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�: , � �_ <br /> z��;� ,.�. _ . �,� _ <br /> .. ' . , . . .s..r�. .;;�Tr.T�. .�fs ., . .' tt '��=-.—,-�. <br /> � .�, . <br /> .. <br /> � i ,- „ y.o .. ' . _ . _'- - - <br /> - , <br /> S _�` -, - --- _- <br /> ,. ,-.�.►�.r..+ -� - - -` -- - <br /> �t_��t-�r.SS4.z]�jy � �l�'�.t}•. - �:�.wnri'...w.�r - - �-' .. <br /> -. -.. ----_----- =.1�� I ° . .. . . ----_,"___--°. <br /> .�.. ..�._....�.. <br /> � ��1 �.��t"��� <br /> � � � __ ___---- -- <br /> - --== 3. 1ia����t or ��iy I¢�suiancL. i�arri��ver si��ll kecp tha�m�ravcments nmv exlsibig ar t�r,rc,tftoc e►c�.�� ou tl�e <br /> _ _______ ��CU�3►'.il�/ Ii15t1fVt�11;�(i�1151 IG53 Ilj/ ��, haa.u�ds includecf withln eho torm "oxt.:ndui mv.�raKo" AINI ettly utltCP R�iltCt�B, incluciing <br /> _ _ __= flixxly or flooding,E'or�vMch Lendcc reijuires insnmime, 'I'his insur�nee ehnll l�e malntufucd i�i Ihe nninuucs unJ fi�e the periuds <br /> -__ _ thnt I.endcr`cqui�s. Thc insuranw a�rrler provldln� the insuranc�etiaU bo rhuscn by Ii��e►�awor FnhJect to I.c��dee's ap�r��vul � <br /> _ tivhic��ahnll nol ho unrr.nKnmi6ly �vlthhetd. If t�onotvsr f�ite to nu�in�►li�cnvm�uga dcscrit�ed atxwe� Lendcr in�r. �t L.ender�s <br /> - - — apttun,i�btai���v�vcra�u tu prutcct[.endcr's rights in thc P��uperty in ac�rdnnc�wltl�puragrupb?. <br /> = AN 4�urnrteo pnlfcfies and ren�.val� shn11 bo a���ptabtn tu 1.e�tder anci ei�utl includo a standnrd mnrt�ago elneso. Leu�e� <br /> -3a� - sh�ft hnvo tho ri6ht t��h�td Ihu��a�licicw and renownla. if Lender requi�es. Borrawer shnll pmmptly give tu l.endcr��11 rcrcipts of � <br /> - pald pr�snleun.°and rea�+::a!notic�s.{�the event af I��,�Urrrnvcr RhnU givo prampi notle�to ttio i�isuranco rnreiee and I.ender. — <br /> - I..ender mny maka praaP af tas�if not mado prnmptly by Dnmuw�e.r. <br /> - Untcss I.cndcr und t3orro►ver uthenyisa nBrco in writiog.insuranm pracce�is shnll bo applted to restaratlon ur repi�ir af tho <br /> , . � - Pmperty dnmugesl,if tha reswratinn ar repui�is econamlccilly fcu9iblo nnd l.cndor's secudty is nnt Icsscncd.If the restaration or <br /> _ _ _ rcpair is nat econumtcnlly fenslblo ar [.ondor'a security�vould bo lessencd,tho inyuru�tC�pmccecla Fhali bo applied to the eums -- <br /> •- �� eecurcd by thia Security instnnnent, wh^.ther iir not then duo, wlth nny oxcess paid to Barrawor, lf B��rnpwet nbnndany tho <br /> , � =, ��:'-�.�-i, P�u crt <br /> �_�_.:��.-� ,� ,,. r ; p does not uns�vor wi�hin 30 dc►ya a noNca �ram l,cndcr that the insuranco cnrrier hi�.�uffer�l to settiv a clnim, then <br /> `,� � } '` �:' F I.cnder mny eollect tho in.ourance pmceedy. I.endor muy use thv pj�ciceeds tu repuir ar restara th� Property or to pay sums <br /> � � +�-�,_ i � sccured by this Sccuriry instrument,whcthcr�ir nat then duo.Tho 30-dny peric�i wlll bogin when tho noticu ie given. <br /> ; � �. n� �. Unlesy l.cndor imd Harrawcr othcrwlso ugrco ln writing, �ny appNci�tlan af pracccds tu principnl shull not oatcnd or <br /> � � , pnstpono tho duc dt►to of thc manthly payments rcfcrrrd ta in pmagraphy 1 im�l 2 ar chnngo tha nmaunt of tho puymcntR. If <br />, �4:�.