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. • f . 4 .� .� .. . , i -i,�si2�ak�#7.�_.,��-- c�-� . ,• i__ __ <br /> � �. '- . :� -t> - �-` -- <br /> � -�- � - � y� �� . <br /> . � ..;.-' ' ' - ' __._._ <br /> , . � . ,.. <br /> . . --' - �-7�..—-.•�—�� .._ <br /> - -_ _ ___�._. .. ..__ .... __ . . . � _._. � . _r.: ....._...�....._._..._.-..._...._ _....- ...1_..___...�._ �;±nr�-sr1�L..a. . <br /> ���=.�w��'- <br /> .__?�,.�_ <br /> � �;�-:�-�:.—_ <br /> �_ _ � + ..._ . . e <br /> �� -- .. Q 'ce� �,!/�'_AVt I�:'� <br /> �7� �'�:_�."."" _ <br /> � . E_..` �.,., - _ <br /> � � UNIFORM COVHNAN7;S. norr�iwcr nRd l.enAar rovcnnnt and og�cv as fallowA; �; � � <br /> ' � 1. Pyyment of f'elndpal Nnd intcresti 1'reppyment and Iate Chaeges. Boerawer shall pramptly pay when due ��- }��-��;'�- <br /> .-. .�.....;- <br /> •� - �,• the pr{neipai of aect tnterest on thc debt evldonreJ by the Nute nnd uny prepayment and lato chnrgcs duo undc� thc Na:e. �-°--•_:;���`~F'-: <br /> ..;,,-,,_-._--. <br /> - -�, �. F�nd9 for TAxes n�x1[n�nrance. SahJect to ap�►ltcnblo law ar ta a tvdtten�wuivcr by Lcndcr,Hvrrc�wor ehall � _ __ � _,°. <br /> , __ _ _- - °:� - p�y tn t�n�tcr on tho day m�n4�iy p�ymet�tn c�+�cfue under the Nato,unQl eha Nase is patd in Elill.a aum("Funds")far: _ _s , ^ <br /> � � � -_ . _ . _ (a)yearly tnxes nnd oasessmenta�vhich may attain priurity over Ihle Sccuriry laatrumcat av o lien on tho Propepy;(6)yeady � _ j�. <br /> Icnsohatd pnyments or gmund rentn�n tAc Proparty.i f nny; (r)ycnrly hnzard ur Pro p on y inaurnnco premtums; (d)ycncly <br /> � ' � ` ' liood insurance remiums, if an ;(e) euN muq ago ineuenncv prcmiumn� if any;and f�i oBY sutfi►�paysbie by €ior•ower �� • - - -_-•- . : _ <br /> ' ' � to accnrdnnco wlth thc p��avlAlan9 af parugmph l ieu o f t i tu pnymeat o f mortgage Insumnco prem iums.T h as e � � „ <br /> ' � � � itema ure eulled'•Bserow Iteme."I.endc�muy.ut any timo,callect und hold i�unds!n an omount not to oaceed tho nmximum ' <br /> � amount u lender for u fcdoruily rolated martAago laAn may require for porrower's esc�aw accaunt undcr tho Fc�leral Re�l . ' <br /> • Bstate Sottlement Pracedure9 Act af 1974 ax nmended from time to�ima, 12 U.S,C. �2G01 et seq. ("RBSPA"),untess „ ..„ <br /> ' anather IAw thnt c�pplles tn tha Fun�i�+nei±a lesser mnount. If so, Landar muy, at any time,collect and hald FundA in nn ' <br /> J� • amount nat to oxceed tha Iea.u+r nmaunt. l.ender miiy astimUte the amount af Funds duo an tho bnsis of current duai nnd <br /> %� reusanuble eatimntea of ezpenditures uf iLturo B�c�uw Itoms nr athonviso ln accordanco with appHcnbla low, <br /> e <br /> Thc Funda ehnll bo heid in nn inatitutian whoso deposits Are insured by n fedorul a$ency. instrumentnllty. or entfty <br /> , � (including Isnder, if L.ender id such an inst►tutian) or in nny Kederal Homa Lonn Bunk. L.ender shHll npply thc Funda ta . <br /> ., •� pAy tho B.gcrow Items. M.ender mAy m�t char��Borrowor for holdinR und applyln�the Funds,Annunlly annlyzing tho escrow , <br /> ' uccount,or verltj�ing thc Escrow ltcros,unless Lendcr pays Ha�rawcr lntercvt an thu Funds and upplicablo law permita I.cnder � • _ , <br /> to mske auch n rhnr�e. H�wever, l.endcr mny requiro Borrower tu pay n anc-timo chargo far an indopondent real estuto •� . <br /> � tnx re}waing service