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;� ,. � ., r, � . _ .�;�i►�--ar�i-l-*�T., ... . . 1 `• I, r,i �.. --__---- <br /> ...�w-.l�:,s.�. <br /> � � i � . . ' . . � !.` ..�• . •fi`(.. _' � . r,.. � .. .�-w+'^',.�'-� ' _---' <br /> __ `�. .~•�'i._.rS�#+h.�.1"�'4�`•`-.f' n.,. :•--.-.r�y-,-�+...n..:-4►a�dwar: --�rr�«^���,r�. <br /> - � - `-_ -°--"� � - �......_._ - --- <br /> �-----Tr�� <br /> — .- — - T...���.W� ��� ��:�f�,� ' - ... . . . <br /> - � _`�= . ��.ri�wl��h;��I,e�i�icr trilal�;,�, Tiin ii�sumii�o cnricr p�ovl�lin�tlio insurc�nrcj et�all Iw cit�j�c-n I�y Dnr�wer Rt�b,�ect tn l.rndcr� T .� T���_E <br /> _ �`_'"� n�pi�vul which ehull nut bo un►rurunu6ly wlthhcid, if t�ar���wcr fnilH ti�mnintuin ruvcrago dcsc�idcsi nt��vo,l.cndcr neay.�t <br /> - � � t.enderM o��Uun.�lunin caaer�iKo tc►�►rotect f.ende��4�rl�htq In tho F*��',�ctiy iu necnr�lnnre wl�h�e:irngenpb 7. -- <br /> - --__ Alt(usur�usru pvllclCy tut�l�.�newnly sl►Wl l�o acceptable w Lendrr cutd sliull Inutu�tQ u slmiel�rd eiuit�;a��cluuse. Le���ler <br /> -- ` 9I1�II F111YC(I1Q tI1�Ml(U I1ttItl lltCl�qIJCIC9 piitl i�ft01YqJ8. IP I.ClU3Cf i'u�11I�S.L�UITt1WCf&II�II�liQltljltly�t�V4�A I,CltttCl AJI fCCCIl11.9 <br /> �_ --- uf p:�id prGntumx�id re�se�vn!nnttses, !n tha uveiu uf Inss. Hu��wce nhult givc pn�inpt nutico���th�i���xirunce enr�ter«�td <br /> -__- — Lcnder. Lendee may makv prc�af c�f luss if aot ma�o pmmptly by Harro�ver, �� - - --- <br /> Unlesv I.cnder and sunowcr athenvlr�e ngmo In wrUinH�insu�nnce procc..�ly�ahnll bo��ppllcd ta rest��rnd�m nr�epnic nf - - -"—v"— <br /> ,;'- ��-�`�� she liti�e�ty�sma��l� iF�lsc �e,tar3Uan ar r�pair i5 ecannmi�aNy fca:iblc is��! l,cn�i�r�;sect�rily 1� rtc,i Ic;�,rt�c4. if tE►c - _ --- --- <br />_ nvtni�cnian ar repn r ly not ccomnnically fe►►siNlo�tir i.andcry security wpuld Mo IeeseneA,�ho insuraitcc praerdn eltull tx+ <br /> `-'- npplicd to the sumH securc�i by thlA Securlty Ins►runt�!rtl,whethrr or�►ut the�i�iue,v�Ith nny excess Ntti.l lu Bi�rrwvcr. lf �- - - <br /> �� . �;; � liurruwcr uhnndcros the Propeny. a��iaes nnt nnaiwer within 30 do,ys �� notice from l.endcr thnt thu insurimco cnrrlor I�iis <br /> " �_.,��=-U<".'° uftercd tn�ettle n:Infm,then Lender mny callect tho inyurunco procced�. l.ender mny uso tho prarcedy ta re�nir or mhtaro — <br /> - thu f'�opeMy ur t��p�y su►n��ecurcd by thiA Secudty In�u•ument,whether ur nat then Jua. 'i'ho 3(.Wny poricxf w111 bcain�vhen -- �--- <br /> ., ''; •r the natice iy�iven, <br /> ��+ .� `' Unless Lcndcr nnd panawcr othenvlsc ug�o in �vr1U��y,i►ny applirndon of praceed9 tu principul shnil nUt oxtcnd ur -- <br /> ���►_ ,�;. �' lto�tpone thr dur data of Iho manthly paymentN roFenrd ta In parngmphs 1 nnd 2 ar ehcmgo th�amaunt�f thc�p7yments. If <br /> � ��,,� ����•+-�^.