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v .�. . ' „ ' -' . . ��„��` <br /> .. . �4' .;e t;..t-.a�a ra.l�tr..�+r,.- �-' - ----- — .. <br /> , <br /> � . � '. . ... � y_ . . _ � - . . '__ Y_..s._,..,...- <br /> �• • �• _ 'd "g <br /> 1' <br /> � � n <br /> •�• <br /> � <br /> .� <br /> .j ..�.`sr�� <br /> __.:' .i . .. �.� - _ <br /> �� <br /> . <br /> � � .... : � •• .�. : ._w: ' .!. _.�l��.....�__.�..._.�Ilr._�.�... � . •• ti .. . _.�_ _ --... .__.____""._ <br /> > .a� � <br />--- -- �-��� _-� +���' ���x�e� - <br /> -_�R�rt+�^ -� 'tYltltil't![l!t �VI'1'C!uJl thu leiiptavc�lli���itr�►��w�n�P�c«�E�iicr rrt�aYrd an thv praperi�+.nnd all cnsciiiet►is,i njti►nrri�nce�, -- -- -_ -- <br /> - n►�+1 fixtomy�i�►w ar IiLrn�fter n rnrt oP Ih���mperty, All repinrements iiu�!udditl�ns shnll nisn t�ca�v�ut�vi hy It�iv Sc�:urity <br /> _ _ = Instnimcnt All of�ho i'nm�;�iin�i�refen-rcl t�►in thty+4curlty InSirumcM u9�hc+"i'�oZx�rty." <br /> � Ll�ltltO�V[ilt C'4VliNAN'i�thal 1lut�at�cP le IuwtUlly�;cls��l uP tiw c:�tuW I�cr4by ru�ovoycd u��d bu�t4e rl�lu t���ru�et <br /> — _ -- Uiit�l'QIIYpy(1►C}�iU j91'Iij�ltitll IIIUI(IW PI'lljlCli�IH URCIIC14q1IIC1'l'tI.cxccpt ii►r cnctm►brunces��f�rccarcl. Ilnrrawcr wc�rr�nts nn�� <br /> _ -- _ w a!1 d:�fc-ac!ge���41y tlt�tkEe tu tla�R�-�c:fiy ts�t�lnsf nN r�talttts astd cErrmmdy.subf nct tn arry enramtsfances of r��rti. --. - <br /> — �--- -- 't�1AS SpCi1RPPti It�t.,'6'RI1tW��' cumhtncK uniionn cuvennn�e iar nnNonai uso nnd aun-unlfurn� c�wcnnnty wl�h - - - <br /> - .— <br /> � - ---- I�«�ltr�!v�r�tl��ny by Jtitls+�+:llUtl Ltt F�Ut�I�tUL Q 1lt1�IOSi11 F.t'.cu�lt�is�:t�eu,�er11�js�r��}rs,�r�n!�g;.r�y, — <br /> -f � — <br /> ; UNIFORM COVfiNANTS. 1�urro�vcr c�nd Gcndcr cuvennnt n�id ii�rco uy falto�vy; <br /> __- l. r'aycnPnt uf Princlpal end Interestt�repAyment A�d l.nto t,`ha�ges. l�urruwee xhnll pmmpUY pny whcu�luo tho =� <br /> . _ princinnl of nnd interc.r•t un the�icbt o�idenccd by thc Notc nnd uny prapnymcnt iuid I�tc�chnrgcy duc under tho Natc. <br /> � ' 2, �mds tnr'll�xcs nnd L�suennce. Subjcct to npplici�Hlc lu�v ar to i►written wi►ivc�•hy I.cndcr.I1oRmvcr shnit pny ta <br /> ,, ��-•,; Lender an the day manthly payments arc duo undor the Nate.until tho Note ia pnid fn fuli,a xum("Flin�t9"1 far:(u)yeui•ly <br /> . -. - � tnxcs nnd ntisessments which may attnin pd��rily ov�r thiq Sccurlty Instrument ns a Ucn an thc Prcipeny;(h)ycnrly Iciischold <br /> = �,;:r_:=�;." puym�nte ar �round renls un tho !'r�+pc�y, if nny; (c) ycnriy hnznrd ar prciperty Insurnnco premlumy; (d) ycnrly flaod <br /> Intiamncc pmmtum�, if any; (c)yci►rty mortgngo insuninre premiums, if ur�y; and (� uny x�ana payc+ble by Bnrruwcr w <br /> ;'�� �. �� l.cnder,in iiccardnnco�vith the�pmvlsions of pariigraph H,in licu aP the pi►ymem of monange inruruncn premiunis. 7'heso <br /> s�+� - � itcros nro cnllcd"Bscraw Itcros. l.rndcr mny,at nny dmc,callcct nnd hold Fl�nds in nn nmouat nat to axcccd the mnximum <br /> - ,:y• ,�-;,.^�_ �►'�'� amaunt n Icndcr f�r n fcdcrally rcintcd mortgngc lanm m�y rcquire f�r 6urruwcr y esrruw uccuunt undcr the fcdcrAl Renl �----- <br /> • ' �- ; �"?