u.sed by l.ondcr in cannecdon with thls laan,unlc.vs applicAble!t►w pravidos othci wiso.Unleag nn ugrecmcnt . <br /> � is made ar npplicnbla l�w requirev interest ta hc puid,l.cndor ehnli not bc requlred ta pny Borrawer uny intcrest or e�rninge .. ,. <br /> . on tho Funde. Harrower And l.endor may ugrcc!n writing, howevcr,thnt lnterast ehall bo puid an tha FundK. l.ender ahAll . , � <br /> aive to ilorrowor.withnut churge.un unnuul uccaunting of tho Fu�ds.ahnwing credits and debits tv thd Fundn nnd the purpo� � ,,� ^ <br /> ;�• � fur which e�ch debit to tho�unds was mudc.Thc Funds aro pledged c+.v sdditianal security far all auma sccured hy this Securiry <br /> ' . instn�ment. <br /> lf the Fun�ls heid by Londer oxcced tho amaun�v permlttcd to be held by c�pplicAble law,Lender sh�ll accaum ta Borrower ' ''` .� <br /> . far tho excoas Funda in acc�rciuncc with tho n:quiremonte of applicablo law. If tho mnoi+nt of tho Funda hcld by l.ondor at , �;,q <br /> ony timo iA not sufficient ta pay tho Escrow Itoms when dua.Lendcr may so nat�f�r Borrowcr in�vriting.und.fn yuch case � ,�_ <br /> Botrowor ahull pay to 1.ondet the nmaunt nece.s.u►ry to mako up tha dafioloqcy. Barcawer shull make up the deficioncy in � <br /> na m�re than twelvp manthly puymenu+, at I.ender's sulo discratian � <br /> � Upon paymedt i�tLll af ail sums �secu�ed by thls Secu�ity Instrument, l.ender ehall prarnptly rolUnd to Borcower � , , � • <br /> any Funds hold by i.onder,If.u�der paruFraph 21,l.cnder ahull ncyuire or soll the Prapony,l,ender,prior ta th�ucquisition <br /> ' or sele of the Prupurty, shull apply uny Funds t►rld by L.ender at the time of ucquisitian ur sulo As u credlt agAlnst the aums <br /> • � secured by this Securlty in�tn�ment. <br /> -- — --- ---- 3. ApplMstlo�Qf Payment�. Unles�a�plizable!uw Qrovidos otherwls��all pnymenta recolved by Londor undor - --------- <br /> paragraphs 1 and 2 ahnll bo�ppli�d:fi�yt,to any prcpuyment churges due undor the Nato;second.ta nmaunte pAyubto under i� <br /> paragraph 2; third, to intorest duc: fi�urth,ta princ�pal due; und lu+t, to any lato chargey duo undcr the Noto. � <br /> 4. Churgcw;t.iens. Hnnower�hali puy nll tuxe.r•, s�cvessmen[.ti,ehargev. 8nes and lmposiNans anributuhla to tho <br /> -� ---'- . Property whtcA may atWtn prlurftv uvcr thls Sccurltp Instrurpent,unti icttschuld pnymcnia nr g�uuns rcnis,ii any. 8ori,�wc� - ---- - --_ <br /> ehall pay thcso��bligutiuns in the munner pruvidcd in purugrnph 2. ar lf nnt puid in that mnnnor. Barrnwer c:hnll puy them � ' <br /> � an timc+dlrecUy tu the per�.un uwcd pu,ymrnt. Burrowor hhnll promptly 11�mish to l.endor ull notices of omounta tu be paid . <br /> under thla parugraph.lf Anrre+wer muheh the�c paymenGti dlrecdy,�rn�wer xhc�ll promptly flimi�h t�l.ender re�eipt,v evidencing <br /> • the paymen�s. <br /> � ' 8arrawor shnll pramptly dischurgc any licn which huy prlarity ovor thiR Securlty Insttument unless Harrawer:(u) <br /> ' aa�eoa ia writin�tu the puyment uf the ubligutiun secured by thv Il:n in a munnor ucceptahlo ta l..endor;(b)cantests in good ; <br /> faith the Hon by,��r drtends iignmst enfi�r�•rmrm��f the licn in. Ic�al pr�ccedin�v which in the Lsnder's apiniun u�x�rato t�► • . <br /> preven:the onforrement al'the licn; ur(cl+r.curos t'rum the holder uf tho lian un agrecmont xativfacrory