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- } ,�� . _�. __� J\.......��..�a�.,..' ' •_ l. _�A���'. ��.- . <br /> � L..�_�.�____ . .. - � ._ . . . . . . - ' �� ��' �. <br /> ._ •�YF t�:_- . <br /> _Y-i..i„���_'�_--__ <br /> _ , ��� �����t�� ..�_�. �1A�-_� <br /> :{_�n_�.:--' <br /> +�y�~.�•--�- <br /> . j'�'.'��'2.A. .�-_� ,�— <br /> � � � � �. Cosdtmn�tlnn.Th9 aroCt�ede ol�fly�wt�r�n►cinin�lo�cti►a�a�yas,dlr�►ot ar aanauquu��tinl In con�octtan �vlth c�ny ,— <br /> � cnndennetlnnoratAert�klnp�ft�pPropnrty,orparltheroaf,arfnrcor�veyanvt�htltauofcondumnnt�on.nrohorabyn�a►pncsd �-s._•_;t-=._3_�°___ <br /> , • � . and ehall b�pald to lender. _ ' R=.-=-__ <br /> - • •• •• Ir�t�a ovont o1 a totnt tnklnp M tha Properf�r,th�proceetts ehall bo epp!lett ta Ihti eumA aoturesd by lhlo qood of True6 wlth .. _ �.�..- <br /> � • the oMCOSS If en ,peld tu tsor►awor,In tho avca�of a pnnic��tc�h�n�poi�ho Pruuo�ty.u��tu3n f�atra�var�nd Lcntlat a!t��rtNt�o —„_-__-----_ <br /> � uqraalnwi�linfl���ot�ehallbot+pp11ocltothvaum�aoauradbythlatJnt�datTruateuof►propnrtlon�fd�aprocoodenel�oquAlto ,, <br /> . � IhAlprp rttonwhlehlhe�m�u�lollhesumeseouredbythlepeoclufTruetlmniodlAtolyprtartothodatoolioklnpbanretotho � <br /> tol�mer el vAlue o11he ropa�y Immedlataly prlor ta Iha date a9 laklng,with Itie pAt[�n�e Ot fha proccoda p�tM to Rartntivtn. - -, _ . •- '"� <br /> . _ !f lht�Praparty[a�l�ndcu�sd by kltu�owe��ar It,�flor aAlicu dy landar i�R�nawar thni tho cQndsmnor uttere fo�ke an _' __ - . .,.._ <br /> awarA pr setUa o ntalm fer alnmegae,Eiarrower taAa to raapend to Lendar wfflHn 30 deys etter tf1A date suoh notfco la mAtted, _ • <br /> ���� ��'� londer le eutho�liad tu aolleot nnd apply tho procoada,at L�ndaPe a�tlon,oilhqr ta rastorntion or�apal r pt tho Proporty ar to , <br /> ° • EiiA$Ufii6 89iTtiF8i3 bji�h{8 @�9�O�TiUBf. �- � � <br /> Uf1188818(1dQ�Qildl�01�OW610thefW190Qp�Q0111Wfltltl�,[1fly ouohappllaotlonatproaaodetoprinoi�plshallnotoxtondor � �°�;,���, <br /> poatpa�o!ho due dete ot the monthiy Inst�llmonte rotorrad to ln pnrogra�hP 1 and 2 harvot or ohanpa lho nmount ol auah <br /> inatallmenta. • � <br /> � ' 10,. BonawuNolR�tuiud.Extonelanotthotimolor poymontormodificntlonofnmorlf:c►tfo�otthosumseocurv0bythls . <br /> Coad ot Truat�rented by Londor to any eucoasoor In Intaraet of 8orrowar ehnll npt opotata to►eleaoo,ln any mnnner,tho . . <br /> ' Iiebillry of the ariglnal Barrowor and 8ot�owor's ouocasnora Intorost Landor ehal�not be requtred to oomma�oo proaesdinge <br /> against auoh euacoaso►or�ofuso to ox�ond tlmo tor paymant or otha►wisa modity amanl:c►tlon ot the eum�eocurod by thla • <br /> Oead o17�u�1 by raaeon of nny domond mndo by tho o►Iglnu!