�` hstutc Sctticmcnt Praccciu�os Act nf 1y74 iis c�mcnctcd fram timc to limo, 121J.S.C.$26q1 et serr.("RESPA'7,unlexs nnather <br /> *, ���'`� �r���' ` law thm upplics ta thc�nds sctr►a Ic.r•scr i�mu�mt. li'so,Lendcr mi�y.ut i�ny tim�,callcct und hold�ndy in i►n nnu►unt nat to ----_ <br /> ��:',�.��• . �i <br /> � - ex�ccd thc levscr umaunt. Lendcr miiy cstimutc the i�mount of Flmds due an the batilh of currcnt dc�t.� i�nd rentionnble --- <br />_ � � c�timntcy af axpanditun�ti��f t'uturc 6��craw items or othcrwisc in nccardan�a wilh npplici►blc I►�w. �_�_�- <br /> � The Flmds Rhnil hc hcld io an institullan whaso depa4itv ive insured by n fedemi n�ency, Intitru�nen�uqty,ur entity �s,''?`=�'- <br /> � - (inrluding I.endcr,if I.cnder ix such im institutian)nr in imy f"v�derid tiamv Lonn p�nk. L.ender shUll n 1 the F1mds tu �a ti-._=_ <br /> PP Y 1 Y �" <br /> a••. �� . , thc �ticraw ltcmy. I.cndcr mny uat chnrbc Bprruwcr for hulding und npplyin� 1he ��nds,annuully anidyring thc escrnw , y___ <br /> , • accaun�, or vcrlfying thc Eticraw Itcmti, unlesy I.cnder puyx Bor�owe� Inte�est un Ihe Flmds imd uppliruble low permits ��;°�_'� <br /> • • Lc�9dcr tu mcthc ruCh i�chur�e. Nowever,l.cndcr may rcquiro Hnrrowcr�n pny u onc-timo cha�F�Pe�r nn independent rei�l ".�:w=� <br /> _ ' � entate tox repartin�service used hy l.ender In c�mnecNon with thfs laun,unlers nppllcubte luw pravides olherwi�e. Unlex.r•un ,'�;�„= <br />� n��ccmcnt is mudc ar iippliri�blc Inw�cNuires inten�st tn b��pidd,Lcudcr hhnll nnt hc r�quired tc�pay Horrowcr uny interest ar ;�',�-r°s;;_ <br /> earninge an thc Fl�nds. Bi+rrawcr und l.endcr mny�►g�ce in writing,huwover,�hut intcrcvt tihnll be pt�id an the Fundw. I.ender . �•- <br /> � . , ehuil give ta 8�rrawe�, withaut charge,im annunl nccnuntin�af the I�undy,sh�nvin�;credits und�ebits tu iho Flmdy und iho ••��=``_'' � <br /> purnnse far���hich e:ich�Iehit to the hl�nd�wur mudr. Thu hl�nds ure pledgcd i�r;udditiant�l nccurity fnr ull sumy secureJ by �`--�s�' <br /> Ihiti Sccurlty Insirumcnt. .�;:•�-;.•`� <br /> lP tho Fundv hcld by I.cnder rxceed the amounts permitted t�� Nc held by npplicable Inw, Lender shuil nccoum to - == -- <br /> - Aurrawer far thc excess Fl�ncis jn i�rcurdunce with the reqtdrements uf nppUcuble Inw. If Ihe. umaunt of'tho FUndx held by '�.'::_''-:--_--- <br /> , _. _ __ _ Lrnder at uny Ume ix ni�t xul'�cient tn pay Ihe Gticruw Itemx when due,l.onde�mi�r so ootif_v Hono�vcr in wrltl��;, ��-�..�t�;_,,�=— <br /> � aucfi casc �orrnwcr tihi�tl pay to I.endcr thc i�mount necessury to mukc uP thc det7riancy. Hnrrowcr shail maku up Ihc ' .'� <br /> dcficicncy in no moru thun iwcivu munthly puymcnts.iU l.cndcr�snlc dincrcliun. . .T.,r ; <br /> , Upnn paymont ln t'uU ut'idl surns sc�urcd hy thix Securl�y lnr�t�umcm,l.cndcr tihuli pru�npqy rcfund ta Humuwcr nny � �� �?" <br /> L . ,_- _-_-_— __ _ = Flind9 held bv Lendcr. 1P,under�uraqrarh 21;i.rnrir{e�►c�!!t!!•!.�!!![t�Li�n!!lttt�4'�upesly.i.ttttler. ptlus!c!!te:s::tiu:�it3:m nr - �� <br /> �- � - -- •-- - - yule aP Ihe F'ropcny. shull u�ply .my H�nds hoid by �endcr at ihe time aPi�cWui.ritlu���rr ,nic n� u crcdU aFr�inst ihe Fuma `��`'.