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1 ��.� . . .. ` � , - `-?r-.-L.,���-:,i ._ .. __. . �__. .��,� _ :.� <br /> ,^';�` .. - .. _ .-- ---- — --- . . �._, _ ���e�.x+sa�+dwv� <br /> c�.-x:^��3r�..,- -- <br /> � ���-�-_�— <br />_._ .__. ..._. . .. .._ ... <br /> _ r o _ �,:,.._.�;_-_�_ .__�__ <br /> {:... . , . ��� ����e�� . �� --� --- <br /> . Y <br /> � ��r� - _ <br /> , _ L..-.:..-.,.�T ' -_ _ <br /> 1 ' ' .ti . . -_ '^" _ - _ - <br /> �' .. , �� Occuptuxy� R`��se�tfon, 114olciteaanco and Po+nteetlon o!the Pi+c�peNy� Eior:�wer'o 1.aan ApFllcatton� _ <br /> � l.euehold�. Horro�vee ehall occupy. �stablieh, and uso tho Ptugerry c�s Borrower'a principn.l rostdenco withtn elxry daye - .�r__. <br /> � � �Ror tha oaccudan of thie SECU�tty Instnimc�rt An.i�htll continuo to occupy tho Ptoperty sa 8orcawcr'e pTincipal rosidence , . .. .. -'_°`�-�;;_n <br /> � � for�t le��t one ycar oRee Iho dato of occupancy. unless iander aihorwiso ngrees in wrhin@. whtch canscnt eheli na bo • `� � ��>=�-= <br /> � � � � _. nnreasonably withhcicl,(1P pflIGYS CxICAll9tli��OIfCUlU9l811CC9 OEI81 WII�Ch d��YO����OWCP�6 COAiPO�.IImr+owcs ahall rtoi � �• �� _ <br /> __,- - _ - dostray�dgme a or tmpair tho Prnporry►��ltow thc Atoparty to deterinrete�or cotnml!waate ou th�Pra�crhr.�larte��ver eha�U - 1- � _ <br />_ � � . - ,� bo in dofiult t�any forfoiture netian�r prxe�g.whethe�alvti ar crimfnal�ia t�gun thst in L�endat's gavA faltt►juAgmcbe r, -:�"s � <br /> n <br /> . . . .. cs�ld=t�si�!n fa�'elture of eho Peo�rtS!or ot�nv� •rn n lY lm�ir 4�liea crcsted b�r thls Ses�uity lnst�ument ar lAndor•s . . - -- .-_ <br /> a <br /> , seCUdty Intereat. Horrowor may curo such a dofault and provided in paragreph 18, by cauafeg tho aation or � , � <br /> proceaiing to ba diamis�ed witli a�uling that,in l.onder'e good fuith determinadon,prr,�ladea fadeiture of tho Borrower•e <br /> • � lnterost in tho Proporty or other matorinl impaimnont of et�e tinn areated by thfe Secuelty Instnimant or Londer'e seeudty <br /> � int�reat.B!�nawer ehall ulso bo in dofault iPBorrower,duNng tho ioan appltcation process,gavo materinUy false or inaccurato • <br /> � � informaden or statomonta w I.tlndor(or failed to provlda l.onder with any matorial inforiamion)lo connccdon wlth tho loan , <br /> evldoncad by the Noto,(ncluding�but aot limlted tu,ropresontndone c�ncoming�uurrowec's occupunay ot the Praporty�a � . <br /> ' u pslrtcigal r9atdoaoo.IPth1s 3ecurity Inauument is on a teasohold�Horrower ehnll comply with nll the provieions of tha lense. , � <br /> , • If 8orrowat acguires feo titlo to tha Property,ihe leasehold and tho fee tltlo ehWl not merga unless t.ender agrcoa to ttee <br /> mergor in wridng. <br /> 7. Pr�o4ectton of Y.ender's Ri�hts in ttte Pruperty. If Borrawor faila to parform tite covenunts nnd ngreomonta , <br /> contutrteA in dds Secudty Instnsmout�or there isa lognl proceeding thut mAy aignlfieantly uffcct l.snder'a dghta inthe Praporty <br /> (such as a pmcs:eding in bunkrupioy,probnta.for condemnatton or t'orfolturo or to enforco lawo or tegulaUans),then l,ender ,:, <br /> mny do undpny for whatavar is neceasary to protect the value of tha Property nnd lsnder'e rights!n d�e Pcapeny. Lortdor•a . . <br /> ,� acttona may fnciudo paying any awns securcd by a lien which hae prlonty over thia Secudry Inatrumant�appeering in caurt, � <br /> paying ccasonable ettomoya'fcc�und enterin�on the Property to atako ropuirs. Although l.