�orrowar and Borrower's successore In intordol. <br /> � 11. Fo�b��nnc�by Lsod��Nol�W�tv�r.Any forbearanao by Londer In exoraloing any right or remudy hereundor,or � � <br /> - otherwlso etforded by epptioable law,ehalt not be u walvor ot or preoludo the oxeralso at any auoh righf or rvmody,Tho <br /> � procu�omont of Insuranao o}tho paymontof taxoo or other Ilene or char�eN by Londer sh�ll natbo u walvar of Londor'a rl(�ht to <br /> j aacolerate tho maturity of tho iadobtc►dnose oacurod by this Oaod ot Yruat. <br /> � � 1�. R�m�dl�s Cumulrttvs All remedles provided!n this Oood ot Truot Aro dleti�at An�i uumulutive to any other rlflht ar , <br /> . �emedy under thla Deed ot Truel or sNo►ded by �Aw or uquity,and may be ox�ralspd conaurrently,independantty or <br /> euccoaslveiy. <br /> ,,. 13. 8uoeesaon end Aulpm 8oundj Jalnt aod 8eve�at Ll�bilit�r; C�ptioa�. The oavenanta and apreemenis he�oln <br /> ' cont�ined shpll bind and tho rfghte hereunder ahall Inure ta,the�eoqeotive oucceasors And aselgns ot Londor And Borrower, , , <br /> subleot to lhe provlslone of pnragrAph 17 hereo4.All aavenants And agreemanto ot Barrower s1�a11 be+olnt And sevarnl.The <br /> an�iionsandhoadlnpsofthepAraflraphsofthlsOQOdofTrustarolorconvenienaeunlyandaronottabc�usedtointerprelor <br /> dollne tho provislona hereol. <br /> 1�. Nolloe.Exaepttoranynatloorequiredundereppllct�blalawtabeglvaninanotliermenne�,(ela�ynolfcoto8arrower ' <br /> � provided tar in thls Deod ol Trust ehatt bA given by mallin�aunh notlae by certlHed matt addressad to Horrowor ol tho Property � <br /> Addreae or at auoh otFi�r addrusa ae Borrower may dea gnata by notice to Lender ae provlded hereln,and(b)any�otice ta ' <br /> • iender ahatl begiven by corllNed mall,�oturn roaelpt r3queated,to Lender's add�esa etated hereln or to such other addteos as � <br /> (,; Lendar may dosignate by notiao to Bo►rowot as prpvldod he►ein.Any notice pravided tor In thla peed ot T�ust ahall bo doomod <br /> to have baen given to Bor�ower or Lvndor when givon In tho manner dealgnated hereln. : <br /> � 18. Unitorm Da�d of Tru�t;tAove►otnp Lawj 8evorebilHy.The form o1 deed at lruat c�mbines unitorm aovenants for <br /> naftonal uae and non•unitorm covenante wlth Ifmited varlatlano by Jurlsdlatlan to conatltute a uniform aecurlty Instrumont ± <br /> aoverinp real prOperty.Thle Deed ot Truaf ahnll be governed by the Inw of tho Jurladiotlon In whlch tho Proporty Is ' ,� <br /> tho event that any provislon or alausu ot this poed ot truat or!he Note aontitnts wNh AppIlcabta law,such conlllct sh�ll nat I <br /> atfeototherproviaianeollhis0oodofTruotorthuNotewhlohoanbt�glvene8eotwlthoultheconftictlnflprovistonR,Andtofhts ( ' <br /> end the provislona ot Ihe DoOd of Truat and tha Note aro deciared to bo aeverable. <br /> 18. Bonower'�Copy.8orrowar ahail bo furnlahed a cantormeQ copy ot the Noto and of this Oood of Truat r�t tho tima of � <br /> exaeutior�ar aiter seoordarian t►sreaf. • . ---- • <br /> � 11. T�an�la►o1!he P►opotty:A��umption.ll all ur any part of the proparty or an Interest the�eln Is sold�r trr�neforred by r <br /> Borrowor without Lendor'o prlor w►itten consant,axoluding(a)the creatlan ol a Qen or encumbrnnco aubordt�nto to this Deed <br /> � ot Trust,(b)the croatian of a pu►chAOO moqOyeQaurfty interestfor housahotd appllanaes,fC)Q 1fE1118�9f b�t�BVI9(1(�09CE)I11 OI Gy <br /> �- C�.°!9!lOAC�ls�U¢�Rlh°t!