU�umenl `• <br /> � : <br /> - � withaut further dcmand nre�! may Int�uke the pawer of snlc and u�y othcr remedies pc�mntcd oy uppiicnoir ia�r• ��" '-- _ <br /> ' l.endev shull he entttled tu cullect iill expenses incurred in pursuln�; the rem�dies provided in thls purr��raph Zl. I ; <br /> i�cluding,but nut limited to.reusonuble attorneys'Pee�und a�sty��P t(tle evide�cc. ` � <br /> IP the p���ver oP snle is imoked,'[rustee shull record i�nutice uP dePuult in ench cnunty in ��•hich uny parl of the � •� <br /> Property Iti Incnted und s6n11 muil cupies oP tiuch notice in Ihe munnrr pn�rrihed by uppllcaUlo IAw tu Horro�ver and tu f <br /> the uther persons prescrihed by upplici�ble luw. After the Ume requirecl by upplici�ble li�w.7bustee shull�;ive public � <br /> nutice of sale to the persu�s uad in the munner preycri6ed by uppllcublc lutiv. 'Iructee,withaut demn�d on Hur�ower� � <br /> , shnll seU the Pr��pe�ty ut pubUc uuctiim t��the hi�hetit bldder ut the Ilme und pluce i�nd under the terms desi�nuted in � <br /> the nmice of sale io one ur rtt��re purccly��nd in u�y urder 7lrutitee delermines. 71�ustee muy postpone tinle aP uU o�uny � <br /> � purcel of the Pcoperty by public nnnouncement u11he tlme and pince uP unv pre��iuusly.r•cheduled sale. l.ende�or hs <br /> desi�ne�muy purrhz�se the Property at any tiule. ; , <br /> Upon receipt af puyment of'ihe prire bid. 'll�ustee shidl dcU��c�r tu ihe purchuscr 'il�u.r•tee'9 deed coaveyin�; the i . <br /> � Property. The reclta►ly In the Trustee's deed!+hull be prlmu Guic evidence oP the truth uf the�tutementy mude therein. � <br /> 'fl�ustee shull upply the p�oceeds nS ihe sale io Ihe Pollu«•ing order: lul to ull cuvls and espenscy oP exerci�in�;the puwer <br /> , . <br /> . � . <br /> I <br /> � .,. i <br /> . � i , <br /> i <br /> • Formto28 91�)0 ipocr�,�Inln�cr.�� � <br /> _ a <br /> -_-_-..- ij <br /> } <br />_ . <br /> f <br />� i <br /> : � � — <br />