�ndor may wke uction under • <br /> thia p,nragraph 7. Londer daoa not hnvo to do an. , • <br /> ' My nmounts dlabursed by Lcndar undor this psuagraph 9 eh�ll becomo addldonat debt of Borroaer secuced by thls , <br /> . Securiry Inauument, Unlass Horrowor nnd l.ender agrce to othor terma of paymont,these nmounte ehaU bear interast from <br /> r � the dnte of disbursem�nt at the Noto rute and ahail bo payablo,wlth lntereat,upon noAce from l.andor to aornower requesdng <br /> payn�ont. �- <br /> � 8. MortgaQo Insu�Anca If Lender taquired martgago insutance as a candiUon of muking the loua secure►1 by thia �� <br /> Seourity Instrumont, Harrowor eh�1l pay the promiuma required to malntain tho mortgag�inaurnnco fn effect,If,for any � <br /> renson�the mortguga inKUranco cavcruge requlred by Lendor lapsea or ceasos to be in effcct,Borrowor ahnll pay the premlums � <br /> requirad to obtaln coverage aubat�u►tially eguivalent ta the martgoge insurance proviausly ln effect,at a cost eub9tandslly -, <br /> � egulvuldnt to the cast to Borrower of the mangago insurunce proviously in effect,from nr�ultemate moKgago insurer approved • � <br /> by l.cndor.IP substNnqnlly equivalent mortgago lnsurance coveragu le not AvAUablo�Borrower ahall pay ta i.cnder cach month <br /> u aum eq►�u1 to one•twelfth af thn yeady mortgago inaurance premium baing pFiid by Harrowor when the inaurance covernge � <br /> lapsed o�ceased to be in cffert. l+ender w1U accept,use�nd retaln thesa paymante a,g a losa resurvv !n licu of mortgaAe � _ , <br /> :_. -_—-=-== ... , . <br /> - - inaurunco. I.osa reservo payme�te may no langor be requlrcd�at tho option of Londor. if�o�tgage iasaran�s caveraga t�n <br /> tha amaunt and far the perlod that l.end�r requl�es)provided by un fnsurer approved by l.endar agoin becomes avuilnble � <br /> � and la nbtaincd. Bc�rrowor shull pay tho prcmiums rcquired ta muintnin mortgag�Insurm�co i�offect. �r to pravido a loss ! <br /> Z' ------ roaorvo,tiriiii ih� ��a�u{rotr��ii f��'int�rig8gs insuranc:, a��l��ctatd3slCe wsth eeY`•'!'t'14tAn aoreoment between Borruwer I. __ _ __ <br /> � und Londvr or uppltcAblo law. � � , <br /> 9. 1nApectian. Lendor or ita i�gcnt may make reusonable cntrtes upon and lnspectiana of thc Praporty.l.ender shall � <br /> glve aar�awer notice at th�dmo af nr prior to U�Inspecdan�pecltying reasonublo cnuho far the lnspectian. � , <br /> 10. Cand�mnntian. Tho pracecds af uny uwurd or claim for dWmugee,direct ar con�equcntial.irt connectlan with <br /> � � uny candemnatian or othor u►klog af any part af thc Propc��rty,or for cunveyanco in liou of condamnntlon.are hercby asslgned � <br /> �,� and ehall be paid to l.onde�. � <br /> In the avent of a tntai tuking af tho Properry.tho praceedy shall bo applied to tho Fums secured by this Securlty l�stn�mont, , <br /> whethor ar not thon duo,with any excesa pAid ta Borrower. !n tho ovent of u pAnlul tuking af cho Property in whlch tho � <br /> fal�ma�lcet value of tho Property lmmediatoly befare tho taking ls equal to ar grcuter thun th.umount of the Rums securcd , <br /> by this Securlty lnstrument lmmcdistcly bofi�ro thc taking,unloya Bar�ower and l.endcr otherwisc+agree in w�itin�.tho sums � <br /> Fecured by thie Securlty