�--` under pam�mph 21 tho Pmpeny iA c+cquircd by l.cndcr, Bannwerk rl�ht ta cu�y insurunco pUllctev and prncced�revulting <br /> ; f'rom dumiige to thc Yroporly priar to tho acyuixition shnll pnsy t�Lender to tho oxtent of tho xums s.cured by thi�Sccurlty -- <br /> ' . ' Inrtrument immedintcly priar to tha acquieltlan. �-=-= <br /> ' b. Occupnncy� Presd��vnttun� Mnintennnce nnd P�atection oP 1ho l�rapertyt Horroaer'e I.uun Applicntion; i° <br /> �' Lcii�eholdv. surro�vcr shnll accupy,cst.iblitih,and usc tho Praperty ay 8arruwcrk princlpai residcnco within�:ixry duyv Aftvr -�-;„;� <br /> : . •. the execud��n af thiK Securlty lnstn�mem nnd shnll cantlnuo ta accupy tho Pmport cw Bo�TUwerM princlpal rcridenco for at "�'"'-;y. <br /> . �-- <br /> teutit ano yci►r c►ftcr the dnte af uccupnnuy, unlovy l.ende� athvnvise ngreey n writing, whinc �ansent e:hnll nat bo : � - <br /> '. unreuxonnhly wilhheld,ar unless oxtcnunting circumatnnrey�xist which nre boyand Qar�awor4 control. Borr�»vor qhnll�at ��"'�-== <br /> dcstroy.damt�bc nr fmpidr the Pxaperty,ullow tho Property tn deterlarutc,ar cammit wi�.stc an tho Prapeny. Borrower�;holl <br /> . hc in dot'ault If'uny farfeiture i�cUon��r proceeding,whethor civll ar criminnl,ia begun thnt 1n Lenderk goad faith judgment ° <br /> rauld result in farfoiturc of tho Prupeny or otherwise m�tcri�tly impni� tho lien crented by �his Security Instrument or � <br /> Lencier�sccurhy interost. H��rruwer mny cure such n dofnult und reinKtate,us provided in purugraph 18,hy ci�usin�the uctian � .• - <br /> ,. - c�r praceedinF ta t+e dismiysed wllh n ruling thut,in I.endcrk gcmd fidth deterniiniulan,precludes forfulture af the Hnrrowe�l� �;� <br /> lntcrrst in tho Pruperty ur ottter mulcrful hnpuirntem of thc lien crcutcd by thiy Security Intit�ument or Lendcrk xecurity ' . � '' =='� <br /> intcrest. Hurrower rhull nls�� bc in defuult if Borrawcr, �luring thc laun applicaidon procesy, guve miucrli►Ily fnixe ar <br /> 1u��ccur��te inti�mxid�m or sk�tementy ta l,ender(or Puiled ta pmvide I.en�ler with nny mnteriul Informiuian)in cannection wUh �;.,,_`�� <br /> " the loun evidenced by tho Nolr, includlns, hut nat Hmited to, representudonw concerning Hnrrowerl; cucupimcy of the - ' `'"" � T <br /> ' Pruperty lu;u principul n�sidence. if thie Secu�iry In.rtn�ment i,un n Icaschold,l�nrrawer r�hi�ll rumply with uQ�he provisians � � ��� ����-� <br /> of the Iec�so. !f'Horrawer ncquirex fee Utle to thu P�apony,thn Irii�chnld und tl�e fce Utlo tihi�ll nut mer�;o unlcyx l.cndcr aBrces '"'�" '� -- - - <br /> tn thr mcrgcr in wrUin�. <br /> . . 7. NratccNon af I.endcr'.v Ri�hts in tho Prnperty� If 13arrmver fi►Ils ta perf'arm thc cavcnants imd c��;recments � � � <br /> �, <br /> - --- ---- conic�ineci in this �ecurity instrument,�r there 't� i► tr�iit prcxeeding thut muy slQmficm�tly c�ffect Lenderk rlght� in the 3' �• <br /> 1'ri►��yy(,uch nti i►pruceedinh in bunkruptcy,pruhute,Por cnndemnadua ur G�rfci�ure or tc�enfane Ic»vr:��r regulations),thcn � <br /> Lend��r rouy do c�nd pny fiir whutever ix neces.r•nry to prouc� the value nf the F'rapeny und Lender� rights in the Prnpeny. `�.