�,,��, - �;;� under pamgmph 2t tho Propeny iv acqulrcd by l,ander. H�rrawor's right to uny lnsunmco policies und proceeds msuldng f�am <br /> �. . ' dumugo ta the prnpo�ty prla�tu thc ucqul»itian ahall puss ta Lendvr ta tho extent nf tho sums serured 6y thia Securiry Instn�mcnt — <br /> �; ; immc�:�atcly prlor to tho acquislticm. _ <br /> �� 6.pccu{wncy,Preservation, Muintenance and Protoctlan of tho Pra�trty; Barrawer's I.oun ApplicAtion;I.euschold9. <br /> , Bnrrower Hh�ll occupp.estnblish,nnd u�o the Prapeny a.9 8orra�ver'x�rfnclpul residenca within sixty duye ufter tho axecutian of — <br /> this Securlly(�strument und shnll cantlnue to accupy 1ho Pro}�ny us Bormwer's princip�l reaidencu fur at leu.ct ano year i�ftor °=-- <br /> ; � the dato of occupancy. unless Lender Utherwisv ugrecy in writing. which cor�sent shi�ll nat bp unrensonnbly wlthheld, ar unless -- <br />_ , ., � oxtonuAting circumatnnce� axist which a�u beyond Rormwer'x cantral. 8arrawer shull not destray, ds�mAge ar impnir th� - - � <br /> � Prapony, nUow thc P���perty to deteriarutc, nr commit wasto an the P�aperty. 8�rrow6r shull bc in dofnult if su►y fotfeiture L'` �� <br />_ � nction o�prareedin�, whethcr clvll nr criminul. ie begun thut in l.endor's gcuxl f�ith Judgment cauld�csuU in fo�feituro af tho �'�{�� <br /> ; Praperty or atherwise muterlaUy impuir the lien creuted by this Securlty lnstn,ment ar I.ender'r:seci��lty interewt. Borrawer muy � ` � <br /> �<...-- <br /> �;',�'�.'�J.� <br /> , , cure vuch u detnutt and roinstato,c�ti provlded in pnrogruph I8. by causing tho ucU���nr proceeding to be dismigsed with q rulin� ,,:.. <br /> t h i i t, i n L.e n der's go a i f fU it h determ innt lan. precludcs f�rfeiture of the aarrower's intercrt in the Pruperty ar ather mnteriul `� <br /> , . impai��nent af tho lien crei►ted by Ihis Serurlty last�u�tont nr Lcndc�'A security interevt. Harrower shall �Iso be in defuult if ��'" <br />• Borrawer�durinB tho loan appNcutiun prc►cess,gavc mnterlally fulse nr lnuccur�te information ar statements w t.vndor(or fuiled f�`�;.7�=� <br /> ----- -----� !a grovlde Les�der ulth any maieriat inforrtiut{,�ny;m m�nccti�n with t�e ioim evfdenced by the Nate. including,but nat limited '' �fi��, 7 <br /> . , ta. representatians concerning Barruwer's accupuncy of th� Prapeny us u principal residence. If this Sccurily In+[nimcnt is un i� ,_.��,;,,G��=� <br /> Icaschald. 8nrmwer shull camply with nll thc provisions of thc Ie:�se. If 8ar�awer ucquires fec title ta tho Property, tho ;;�_,.��;jV�: <br /> �' ICiltiChold und thc fee tiUe shall n�N n��ro£�nl��l.