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. � , e't�_'Ca s1=�!'��a1�+�ti-_ _. � �...r.+ - -_ � — <br /> , � <br /> . ._w. r ..._ � <br /> �' . -.�� _ :_ .. _—' ' ' ' <br /> �. <br /> . . _��._.1..�=.>�.__.� 'ia:�M� n .�_____•--�.LTi�'l=--•._ . .� _ "-.h �....�. . . . ..._... . . .- ..-.�-.. — -- . <br /> . . _'_ ... . . ..� >»s�- <br /> ---' � . _—�r.. - <br /> �._� �`� � _. <br /> '—=��'�=— --. . 4_"� a�sa�arr�rr .—,------ <br /> �:-�:-=�.��:�� <br /> ��'���t� <br /> - -- -� 7Y]ti�'i'FIEi{t�V1TN nll tho i►npmvenunts naw an c�rci�iicr�,wL�tcci cs���t�u vr.►gh�ty�tutd ull cascntcnt���+�pr��tcnu�u�tx�R�td - <br /> _ --- _ �_� tlatun.� �ww ur h�:j�:iltee c� p�st of the pra�ecty, All r�PlilCtlilc[N5 8lld a�clitinr�5 ahnti ».�� !�r cn�er.:� hy thls �:..•-�trity - ---y�-- <br /> ` -----�-.�:.-_-_--�-- Invt�uin m. All of tho forc�nin�is rc+fcrr.�to iu thlfl Scci��lty lastrumcnt t�s thc"i'rc�?scny." <br /> .� iy� QORROtV�Et C()VFiNANTS thut[�urt��wc�•iy�awfLlly sel��l af the estaf�hei��by cuiwcycd�utd t►av the ri�flt to grunt acxl <br /> �'t � canvcy tho Frn�-►crty nnd thnt tho a'rc�perty In unencumbcrcd. cxacpt fi�r cnrumhrcutccy of ecrurd, t�on�owcr warmnty aad will <br /> dofe��d�cuca�nlly the titlo tc►Iho Pr��perly ugidn9t t►11 clttln�.g nnd dcn�vtds,subJ��;t to nny c�tcunib�anccs pf r�curd. <br /> TFlIS SRCIIRITY IN.C7'RiJM�NT r.amt►in�s uniform covennnts Cnr natluni�l ��r,c ond nan-unifom��x�vcnnnse wlth Umltc�l _ <br /> -- �. vnrintlnns by Jt�ri�dic�tinn tc��cmvtituS�n ealFor�n ncc��;1y►t►�lrunirat c��v�rit��r�al�r��?�Y� <br /> ��- UNIFORM COVBNANTS.Horenwer and L�nder mvennnt nud ogrea ne followe: <br /> - -- <br /> -- _- -- --- <br /> "�_�� l. Payment of l'rinclpul und intcr�.wt; 1'repuymcnt and Lato 4hurge�. Hattuwer shal) pramptly pay �vhcu due tha <br /> ���. -.�,;�__ , prinri{�ul of nnd interest c�n tho dcht ovidcnced by tho Nato nnd any prepayinent nnd Into chnrgcw duc unde�the Nato. <br /> '�" Z. i��nd9 far Taxea�nd Insurance. SuhJect tn upplirable lu�v ar t�a written�vuiver by l.ender, Aczr�n�ver n1�aU pay to <br /> �'......'.��.:�• <br /> �`���.-�;,�.� �;���� y y puymrntN i►ru Jua undcr tho Nato, until�hc Nato ix puid in Qill�i�hu�r�{"I�unds")fi�r: (0)ycurly tnxes <br /> �;��":''.' ,_. .. Lcndcrunthedn muinNl <br /> ' `� ''" ` nnd m5cssments which mn nttain riarit �wcr this Sccurit lnstrument i►y n licn nn tho Pro rt (bl earl Icnccbald n mente <br /> . . �.1:,,�, . Y P Y 9 Ro Y� Y Y P Y <br /> ±�•-�- '°`="°�k , or Eraund rcnt�on tho Pmpehy. lf nny;(c)yea�ly hnzi�rd or propeny insurnnco prcmiums;(d)ycnrly flcx�d insummc premiunu, — <br /> / ' if nny;(c�)ycarly mi�rtgt►go insua►nrc prcmlums, IP uny; und (�uny �,ums p;�yttblo by aurr���vcr tu I.rndcr. in nccnrd�mro with �� <br /> ,.... � the pn�visinn9 ot'purug�uph 8. in Hcu ��f tho pnymcnt uf m�mgaBe in�umnco pro►niumti.Tiicye