�,, _ , <br /> � •- <br /> I.onderti uction�ht��y in�lttde nuyins!uny xums securcJ bv u lien which hus Qrlurity over thih Sccuritv Inxtrument,anpenring ___ . • _ <br />_ ; . ��: 1n cuun,�+�ying rc{i++muMc uttamays'fcey und entcring cin Ihe F'rc�pcKy ta mnke iepufr�:. Allhough l.ender may takc actic�a 4 '_�"� =- <br /> , .. undrr�hix pu��ugruph 7,L.rndrr d�xti nut huvc ta dn,a, ., _ , <br /> Any omuunt�dishurred hy l.under ►mder thi.r• purci��uph 7 r.hall hecn�ne itdclidonal deht of I�i�rn�wer,ecured hy this �, �' <br /> S�•curi��•In�t�umrm, l lnlesr•Rurmwrr und l.rndor cigrcc tu��ihrr tcrin+uf pi�yment,�heyc iinmuntti xhnll hci�r Intcre�t frun�the , <br /> dute uf'die�u�,enunt iu thc Ni�tc rnte imd rhi�ll hc puyuhir,��•i1h inicr���t, u�Hm nutic�frc�m Lendcr tc�H�►rri�wer r��quexUn�t ,` �__ <br /> � puyutenl. ,.. - <br /> N. MoMgape inxurnnce. If Lrndcr rr��uirrd murt�n�;c insurimce ��.r• n cundiN�m uf mnking�he I��un necu�ed hy thiti _ <br /> � Sceuri�y Intitrumem, firnrowcr rhull pay thc prrmiinnti rr��ui�cd u►muinU►in thc mongugc in�u��incc in cffcct. If, fi�r cu�y ! <br /> rri+,on, �he mungagu h��urcmcc cavenigc reNuircd hy t.rndcr lupscv ur rea�scy ta hc In eff'ect, Bur�c��vcr �ht�ll puy tho -� ' . <br /> premiutn� rc��uircd tu ahtidn cavcri�gu sub.r�antinlly c��uivulci�� tu ihc mungugc In+urancc proviuu+ly in cifrc�, au u cast <br /> subtituntiully equivnirnt tu thc c��st t�► Narruwur i►F the muhgu�e insur.ince prcviuttsly in effect. fram an ulternute mar�gagc • <br /> in�urrr uppruvrd hy Lrndcr. It'�uhslundully e��uivt�ICnt intttllsu�;r inrur�mcc cuvcri�Hu i�not uvniliihlr.H�rrr�wc�zhnll pi�y ta . <br /> l.cnd4•r riirh numth�i tium c��ucd ta unc-twclfth af ihc ycurly m�mgugc in�ur;�ncc pr�mium hrin�; pnid My Surmwrr when thc <br /> in,urunrc c�rvurn���I��p,rd or cciiticd tu hc in et'1'rct, Lender will uccep�,u,e+md reu►in ihc,��p,�yment.uti a lusti re�c�ve in licu � <br /> M'murl�+i�c insurimrc. l.usy rescrvc puymenta may nu lun�rn c� rcquircd.ut ihr uptfun af l.endrr, if m��rtgagc inyurunce , <br /> cuvcrugr tln thc umuunt imd fur thc prriud ihat l.ondcr rr��utrrrl p�uvi�lcd hy uu lutiur�r up��ruvc�l by t.ondcr i�gi�in iucamcx <br /> i►v�dlublv uml i�uhtninrd.Nurruwcr rhull pay thc premiunn mNuiro�l►u nu�inU�in martgu�;r i���uruncc in ci'icct.��r ti�pnwidc u <br /> . luss rr,erve.wiUl the rcy�drement ii�r morlg�►gr Insurancr ends In ucc�,rduncr with nny w�U�rn u�roement hetween 8urrower <br /> .. . und Lcndcr or uppNcuhic liuv. <br /> �). Inspcction. Lrudcr c,r h.uhunt �nuy mnku r�u.runnhir rntrics up�m+ind intipcctiuns��t'ihc I'ruparty. l.endcr�hull � . . <br /> . ' � ��iw�H�irrrn�•��r n�,Hri��tl thr tinu„t'�,r prl�>r tv:sn In,�xrtinn,pecif��lftg r�:s:uuaMr rau�,c fut t}te irt:.�u�tion. � <br /> . 111. C„ndemaati�m. '1'hc pr��ccrds��f nny awurd��r rinim for dmnugc�,dirrrt ur c�,ntic��uruUat. in c��nnrctii,n with uny, <br /> tiin�;IrF:miiiy•-F'��nnluMuc/p'rcdAlo�la�cl�y1F'l)l1A11N�'1'RU�iF:�'1'..undurai('���en;mt•. Vl90 (p,i.4e.�,�)np�r�r�i <br /> GrcaUnlrr IN�Inrc�Yvrnn.lnt � <br />. Tn lhirr I:aM t•Itlp9:lOp:P�.l 1�YA1 uli47U�4I(It � ' <br /> - --_--_.._� i.. -.-,.-'.,'-- .-, <br /> c � .. . .. . <br /> i� <br /> .. , F , . � <br /> 4� 1 <br /> � , . <br /> r . <br /> 5 ' � <br /> � <br /> � • ' <br /> ,� V.� � ,�, , . _ <br /> j . 1 <br /> � <br /> } ' � ' . <br /> 41 , \ - . ' � ! �- • <br /> � <br /> � a " • <br />