Instrument shall be reduced by thu umaunt of tho proceeda multiplicd by the fallawing fructlon: � <br /> (a)the tatal amount of tho sums accured immedintely befnre tho t�king, divided by(b)tho fuir market valuo of'the Proporty ; <br /> immediatoly boforo tho tuking. Any bulanco shall bc paid tu Horrawc�. ln the ovent of a partiai takiog af tho Praperty in <br /> which tho fair markat vAluc of tho Praperty immedlstely bef�re tho U+kin�is loaw than thc nmount of the suma secured im- <br /> medlately bafore tha taking,unloss Horrnwer and l.andor othorwlso agrce in writing or untexs applicable law otherwlso pro• <br /> ; vldos,tho praceedK shall be agplied t��the sums�ecured by th14 Security In�t�ument whothar ar nat tho sums arc thon dus. <br /> If tho Praporty ls ubandoned by if. nflcr noticc by l.cnder to 8or�awer that tho candomnoe affore to , <br /> muke an award ar xettlo u riuim far damuges,&��rrower fuilx ta respand tu l,ender within 30 duys after the datc the notico � <br /> la given,Lundor is suthorized ta collect and upply the proceeds,at its optlon, oither to restoratian ar repair of the Propeny <br /> ot to tho aumA Recu�ed by this Security lnatrument,whethor or nat thon due. <br /> Unlvas Lender and Horrowor othorwiso ugree in writin�, uny upplicutian aP proceeds ta principal�hall nat extend <br /> or pastpono tho due date of tho monthly pnyment�: rcfcrred ta in paragrnphs 1 cmd 2 or rhanse the amaunt af such puymantti. <br /> 11. Borrower Nat Released; Farbearance 8y l.ender Not a Waiver. Extonslon of the time far paymem ar <br /> madif3catian of amartizatlan of tho suma sccurcd by Ihis Secur�ty lnRtrument granted by l.ender ta any successor in interest , <br /> af Aorcawor shall not uporato ta release thc Uabillty nf tlie origlnai Horrawcr ar Horrower'�successors lo inte�cst.l.ender <br /> ' shnll not bo rc�uired to commenco p�aceedingR uguinst uny successor in interest ar reft�se to oxtend time far puyment or <br /> -' otherv+lse moditj�amartization of tho suma secured by this Security ln�trument by rcason at'nny demunci made by the ariginai <br /> �� � Harrowor or Honuwar'a successore ln interest,Any forbearanco by I.cndcr in exercising Any right or remcdy hhall not be <br /> � a walver of'or precludo tho oxerciee af uny rlght or remedy. <br /> 12. Successo�e and Aaglgn9 Bound;Jolm und SeverAl l.iabllityt CaRigners. Tha cavennnts and ag�ecments��f <br /> ' this Securlty Instrument shall bind and bcnefit thu aucceysare and osxigny al'l.ende�and Horrawer,subject ta the pravi9lons <br /> � of puragraph 17. Horrawcr's cavenants and ogrcementK shuU bo jolnt�+nd severnl. Any Barrower who co-Aigny this Secu�ity <br /> 4 � lnstrumant but dacs nat oxccutv thc�intc:(a)!s ca-slgning thls Securlty lnatrumcnt anly to martgage,grant and cunvcy that <br /> 'r Barrower's lnterest in tho Prapeny under the torms of thia Securlty Instrument; (b)is�iat porsonally abligatai ta pay the <br /> auma secureai by ihis Securlty Instrument;and(c)Agre�:q that l,ender and any uther aorrower may agree ta extend,madifjr, <br /> ; I forbenr or make any accommodAtiane with rogard to the terms af this Sccurlty 1nKtrument ar the Note with�ut thnt Borrowc�'9 <br /> consont. " <br /> ' usMO aai�Rw,�ioi � NEBRABKA vo�m aon� ��so fvQao 3 o�s�Res� <br /> � <br /> � „ <br /> . .. . <br /> ,� t <br /> .j �. , <br /> , I <br />