�:isler agr�ex tu ihe marga':i{fi ii�i�i�fi�. =--_ <br /> -�� � - - - T.!'rotcrtton of Gender'R RI�htH in the Praperty. If Horrmver fuils tn perform the cavennnlA und ugreementy cantained in T�'�''�'. <br /> i . , Ihiti Sccurity Inxt�ument, ar there ir:u Icgi►1 pmceedlag thut muy tiignit�ctmHy uffcct Lender'ti rlghts in tho Pa�perty (such�.v p �.' ����`_ <br /> � prucecding in bankruptcy, pr��bute, for condvmmuinn nr f'orfeiture ur a�cnfarce IAwti or regulnHans), then I.eader muy do nnd • � � r - <br /> i�� . , pny fi►r whntever is nccess�ry t�►prc�tcct the vnlue uf thr Pri�peny und I,�ndcr'ti r16ht.r• in 1hc Pri�pe�ty, l.ender's uctlan.g mAy � ��'�" <br /> , include pnying any `umg recured hy u licn which hus pri���ity i�ver thiti Securit Instrument, u � �� `-- <br /> •� � reusunahlu uttorncys'feer unJ entcring un thc Propeny tu mi�ke repuirv. Althuugh l.ender may tako u tioniuncter h1s purpgr�ph � � <br /> .J�,.: <br /> , 7,l..cndcr dorti not hzwc to do so. �..;,-,_ <br /> Any umountti dishursed by I.endur u��der thi, purubruph 7 xhull became udditiani�l dcht of Borr��wer secured by tMa � ° " <br /> Sccurity lnstrumcnt. Unlctis Harruwcr u�xl I.endcr ugrcc ta��ih�v tcrmc of puymm�t, thczc umnunth,hull bcar intcrest from thc <br /> datc of diyhurtiement ut the Nute rute .md tihull bc puynh�c, ��•ith intrr�st, upun uuticr frum I�;ndcr ta 8orr��wer requestins ' <br /> � ' puymcnt. i <br /> • S. MartguRe Insuruncc.It'I.cndcr rcquircd m��ngu�;r intiurunru t�z a cunditiun uf muking thc lnun scrurc�l hy thiti Security <br /> Inx�rument, Borr��wcr shall pi►y thc premlunn rrquircJ tu rouintuin the mort�;ugc imuramrc la effect. If, Pi�r uny reu�on, the <br /> martgagc liisuruncc cuvcrugc requirc�l by Lcndcr lup,c�ur rcar.c�t��hc in eff'cct,n��rru�rc�,hull pny thc p�rmiums rcquirccl to <br /> � ubtuln awcrage tiuhytundully cquivulcnt tn�he mortgugr intiurance preWuu,ly in effcct, ut u rutit ,ub,tuntiully cyuivulent t��the <br /> '_ cost ta 8orrower uf the mnrtguge insurancc prcviuusly in et'Icct, tYnm �m �ilternute murtguge lmurrr upprrned hy l.ender. If <br /> ;` r;ul+stuntiully cqulvulent mortgu�c 1n.ur�mcc riwcru�r i�nut uvuilublc,Hurrowcr .hall puy t�►l.�ndcr rurh month u sum cyuul ta <br /> : ui�e-twelfth of'the yeiirly�;iur�guge inruruiKC premitun hrin�; pidd hy 8orrower when thr intiurtmre c�wcrugr li�psed or ceased to <br />' � bo In cYtcrt.Lcndcr w111 ucccpt, usc und reiuin thc.rc puynunt,u. u lu+� rcticnr in licu uf' murtg,�gc intiuranrc. l..ass rescrve <br /> � Fo�m 3028 8180 <br /> ' • ��.�i��:i��i u <br /> ' � I <br /> . L. <br />- —�--.- - =__- � - -- _ <br /> -•.-- I <br /> F �� _ . . , <br /> � . � . <br /> � '- - . . .. . <br /> � <br /> � <br /> ` ` ;i � • <br /> r <br /> I � � " <br /> �� �` . . • , ' � <br /> ' � � ` � . <br /> . t �� <br /> , � : <br /> .,, , <br /> - . .. <br /> � , . . <br /> . ,. � , ,,, . . � . � <br /> . .. . , <br /> ---- -�� — — __ :.�_. �� -, <br />