°St!!QlBiL�l1!!?!f9t!!^f(�)�hwe�ran}Mwny►wnaoholdt�ter�,�tofihreeyearaor osanutconiwininqan . _ _ ___ _ <br /> optlon to purohaea,4ondor mny,At Londer's aptian,deciare all t1�e aums eecured by thle Qeedaf Trust to be ImmediAtflly�fu� <br /> and payabte.Lender ehall havo walvod auah optlan to acaelerate if,prlor to tho s�lo or tranefor,Lancior and tho person tn <br /> W110fT1 ih0 PIOp811y 18 10 b9 BOId 0►fIAl181AtfAd fFlAOh Agraoment In writing thnt tho crndlt of auoh per�on io aatlsinolory to <br /> Lender and thet the intoroot payabte an Iho auma sacured by this Deed ot Trust ehall ba at euah rate Ae Lender shall roquoat.lf <br /> Lendor has wnivad tha optlon to acceierate provlded In thls pnragraph 17, and if Borrower's euCCOpaor in tntoraot hAa <br /> � , exeauted a written asaumptlon pgroement acoapted In wridng by l.endor.Lender ehall raloase Borrowar irom all oblipAtiona <br /> und�r thta Oeed of TruslBnd tho Note. <br /> II Lender ext�roieea such aptlpn to acaelerAte,Lender ahall mAfl Borrawer natice ol accelerallon in aCCardanCa wlih <br /> pnragraph 14 hereoL 9uch notico ahall provide A period ol not leus thflri 30 dAys lrom tho dflte tho�oticR I�mnllod wlthin which <br /> Borrower moy pay tha sumo deolared duo.II Borrowor falle to ppy auch suma prl�r to the explratton al suah pertod.l.ender <br /> may,wHhout tuAher notice or demand on 8orrower,Invoka pny�emvdlea pormiqed by paragrAph 18 horeot. <br /> NON•UNIFORM COVENANTB.8onowor a�d Lendo�tuNho►aovanant and ag►ea as tollowa: <br /> � 18. Aaoeleratlon�R�m�dies.Excopt as provided in paraAraph 17 hereol,upon 8orrowor's brenct,ot c�ny_covanAnt or <br /> ag►eement ol8orrower In thia Oeed o1 Truat,inaludlnp thecovena�ta to pay whan dup any auma secured by thlp poad alTrusl, <br /> Londerprlortoaaceteratlpnehailmai1no11cato8orroworAaprovidedinparaqrapht4horealspocitylnfl:(1)thebreach;(2)the <br /> antlon roqulred ta aura auah breach;(3)a date,�ot less ihan 30 d�ya Irom the dnto the notico Is mniled ta Horrower,by whlch <br /> auoh breaah must be oured;and(4)that tallure to oure ouch breACli on or bofare ihe data apecffled in the notiaa may�oAUN in <br /> � aaoelaratlon ot the aums eeoured by this Qa�d af Yruat and salo of the P�operiy.The notice ohflll turthur Intorm Harrowor of tha <br /> � rlght to reinatato aNer acaeloratlon pnd tho rlght t�bring a cou�t�cllan ta Flsseh the nan•ex�atenco ot r�delault or any other <br /> � Aeten�e ol8orrowerto aoaele►ation and a91a.11 the breaah Is not aured on or beforo the date 8pecitiod in Iho notice.Londer nt <br /> lender's aptlon m�ydeciflro all ol the sums seou►ed bY ihie Oaed ot T ruat ta be�mmap�ately due and paynbie withaut furlhdr <br /> domand and may invoke the power ot eale and any other remadiea permittad by appllcable law. Lender shall ba onlNlod ta <br /> aoileot aIi reaaonable coata and exponsas inourred In pureuing tho remedios pravidod�n tha paragraph 18,Inc►uding,but not <br /> � Ilmited to,reaeonable altornoy's feas. <br /> if the power ot sale is invokAd,Truste�ahAtt record e notica af