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� E . ._ . _ ._ _. <br />-- : - ' _. ,` • � ; .. <br /> N.� _. .. .. . . T . <br /> � . <br /> - � 93� �o�'��� � � � <br /> � � UNIFAiiM COVENANYB,Horrowor nnd Londor oovonont nn�i n�rc�o pn foi►owo: � � • <br /> t. Payrs��il c!P�isslp�l anQ Inte►eel.�orrowa ahnu (�r�nn�lty pay whon dun fho princfpnl of ancl Int�ro�f a� Iho _. <br /> Incft�btcsdnoaoovidancodbythoNoto,p�apaymanlandlatochh�pO9ppprOVtdOdlnthpNOtA,nndthoprinoipn►ulnndlnloiaala�� . <br /> pny�utur0 Advancoo eeourai by tho Oaed of 1 ru�� � <br /> ' - �. FundataT�xnsnd tniu�anc�.8ub ec1 toappllaablo law or to a wNltnn woWar by Landor,Einrrnwn�ahnU pnp fq LQnQur _ <br /> . an thp day monlhty Ineta�tmQ�n�te al prinnlpA�end Intero�l Are pnyt�ato uada�Ihc�Nat�,untll thp Noto lo pnld In fuil n eum(heraln ' <br /> - -- °�unttg")equa1 M nne-twetfth ut th9 yeBNy tElx@e Atid Ei89889ftt�1�whfeh tt1Ry tif�ahl pfktrliy Anttr Ehlfl l�3AtI O!T1u9l.n�xf <br /> � __ � <br /> Qroundr�nt�an heP�opBrty,�eoneda►elflha!yeArlypr�mluminaRaUmAntatarhsRardinsurancu,plu9ono•twoltehet � � <br /> . � yaArly premlum�netailmenta�ur maR�n�o Inaurnnoo,{f any,atl an tonoonably ostlmntod I�Itlally and Imm llmo to timo by � <br /> �eri�c►�ori E�e beslo of s88es8r�er►ta e�tt b{tlb ertii iaseonabl�estimatas thersot. <br /> • � Tl�a Fund�ehNl boheid In an Inatltutlon tho d�poslto araocnunta a1 whloharo Insurr�d or pun�nnteod,by n Fudc�rnl or stato f . <br /> agancy(Inotuding L.and4r 11 l.undor le euah a�n Inatltutlon}.Lonclor aholl npply Ihn IundA to pt�y eatd tnx�s,ngaoeqm��nts, <br /> ` , inaurpncepromlumsandgroundrente,londe�mt�Y�otoharQotoreohoidinp nndapplyin�IhnFunds,nnalyzingeQldacaount ( . <br /> . orvoriryinflandcompllinqenldno�easmonteandbflle unlaselandorpuyeHor�oworintoroat�nthoFundn�►ndappilcc�blolaw <br /> pe►mlte Londpr tomako euoh a aharpe.Borrowor and Lender may egree In wrltinp etlho time a1 exaoutlon of thla Dc�ed oi T�ust <br /> . � thaf(ntorosl an tho Fund9 ehall bo pnid to Ha�rower,and unleae such egreemen!ia made or�ppIlaplqo IAw�oqulroa suah • <br /> ' intaros!to be pald,L4nder ehall not Da raquired to pay 8orrower any Intereat ot earntng8 on tho Funds.Londa►ahall giva ta <br /> ' Borrawer,wtlhout oha►�io,un onnunl aaaounfinp of tho Funde showlnfl crodlts And dehlto!o thc�Funde and the purp000 for <br /> whtoh eAah dobltto th9Funda wao mcido.The Fundsaro pladpad ae addltlonpl soaurity for tho suma aeourAd by this neod ol <br /> TruaG <br /> �I lho tlmount o}tho(unds hold by Londor,togethOr wtth tho(uturo monthly inatollmonts o1 Funda payAble prlor ta!ha duo <br /> dates at texes uasesamente,tnauranao premiuma and�raund�ents,shall excead tho amount requlrod t�pny tu�id tnxos, <br /> asaeasmente,lnsurence premlume a�d ground rents as they tAtl duo,suah excesa ehnll be,at B�crower's option,efthor <br /> promptty�epc+ld to 8orrawer or orodited to Borrower on monthly