iten�.v urc cuilcd"Escro�v Items." <br /> ' ' ' l,cndcr may. at uny dmo, cullect und hc�id Kunds in nn umuunt nut tu cx�tcd tho muximum u,muunt i� Icndcr for A fcdcrully <br /> ��� � �� relnted mortgase laun mi�y rcquirc for A�rmwcr's cscraw uccount undc�thc fedeml Reul Brtate Settlement Prc�raiurcv Act af <br /> � <br /> � 197�3 ay amended fram time tu time, 1?U.5.C.Sectton 2601 et sey. ("R&SPA"). unlesv unother luw that appltes to tho Funds -- - -- <br /> �� � ' � scty n Ic�:ser um�iunt. If'sa, l,cndcr muy, au uny timc. cullect and h��ld Fundy in un�mu�unt n��t tu uxcecd thc Icsscr wnaunt. _- - <br /> } ' I.ender muy cstimutc thc i�mc+unt nf�unds due ou�hc hi�siy�if current dntn iind rcusnnublc estimatcs af expenditures af futueo �,_,,._ <br /> . ' &scraw Itc�n���r othcnvisc in urcurdnnrc with uppHcublc luw. �;*__° <br /> � � Tho Pund� shull ho held in an Institutian whnse depasit.r• iue insurcd by u fcdcrAl agency. Instrumentulity, ar cnUty - — <br /> (inch�ding I.ender,if I.cnder iti xuch nn institudon)or in any Fcdcad Homo Laun Bunk. I.cnde�shnll upply 1ho Funds to pny tho �`���- <br /> ' .' E�rcrow Items. l.cndc�muy nat chnrgu H��rr��wcr fi�r holding und upplyin�;thc Fundy,i►nnuully unuly�ins tho escrnw i�r.caunt,or �,�'__-�^�^=_� <br /> verifying the 8scmw ltemx,unlezs Lender puyti ai�rruwer interc.r•t ��n the Fundy und i�pplicublo law permits I.endcr ta muke such �;�;4:'_;_�� <br /> , � u chw•gc. Huwcver, l.endcr muy requirc B.muwer to puy u unc•timc�:hur�;c fi�r un independent reul estute�nx reporting service �f;_�� <br /> u�ed by I.ender in connecUan with thia lonn, unless uppliri�ble i��w pr�widey otherwi.u. Unlcss un nbrcement iv mnde ar 'F-��==-- <br /> Applicuble luw requirc�interest tu bo puid. l.cnder tihull nut bu rcNuired ta puy&�rruwer wny interetit ur curnings an the f'unds. ,;°- <br /> ' 8o�rower und I..ende�•nm u�ree in�vrldn• I►uwever. �hut Interetit sia�ll he uid on�he Fundx, l.ender shull Ivc ta 8ormwer, T����==- — <br /> r. Y !. b� P 8 ��}_�:_== <br /> _ without char�e, nn annual i�rc<�unUnb ��f tho �unds, shuwing crcdits and dcbits tn thc f�undr and thv purposo fi�r whfch e�ach �ri_*,,:= - <br /> • .. � deblt to ttte Fundr wu.c mude. The Fund�arc pled�;�d u`u�IdiUunal sc�urity ti�r a!1 sums xecured hy thiz Securlty lotitrument. «�° ---- <br /> • � !P the Fundy heid by Lcndcr excced the umi�unis permittt�!t��he held hy upplicuhlo luw.I.ender shull account to Hnrcower �`-'-`1=�� <br /> for ttte excers Fundti in iiccorJtmce with the r��yuJrementti��f upplieublc luw. !f the umoum of the Funds hcld by l.ender i�t nny ��' _ <br /> � ' <br /> , -- -_ - ---_-- -_-__� timc is nat suffiricnt tu pay�hc F.,rruw Itcnu whcn duc, I.�ndcr m;►y .�,n�,tit'y Har�uwcr ia w�idnu. :+nd, in+uch cuy�a��rrowcr �� �-i <br /> . � shull puy tn Isn�ler the umuunt neccsxury tu m+ikc up ihr detirirncy. Hurruwer shull muke up the dcficiency in na mure thun �� `".