dofauH in eACh cAUnty in whfch the P�opehy ar aomo part <br /> thereof ta locatettand shAtl meil copfea o1 such notico In the manner prescrlbed i�w to Borrawor nnd totho att�ar <br /> � persons preaorlbed by appllaable law.ARar tho IApse at such tlmo As mny bo requlrod by Appllcabla Inw,T�ustoo shAll glvo <br /> ; pub�ic notice ot eale to the persons and fn tho manner prescrlbod by applicable law.Truetee,without domand on Borrawar, <br /> ahali sell the Propertyat publlo auctlon to the highest bldder at the timo and placr�and under ihetarma deslQnated in thA notico <br /> o}aale in one or more parcels and In euch order ae Trusteo may determine.Trusteo may poatpone sAie ol all or any parcol ot <br /> • tho Praporty by publlc announcement at t v time and p�ace of any previou�iy�choclulod anlo l.ondor or l.nndor'a dosltino� <br /> may purcneso tho F'roporty At�►ny sata. <br /> Uponrecolptof paymentoltheprlcebld,Trusteeahalldellvertothepurchaser7ruatoo'sdeedconveying 1hePropartysold. <br /> The rooltals In the Truetee's deed shall be p►ima tacle evldenr,e o11he tn�th a1 the statamonts made ihoroin.7rustee ahall apply <br /> the proceeds of the sale in tho failowing order:(e�)ta all reaoonablo coatsand expensea ot the selo,inolud�ng,but nat limitad to. <br /> � � Ttuetve'sloosolnotmorethen_. ..._ 96o11hegroasealeprlca,r�esanablaattorney's}eesandcoatsoldtleevidence: <br /> � �b)to all eums seoured by thta Ueed a}Truat;nnd(c)the oxcass,i1 nny,to!he poreon or potsona topatiy ontitlod th�roto. <br /> , 19. 8o��owar's Ripht to Roinstate�Notwlthatanding Lc�ndor's Acceteratlon af the oums aecurod by th�s Deed ot Truo1. <br /> � ' Borrowor shall havethe rightto have eny proceedtngs begun by Lender to onforcathe Dead olTruat dlacantinuod at any lime <br /> ,� ,� ! priortolheearllottoocaurol(I)thallfthdeybeforolheeoleollhePropertypureuanifalhopowerolenlocanl�n��dlntheDeed <br /> ol Truat�U)Ontry of a Judpment enforcing Ihlo Deed o1 Trust II:(c�)Horrawer payA londer al�aums which would be thon duo <br /> ' under tft a Qoed of YruaL the Note and notea seouring Futuro AdvF►nc�s,if any,hnd no acceleration pccurod:(b)Bortower <br /> curea nll broaohea ot any other oovenante or agreementn o18on ower conlain�cl In Ihls Deed of Trust.(c)Bnrrnwer pays HII <br /> roaaonable axpenoes incurred by Lender and Truatee antorc�ng tha covananta nnd aflreamorda of Barrow�r oontAtned In thia <br /> Deed ot Trust and!n enforolnp Lender's and Truetee's remadiea As provided in paraQraph 18 hereot,�ncl uding,but not Itmitod <br /> � to,reasonAble attorney's tees;and(d)8orrowor takas auah actlon pa l.onder may roaeonebly requlrt�to neeure ihat tho Ilon ot <br /> Ihis deod a1 T�uet,l.ender's tnterest in tho Proporty And�orrowpr's obligntl�n to pny the sums e�curad by thts Dnod ol Trust <br /> ' eholl eontlRUe unimpaired.Upon euch payment and curp by 8orrower,thie U[�od ol Truat end tho obllgnt�ona socured hereby <br /> shall romaln in fu�l force and eHoct ao if no aoceleratidn had ocaurrod. <br /> ' � ' . � �� <br /> � ,� � , <br /> 'y <br />