ta i.onder subor- <br /> dinuNng thc licn ta this Securiry ln�trument. lf l.cndor determinc+ti that Any pan af the Property is xubJect ta a Iien which <br /> moy attain priority�vor thiH Sccurity Instrument, l.ender muy give Borrowcr u natice tdentifying tho lien. Barrowor shali <br /> � s�ttiafy tho lien ar t�ke ano or au�rc of thc uctions sct forth uhavc within IQ days af tho giving af natico. <br /> • . S. Hozn�d or Praperly Inwurunre. Borruwer yhall kecp tho impravoments now c+xisting c►r hercafter erected an <br /> • tho Praporty insured a�uinst I��sz by fire, hur.�rds ir�cluded within the term "oxtonded caverogo" und any athor hazards, <br /> � includinp floadx ar flooding, far which lw:ndcr rcquires insuruncr. TI►is In�uruncc.r{►�11 tw muin�uincd M tho amaunta and <br /> � far tho purlalq that l.ender requires. Tho inyu�unca ctttrier praviding the lnsu�anee Ahail be chrnen by aormwer subJect to <br /> lander's upprnvul which rhull not he unrca,onuhly withhcid.If 8orn�wer fnils to mainlain ccweruge de,rrlbed abnve,l.onder <br /> • ? • . may,at l.ender'R aptlan,��htnin coverugc u�prutert [.ender's �ights In tho Prapuny in accardunra with puragrnph 7. <br /> AU insurance�+c�Hcies und renewul�tihuil t+e ac ceptublc n�l�endor And shnll l�clude a standard mortguge cluu�c.l,c:nder <br /> • shull hAVO Q�o rlght tu huld thc palicir�and renrwalti. !f l.cndcr requires, H��rrawcr shull pmmptiy givc to[.en�lcr all recoiptti <br /> , af pnid promiunis und rencwal n��ticcs. In �hc evcm ui'li�ss, Rur�uwcr shull�ivc prumpt noticu tn thc insuroncc rarrlcr und <br /> � ' Lendor. l.�ndcr m�►y mukc pr�x�f��f lu�ti il nw niudr pr�,n�ptiv hy Horrawcr. <br />, � � Unless l.endec uod klurruwor uthcrwise u�rrc in writing,in�urun�e p�ucceaa hhull be upplie�tu re.rrorutiun ur repai� <br /> • " uf tho Prapeity dumuged, if iho r�xturubun or repair is econcimicully fca�iblc und l.cndcr's securlty is orn iessened. lf thc <br /> ' ' reatoratian or �epuir!s not ecnnumir�iiy feasible��r l.rnder's security would be lossoned,the insurnncc proceeds shAll be <br />.. ' app!!ed to thr sums sr.cured hy ihir Sccurity lnarumcnt,whcthcr or not then duc,with any exccss paid to Burrower.lf Borcower <br /> - - - abandaas tho �'rapcsty, or d�h not answ�r withir� �U d�iys a noticc irom l.ender that the Insuraace carrier ha;c=!'f�rcd as <br /> �' r � - setdo a elaim,then l.endcr muy c�+liect thr insuranre pr�xeeds.Lender may use the prc�eeeds to repuir or restore the Prapeny <br /> � ;�, � ar W psiy xum�secured by thi�Securily ln�trua�ent,wh�iher ur nut then due. The 3t�day pericxl will begin whon the n��dce <br /> , is given. <br /> Unless Lendor und Anrruwer utherwi�c ubrcc in wrlting, any u�pUcuUon uf prucecds tu princfpal ahull nut extend <br /> �f � ; or past�one the duo datc uf the numthly puymcnts refurrcd tu in purasraphti 1 und 2 or change the umaunt af tho payments. <br /> , If under pnrngrnph 21 the Property ia ucquired by I.�ndcr.8��rrowcr's right tn uny insuruncc policicy and prcxceds resulting <br /> � , F f�am dama�o ta thu Pr�peny priur t��the ucquisUian �hall pu��to l.�:nder to the extent of the hums secured by this Security <br /> : lnst�umcnt immcdiutciy prior to thc ucquisition. <br /> � <br /> � Form 8028 9/90 1 puge:o/t p,�Kr.+1 - <br />' .. . . � %1 p <br /> . • . <br /> � . . � � <br />