Inatailments of Funda.lf tho amount at tho Funds hold by <br /> LendorshallnotbeauftlnlenitopAytaxos,asaosem�nts,lnauranaop�emlumsand groundrenteAStheylallduo.8orrowurahAll � <br /> pay to Lender anY amount necesaery to mako up the dolfolonay wlthin 30 doys�tom tho dt�to notlao ia mni�ed by lender to y <br /> Barrower�oqueatmg p�yment thereof. t <br /> Upo�paymant tn lull o}all eumo socured by thla Deed ot Truot,Landorshall promptly refund to Borrow�r any Fundo hold by ; <br /> Lender,if undc�rparagraph 18hereof tho Property io sold orthe Praperty Isotherwiaeaoquirodby Lendor,Londor ahull t►pply • <br /> no lator than Immodiateiy p�lor ta the oale ol tho Proporty Ar Ils aaquisllfon by l.endar,and Funda held by 4onder nttha tlmo o� 1 <br /> Appllcotlon ao a aradlt Againal the eums aeoured by Ihla Deed o1 Truat. ; <br /> 3. Apppoatlon o1 Payment�.Unl�sa appllaablo law provides otherwlse,all pnymonte raCelved by Londpr under tha Nota ; <br /> � end paragrapha 1 and 2ltereof ehell be�pplted by Lender ffrat In payment oi Amounts paynbto to Lender by Borraw�r undor <br /> pa�agraph 2heraot,then ta interest payabte on the Note,then to the pri�alpn�af the Notn,and thpn to Intoroat and princlpol on <br /> any Futur�Advances. • , <br /> �1. Ch�r�ss� •ps.Borrowere ahall pay all taxaa,asae�smenls and other ahargos,tines and Impoaitlons attribu9pblo!o the <br /> Property wfitoh�t�►atWln a prlpriN ovor thlo Ooad ol Truet,and loaoohold payments or ground�onta,if any,ln Iho mannar � <br /> pravided under pAtag►oph 2 he►ool ar,It not paid in auah manner,by 8or�owor makln�payme�t,when due,direofly to the � � <br /> �ayeo thareot.8ortower ahall prpmptly lumleh to Lender ali notlaeo of amounts due under tNis parAgroph,and in!ho evant � <br /> orrower ehell��nAk ayment diraotty, 8orrowor ahall promptly fu►nloh to Londor rocoiplu ovidencing auch pc►yments. , � <br /> Borrower shall qrb �t�r dtaoha�ge any Uen whtah has prloriry over thla Deed of 7rus1;provlded,lhat Borrawor shall nat ba <br /> requl►ad to dlaatiar�aa�y eunh ilen sa long as 8orrawer ahail agree In wrlttng to Iho paymant ottho obligatlon saaurad by such . <br /> Ile�In a manner eoc table to Lender,or shall in good fAith conteat ouch Iion by,or dofond onlo►cement ot such Nfln in,lagpl � <br /> proceedinga whlvt►o�pe�t►to to prevent the enforcement ot tha Ilen ar torieiture af tho Properly or any parl theroot. <br /> 8. Ha:ard in j�ranes.Bor�owe�ehalt keep the impravements now exlsling or heroafter ereoted on the Propehy ineured � <br /> a$atnss Iass by�ts,l�aaaMs taalud�e!r�ittstnit�l�vm"sxtsexl�d�cve:sgs",snd suoh olh�s h8z8:tls as Lender ms�raqesirs - = -_ - <br /> and in suoh umounts and for ouch pd�iudn as Lander maY requlre•provitled,that Lender shell not require that the AmouM of • <br /> auoh coverage exceed thAt emount of coverage requlrod to pny t�o aumo ot�cured by thlo Oeod o1 Truel. <br /> Thielnaura�aooarrlerp►ovldingthefneuranceohallbechosonb�Borrowarsubjeattoapprovalby Lander;provided,that <br /> euch app�ovol eh�ll not ba unreasonebiy wNhhetd.All premiuma on nAUrt►nco pnlioloa ahA(1 bo pt��d in tlio m�nner provldod <br /> - �� - - untler peregraph 2 hereot or,It not paiq in sucn mAnnor,oy dorrawar mAkmfl paympm,wnen aue,ciuoctiy to ino tnsurnnce - -- <br /> cArrler. <br /> ` All Ineurance poliales and renewnls theraof ahnli bo tn form�acaptablo to l.�ndar t�nd shAll�nnluda a e�tanclnrd mortpnpo ' <br /> '� olauae in lavor of and In torm aacaptable to Ler►der.t.encf�r ahall I�avo tha r1ght ta hotc!ihp OI�pIpB Af1d 10(IOWAI'J 1hOf001,And <br /> � Bar�owor ahnll promptly furntah to Londor ntl renowAl noticasund all rocoipisat ptticl pramP�mn.In iho avant af taan.8orrowor <br /> � ahall give promp�noticelo the tnauranao aarrler and 4ender.Lendor rnay m�ko proat at loAS il not mndo promptly by Borrowar. <br /> , , ' Unlesa Landerand Borrower otherwlse apreo tn wrltinp,111AUffIflGp plOppOdfl AhAll bp App11Qd f0�99fOfc3l�pll Of f6pAi16�lh0 <br /> P�oporty dAmagod,provldod euoh reatorAfion or ropalr is econ�micolly teaslblo and thv spcurfty of thls paed of Trust la not <br /> ' i thereby Impaf�ed.N suah restoration or ropair is noteconomlcalty foaelble ur it ihe saaurlty ot thle Dood of Trual would ba <br /> tmpAired,the irisurence proneode 8hall be apptiod to the aums aocurad by this Oaad ot Truat,with the oxcesa,�t nny,pald to <br /> Borrower.It tha Property la abandoned by 8orrower,or It parrawer faiia to roapond to Londor wUhln 30 dnya}rom thp dAto <br /> nolloe ia matled by Lender to Borrowor thet th0 inaurancv aarrfor oHore to atjftla t�clAlm for Insurance henefita,l.endar�s <br /> ' authorized to colleot and Apply tho inauranCa proCE�edo et l.�ndor's optlon ctither ta restor�tlon ar repnir o1 the Properiy or ta <br /> the auma seaurad by this Deed o1 Truet. <br /> Unlese Lenderand 8orrower athorwlsH agree in wrltin�,any auch c►ppticntlan a1 procat�dato prinolpnl ahnli nalpxtond or <br /> Pootpane the due date ot tho manthty InstAllmonts reforrod to in pnrt�qrApha t and 2 t�eraat or chAngp tha amounl al such <br /> n�tnllmenis.II under paraQraph 18 hereot the Proporly ifl eoqulred by Landar,c�ll rlflht,titlo nnd Int�r�at o1 BorrowAr in And to <br /> any Ineuranoe pallolea end in and to the pr000eds ihoreol resulting trom�pmnfla to ihc+Property prtar ta iho aale ar acqulaitlon <br /> ahalt pasa to Londer ta tho oxtent at tho euma aoaured by thfa U�od ot ruat immed�ntoly prior to auch flnlp ar naquiaftion. <br /> 8� P�aeervatlon and Malntenance ol P�ope�ty;Leaseholde;Condominluma;PlAnnod Unll 0ovolopmonta.Horrowor ghn11 <br /> koep the P�operty In good repair and shAll not commit wnntc�or pormit impnirmant o1 dotc+rlart�tian af tho P�pperty and ahall <br /> aomply wlth the pravlelona ot any loase II th�A Deod at Truelle an a laasdhald.illhifl Dood a1 Truat re nn a unit in a condaminium <br /> c,� a pfenned unit devolapment,Elorrowor aha11 porfarm atl;tif[lorruwar'a oGlig��Uona u��:Jar the dacta�at�ui�u� 4OVd�lc�ll�b <br /> oreating or governing the aandaminium nr planned unit develapmont,lha by-IAwa t�nd rngulat�ona al lho cundomtnlum or <br /> plenned unli dovelapmonL and canaHtuent document�.If a condomi�iium or planned unil develo�ment r�der ia excuted by <br /> Horrower and reaorded togother with thls Oeed o1'Trust,the covvnanta nnd a4�re�monts ol euch r der ahnll ba inoorporated <br /> Into and ehall amend and aupplemont the covAnants and apreomFlnte at ihie Uaed af Truat as if the ridc�r wero�part ha�eol <br /> 1. P�oteotlon of Lende�'4 8oaudty.H 8orrowar}alls to pe�farm the covenants and agreemente Canta�ned in lhis Deed af <br /> TrusL or i}any aotlon or prpceedlnfl Is oommencod with metcrlally affaota Ler►der's mtetest i�tho Prpperty,:nalud�ng but nat <br /> Itmlted to,emfnentdomain,inaolvenay,oode anforcement,or arrangemonts ar praceedinqs mvolving a bankrupt or decedenL <br /> then Londer at Lender's optlon,upon notice to Borrowar,mpy mt�ke auch AppeArances,diaburae such auma and take suoh <br /> aotlon as Is necassaryto proteat Lender's Intereat,inoluding,but not Ilmitod to,dlabursemen!ot reasonable nttorney'sfoea and <br /> antty upon the Property to make repaire.l}Lender requi►od mortpage inauranco as a condillon ot making tho loan seoured by <br /> lhp L��!1 M Ttu9t,E����WNt ahnll gAy ihA premiume required fo maintaln such insurance fn oHent untll e�uch time as tho <br /> � 1 requlremenlforauahlnauranceterminateslneccordancowith8o�rowor'sandLander�BWfiKpflA roomvntorappIlcalbolt�w. <br /> Bor�ower ehAll pay the amoun!01 ail mortgege insuranco permiuma In fhe mnnner provided un�er paragraph 2 herool. <br /> Any amounte dl�buraed by Lender purauant to this parag raph 7, with interest ihere�n, ehall become addltionAl <br /> indobt�dneso 01 Harrower socurod by this Deed of Truat,Unlesa Harrawflr and Londer agrea to ather term»ot paymont,auch <br /> amounte shall be paYable upon noflco from l.ender to Borrowor requostln�paYment hereal,nnd ahnll boar intorest Iram the <br /> dAtool dloburpemanlAt tho rato peyabintrom time to time on outsinndlnp pnnctp�l untler the Noto uninoa pn�ment ot Intoroat <br /> at ouch rttte wou�d be cont�ary to appHcnblo Iaw,In whfch ovonl ouch Ampunta ahflli bear interoat nf no hi4hosl rnto <br /> . permlaelble under appHoable law.Noth(nq oontelned In lhte pAragreph 7 ahall�equ►ra Londer lo Incur�ny expenso ar teke any <br /> :. � ,� aCtlon hereunder. <br /> 8. (lt�pCOtton.Londar may mnkp or cou90 to bc mndo roaeonehle onlrloc upon nnd Inopocttons of tho Proporiy,prov�daa <br /> ihat Londer shall pive 8orrower notice prior to any auch inspectfan apoc�lymg reASan�blo causo Iherefare ratAtod to Londe�r'N <br /> interoat In tho Property. <br /> r <br /> s . <br /> f <br /> �.r1 I <br /> j � _ __"_ . " _ <br />