��,. <br /> twelve mimthly pnyment+.ut Len�ler'+tinie di�rretion. . :'�sN�_ <br /> • UFam puyment in i'ull �+f uU xums�et7t�cd hy ihiti Security� In+trument, l.endc� �hull pramptly rcfund m &►nuwer any <br /> . .. Fundx heid by l.ender.lf,under parn�ruph .I. Lender.rhuti uryuiru or�cU the Propeny,Lender, priur tu thc acyuisitlon nr utlo f ,. _ 4 ��� <br /> ` � nP Ihe P�uperty. ,hnU apply uny Hundti helel by L�ndrr�U INr tim�• of ucyuiridon or tiulc u.r u cre�lit u�ninst thc humti scrured by ;��� <br /> thlr:Secu�ity Instrument. <br /> . i.Applirutinn��P Paymcnty.Unlr+s:�pplirahic lu�v pra�•idc. �,thrr��•i.r,ail pa�•nmut�rcceived hy I.ender unaer purugr:�phr - <br /> 1 und 2 �hull he uppiird: Ur.t, tu uny prepuymrnl rhurtie,duc un.icr�hr IYutr: ,cr��nd, tn umuuntti payuhlr under purugruph 2; <br /> , , . intcrcrt duc: tiiurth, to prinripul duc;und lu�t, to unv lutc rh;�rp«du�undar Ihr Naw. . . ; <br /> 4.Chur{{�wi I.Icnx. Hnrru��•cr tih,dl�r.p•ull tiixc�. uti�rti�mrnt,. rh��r�!c,. t"tnr�und impu�itinn�uUrihutuhlc tu thc Pruperty <br /> which nu�y intuin priurfi�� uv��r tl�i.Security Imtrument, und Ica�eD��ld puymen�� ��r�;ruunJ r�nt.r, il'uny. Hnrrnwer shnll piry �,�. <br /> thcs��fitigati�m�in thc nr,mn�r pru�•idcil in pm•uZ�raph�.ur if niu �,;dd in ihat uiunncr. Hnrru�c�r rhaU pay thct;ti;:�timc dirccdy �• � • <br /> tn the p�r+un uwcd puymcnt. Nurra��•r��,i��,ii���„��,r►iy r�������.�► <<,�.rn�icr aU nuhrc.�,i anu,u�n,d�hr p�iid un�lcr�hi, para�;raph. <br /> If gurri�wcr makc+the,4 paymrnh dir�rtly. H��rr�����r tihall pr��tnptl�•f�u�nitih tu I.rn�lrr rrc�ipt+o�idrncing thc paymentti, ., <br /> 8i►rr���vcr tihnll pruiuptly di�rhur�:r un��lien whirh hu.priuri�� urrr thi,tircuri�� In.trununt unicti�Harruwrr:Iu�u�;rcu+in I . . <br /> writin�tu thc puymrn�ul'thc uhliguti�m+��ur��d h�� th�licn in:�muim�r lirrept;�hle tu Lendei;�h►c�,n�e�ty in�au�l fuith ihe Urn . <br /> � hy, i►r def��n�1� t���iimt enli,rccnu�nt ��f th.� li►�n i». I���al pn,rrr.lin�. ��hirli in thr Lrnd�r', upini�m u�xratc tu prrvcnt thc � . <br /> enfarccm�nt at'tho lirn;�,r�r���rur« fr��ui ihe h�,ldrr ul ihc lien an:i±:rr.m�nt ,a�i,l;irt�,r� tu l..n�lrr+uh��rJinutin�; tho Ilun to <br /> this Securlry ln,trumrnt. If Lrndrr drtrrmiix�� tha� any rurt„1 ih.r Pn�prrty i, .uhj�rl tu a licn ��hirh muy auuiii priurity uvcr � <br /> thir Sccurfty IntiU�ument. Lcn�lcr nu�y�iv�� Hurrrn�.�r:� w,�irr i�l��n�il�in� Uir lirn H„rr„�crr ,h�d) tiati.l'y thr lirn i�r takc unr„r � , <br /> , mom of'thc arliun�tict fi�rth ahuv�wilhin l ll�la��ui U�r�tein�ul �u��irr <br /> � <br /> Form 30Z8 8180 � <br /> � ���,,,,1,.�,, � <br /> I 1 <br /> i <br /> � � � <br /> i r � <br /> ,.t , , <br /> � t <br /> . � �' s <br /> � � � . � '• ` , • <br /> .. � <br /> , .. <br />