���'� <br /> � secured hy this Security Inx�rument. <br /> .. _. . ,� <br /> j. AppNcatlnn nP NuymeniH. ��rru�t,ni� li�w pn,vides atherwl+c. nll puymenty �cceived by l.endcr under i� <br /> ��� � pnrugrapt�s 1 nn�l?rh�dl hc uppli��d: fir,t, tu uny pmp�rymcnt cht�rgcy duc undcr thu Nutc; ,camd,tu om��ums payublo undcr ' ,��. <br /> I r pnr:iFraph 2;Ihird,ta Inwrcht due:li>urih,!u principid duc:i�nd luvt,u�any lutc cha�gcr duc undrr thc Notc. .. __ <br /> A. (.hur�zeyi l.ieny. Hurrrnvcr shull puy ull tnxcs, n��r.�ment�, chnrttr�, fiuc, nnd imp��sitl��nv ��ttributubie ti� thc �� . . T <br /> Ifiaporty whlrh mny mtoin priority��vcr ihl�Sccurlly Inrtrumrnt,und Icii+chi�ld pu ymrnts ur gruun�l rcnts, if imy. 8arrawcr ' � <br /> ,� ' • ' xhnll pa�y thc,e ohll hiUloi�ti ln the mnnuer provid ed i n p n r,��m p h 2,��r i f n n t p i�i d i n t h n t m��n n c r,H o r r o w c r s h u l l p i�y t h e m a n � ,,�4 <br /> ' timc directly tu tho perhun owc�l pnymcnt. H��nawrr sh�►11 prnmptly furnl�h tu I.cndrr ull nuticcti oi'umuunis to hc p;►Id undcr � <br /> thl�: puru�ri�ph, If Hurruwer makcs thc�c ri►ymr�U+dircrtly,Hnrruwcr shull p�umpUy I'umish tu Lrndrr receiptr evldencing . `' <br /> tho puyments. , <br /> � Hnrrawc�tihnll pr�►mplly dischur►�c nny lirn which hs��prirn9ty uvrr thix tirrurity In�trumrm n��l���e Ronowc�r:(n>nnr��c� - <br /> . in w�itin�;to Ihc�u►yment uf thu uhlitiuNun,ccur�d by thc licn in ii nuinner uccrpuibtu tc�l.cnder:lh)r�mtests in gaad fnith the . ° , <br /> . . Ilen by,or defends n�,ubist cnforccmcnt ut'�h�� lion in.legiii procccdin�!r whirl► In thr l.rn�lerk i�pini�m c►pc�iuc t��prevent�hc ' <br /> enforcemrnt af the licn;ur(r3 securcr from Ih�huld�r c�P Ihv U�n un u�;ncmrnt�ati�fi�ctnry u►l.cndcr tiuhordinatinH ihe Uen <br /> to thla Security Instrumenl. If l.endcr dctrrmines ihut�my pi�rl uf thr 1'rupeny lti yuh�ect tu��lirn which miiy autnin priurity � <br /> ��vcr thi.r•Sccurity Ins�rumcnt, Lendrr muy�iv�Ni►rruwcr u aaticr idrntll'yin�thc lirn. Hurri�wcr.rh.�ll vudsfy thc licn ur tt�kc <br /> I � anc nr moro��f'thu ncti�my+ct Gvth ntx►vc within Illduyr ui'thc giving af noticr. <br /> S. HAia�rd ar Pruperty Inyurcmcc. Nurruwur tiliall krcp thc cxlxtinp un c�renftrr cmctcd im ihc � ' <br /> �� Ar�perty lnsured iigi�inst by fire,hauard+Inrluded�vlthin Uir tenn "extrndcd ruveri��;e"amd�my uthur hutt�rds,including • <br /> ' - - Auusi, c�r tluuali:�g, (:�r �vltii:lt l.tnticr nqttirCs insur.�n��. 't'hi. i�i+wa�wc +I�ail i�� �ua�iuluincd in thv ,imuunt� imd fbr thc ( <br /> I <br /> '. �+ <br />- = F'urmJU3M 9IS10 qw.vr:u/nl�u.vcsl <br /> � , <br /> i <br /> '—__�_�—__—___—_— "__ _ _" _ <br /> ,�.'...._ _---�_--__.� "_—_'_--"__- ___" <br /> .... . .. . ..... . .. <br /> • s . . _ . ..._..------ --.._._..... i, r- <br /> . ;� • . <br /> . q , ,. <br />' t' . <br /> � � <br /> ;' <br /> ti�� . <br /> F <br /> . � , <br /> , ' ' � <br /> r � . � . <br /> . � �� ' � r� � ' � , <br /> '� . .. ,. <br /> . � . . , „ .. .. . <br /> � � <br /> .. . � � y = <br /> , , <br /> ��s..:_.�._ :. ,. _ . : : ,.. ,�:. �: :. . ., � . <br />